Library UniMath.Algebra.Groups
Algebra I. Part C. Groups, abelian groups. Vladimir Voevodsky. Aug. 2011 - .
- Groups
- Basic definitions
- Univalence for groups
- Computation lemmas for groups
- Relations on groups
- Subobjects
- Quotient objects
- Cosets
- Normal Subgroups
- Direct products
- Group of invertible elements in a monoid
- Abelian groups
- Basic definitions
- Univalence for abelian groups
- Subobjects
- Kernels
- Quotient objects
- Direct products
- Abelian group of fractions of an abelian unitary monoid
- Abelian group of fractions and abelian monoid of fractions
- Canonical homomorphism to the abelian group of fractions
- Abelian group of fractions in the case when all elements are cancelable
- Relations on the abelian group of fractions
- Relations and the canonical homomorphism to abgrdiff
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Orders.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Subtypes.
Require Export UniMath.Algebra.BinaryOperations.
Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Monoids.
Local Open Scope logic.
Definition gr : UU := total2 (λ X : setwithbinop, isgrop (@op X)).
Definition make_gr :
∏ (t : setwithbinop), (λ X : setwithbinop, isgrop op) t → ∑ X : setwithbinop, isgrop op :=
tpair (λ X : setwithbinop, isgrop (@op X)).
Definition grtomonoid : gr -> monoid := λ X : _, make_monoid (pr1 X) (pr1 (pr2 X)).
Coercion grtomonoid : gr >-> monoid.
Definition grinv (X : gr) : X -> X := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 X)).
Definition grlinvax (X : gr) : islinv (@op X) (unel X) (grinv X) := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 X))).
Definition grrinvax (X : gr) : isrinv (@op X) (unel X) (grinv X) := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 X))).
Definition gr_of_monoid (X : monoid) (H : invstruct (@op X) (pr2 X)) : gr :=
make_gr X (make_isgrop (pr2 X) H).
Lemma monoidfuninvtoinv {X Y : gr} (f : monoidfun X Y) (x : X) :
f (grinv X x) = grinv Y (f x).
Show proof.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq _ (isweqrmultingr_is (pr2 Y) (f x)))).
change (paths (op (pr1 f (grinv X x)) (pr1 f x)) (op (grinv Y (pr1 f x)) (pr1 f x))).
rewrite (grlinvax Y (pr1 f x)).
destruct (pr1 (pr2 f) (grinv X x) x).
rewrite (grlinvax X x).
apply (pr2 (pr2 f)).
apply (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq _ (isweqrmultingr_is (pr2 Y) (f x)))).
change (paths (op (pr1 f (grinv X x)) (pr1 f x)) (op (grinv Y (pr1 f x)) (pr1 f x))).
rewrite (grlinvax Y (pr1 f x)).
destruct (pr1 (pr2 f) (grinv X x) x).
rewrite (grlinvax X x).
apply (pr2 (pr2 f)).
Lemma grinv_path_from_op_path {X : gr} {x y : X} (p : (x * y)%multmonoid = unel X) :
grinv X x = y.
Show proof.
Definition unitgr_isgrop : isgrop (@op unitmonoid).
Show proof.
use make_isgrop.
- exact unitmonoid_ismonoid.
- use make_invstruct.
+ intros i. exact i.
+ use make_isinv.
* intros x. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
* intros x. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
- exact unitmonoid_ismonoid.
- use make_invstruct.
+ intros i. exact i.
+ use make_isinv.
* intros x. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
* intros x. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
Definition unitgr : gr := make_gr unitmonoid unitgr_isgrop.
Lemma grfuntounit_ismonoidfun (X : gr) : ismonoidfun (λ x : X, (unel unitgr)).
Show proof.
use make_ismonoidfun.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
- use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
- use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
Definition grfuntounit (X : gr) : monoidfun X unitgr := monoidfunconstr (grfuntounit_ismonoidfun X).
Lemma grfunfromunit_ismonoidfun (X : gr) : ismonoidfun (λ x : unitgr, (unel X)).
Show proof.
use make_ismonoidfun.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use pathsinv0. use (runax X).
- use idpath.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use pathsinv0. use (runax X).
- use idpath.
Definition grfunfromunit (X : gr) : monoidfun unitmonoid X :=
monoidfunconstr (monoidfunfromunit_ismonoidfun X).
Lemma unelgrfun_ismonoidfun (X Y : gr) : ismonoidfun (λ x : X, (unel Y)).
Show proof.
Definition unelgrfun (X Y : gr) : monoidfun X Y :=
monoidfunconstr (unelgrfun_ismonoidfun X Y).
(X = Y) ≃ (monoidiso X Y)
The idea is to use the compositionLocal Definition gr' : UU :=
∑ g : (∑ X : setwithbinop, ismonoidop (@op X)), invstruct (@op (pr1 g)) (pr2 g).
Local Definition make_gr' (X : gr) : gr' := tpair _ (tpair _ (pr1 X) (pr1 (pr2 X))) (pr2 (pr2 X)).
Local Definition gr'_to_monoid (X : gr') : monoid := pr1 X.
Definition gr_univalence_weq1 : gr ≃ gr' :=
(λ Z : setwithbinop, ismonoidop (@op Z))
(fun y : (∑ (x : setwithbinop), ismonoidop (@op x)) => invstruct (@op (pr1 y)) (pr2 y)).
Definition gr_univalence_weq1' (X Y : gr) : (X = Y) ≃ (make_gr' X = make_gr' Y) :=
make_weq _ (@isweqmaponpaths gr gr' gr_univalence_weq1 X Y).
Definition gr_univalence_weq2 (X Y : gr) :
((make_gr' X) = (make_gr' Y)) ≃ ((gr'_to_monoid (make_gr' X)) = (gr'_to_monoid (make_gr' Y))).
Show proof.
Opaque gr_univalence_weq2.
Definition gr_univalence_weq3 (X Y : gr) :
((gr'_to_monoid (make_gr' X)) = (gr'_to_monoid (make_gr' Y))) ≃ (monoidiso X Y) :=
monoid_univalence (gr'_to_monoid (make_gr' X)) (gr'_to_monoid (make_gr' Y)).
Definition gr_univalence_map (X Y : gr) : (X = Y) -> (monoidiso X Y).
Show proof.
Lemma gr_univalence_isweq (X Y : gr) : isweq (gr_univalence_map X Y).
Show proof.
use isweqhomot.
- exact (weqcomp (gr_univalence_weq1' X Y)
(weqcomp (gr_univalence_weq2 X Y) (gr_univalence_weq3 X Y))).
- intros e. induction e.
use (pathscomp0 weqcomp_to_funcomp_app).
use weqcomp_to_funcomp_app.
- use weqproperty.
Opaque gr_univalence_isweq.- exact (weqcomp (gr_univalence_weq1' X Y)
(weqcomp (gr_univalence_weq2 X Y) (gr_univalence_weq3 X Y))).
- intros e. induction e.
use (pathscomp0 weqcomp_to_funcomp_app).
use weqcomp_to_funcomp_app.
- use weqproperty.
Definition gr_univalence (X Y : gr) : (X = Y) ≃ (monoidiso X Y).
Show proof.
Opaque gr_univalence.
Definition weqlmultingr (X : gr) (x0 : X) : pr1 X ≃ pr1 X :=
make_weq _ (isweqlmultingr_is (pr2 X) x0).
Definition weqrmultingr (X : gr) (x0 : X) : pr1 X ≃ pr1 X :=
make_weq _ (isweqrmultingr_is (pr2 X) x0).
Lemma grlcan (X : gr) {a b : X} (c : X) (e : paths (op c a) (op c b)) : a = b.
Show proof.
Lemma grrcan (X : gr) {a b : X} (c : X) (e : paths (op a c) (op b c)) : a = b.
Show proof.
Lemma grinvunel (X : gr) : paths (grinv X (unel X)) (unel X).
Show proof.
Lemma grinvinv (X : gr) (a : X) : paths (grinv X (grinv X a)) a.
Show proof.
Lemma grinvmaponpathsinv (X : gr) {a b : X} (e : paths (grinv X a) (grinv X b)) : a = b.
Show proof.
assert (e' := maponpaths (λ x, grinv X x) e).
simpl in e'. rewrite (grinvinv X _) in e'.
rewrite (grinvinv X _) in e'. apply e'.
simpl in e'. rewrite (grinvinv X _) in e'.
rewrite (grinvinv X _) in e'. apply e'.
Lemma grinvandmonoidfun (X Y : gr) {f : X -> Y} (is : ismonoidfun f) (x : X) :
paths (f (grinv X x)) (grinv Y (f x)).
Show proof.
apply (grrcan Y (f x)).
rewrite (pathsinv0 (pr1 is _ _)). rewrite (grlinvax X).
rewrite (grlinvax Y).
apply (pr2 is).
rewrite (pathsinv0 (pr1 is _ _)). rewrite (grlinvax X).
rewrite (grlinvax Y).
apply (pr2 is).
Lemma grinvop (Y : gr) :
∏ y1 y2 : Y, grinv Y (@op Y y1 y2) = @op Y (grinv Y y2) (grinv Y y1).
Show proof.
intros y1 y2.
apply (grrcan Y y1).
rewrite (assocax Y). rewrite (grlinvax Y). rewrite (runax Y).
apply (grrcan Y y2).
rewrite (grlinvax Y). rewrite (assocax Y). rewrite (grlinvax Y).
apply idpath.
apply (grrcan Y y1).
rewrite (assocax Y). rewrite (grlinvax Y). rewrite (runax Y).
apply (grrcan Y y2).
rewrite (grlinvax Y). rewrite (assocax Y). rewrite (grlinvax Y).
apply idpath.
Lemma isinvbinophrelgr (X : gr) {R : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel R) : isinvbinophrel R.
Show proof.
set (is1 := pr1 is). set (is2 := pr2 is). split.
- intros a b c r. set (r' := is1 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
clearbody r'. rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X _ _ a)) in r'.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X _ _ b)) in r'.
rewrite (grlinvax X c) in r'.
rewrite (lunax X a) in r'.
rewrite (lunax X b) in r'.
apply r'.
- intros a b c r. set (r' := is2 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
clearbody r'. rewrite ((assocax X a _ _)) in r'.
rewrite ((assocax X b _ _)) in r'.
rewrite (grrinvax X c) in r'.
rewrite (runax X a) in r'.
rewrite (runax X b) in r'.
apply r'.
Opaque isinvbinophrelgr.- intros a b c r. set (r' := is1 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
clearbody r'. rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X _ _ a)) in r'.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X _ _ b)) in r'.
rewrite (grlinvax X c) in r'.
rewrite (lunax X a) in r'.
rewrite (lunax X b) in r'.
apply r'.
- intros a b c r. set (r' := is2 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
clearbody r'. rewrite ((assocax X a _ _)) in r'.
rewrite ((assocax X b _ _)) in r'.
rewrite (grrinvax X c) in r'.
rewrite (runax X a) in r'.
rewrite (runax X b) in r'.
apply r'.
Lemma isbinophrelgr (X : gr) {R : hrel X} (is : isinvbinophrel R) : isbinophrel R.
Show proof.
set (is1 := pr1 is). set (is2 := pr2 is). split.
- intros a b c r. rewrite (pathsinv0 (lunax X a)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (lunax X b)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (grlinvax X c)) in r.
rewrite (assocax X _ _ a) in r.
rewrite (assocax X _ _ b) in r.
apply (is1 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
- intros a b c r. rewrite (pathsinv0 (runax X a)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (runax X b)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (grrinvax X c)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X a _ _)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X b _ _)) in r.
apply (is2 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
Opaque isbinophrelgr.- intros a b c r. rewrite (pathsinv0 (lunax X a)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (lunax X b)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (grlinvax X c)) in r.
rewrite (assocax X _ _ a) in r.
rewrite (assocax X _ _ b) in r.
apply (is1 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
- intros a b c r. rewrite (pathsinv0 (runax X a)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (runax X b)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (grrinvax X c)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X a _ _)) in r.
rewrite (pathsinv0 (assocax X b _ _)) in r.
apply (is2 _ _ (grinv X c) r).
Lemma grfromgtunel (X : gr) {R : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel R) {x : X} (isg : R x (unel X)) :
R (unel X) (grinv X x).
Show proof.
set (r := (pr2 is) _ _ (grinv X x) isg).
rewrite (grrinvax X x) in r.
rewrite (lunax X _) in r.
apply r.
set (r := (pr2 is) _ _ (grinv X x) isg).
rewrite (grrinvax X x) in r.
rewrite (lunax X _) in r.
apply r.
Lemma grtogtunel (X : gr) {R : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel R) {x : X} (isg : R (unel X) (grinv X x)) :
R x (unel X).
Show proof.
Lemma grfromltunel (X : gr) {R : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel R) {x : X} (isg : R (unel X) x) :
R (grinv X x) (unel X).
Show proof.
assert (r := (pr1 is) _ _ (grinv X x) isg).
rewrite (grlinvax X x) in r.
rewrite (runax X _) in r.
apply r.
rewrite (grlinvax X x) in r.
rewrite (runax X _) in r.
apply r.
Lemma grtoltunel (X : gr) {R : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel R) {x : X} (isg : R (grinv X x) (unel X)) :
R (unel X) x.
Show proof.
Definition issubgr {X : gr} (A : hsubtype X) : UU :=
dirprod (issubmonoid A) (∏ x : X, A x -> A (grinv X x)).
Definition make_issubgr {X : gr} {A : hsubtype X} (H1 : issubmonoid A)
(H2 : ∏ x : X, A x -> A (grinv X x)) : issubgr A := make_dirprod H1 H2.
Lemma isapropissubgr {X : gr} (A : hsubtype X) : isaprop (issubgr A).
Show proof.
apply (isofhleveldirprod 1).
- apply isapropissubmonoid.
- apply impred. intro x.
apply impred. intro a.
apply (pr2 (A (grinv X x))).
- apply isapropissubmonoid.
- apply impred. intro x.
apply impred. intro a.
apply (pr2 (A (grinv X x))).
Definition subgr (X : gr) : UU := total2 (λ A : hsubtype X, issubgr A).
Definition make_subgr {X : gr} :
∏ (t : hsubtype X), (λ A : hsubtype X, issubgr A) t → ∑ A : hsubtype X, issubgr A :=
tpair (λ A : hsubtype X, issubgr A).
Definition subgrconstr {X : gr} :
∏ (t : hsubtype X), (λ A : hsubtype X, issubgr A) t → ∑ A : hsubtype X, issubgr A :=
@make_subgr X.
Definition subgrtosubmonoid (X : gr) : subgr X -> submonoid X :=
λ A : _, make_submonoid (pr1 A) (pr1 (pr2 A)).
Coercion subgrtosubmonoid : subgr >-> submonoid.
Definition totalsubgr (X : gr) : subgr X.
Show proof.
Definition trivialsubgr (X : gr) : subgr X.
Show proof.
exists (λ x, x = @unel X)%logic.
- exact (pr2 (@trivialsubmonoid X)).
- intro.
intro eq_1.
induction (!eq_1).
apply grinvunel.
- exact (pr2 (@trivialsubmonoid X)).
- intro.
intro eq_1.
induction (!eq_1).
apply grinvunel.
Lemma isinvoncarrier {X : gr} (A : subgr X) :
isinv (@op A) (unel A) (λ a : A, make_carrier _ (grinv X (pr1 a)) (pr2 (pr2 A) (pr1 a) (pr2 a))).
Show proof.
- intro a. apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier A)).
simpl. apply (grlinvax X (pr1 a)).
- intro a. apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier A)).
simpl. apply (grrinvax X (pr1 a)).
- intro a. apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier A)).
simpl. apply (grlinvax X (pr1 a)).
- intro a. apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier A)).
simpl. apply (grrinvax X (pr1 a)).
Definition isgrcarrier {X : gr} (A : subgr X) : isgrop (@op A) :=
tpair _ (ismonoidcarrier A)
(tpair _ (λ a : A, make_carrier _ (grinv X (pr1 a)) (pr2 (pr2 A) (pr1 a) (pr2 a)))
(isinvoncarrier A)).
Definition carrierofasubgr {X : gr} (A : subgr X) : gr.
Show proof.
Coercion carrierofasubgr : subgr >-> gr.
Lemma intersection_subgr : forall {X : gr} {I : UU} (S : I -> hsubtype X)
(each_is_subgr : ∏ i : I, issubgr (S i)),
issubgr (subtype_intersection S).
Show proof.
use make_issubgr.
- exact (intersection_submonoid S (λ i, (pr1 (each_is_subgr i)))).
- exact (λ x x_in_S i, pr2 (each_is_subgr i) x (x_in_S i)).
use make_issubgr.
- exact (intersection_submonoid S (λ i, (pr1 (each_is_subgr i)))).
- exact (λ x x_in_S i, pr2 (each_is_subgr i) x (x_in_S i)).
Definition subgr_incl {X : gr} (A : subgr X) : monoidfun A X :=
submonoid_incl A.
Lemma grquotinvcomp {X : gr} (R : binopeqrel X) : iscomprelrelfun R R (grinv X).
Show proof.
destruct R as [ R isb ].
set (isc := iscompbinoptransrel _ (eqreltrans _) isb).
unfold iscomprelrelfun. intros x x' r.
destruct R as [ R iseq ]. destruct iseq as [ ispo0 symm0 ].
destruct ispo0 as [ trans0 refl0 ]. unfold isbinophrel in isb.
set (r0 := isc _ _ _ _ (isc _ _ _ _ (refl0 (grinv X x')) r) (refl0 (grinv X x))).
rewrite (grlinvax X x') in r0.
rewrite (assocax X (grinv X x') x (grinv X x)) in r0.
rewrite (grrinvax X x) in r0. rewrite (lunax X _) in r0.
rewrite (runax X _) in r0.
apply (symm0 _ _ r0).
Opaque grquotinvcomp.set (isc := iscompbinoptransrel _ (eqreltrans _) isb).
unfold iscomprelrelfun. intros x x' r.
destruct R as [ R iseq ]. destruct iseq as [ ispo0 symm0 ].
destruct ispo0 as [ trans0 refl0 ]. unfold isbinophrel in isb.
set (r0 := isc _ _ _ _ (isc _ _ _ _ (refl0 (grinv X x')) r) (refl0 (grinv X x))).
rewrite (grlinvax X x') in r0.
rewrite (assocax X (grinv X x') x (grinv X x)) in r0.
rewrite (grrinvax X x) in r0. rewrite (lunax X _) in r0.
rewrite (runax X _) in r0.
apply (symm0 _ _ r0).
Definition invongrquot {X : gr} (R : binopeqrel X) : setquot R -> setquot R :=
setquotfun R R (grinv X) (grquotinvcomp R).
Lemma isinvongrquot {X : gr} (R : binopeqrel X) :
isinv (@op (setwithbinopquot R)) (setquotpr R (unel X)) (invongrquot R).
Show proof.
- unfold islinv.
apply (setquotunivprop R (λ x, _ = _)).
intro x.
apply (@maponpaths _ _ (setquotpr R) (@op X (grinv X x) x) (unel X)).
apply (grlinvax X).
- unfold isrinv.
apply (setquotunivprop R (λ x, _ = _)).
intro x.
apply (@maponpaths _ _ (setquotpr R) (@op X x (grinv X x)) (unel X)).
apply (grrinvax X).
Opaque isinvongrquot.- unfold islinv.
apply (setquotunivprop R (λ x, _ = _)).
intro x.
apply (@maponpaths _ _ (setquotpr R) (@op X (grinv X x) x) (unel X)).
apply (grlinvax X).
- unfold isrinv.
apply (setquotunivprop R (λ x, _ = _)).
intro x.
apply (@maponpaths _ _ (setquotpr R) (@op X x (grinv X x)) (unel X)).
apply (grrinvax X).
Definition isgrquot {X : gr} (R : binopeqrel X) : isgrop (@op (setwithbinopquot R)) :=
tpair _ (ismonoidquot R) (tpair _ (invongrquot R) (isinvongrquot R)).
Definition grquot {X : gr} (R : binopeqrel X) : gr.
Show proof.
Section GrCosets.
Context {X : gr}.
Local Open Scope multmonoid.
Local Lemma isaprop_mult_eq_r (x y : X) : isaprop (∑ z : X, x * z = y).
Show proof.
apply invproofirrelevance; intros z1 z2.
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply setproperty. }
refine (!lunax _ _ @ _ @ lunax _ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (!grlinvax X x) @ _ @
maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (grlinvax X x)).
refine (assocax _ _ _ _ @ _ @ !assocax _ _ _ _).
refine (maponpaths _ (pr2 z1) @ _ @ !maponpaths _ (pr2 z2)).
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply setproperty. }
refine (!lunax _ _ @ _ @ lunax _ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (!grlinvax X x) @ _ @
maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (grlinvax X x)).
refine (assocax _ _ _ _ @ _ @ !assocax _ _ _ _).
refine (maponpaths _ (pr2 z1) @ _ @ !maponpaths _ (pr2 z2)).
Local Lemma isaprop_mult_eq_l (x y : X) : isaprop (∑ z : X, z * x = y).
Show proof.
apply invproofirrelevance; intros z1 z2.
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply setproperty. }
refine (!runax _ _ @ _ @ runax _ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ * z) (!grrinvax X x) @ _ @
maponpaths (λ z, _ * z) (grrinvax X x)).
refine (!assocax _ _ _ _ @ _ @ assocax _ _ _ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 z1) @ _ @ !maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 z2)).
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply setproperty. }
refine (!runax _ _ @ _ @ runax _ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, _ * z) (!grrinvax X x) @ _ @
maponpaths (λ z, _ * z) (grrinvax X x)).
refine (!assocax _ _ _ _ @ _ @ assocax _ _ _ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 z1) @ _ @ !maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 z2)).
Context (Y : subgr X).
Lemma isaprop_in_same_left_coset (x1 x2 : X) :
isaprop (in_same_left_coset Y x1 x2).
Show proof.
unfold in_same_left_coset.
apply invproofirrelevance; intros p q.
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply setproperty. }
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply propproperty. }
pose (p' := (pr11 p,, pr2 p) : ∑ y : X, x1 * y = x2).
pose (q' := (pr11 q,, pr2 q) : ∑ y : X, x1 * y = x2).
apply (maponpaths pr1 (iscontrpr1 (isaprop_mult_eq_r _ _ p' q'))).
apply invproofirrelevance; intros p q.
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply setproperty. }
apply subtypePath.
{ intros x'. apply propproperty. }
pose (p' := (pr11 p,, pr2 p) : ∑ y : X, x1 * y = x2).
pose (q' := (pr11 q,, pr2 q) : ∑ y : X, x1 * y = x2).
apply (maponpaths pr1 (iscontrpr1 (isaprop_mult_eq_r _ _ p' q'))).
Lemma isaprop_in_same_right_coset (x1 x2 : X) :
isaprop (in_same_right_coset Y x1 x2).
Show proof.
apply invproofirrelevance.
intros p q.
apply subtypePath; [intros x; apply setproperty|].
apply subtypePath; [intros x; apply propproperty|].
pose (p' := (pr11 p,, pr2 p) : ∑ y : X, y * x1 = x2).
pose (q' := (pr11 q,, pr2 q) : ∑ y : X, y * x1 = x2).
apply (maponpaths pr1 (iscontrpr1 (isaprop_mult_eq_l _ _ p' q'))).
intros p q.
apply subtypePath; [intros x; apply setproperty|].
apply subtypePath; [intros x; apply propproperty|].
pose (p' := (pr11 p,, pr2 p) : ∑ y : X, y * x1 = x2).
pose (q' := (pr11 q,, pr2 q) : ∑ y : X, y * x1 = x2).
apply (maponpaths pr1 (iscontrpr1 (isaprop_mult_eq_l _ _ p' q'))).
The property of being in the same coset defines an equivalence relation.
Definition in_same_left_coset_prop : X -> X -> hProp.
Show proof.
intros x1 x2.
use make_hProp.
+ exact (in_same_left_coset Y x1 x2).
+ apply isaprop_in_same_left_coset.
use make_hProp.
+ exact (in_same_left_coset Y x1 x2).
+ apply isaprop_in_same_left_coset.
Definition in_same_right_coset_prop : X -> X -> hProp.
Show proof.
intros x1 x2.
use make_hProp.
+ exact (in_same_right_coset Y x1 x2).
+ apply isaprop_in_same_right_coset.
use make_hProp.
+ exact (in_same_right_coset Y x1 x2).
+ apply isaprop_in_same_right_coset.
Definition in_same_left_coset_eqrel : eqrel X.
use make_eqrel.
- exact in_same_left_coset_prop.
- use iseqrelconstr.
intros ? ? ?; cbn; intros inxy inyz.
unfold in_same_left_coset in *.
use tpair.
* exists (pr11 inxy * pr11 inyz).
apply (pr2 Y).
* cbn.
refine (_ @ pr2 inyz).
refine (_ @ maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 inxy)).
apply pathsinv0, assocax.
unfold in_same_left_coset in *.
use tpair.
* exists (pr11 inxy * pr11 inyz).
apply (pr2 Y).
* cbn.
refine (_ @ pr2 inyz).
refine (_ @ maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 inxy)).
apply pathsinv0, assocax.
intros x y inxy.
use tpair.
* exists (grinv X (pr1 (pr1 inxy))).
apply (pr2 Y).
exact (pr2 (pr1 inxy)).
* cbn in *.
refine (!maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 inxy) @ _).
refine (assocax _ _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths _ (grrinvax _ _) @ _).
apply runax.
use tpair.
* exists (grinv X (pr1 (pr1 inxy))).
apply (pr2 Y).
exact (pr2 (pr1 inxy)).
* cbn in *.
refine (!maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (pr2 inxy) @ _).
refine (assocax _ _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths _ (grrinvax _ _) @ _).
apply runax.
x₁ and x₂ are in the same Y-coset if and only if x₁⁻¹ * x₂ is in Y.
(Proposition 4 in Dummit and Foote)
Definition in_same_coset_test (x1 x2 : X) :
(Y ((grinv _ x1) * x2)) ≃ in_same_left_coset Y x1 x2.
Show proof.
apply weqimplimpl; unfold in_same_left_coset in *.
- intros yx1x2.
exists ((grinv _ x1) * x2,, yx1x2); cbn.
refine (!assocax X _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (grrinvax X _) @ _).
apply lunax.
- intros y.
use (transportf (pr1 Y)).
+ exact (pr11 y).
+ refine (_ @ maponpaths _ (pr2 y)).
refine (_ @ assocax _ _ _ _).
refine (_ @ !maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (grlinvax X _)).
apply pathsinv0, lunax.
+ exact (pr2 (pr1 y)).
- apply propproperty.
- apply isaprop_in_same_left_coset.
End GrCosets.- intros yx1x2.
exists ((grinv _ x1) * x2,, yx1x2); cbn.
refine (!assocax X _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (grrinvax X _) @ _).
apply lunax.
- intros y.
use (transportf (pr1 Y)).
+ exact (pr11 y).
+ refine (_ @ maponpaths _ (pr2 y)).
refine (_ @ assocax _ _ _ _).
refine (_ @ !maponpaths (λ z, z * _) (grlinvax X _)).
apply pathsinv0, lunax.
+ exact (pr2 (pr1 y)).
- apply propproperty.
- apply isaprop_in_same_left_coset.
Section NormalSubGroups.
Local Open Scope multmonoid.
Definition isnormalsubgr {X : gr} (N : subgr X) : hProp :=
∀ g : X, ∀ n1 : N, N ((g * (pr1 n1)) * (grinv X g)).
Definition normalsubgr (X : gr) : UU := ∑ N : subgr X, isnormalsubgr N.
Definition normalsubgrtosubgr (X : gr) : normalsubgr X -> subgr X := pr1.
Coercion normalsubgrtosubgr : normalsubgr >-> subgr.
Definition normalsubgrprop {X : gr} (N : normalsubgr X) : isnormalsubgr N := pr2 N.
Definition lcoset_in_rcoset {X : gr} (N : subgr X) : UU :=
∏ g : X, ∏ n1 : N, ∑ n2 : N, g * (pr1 n1) = (pr1 n2) * g.
Definition lcoset_in_rcoset_witness {X : gr} {N : subgr X} :
lcoset_in_rcoset N -> (X -> N -> N) := fun H g n1 => pr1 (H g n1).
Definition lcoset_in_rcoset_property {X : gr} {N : subgr X}
(H : lcoset_in_rcoset N) (g : X) (n1 : N) :
N (pr1 (lcoset_in_rcoset_witness H g n1)) := pr2 (lcoset_in_rcoset_witness H g n1).
Definition lcoset_in_rcoset_equation {X : gr} {N : subgr X}
(H : lcoset_in_rcoset N) (g : X) (n1 : N) :
g * (pr1 n1) = (pr1 (lcoset_in_rcoset_witness H g n1)) * g := pr2 (H g n1).
Definition rcoset_in_lcoset {X : gr} (N : subgr X) : UU :=
∏ g : X, ∏ n1 : N, ∑ n2 : N, (pr1 n1) * g = g * (pr1 n2).
Definition rcoset_in_lcoset_witness {X : gr} {N : subgr X} :
rcoset_in_lcoset N -> (X -> N -> N) := fun H g n1 => pr1 (H g n1).
Definition rcoset_in_lcoset_property {X : gr} {N : subgr X}
(H : rcoset_in_lcoset N) (g : X) (n1 : N) :
N (pr1 (rcoset_in_lcoset_witness H g n1)) := pr2 (rcoset_in_lcoset_witness H g n1).
Definition rcoset_in_lcoset_equation {X : gr} {N : subgr X}
(H : rcoset_in_lcoset N) (g : X) (n1 : N) :
(pr1 n1) * g = g * (pr1 (rcoset_in_lcoset_witness H g n1)) := pr2 (H g n1).
Definition lcoset_equal_rcoset {X : gr} (N : subgr X) : UU :=
lcoset_in_rcoset N × rcoset_in_lcoset N.
Lemma lcoset_in_rcoset_impl_normal {X : gr} (N : subgr X) :
lcoset_in_rcoset N -> isnormalsubgr N.
Show proof.
intros lcinrc.
unfold isnormalsubgr.
intros g n1.
refine (@transportb _ (fun x => N x) _ _ _ _).
{ etrans. { apply maponpaths_2, (lcoset_in_rcoset_equation lcinrc). }
etrans. { apply assocax. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths, grrinvax. }
apply runax.
apply lcoset_in_rcoset_property.
unfold isnormalsubgr.
intros g n1.
refine (@transportb _ (fun x => N x) _ _ _ _).
{ etrans. { apply maponpaths_2, (lcoset_in_rcoset_equation lcinrc). }
etrans. { apply assocax. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths, grrinvax. }
apply runax.
apply lcoset_in_rcoset_property.
Lemma lcoset_equal_rcoset_impl_normal {X : gr} (N : subgr X) :
lcoset_equal_rcoset N -> isnormalsubgr N.
Show proof.
Lemma normal_lcoset_in_rcoset {X : gr} (N : normalsubgr X) : lcoset_in_rcoset N.
Show proof.
unfold normalsubgr in N.
induction N as [N normalprop].
unfold lcoset_in_rcoset.
intros g n1.
use tpair.
- exact (tpair _ (g * (pr1 n1) * (grinv X g)) (normalprop g n1)).
- simpl.
rewrite (assocax _ _ _ g).
rewrite (grlinvax X _).
rewrite (runax X).
induction N as [N normalprop].
unfold lcoset_in_rcoset.
intros g n1.
use tpair.
- exact (tpair _ (g * (pr1 n1) * (grinv X g)) (normalprop g n1)).
- simpl.
rewrite (assocax _ _ _ g).
rewrite (grlinvax X _).
rewrite (runax X).
Definition normal_rcoset_in_lcoset {X : gr} (N : normalsubgr X) : rcoset_in_lcoset N.
Show proof.
induction N as [N normalprop].
unfold rcoset_in_lcoset.
intros g n1.
use tpair.
- exists ((grinv X g) * (pr1 n1) * (grinv X (grinv X g))). use normalprop.
- simpl.
rewrite (assocax _ (grinv X g) _ _).
rewrite (!assocax _ g _ _).
rewrite (grrinvax X).
rewrite (lunax X).
rewrite (grinvinv X).
unfold rcoset_in_lcoset.
intros g n1.
use tpair.
- exists ((grinv X g) * (pr1 n1) * (grinv X (grinv X g))). use normalprop.
- simpl.
rewrite (assocax _ (grinv X g) _ _).
rewrite (!assocax _ g _ _).
rewrite (grrinvax X).
rewrite (lunax X).
rewrite (grinvinv X).
Definition normal_lcoset_equal_rcoset {X : gr} (N : normalsubgr X) : lcoset_equal_rcoset N :=
(normal_lcoset_in_rcoset N,,normal_rcoset_in_lcoset N).
Lemma in_same_coset_isbinophrel {X : gr} (N : normalsubgr X) :
isbinophrel (in_same_left_coset_eqrel N).
Show proof.
unfold isbinophrel.
- intros a b c.
unfold in_same_left_coset_eqrel.
unfold in_same_left_coset.
intros ab_same_lcoset.
use tpair.
+ exact (pr1 ab_same_lcoset).
+ simpl.
rewrite (assocax _ c _ _).
apply maponpaths.
exact (pr2 ab_same_lcoset).
- intros a b c.
unfold in_same_left_coset_eqrel.
unfold in_same_left_coset.
intros ab_same_lcoset.
use tpair.
+ refine (rcoset_in_lcoset_witness _ c (pr1 ab_same_lcoset));
apply normal_rcoset_in_lcoset.
+ simpl.
rewrite (grinvinv _).
rewrite (assocax _ a _ _).
rewrite (assocax _ (grinv X c) _ _).
rewrite (!assocax _ c _ _).
rewrite (grrinvax _).
rewrite (lunax _).
rewrite (!assocax _ a _ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (pr2 ab_same_lcoset).
- intros a b c.
unfold in_same_left_coset_eqrel.
unfold in_same_left_coset.
intros ab_same_lcoset.
use tpair.
+ exact (pr1 ab_same_lcoset).
+ simpl.
rewrite (assocax _ c _ _).
apply maponpaths.
exact (pr2 ab_same_lcoset).
- intros a b c.
unfold in_same_left_coset_eqrel.
unfold in_same_left_coset.
intros ab_same_lcoset.
use tpair.
+ refine (rcoset_in_lcoset_witness _ c (pr1 ab_same_lcoset));
apply normal_rcoset_in_lcoset.
+ simpl.
rewrite (grinvinv _).
rewrite (assocax _ a _ _).
rewrite (assocax _ (grinv X c) _ _).
rewrite (!assocax _ c _ _).
rewrite (grrinvax _).
rewrite (lunax _).
rewrite (!assocax _ a _ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (pr2 ab_same_lcoset).
Definition in_same_coset_binopeqrel {X : gr} (N : normalsubgr X) : binopeqrel X :=
tpair _ (in_same_left_coset_eqrel N) (in_same_coset_isbinophrel N).
Definition grquot_by_normal_subgr (X : gr) (N : normalsubgr X) : gr :=
grquot (in_same_coset_binopeqrel N).
End NormalSubGroups.
Lemma isgrdirprod (X Y : gr) : isgrop (@op (setwithbinopdirprod X Y)).
Show proof.
split with (ismonoiddirprod X Y).
split with (λ xy : _, make_dirprod (grinv X (pr1 xy)) (grinv Y (pr2 xy))).
- intro xy. destruct xy as [ x y ].
unfold unel_is. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (grlinvax X x). apply (grlinvax Y y).
- intro xy. destruct xy as [ x y ].
unfold unel_is. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (grrinvax X x). apply (grrinvax Y y).
split with (λ xy : _, make_dirprod (grinv X (pr1 xy)) (grinv Y (pr2 xy))).
- intro xy. destruct xy as [ x y ].
unfold unel_is. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (grlinvax X x). apply (grlinvax Y y).
- intro xy. destruct xy as [ x y ].
unfold unel_is. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (grrinvax X x). apply (grrinvax Y y).
Definition grdirprod (X Y : gr) : gr.
Show proof.
Local Open Scope multmonoid.
Definition invertible_submonoid_grop X : isgrop (@op (invertible_submonoid X)).
Show proof.
We know that if each element has an inverse, it's a grop
apply (isgropif submon_carrier).
intros xpair.
pose (x := pr1 xpair).
pose (unel := (unel_is submon_carrier)).
intros xpair.
pose (x := pr1 xpair).
pose (unel := (unel_is submon_carrier)).
We can use other hProps when proving an hProp (assume it has an inverse)
apply (squash_to_prop (pr2 xpair) (propproperty _)).
intros xinv.
unfold haslinv.
apply hinhpr.
refine ((pr1 xinv,, inverse_in_submonoid _ x (pr1 xinv) (pr2 xpair) (pr2 xinv)),, _).
apply subtypePath_prop.
exact (pr2 (pr2 xinv)).
intros xinv.
unfold haslinv.
apply hinhpr.
refine ((pr1 xinv,, inverse_in_submonoid _ x (pr1 xinv) (pr2 xpair) (pr2 xinv)),, _).
apply subtypePath_prop.
exact (pr2 (pr2 xinv)).
Local Close Scope multmonoid.
Definition gr_merely_invertible_elements : monoid -> gr :=
fun X => (carrierofasubsetwithbinop
_ (invertible_submonoid X)),, invertible_submonoid_grop X).
Definition abgr : UU := total2 (λ X : setwithbinop, isabgrop (@op X)).
Definition make_abgr (X : setwithbinop) (is : isabgrop (@op X)) : abgr :=
tpair (λ X : setwithbinop, isabgrop (@op X)) X is.
Definition abgrconstr (X : abmonoid) (inv0 : X -> X) (is : isinv (@op X) (unel X) inv0) : abgr :=
make_abgr X (make_dirprod (make_isgrop (pr2 X) (tpair _ inv0 is)) (commax X)).
Definition abgrtogr : abgr -> gr := λ X : _, make_gr (pr1 X) (pr1 (pr2 X)).
Coercion abgrtogr : abgr >-> gr.
Definition abgrtoabmonoid : abgr -> abmonoid :=
λ X : _, make_abmonoid (pr1 X) (make_dirprod (pr1 (pr1 (pr2 X))) (pr2 (pr2 X))).
Coercion abgrtoabmonoid : abgr >-> abmonoid.
Definition abgr_of_gr (X : gr) (H : iscomm (@op X)) : abgr :=
make_abgr X (make_isabgrop (pr2 X) H).
Declare Scope abgr.
Delimit Scope abgr with abgr.
Notation "x - y" := (op x (grinv _ y)) : abgr.
Notation "- y" := (grinv _ y) : abgr.
Definition unitabgr_isabgrop : isabgrop (@op unitabmonoid).
Show proof.
Definition unitabgr : abgr := make_abgr unitabmonoid unitabgr_isabgrop.
Lemma abgrfuntounit_ismonoidfun (X : abgr) : ismonoidfun (λ x : X, (unel unitabgr)).
Show proof.
use make_ismonoidfun.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
- use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
- use isProofIrrelevantUnit.
Definition abgrfuntounit (X : abgr) : monoidfun X unitabgr :=
monoidfunconstr (abgrfuntounit_ismonoidfun X).
Lemma abgrfunfromunit_ismonoidfun (X : abgr) : ismonoidfun (λ x : unitabgr, (unel X)).
Show proof.
use make_ismonoidfun.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use pathsinv0. use (runax X).
- use idpath.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. use pathsinv0. use (runax X).
- use idpath.
Definition abgrfunfromunit (X : abgr) : monoidfun unitabgr X :=
monoidfunconstr (abgrfunfromunit_ismonoidfun X).
Lemma unelabgrfun_ismonoidfun (X Y : abgr) : ismonoidfun (λ x : X, (unel Y)).
Show proof.
Definition unelabgrfun (X Y : abgr) : monoidfun X Y :=
monoidfunconstr (unelgrfun_ismonoidfun X Y).
Definition abgrshombinop_inv_ismonoidfun {X Y : abgr} (f : monoidfun X Y) :
ismonoidfun (λ x : X, grinv Y (pr1 f x)).
Show proof.
use make_ismonoidfun.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. cbn.
rewrite (pr1 (pr2 f)). rewrite (pr2 (pr2 Y)). use (grinvop Y).
- use (pathscomp0 (maponpaths (λ y : Y, grinv Y y) (monoidfununel f))).
use grinvunel.
- use make_isbinopfun. intros x x'. cbn.
rewrite (pr1 (pr2 f)). rewrite (pr2 (pr2 Y)). use (grinvop Y).
- use (pathscomp0 (maponpaths (λ y : Y, grinv Y y) (monoidfununel f))).
use grinvunel.
Definition abgrshombinop_inv {X Y : abgr} (f : monoidfun X Y) : monoidfun X Y :=
monoidfunconstr (abgrshombinop_inv_ismonoidfun f).
Definition abgrshombinop_linvax {X Y : abgr} (f : monoidfun X Y) :
@abmonoidshombinop X Y (abgrshombinop_inv f) f = unelmonoidfun X Y.
Show proof.
Definition abgrshombinop_rinvax {X Y : abgr} (f : monoidfun X Y) :
@abmonoidshombinop X Y f (abgrshombinop_inv f) = unelmonoidfun X Y.
Show proof.
Lemma abgrshomabgr_isabgrop (X Y : abgr) :
@isabgrop (abmonoidshomabmonoid X Y) (λ f g : monoidfun X Y, @abmonoidshombinop X Y f g).
Show proof.
use make_isabgrop.
- use make_isgrop.
+ exact (abmonoidshomabmonoid_ismonoidop X Y).
+ use make_invstruct.
* intros f. exact (abgrshombinop_inv f).
* use make_isinv.
intros f. exact (abgrshombinop_linvax f).
intros f. exact (abgrshombinop_rinvax f).
- intros f g. exact (abmonoidshombinop_comm f g).
- use make_isgrop.
+ exact (abmonoidshomabmonoid_ismonoidop X Y).
+ use make_invstruct.
* intros f. exact (abgrshombinop_inv f).
* use make_isinv.
intros f. exact (abgrshombinop_linvax f).
intros f. exact (abgrshombinop_rinvax f).
- intros f g. exact (abmonoidshombinop_comm f g).
Definition abgrshomabgr (X Y : abgr) : abgr.
Show proof.
(X = Y) ≃ (monoidiso X Y)
The idea is to use the following compositionLocal Definition abgr' : UU :=
∑ g : (∑ X : setwithbinop, isgrop (@op X)), iscomm (pr2 (pr1 g)).
Local Definition make_abgr' (X : abgr) : abgr' :=
tpair _ (tpair _ (pr1 X) (dirprod_pr1 (pr2 X))) (dirprod_pr2 (pr2 X)).
Local Definition abgr_univalence_weq1 : abgr ≃ abgr' :=
weqtotal2asstol (λ Z : setwithbinop, isgrop (@op Z))
(fun y : (∑ x : setwithbinop, isgrop (@op x)) => iscomm (@op (pr1 y))).
Definition abgr_univalence_weq1' (X Y : abgr) : (X = Y) ≃ (make_abgr' X = make_abgr' Y) :=
make_weq _ (@isweqmaponpaths abgr abgr' abgr_univalence_weq1 X Y).
Definition abgr_univalence_weq2 (X Y : abgr) :
(make_abgr' X = make_abgr' Y) ≃ (pr1 (make_abgr' X) = pr1 (make_abgr' Y)).
Show proof.
Opaque abgr_univalence_weq2.
Definition abgr_univalence_weq3 (X Y : abgr) :
(pr1 (make_abgr' X) = pr1 (make_abgr' Y)) ≃ (monoidiso X Y) :=
gr_univalence (pr1 (make_abgr' X)) (pr1 (make_abgr' Y)).
Definition abgr_univalence_map (X Y : abgr) : (X = Y) -> (monoidiso X Y).
Show proof.
Lemma abgr_univalence_isweq (X Y : abgr) : isweq (abgr_univalence_map X Y).
Show proof.
use isweqhomot.
- exact (weqcomp (abgr_univalence_weq1' X Y)
(weqcomp (abgr_univalence_weq2 X Y) (abgr_univalence_weq3 X Y))).
- intros e. induction e.
use (pathscomp0 weqcomp_to_funcomp_app).
use weqcomp_to_funcomp_app.
- use weqproperty.
Opaque abgr_univalence_isweq.- exact (weqcomp (abgr_univalence_weq1' X Y)
(weqcomp (abgr_univalence_weq2 X Y) (abgr_univalence_weq3 X Y))).
- intros e. induction e.
use (pathscomp0 weqcomp_to_funcomp_app).
use weqcomp_to_funcomp_app.
- use weqproperty.
Definition abgr_univalence (X Y : abgr) : (X = Y) ≃ (monoidiso X Y).
Show proof.
Opaque abgr_univalence.
Definition subabgr (X : abgr) := subgr X.
Identity Coercion id_subabgr : subabgr >-> subgr.
Lemma isabgrcarrier {X : abgr} (A : subgr X) : isabgrop (@op A).
Show proof.
Definition carrierofasubabgr {X : abgr} (A : subabgr X) : abgr.
Show proof.
Coercion carrierofasubabgr : subabgr >-> abgr.
Definition subabgr_incl {X : abgr} (A : subabgr X) : monoidfun A X :=
submonoid_incl A.
Definition abgr_kernel_hsubtype {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) : hsubtype A :=
monoid_kernel_hsubtype f.
Definition abgr_image_hsubtype {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) : hsubtype B :=
(λ y : B, ∃ x : A, (f x) = y).
Let f : X -> Y be a morphism of abelian groups. A kernel of f is given by the subgroup of X consisting of elements x such that f x = unel Y.Kernel as abelian group
Definition abgr_Kernel_subabgr_issubgr {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) :
issubgr (abgr_kernel_hsubtype f).
Show proof.
use make_issubgr.
- apply kernel_issubmonoid.
- intros x a.
apply (grrcan B (f x)).
apply (pathscomp0 (! (binopfunisbinopfun f (grinv A x) x))).
apply (pathscomp0 (maponpaths (λ a : A, f a) (grlinvax A x))).
apply (pathscomp0 (monoidfununel f)).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (pathscomp0 (lunax B (f x))).
exact a.
- apply kernel_issubmonoid.
- intros x a.
apply (grrcan B (f x)).
apply (pathscomp0 (! (binopfunisbinopfun f (grinv A x) x))).
apply (pathscomp0 (maponpaths (λ a : A, f a) (grlinvax A x))).
apply (pathscomp0 (monoidfununel f)).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (pathscomp0 (lunax B (f x))).
exact a.
Definition abgr_Kernel_subabgr {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) : @subabgr A :=
subgrconstr (@abgr_kernel_hsubtype A B f) (abgr_Kernel_subabgr_issubgr f).
Definition abgr_Kernel_monoidfun_ismonoidfun {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) :
@ismonoidfun (abgr_Kernel_subabgr f) A
(make_incl (pr1carrier (abgr_kernel_hsubtype f))
(isinclpr1carrier (abgr_kernel_hsubtype f))).
Show proof.
Definition abgr_image_issubgr {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) : issubgr (abgr_image_hsubtype f).
Show proof.
use make_issubgr.
- use make_issubmonoid.
+ intros a a'.
use (hinhuniv _ (pr2 a)). intros ae.
use (hinhuniv _ (pr2 a')). intros a'e.
use hinhpr.
use tpair.
* exact (@op A (pr1 ae) (pr1 a'e)).
* use (pathscomp0 (binopfunisbinopfun f (pr1 ae) (pr1 a'e))).
use two_arg_paths.
exact (pr2 ae).
exact (pr2 a'e).
+ use hinhpr. use tpair.
* exact (unel A).
* exact (monoidfununel f).
- intros b b'.
use (hinhuniv _ b'). intros eb.
use hinhpr.
use tpair.
+ exact (grinv A (pr1 eb)).
+ use (pathscomp0 _ (maponpaths (λ bb : B, (grinv B bb)) (pr2 eb))).
use monoidfuninvtoinv.
- use make_issubmonoid.
+ intros a a'.
use (hinhuniv _ (pr2 a)). intros ae.
use (hinhuniv _ (pr2 a')). intros a'e.
use hinhpr.
use tpair.
* exact (@op A (pr1 ae) (pr1 a'e)).
* use (pathscomp0 (binopfunisbinopfun f (pr1 ae) (pr1 a'e))).
use two_arg_paths.
exact (pr2 ae).
exact (pr2 a'e).
+ use hinhpr. use tpair.
* exact (unel A).
* exact (monoidfununel f).
- intros b b'.
use (hinhuniv _ b'). intros eb.
use hinhpr.
use tpair.
+ exact (grinv A (pr1 eb)).
+ use (pathscomp0 _ (maponpaths (λ bb : B, (grinv B bb)) (pr2 eb))).
use monoidfuninvtoinv.
Definition abgr_image {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) : @subabgr B :=
@subgrconstr B (@abgr_image_hsubtype A B f) (abgr_image_issubgr f).
Lemma isabgrquot {X : abgr} (R : binopeqrel X) : isabgrop (@op (setwithbinopquot R)).
Show proof.
Definition abgrquot {X : abgr} (R : binopeqrel X) : abgr.
Show proof.
Lemma isabgrdirprod (X Y : abgr) : isabgrop (@op (setwithbinopdirprod X Y)).
Show proof.
Definition abgrdirprod (X Y : abgr) : abgr.
Show proof.
Section Fractions.
Import UniMath.Algebra.Monoids.AddNotation.
Local Open Scope addmonoid.
Definition hrelabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : hrel (X × X) :=
λ xa1 xa2,
hexists (λ x0 : X, paths (((pr1 xa1) + (pr2 xa2)) + x0) (((pr1 xa2) + (pr2 xa1)) + x0)).
Definition abgrdiffphi (X : abmonoid) (xa : dirprod X X) :
dirprod X (totalsubtype X) := make_dirprod (pr1 xa) (make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) (pr2 xa) tt).
Definition hrelabgrdiff' (X : abmonoid) : hrel (X × X) :=
λ xa1 xa2, eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X) (abgrdiffphi X xa1) (abgrdiffphi X xa2).
Lemma logeqhrelsabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : hrellogeq (hrelabgrdiff' X) (hrelabgrdiff X).
Show proof.
split. simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2.
set (a0 := pr1 (pr1 t2)). split with a0. apply (pr2 t2). simpl.
apply hinhfun. intro t2. set (x0 := pr1 t2). split with (tpair _ x0 tt).
apply (pr2 t2).
set (a0 := pr1 (pr1 t2)). split with a0. apply (pr2 t2). simpl.
apply hinhfun. intro t2. set (x0 := pr1 t2). split with (tpair _ x0 tt).
apply (pr2 t2).
Lemma iseqrelabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : iseqrel (hrelabgrdiff X).
Show proof.
apply (iseqrellogeqf (logeqhrelsabgrdiff X)).
apply (iseqrelconstr).
intros xx' xx'' xx'''.
intros r1 r2.
apply (eqreltrans (eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _ _ r1 r2).
intro xx. apply (eqrelrefl (eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _).
intros xx xx'. intro r.
apply (eqrelsymm (eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _ r).
Opaque iseqrelabgrdiff.apply (iseqrelconstr).
intros xx' xx'' xx'''.
intros r1 r2.
apply (eqreltrans (eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _ _ r1 r2).
intro xx. apply (eqrelrefl (eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _).
intros xx xx'. intro r.
apply (eqrelsymm (eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _ r).
Definition eqrelabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : @eqrel (abmonoiddirprod X X) :=
make_eqrel _ (iseqrelabgrdiff X).
Lemma isbinophrelabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : @isbinophrel (abmonoiddirprod X X) (hrelabgrdiff X).
Show proof.
apply (@isbinophrellogeqf (abmonoiddirprod X X) _ _ (logeqhrelsabgrdiff X)).
split. intros a b c r.
apply (pr1 (isbinophrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _
(make_dirprod (pr1 c) (make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) (pr2 c) tt))
intros a b c r.
apply (pr2 (isbinophrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _
(make_dirprod (pr1 c) (make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) (pr2 c) tt))
Opaque isbinophrelabgrdiff.split. intros a b c r.
apply (pr1 (isbinophrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _
(make_dirprod (pr1 c) (make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) (pr2 c) tt))
intros a b c r.
apply (pr2 (isbinophrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) _ _
(make_dirprod (pr1 c) (make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) (pr2 c) tt))
Definition binopeqrelabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : binopeqrel (abmonoiddirprod X X) :=
make_binopeqrel (eqrelabgrdiff X) (isbinophrelabgrdiff X).
Definition abgrdiffcarrier (X : abmonoid) : abmonoid := @abmonoidquot (abmonoiddirprod X X)
(binopeqrelabgrdiff X).
Definition abgrdiffinvint (X : abmonoid) : dirprod X X -> dirprod X X :=
λ xs : _, make_dirprod (pr2 xs) (pr1 xs).
Lemma abgrdiffinvcomp (X : abmonoid) :
iscomprelrelfun (hrelabgrdiff X) (eqrelabgrdiff X) (abgrdiffinvint X).
Show proof.
unfold iscomprelrelfun. unfold eqrelabgrdiff. unfold hrelabgrdiff.
unfold eqrelabmonoidfrac. unfold hrelabmonoidfrac. simpl. intros xs xs'.
apply (hinhfun). intro tt0.
set (x := pr1 xs). set (s := pr2 xs).
set (x' := pr1 xs'). set (s' := pr2 xs').
split with (pr1 tt0).
destruct tt0 as [ a eq ]. change (paths (s + x' + a) (s' + x + a)).
apply pathsinv0. simpl.
set(e := commax X s' x). simpl in e. rewrite e. clear e.
set (e := commax X s x'). simpl in e. rewrite e. clear e.
apply eq.
Opaque abgrdiffinvcomp.unfold eqrelabmonoidfrac. unfold hrelabmonoidfrac. simpl. intros xs xs'.
apply (hinhfun). intro tt0.
set (x := pr1 xs). set (s := pr2 xs).
set (x' := pr1 xs'). set (s' := pr2 xs').
split with (pr1 tt0).
destruct tt0 as [ a eq ]. change (paths (s + x' + a) (s' + x + a)).
apply pathsinv0. simpl.
set(e := commax X s' x). simpl in e. rewrite e. clear e.
set (e := commax X s x'). simpl in e. rewrite e. clear e.
apply eq.
Definition abgrdiffinv (X : abmonoid) : abgrdiffcarrier X -> abgrdiffcarrier X :=
setquotfun (hrelabgrdiff X) (eqrelabgrdiff X) (abgrdiffinvint X) (abgrdiffinvcomp X).
Lemma abgrdiffisinv (X : abmonoid) :
isinv (@op (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (unel (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (abgrdiffinv X).
Show proof.
set (R := eqrelabgrdiff X).
assert (isl : islinv (@op (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (unel (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (abgrdiffinv X)).
unfold islinv.
apply (setquotunivprop R (λ x, _ = _)).
intro xs.
set (x := pr1 xs). set (s := pr2 xs).
apply (iscompsetquotpr R (@op (abmonoiddirprod X X) (abgrdiffinvint X xs) xs) (unel _)).
simpl. apply hinhpr. split with (unel X).
change (paths (s + x + (unel X) + (unel X)) ((unel X) + (x + s) + (unel X))).
destruct (commax X x s). destruct (commax X (unel X) (x + s)).
apply idpath.
apply (make_dirprod isl (weqlinvrinv (@op (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (commax (abgrdiffcarrier X))
(unel (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (abgrdiffinv X) isl)).
Opaque abgrdiffisinv.assert (isl : islinv (@op (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (unel (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (abgrdiffinv X)).
unfold islinv.
apply (setquotunivprop R (λ x, _ = _)).
intro xs.
set (x := pr1 xs). set (s := pr2 xs).
apply (iscompsetquotpr R (@op (abmonoiddirprod X X) (abgrdiffinvint X xs) xs) (unel _)).
simpl. apply hinhpr. split with (unel X).
change (paths (s + x + (unel X) + (unel X)) ((unel X) + (x + s) + (unel X))).
destruct (commax X x s). destruct (commax X (unel X) (x + s)).
apply idpath.
apply (make_dirprod isl (weqlinvrinv (@op (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (commax (abgrdiffcarrier X))
(unel (abgrdiffcarrier X)) (abgrdiffinv X) isl)).
Definition abgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : abgr := abgrconstr (abgrdiffcarrier X) (abgrdiffinv X)
(abgrdiffisinv X).
Definition prabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : X -> X -> abgrdiff X :=
λ x x' : X, setquotpr (eqrelabgrdiff X) (make_dirprod x x').
Definition weqabgrdiffint (X : abmonoid) : weq (X × X) (dirprod X (totalsubtype X)) :=
weqdirprodf (idweq X) (invweq (weqtotalsubtype X)).
Definition weqabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : weq (abgrdiff X) (abmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)).
Show proof.
apply (weqsetquotweq (eqrelabgrdiff X)
(eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) (weqabgrdiffint X)).
- simpl. intros x x'. destruct x as [ x1 x2 ]. destruct x' as [ x1' x2' ].
simpl in *. apply hinhfun. intro tt0. destruct tt0 as [ xx0 is0 ].
split with (make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) xx0 tt). apply is0.
- simpl. intros x x'. destruct x as [ x1 x2 ]. destruct x' as [ x1' x2' ].
simpl in *. apply hinhfun. intro tt0. destruct tt0 as [ xx0 is0 ].
split with (pr1 xx0). apply is0.
apply (weqsetquotweq (eqrelabgrdiff X)
(eqrelabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X)) (weqabgrdiffint X)).
- simpl. intros x x'. destruct x as [ x1 x2 ]. destruct x' as [ x1' x2' ].
simpl in *. apply hinhfun. intro tt0. destruct tt0 as [ xx0 is0 ].
split with (make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) xx0 tt). apply is0.
- simpl. intros x x'. destruct x as [ x1 x2 ]. destruct x' as [ x1' x2' ].
simpl in *. apply hinhfun. intro tt0. destruct tt0 as [ xx0 is0 ].
split with (pr1 xx0). apply is0.
Definition toabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) (x : X) : abgrdiff X := setquotpr _ (make_dirprod x (unel X)).
Lemma isbinopfuntoabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : isbinopfun (toabgrdiff X).
Show proof.
unfold isbinopfun. intros x1 x2.
change (paths (setquotpr _ (make_dirprod (x1 + x2) (unel X)))
(setquotpr (eqrelabgrdiff X) (make_dirprod (x1 + x2) ((unel X) + (unel X))))).
apply (maponpaths (setquotpr _)).
apply (@pathsdirprod X X).
apply idpath.
apply (pathsinv0 (lunax X 0)).
change (paths (setquotpr _ (make_dirprod (x1 + x2) (unel X)))
(setquotpr (eqrelabgrdiff X) (make_dirprod (x1 + x2) ((unel X) + (unel X))))).
apply (maponpaths (setquotpr _)).
apply (@pathsdirprod X X).
apply idpath.
apply (pathsinv0 (lunax X 0)).
Lemma isunitalfuntoabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : paths (toabgrdiff X (unel X)) (unel (abgrdiff X)).
Show proof.
apply idpath.
Definition ismonoidfuntoabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) : ismonoidfun (toabgrdiff X) :=
make_dirprod (isbinopfuntoabgrdiff X) (isunitalfuntoabgrdiff X).
Lemma isinclprabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) (iscanc : ∏ x : X, isrcancelable (@op X) x) :
∏ x' : X, isincl (λ x, prabgrdiff X x x').
Show proof.
set (int := isinclprabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X) (λ a : totalsubmonoid X, iscanc (pr1 a))
(make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) x' tt)).
set (int1 := isinclcomp (make_incl _ int) (weqtoincl (invweq (weqabgrdiff X)))).
apply int1.
set (int := isinclprabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X) (λ a : totalsubmonoid X, iscanc (pr1 a))
(make_carrier (λ x : X, htrue) x' tt)).
set (int1 := isinclcomp (make_incl _ int) (weqtoincl (invweq (weqabgrdiff X)))).
apply int1.
Definition isincltoabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) (iscanc : ∏ x : X, isrcancelable (@op X) x) :
isincl (toabgrdiff X) := isinclprabgrdiff X iscanc (unel X).
Lemma isdeceqabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) (iscanc : ∏ x : X, isrcancelable (@op X) x) (is : isdeceq X) :
isdeceq (abgrdiff X).
Show proof.
apply (isdeceqweqf (invweq (weqabgrdiff X))).
apply (isdeceqabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X) (λ a : totalsubmonoid X, iscanc (pr1 a)) is).
apply (isdeceqweqf (invweq (weqabgrdiff X))).
apply (isdeceqabmonoidfrac X (totalsubmonoid X) (λ a : totalsubmonoid X, iscanc (pr1 a)) is).
Definition abgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) (L : hrel X) : hrel (setwithbinopdirprod X X) :=
λ xa yb, hexists (λ c0 : X, L (((pr1 xa) + (pr2 yb)) + c0) (((pr1 yb) + (pr2 xa)) + c0)).
Definition abgrdiffrelint' (X : abmonoid) (L : hrel X) : hrel (setwithbinopdirprod X X) :=
λ xa1 xa2, abmonoidfracrelint _ (totalsubmonoid X) L (abgrdiffphi X xa1) (abgrdiffphi X xa2).
Lemma logeqabgrdiffrelints (X : abmonoid) (L : hrel X) :
hrellogeq (abgrdiffrelint' X L) (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
split. unfold abgrdiffrelint. unfold abgrdiffrelint'.
simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. set (a0 := pr1 (pr1 t2)).
split with a0. apply (pr2 t2). simpl. apply hinhfun.
intro t2. set (x0 := pr1 t2). split with (tpair _ x0 tt). apply (pr2 t2).
simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. set (a0 := pr1 (pr1 t2)).
split with a0. apply (pr2 t2). simpl. apply hinhfun.
intro t2. set (x0 := pr1 t2). split with (tpair _ x0 tt). apply (pr2 t2).
Lemma iscomprelabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) :
iscomprelrel (eqrelabgrdiff X) (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
apply (iscomprelrellogeqf1 _ (logeqhrelsabgrdiff X)).
apply (iscomprelrellogeqf2 _ (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L)).
intros x x' x0 x0' r r0.
apply (iscomprelabmonoidfracrelint
_ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is) _ _ _ _ r r0).
Opaque iscomprelabgrdiffrelint.apply (iscomprelrellogeqf2 _ (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L)).
intros x x' x0 x0' r r0.
apply (iscomprelabmonoidfracrelint
_ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is) _ _ _ _ r r0).
Definition abgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) :=
quotrel (iscomprelabgrdiffrelint X is).
Definition abgrdiffrel' (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) : hrel (abgrdiff X) :=
λ x x', abmonoidfracrel X (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
(weqabgrdiff X x) (weqabgrdiff X x').
Definition logeqabgrdiffrels (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) :
hrellogeq (abgrdiffrel' X is) (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
intros x1 x2. split.
- assert (int : ∏ x x', isaprop (abgrdiffrel' X is x x' -> abgrdiffrel X is x x')).
intros x x'.
apply impred. intro.
apply (pr2 _).
generalize x1 x2. clear x1 x2.
apply (setquotuniv2prop _ (λ x x', make_hProp _ (int x x'))).
intros x x'.
change ((abgrdiffrelint' X L x x') -> (abgrdiffrelint _ L x x')).
apply (pr1 (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L x x')).
- assert (int : ∏ x x', isaprop (abgrdiffrel X is x x' -> abgrdiffrel' X is x x')).
intros x x'.
apply impred. intro.
apply (pr2 _).
generalize x1 x2. clear x1 x2.
apply (setquotuniv2prop _ (λ x x', make_hProp _ (int x x'))).
intros x x'.
change ((abgrdiffrelint X L x x') -> (abgrdiffrelint' _ L x x')).
apply (pr2 (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L x x')).
- assert (int : ∏ x x', isaprop (abgrdiffrel' X is x x' -> abgrdiffrel X is x x')).
intros x x'.
apply impred. intro.
apply (pr2 _).
generalize x1 x2. clear x1 x2.
apply (setquotuniv2prop _ (λ x x', make_hProp _ (int x x'))).
intros x x'.
change ((abgrdiffrelint' X L x x') -> (abgrdiffrelint _ L x x')).
apply (pr1 (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L x x')).
- assert (int : ∏ x x', isaprop (abgrdiffrel X is x x' -> abgrdiffrel' X is x x')).
intros x x'.
apply impred. intro.
apply (pr2 _).
generalize x1 x2. clear x1 x2.
apply (setquotuniv2prop _ (λ x x', make_hProp _ (int x x'))).
intros x x'.
change ((abgrdiffrelint X L x x') -> (abgrdiffrelint' _ L x x')).
apply (pr2 (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L x x')).
Lemma istransabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : istrans L) :
istrans (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
apply (istranslogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L)).
intros a b c rab rbc.
apply (istransabmonoidfracrelint
_ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is) isl _ _ _ rab rbc).
Opaque istransabgrdiffrelint.intros a b c rab rbc.
apply (istransabmonoidfracrelint
_ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is) isl _ _ _ rab rbc).
Lemma istransabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : istrans L) :
istrans (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
Lemma issymmabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : issymm L) :
issymm (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
apply (issymmlogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L)).
intros a b rab.
apply (issymmabmonoidfracrelint _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is) isl _ _ rab).
Opaque issymmabgrdiffrelint.intros a b rab.
apply (issymmabmonoidfracrelint _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is) isl _ _ rab).
Lemma issymmabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : issymm L) :
issymm (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
Lemma isreflabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : isrefl L) :
isrefl (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
Lemma isreflabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : isrefl L) :
isrefl (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
Lemma ispoabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : ispreorder L) :
ispreorder (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
Lemma ispoabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : ispreorder L) :
ispreorder (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
Lemma iseqrelabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : iseqrel L) :
iseqrel (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
Lemma iseqrelabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : iseqrel L) :
iseqrel (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
Lemma isantisymmnegabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L)
(isl : isantisymmneg L) : isantisymmneg (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (isantisymmneglogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrels X is)).
intros a b rab rba.
set (int := isantisymmnegabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab rba).
apply (invmaponpathsweq _ _ _ int).
intros a b rab rba.
set (int := isantisymmnegabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab rba).
apply (invmaponpathsweq _ _ _ int).
Lemma isantisymmabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : isantisymm L) :
isantisymm (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (isantisymmlogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrels X is)).
intros a b rab rba.
set (int := isantisymmabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab rba).
apply (invmaponpathsweq _ _ _ int).
Opaque isantisymmabgrdiffrel.intros a b rab rba.
set (int := isantisymmabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab rba).
apply (invmaponpathsweq _ _ _ int).
Lemma isirreflabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : isirrefl L) :
isirrefl (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (isirrefllogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrels X is)).
intros a raa.
apply (isirreflabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) raa).
Opaque isirreflabgrdiffrel.intros a raa.
apply (isirreflabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) raa).
Lemma isasymmabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : isasymm L) :
isasymm (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (isasymmlogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrels X is)).
intros a b rab rba.
apply (isasymmabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab rba).
Opaque isasymmabgrdiffrel.intros a b rab rba.
apply (isasymmabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab rba).
Lemma iscoasymmabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : iscoasymm L) :
iscoasymm (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (iscoasymmlogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrels X is)).
intros a b rab.
apply (iscoasymmabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab).
Opaque iscoasymmabgrdiffrel.intros a b rab.
apply (iscoasymmabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) rab).
Lemma istotalabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : istotal L) :
istotal (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (istotallogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrels X is)).
intros a b.
apply (istotalabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b)).
Opaque istotalabgrdiffrel.intros a b.
apply (istotalabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b)).
Lemma iscotransabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (isl : iscotrans L) :
iscotrans (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (iscotranslogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrels X is)).
intros a b c.
apply (iscotransabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) (weqabgrdiff X c)).
Opaque iscotransabgrdiffrel.intros a b c.
apply (iscotransabmonoidfracrel _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is)
isl (weqabgrdiff X a) (weqabgrdiff X b) (weqabgrdiff X c)).
Lemma isStrongOrder_abgrdiff {X : abmonoid} (gt : hrel X)
(Hgt : isbinophrel gt) :
isStrongOrder gt → isStrongOrder (abgrdiffrel X Hgt).
Show proof.
intros H.
repeat split.
- apply istransabgrdiffrel, (istrans_isStrongOrder H).
- apply iscotransabgrdiffrel, (iscotrans_isStrongOrder H).
- apply isirreflabgrdiffrel, (isirrefl_isStrongOrder H).
Opaque isStrongOrder_abgrdiff.repeat split.
- apply istransabgrdiffrel, (istrans_isStrongOrder H).
- apply iscotransabgrdiffrel, (iscotrans_isStrongOrder H).
- apply isirreflabgrdiffrel, (isirrefl_isStrongOrder H).
Definition StrongOrder_abgrdiff {X : abmonoid} (gt : StrongOrder X)
(Hgt : isbinophrel gt) : StrongOrder (abgrdiff X) :=
abgrdiffrel X Hgt,, isStrongOrder_abgrdiff gt Hgt (pr2 gt).
Lemma abgrdiffrelimpl (X : abmonoid) {L L' : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (is' : isbinophrel L')
(impl : ∏ x x', L x x' -> L' x x') (x x' : abgrdiff X) (ql : abgrdiffrel X is x x') :
abgrdiffrel X is' x x'.
Show proof.
generalize ql. refine (quotrelimpl _ _ _ _ _).
intros x0 x0'. simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. split with (pr1 t2).
apply (impl _ _ (pr2 t2)).
Opaque abgrdiffrelimpl.intros x0 x0'. simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. split with (pr1 t2).
apply (impl _ _ (pr2 t2)).
Lemma abgrdiffrellogeq (X : abmonoid) {L L' : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) (is' : isbinophrel L')
(lg : ∏ x x', L x x' <-> L' x x') (x x' : abgrdiff X) :
(abgrdiffrel X is x x') <-> (abgrdiffrel X is' x x').
Show proof.
refine (quotrellogeq _ _ _ _ _). intros x0 x0'. split.
- simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. split with (pr1 t2).
apply (pr1 (lg _ _) (pr2 t2)).
- simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. split with (pr1 t2).
apply (pr2 (lg _ _) (pr2 t2)).
Opaque abgrdiffrellogeq.- simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. split with (pr1 t2).
apply (pr1 (lg _ _) (pr2 t2)).
- simpl. apply hinhfun. intro t2. split with (pr1 t2).
apply (pr2 (lg _ _) (pr2 t2)).
Lemma isbinopabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) :
@isbinophrel (setwithbinopdirprod X X) (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
apply (isbinophrellogeqf (logeqabgrdiffrelints X L)). split.
- intros a b c lab.
apply (pr1 (ispartbinopabmonoidfracrelint _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is))
(abgrdiffphi X a) (abgrdiffphi X b) (abgrdiffphi X c) tt lab).
- intros a b c lab.
apply (pr2 (ispartbinopabmonoidfracrelint _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is))
(abgrdiffphi X a) (abgrdiffphi X b) (abgrdiffphi X c) tt lab).
Opaque isbinopabgrdiffrelint.- intros a b c lab.
apply (pr1 (ispartbinopabmonoidfracrelint _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is))
(abgrdiffphi X a) (abgrdiffphi X b) (abgrdiffphi X c) tt lab).
- intros a b c lab.
apply (pr2 (ispartbinopabmonoidfracrelint _ (totalsubmonoid X) (isbinoptoispartbinop _ _ is))
(abgrdiffphi X a) (abgrdiffphi X b) (abgrdiffphi X c) tt lab).
Lemma isbinopabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) :
@isbinophrel (abgrdiff X) (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
apply (isbinopquotrel (binopeqrelabgrdiff X) (iscomprelabgrdiffrelint X is)).
apply (isbinopabgrdiffrelint X is).
apply (isbinopquotrel (binopeqrelabgrdiff X) (iscomprelabgrdiffrelint X is)).
apply (isbinopabgrdiffrelint X is).
Definition isdecabgrdiffrelint (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X}
(is : isinvbinophrel L) (isl : isdecrel L) : isdecrel (abgrdiffrelint X L).
Show proof.
intros xa1 xa2.
set (x1 := pr1 xa1). set (a1 := pr2 xa1).
set (x2 := pr1 xa2). set (a2 := pr2 xa2).
assert (int : coprod (L (x1 + a2) (x2 + a1)) (neg (L (x1 + a2) (x2 + a1)))) by apply (isl _ _).
destruct int as [ l | nl ].
- apply ii1. unfold abgrdiffrelint. apply hinhpr. split with (unel X).
rewrite (runax X _). rewrite (runax X _). apply l.
- apply ii2. generalize nl. clear nl. apply negf. unfold abgrdiffrelint.
simpl. apply (@hinhuniv _ (make_hProp _ (pr2 (L _ _)))).
intro t2l. destruct t2l as [ c0a l ]. simpl. apply ((pr2 is) _ _ c0a l).
set (x1 := pr1 xa1). set (a1 := pr2 xa1).
set (x2 := pr1 xa2). set (a2 := pr2 xa2).
assert (int : coprod (L (x1 + a2) (x2 + a1)) (neg (L (x1 + a2) (x2 + a1)))) by apply (isl _ _).
destruct int as [ l | nl ].
- apply ii1. unfold abgrdiffrelint. apply hinhpr. split with (unel X).
rewrite (runax X _). rewrite (runax X _). apply l.
- apply ii2. generalize nl. clear nl. apply negf. unfold abgrdiffrelint.
simpl. apply (@hinhuniv _ (make_hProp _ (pr2 (L _ _)))).
intro t2l. destruct t2l as [ c0a l ]. simpl. apply ((pr2 is) _ _ c0a l).
Definition isdecabgrdiffrel (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L)
(isi : isinvbinophrel L) (isl : isdecrel L) : isdecrel (abgrdiffrel X is).
Show proof.
Relations and the canonical homomorphism to abgrdiff
Lemma iscomptoabgrdiff (X : abmonoid) {L : hrel X} (is : isbinophrel L) :
iscomprelrelfun L (abgrdiffrel X is) (toabgrdiff X).
Show proof.
unfold iscomprelrelfun.
intros x x' l.
change (abgrdiffrelint X L (make_dirprod x (unel X)) (make_dirprod x' (unel X))).
simpl. apply (hinhpr). split with (unel X).
apply ((pr2 is) _ _ 0). apply ((pr2 is) _ _ 0).
apply l.
Opaque iscomptoabgrdiff.intros x x' l.
change (abgrdiffrelint X L (make_dirprod x (unel X)) (make_dirprod x' (unel X))).
simpl. apply (hinhpr). split with (unel X).
apply ((pr2 is) _ _ 0). apply ((pr2 is) _ _ 0).
apply l.
Close Scope addmonoid_scope.
End Fractions.