Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core

Benedikt Ahrens, Chris Kapulkin, Mike Shulman january 2013
Extended by: Anders Mörtberg, 2016
Contents :
  • Definition of adjunction
  • Construction of an adjunction from some partial data (Theorem 2 (iv) of Chapter IV.1 of MacLane)
  • Post-composition with a left adjoint is a left adjoint (is_left_adjoint_post_composition_functor)
  • Lemmas about adjunctions


Section adjunctions.

Definition adjunction_data (A B : category) : UU
  := (F : functor A B) (G : functor B A),
     nat_trans (functor_identity A) (F G) ×
               nat_trans (G F) (functor_identity B).

Definition make_adjunction_data {A B : category}
           (F : functor A B)
           (G : functor B A)
           (η : functor_identity _ (F G))
           (ε : (G F) functor_identity _) : adjunction_data A B
  := (F ,, G ,, (η ,, ε)).

Definition left_functor {A B} (X : adjunction_data A B) : functor A B
  := pr1 X.

Definition right_functor {A B} (X : adjunction_data A B) : functor B A
  := pr1 (pr2 X).

Definition adjunit {A B} (X : adjunction_data A B)
  : nat_trans (functor_identity _) (_ _)
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 X)).

Definition adjcounit {A B} (X : adjunction_data A B)
  : nat_trans (_ _ ) (functor_identity _)
  := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 X)).

Definition triangle_1_statement {A B : category} (X : adjunction_data A B)
           (F := left_functor X) (η := adjunit X) (ε := adjcounit X)
  : UU
  := a : A, # F (η a) · ε (F a) = identity (F a).

Definition triangle_2_statement {A B : category} (X : adjunction_data A B)
           (G := right_functor X) (η := adjunit X) (ε := adjcounit X)
  : UU
  := b : B, η (G b) · # G (ε b) = identity (G b).

Definition form_adjunction' {A B} (X : adjunction_data A B) : UU
  := triangle_1_statement X × triangle_2_statement X.

Definition form_adjunction {A B : category} (F : functor A B) (G : functor B A)
             (eta : nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F G))
             (eps : nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity B)) : UU :=
  form_adjunction' (F,,G,,eta,,eps).

Lemma isaprop_form_adjunction {A B : category} (F : functor A B) (G : functor B A)
             (eta : nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F G))
             (eps : nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity B))
      : isaprop (form_adjunction F G eta eps).
Show proof.
  apply isapropdirprod; apply impred_isaprop; intro.
  - apply B.
  - apply A.

Definition make_form_adjunction {A B : category} {F : functor A B} {G : functor B A}
           {eta : nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F G)}
           {eps : nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity B)}
           (H1 : a : A, # F (eta a) · eps (F a) = identity (F a))
           (H2 : b : B, eta (G b) · # G (eps b) = identity (G b)) :
  form_adjunction F G eta eps := (H1,,H2).

  Definition are_adjoints {A B : category} (F : functor A B) (G : functor B A) : UU :=
     (etaeps : (nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F G))
                  × (nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity B))),
    form_adjunction F G (pr1 etaeps) (pr2 etaeps).

  Definition make_are_adjoints {A B : category}
             (F : functor A B) (G : functor B A)
             (eta : nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F G))
             (eps : nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity B))
             (HH : form_adjunction F G eta eps) : are_adjoints F G.
  Show proof.
    exists (eta,,eps).
    exact HH.

  Definition adjunction (A B : category) : UU
    := X : adjunction_data A B, form_adjunction' X.

  #[reversible] Coercion data_from_adjunction {A B} (X : adjunction A B)
    : adjunction_data _ _ := pr1 X.

  Definition make_adjunction {A B : category}
             (adjData : adjunction_data A B)
             (adjProp : form_adjunction' adjData) : adjunction A B
    := (adjData ,, adjProp).

  Definition form_adjunction_from_adjunction {A B : category}
             (adj : adjunction A B) : form_adjunction' adj
    := pr2 adj.

  Definition triangle_1_statement_from_adjunction {A B : category}
             (adj : adjunction A B) : triangle_1_statement adj
    := pr1 (pr2 adj).

  Definition triangle_2_statement_from_adjunction {A B : category}
             (adj : adjunction A B) : triangle_2_statement adj
    := pr2 (pr2 adj).

  #[reversible] Coercion are_adjoints_from_adjunction {A B} (X : adjunction A B)
    : are_adjoints (left_functor X) (right_functor X).
  Show proof.
    use make_are_adjoints.
    - exact(adjunit X).
    - exact(adjcounit X).
    - exact(form_adjunction_from_adjunction X).

  Definition unit_from_are_adjoints {A B : category}
             {F : functor A B} {G : functor B A} (H : are_adjoints F G) :
    nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F G) := pr1 (pr1 H).

  Definition counit_from_are_adjoints {A B : category}
             {F : functor A B} {G : functor B A} (H : are_adjoints F G) :
    nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity B) := pr2 (pr1 H).

  Definition is_left_adjoint {A B : category} (F : functor A B) : UU :=
     (G : functor B A), are_adjoints F G.

  #[reversible] Coercion adjunction_data_from_is_left_adjoint {A B : category}
         {F : functor A B} (HF : is_left_adjoint F)
  : adjunction_data A B
  := (F,, _ ,,unit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 HF) ,,counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 HF) ).

  Definition is_right_adjoint {A B : category} (G : functor B A) : UU :=
     (F : functor A B), are_adjoints F G.

  Definition are_adjoints_to_is_left_adjoint {A B : category} (F : functor A B) (G : functor B A)
             (H : are_adjoints F G) : is_left_adjoint F := (G,,H).

  Coercion are_adjoints_to_is_left_adjoint : are_adjoints >-> is_left_adjoint.

  Definition are_adjoints_to_is_right_adjoint {A B : category} (F : functor A B)
             (G : functor B A) (H : are_adjoints F G) : is_right_adjoint G := (F,,H).

  Coercion are_adjoints_to_is_right_adjoint : are_adjoints >-> is_right_adjoint.

  Definition right_adjoint {A B : category}
             {F : functor A B} (H : is_left_adjoint F) : functor B A := pr1 H.

  Lemma is_right_adjoint_right_adjoint {A B : category}
        {F : functor A B} (H : is_left_adjoint F) : is_right_adjoint (right_adjoint H).
  Show proof.
    exact (F,,pr2 H).

  Definition left_adjoint {A B : category}
             {G : functor B A} (H : is_right_adjoint G) : functor A B := pr1 H.

  Lemma is_left_adjoint_left_adjoint {A B : category}
        {G : functor B A} (H : is_right_adjoint G) : is_left_adjoint (left_adjoint H).
  Show proof.
    exact (G,,pr2 H).

  Definition unit_from_left_adjoint {A B : category}
             {F : functor A B} (H : is_left_adjoint F) :
    nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite F (right_adjoint H))
    := adjunit H.
  Definition unit_from_right_adjoint {A B : category}
             {G : functor B A} (H : is_right_adjoint G) :
    nat_trans (functor_identity A) (functor_composite (left_adjoint H) G)
    := unit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 H).

  Definition counit_from_left_adjoint {A B : category}
             {F : functor A B} (H : is_left_adjoint F) :
    nat_trans (functor_composite (right_adjoint H) F) (functor_identity B)
    := counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 H).

  Definition counit_from_right_adjoint {A B : category}
             {G : functor B A} (H : is_right_adjoint G) :
    nat_trans (functor_composite G (left_adjoint H)) (functor_identity B)
    := counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 H).

  Definition triangle_id_left_ad {A B : category} {F : functor A B} {G : functor B A}
             (H : are_adjoints F G) :
     a, # F (unit_from_are_adjoints H a)
           · counit_from_are_adjoints H (F a) = identity (F a) := pr1 (pr2 H).

  Definition triangle_id_right_ad {A B : category} {F : functor A B} {G : functor B A}
             (H : are_adjoints F G) :
     b, unit_from_are_adjoints H (G b) · # G (counit_from_are_adjoints H b) = identity (G b)
    := pr2 (pr2 H).

  Lemma are_adjoints_functor_composite
        {A B C : category} {F1 : functor A B} {F2 : functor B C}
        {G1 : functor B A} {G2 : functor C B}
        (H1 : are_adjoints F1 G1) (H2 : are_adjoints F2 G2) :
    are_adjoints (functor_composite F1 F2) (functor_composite G2 G1).
  Show proof.
    destruct H1 as [[eta1 eps1] [H11 H12]].
    destruct H2 as [[eta2 eps2] [H21 H22]].
    simpl in *.
    use make_are_adjoints.
    - apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ eta1).
      use (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ (nat_trans_functor_assoc_inv _ _ _)).
      apply pre_whisker.
      apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (nat_trans_functor_id_right_inv _)
                            (post_whisker eta2 G1)).
    - use (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ eps2).
      apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (nat_trans_functor_assoc _ _ _)).
      apply pre_whisker.
      apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (nat_trans_functor_assoc_inv _ _ _)).
      apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (post_whisker eps1 _)
                            (nat_trans_functor_id_left _)).
    - split; intros a; simpl.
      + rewrite !id_left, !id_right, <-functor_id, <- H11, !functor_comp, <-!assoc.
        apply maponpaths; rewrite assoc.
        etrans; [eapply cancel_postcomposition, pathsinv0, functor_comp|].
        apply cancel_postcomposition, maponpaths.
        apply (nat_trans_ax eps1 (F1 a) (G2 (F2 (F1 a))) (eta2 (F1 a))).
        simpl; rewrite functor_comp, <- assoc.
        etrans; [eapply maponpaths, H21|].
        now apply id_right.
      + rewrite !id_left, !id_right, <- functor_id, <- H22, !functor_comp, assoc.
        apply cancel_postcomposition; rewrite <- assoc.
        etrans; [eapply maponpaths, pathsinv0, functor_comp|].
        eapply maponpaths, maponpaths, pathsinv0.
        apply (nat_trans_ax eta2 (F1 (G1 (G2 a))) (G2 a) (eps1 _)).
        simpl; rewrite functor_comp, assoc.
        etrans; [apply cancel_postcomposition, H12|].
        now apply id_left.

  Lemma is_left_adjoint_functor_composite
        {A B C : category} {F1 : functor A B} {F2 : functor B C}
        (H1 : is_left_adjoint F1) (H2 : is_left_adjoint F2) :
    is_left_adjoint (functor_composite F1 F2).
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - apply (functor_composite (pr1 H2) (pr1 H1)).
    - apply are_adjoints_functor_composite.
      + apply (pr2 H1).
      + apply (pr2 H2).

  Lemma are_adjoints_closed_under_iso_data {A B : category}
    (F G : functor A B) (H : functor B A) (αiso : @z_iso [A,B] F G) (HF : are_adjoints F H)
    : adjunction_data A B.
  Show proof.
    set (α := pr1 αiso : nat_trans F G).
    set (αinv := inv_from_z_iso αiso : nat_trans G F).
    destruct HF as [[α' β'] [HF1 HF2]].
    exists G. exists H.
    - apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ α' (post_whisker α H)).
    - apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (pre_whisker H αinv) β').

  Lemma are_adjoints_closed_under_iso_laws {A B : category}
    (F G : functor A B) (H : functor B A) (αiso : @z_iso [A,B] F G) (HF : are_adjoints F H)
    : form_adjunction' (are_adjoints_closed_under_iso_data F G H αiso HF).
  Show proof.
    set (α := pr1 αiso : nat_trans F G).
    set (αinv := inv_from_z_iso αiso : nat_trans G F).
    destruct HF as [[α' β'] [HF1 HF2]]; simpl in HF1, HF2.
    - unfold triangle_1_statement.
      simpl; intro a; rewrite assoc, functor_comp.
      etrans; [ apply cancel_postcomposition; rewrite <- assoc;
                apply maponpaths, (nat_trans_ax αinv)|].
      etrans; [ rewrite assoc, <- !assoc;
                apply maponpaths, maponpaths, (nat_trans_ax β')|].
      simpl; rewrite assoc.
      etrans; [ apply cancel_postcomposition, (nat_trans_ax αinv)|].
      rewrite assoc.
      etrans; [ apply cancel_postcomposition; rewrite <- assoc;
                apply maponpaths, HF1|].
      now rewrite id_right; apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv αiso)).
    - unfold triangle_2_statement in *.
      simpl; intro b; rewrite functor_comp, assoc.
      etrans; [ apply cancel_postcomposition; rewrite <- assoc;
                eapply maponpaths, pathsinv0, functor_comp|].
      etrans; [ apply cancel_postcomposition, maponpaths, maponpaths,
          (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso αiso))|].
      cbn. rewrite (functor_id H), id_right. apply (HF2 b).

  Lemma are_adjoints_closed_under_iso {A B : category}
        (F G : functor A B) (H : functor B A) (αiso : @z_iso [A,B] F G) (HF : are_adjoints F H) :
    are_adjoints G H.
  Show proof.
    set (adj_data := are_adjoints_closed_under_iso_data F G H αiso HF).
    use make_are_adjoints.
    - exact (adjunit adj_data).
    - exact (adjcounit adj_data).
    - apply are_adjoints_closed_under_iso_laws.

  Corollary is_left_adjoint_closed_under_iso {A B : category}
        (F G : functor A B) (αiso : @z_iso [A,B] F G) (HF : is_left_adjoint F) :
    is_left_adjoint G.
  Show proof.
    destruct HF as [F' Hisadj].
    exact (F',,are_adjoints_closed_under_iso F G F' αiso Hisadj).

Identity functor is a left adjoint

  Lemma is_left_adjoint_functor_identity {A : category} :
    is_left_adjoint (functor_identity A).
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    + exact (functor_identity A).
    + exists (nat_trans_id _,, nat_trans_id _).
      abstract (now split; [intros a; apply id_left| intros a; apply id_left]).

Construction of an adjunction from some partial data (Theorem 2 (iv) of Chapter IV.1 of

Section right_adjoint_from_partial.

Definition is_universal_arrow_from {D C : category}
           (S : functor D C) (c : C) (r : D) (v : CS r, c) : UU :=
   (d : D) (f : CS d,c), ∃! (f' : Dd,r), f = # S f' · v.

Context {X A : category}
        (F : functor X A)
        (G0 : ob A -> ob X)
        (eps : a, AF (G0 a),a)
        (Huniv : a, is_universal_arrow_from F a (G0 a) (eps a)).

Local Definition G_data : functor_data A X.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  + apply G0.
  + intros a b f.
    apply (pr1 (pr1 (Huniv b (G0 a) (eps a · f)))).

Local Definition G_is_functor : is_functor G_data.
Show proof.
  + intro a; simpl.
    assert (H : eps a · identity a = # F (identity (G0 a)) · eps a).
    { now rewrite functor_id, id_left, id_right. }
    set (H2 := Huniv a (G0 a) (eps a · identity a)).
    apply (pathsinv0 (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 H2 (_,,H)))).
  + intros a b c f g; simpl.
    set (H2 := Huniv c (G0 a) (eps a · (f · g))).
    destruct H2 as [[fac Hfac] p]; simpl.
    set (H1 := Huniv b (G0 a) (eps a · f)).
    destruct H1 as [[fab Hfab] p1]; simpl.
    set (H0 := Huniv c (G0 b) (eps b · g)).
    destruct H0 as [[fbc Hfbc] p2]; simpl.
    assert (H : eps a · (f · g) = # F (fab · fbc) · eps c).
    { now rewrite assoc, Hfab, <- assoc, Hfbc, assoc, <- functor_comp. }
    apply (pathsinv0 (maponpaths pr1 (p (_,,H)))).

Local Definition G : functor A X := tpair _ G_data G_is_functor.

Local Definition unit : nat_trans (functor_identity X) (functor_composite F G).
Show proof.
  use make_nat_trans.
  * intro x.
    apply (pr1 (pr1 (Huniv (F x) x (identity _)))).
  * abstract (
      intros x y f;
      destruct (Huniv (F y) y (identity (F y))) as [t p], t as [t p0];
      destruct (Huniv (F x) x (identity (F x))) as [t0 p1], t0 as [t0 p2];
        (Huniv (F y) (G0 (F x)) (eps (F x) · # F f)) as [t1 p3], t1 as [t1 p4];
      assert (H1 : # F f = # F (t0 · t1) · eps (F y));
      [now rewrite functor_comp, <- assoc, <- p4, assoc, <- p2, id_left|];
      destruct (Huniv (F y) x (# F f)) as [t2 p5];
      set (HH := (maponpaths pr1 (p5 (_,,H1))));
      simpl in HH;
      rewrite HH;
      assert (H2 : # F f = # F (f · t) · eps (F y));
      [now rewrite functor_comp, <- assoc, <- p0, id_right|];
      set (HHH := (maponpaths pr1 (p5 (_,,H2)))); simpl in HHH;
      now rewrite HHH

Local Definition counit : nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity A).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  * red.
    apply eps.
  * abstract (
      intros a b f;
      apply (pathsinv0 (pr2 (pr1 (Huniv b (G0 a) (eps a · f)))))

Local Lemma form_adjunctionFG : form_adjunction F G unit counit.
Show proof.
  use tpair; simpl.
  + unfold triangle_1_statement; cbn.
    intros x.
    destruct (Huniv (F x) x (identity (F x))) as [[f hf] H]; simpl.
    apply (!hf).
  + intros a; simpl.
    destruct (Huniv (F (G0 a)) (G0 a) (identity (F (G0 a)))) as [[f hf] H]; simpl.
    destruct ((Huniv a (G0 (F (G0 a))) (eps (F (G0 a)) · eps a))) as [[g hg] Hg]; simpl.
    destruct (Huniv _ _ (eps a)) as [t p].
    assert (H1 : eps a = # F (identity _) · eps a).
    now rewrite functor_id, id_left.
    assert (H2 : eps a = # F (f · g) · eps a).
    now rewrite functor_comp, <- assoc, <- hg, assoc, <- hf, id_left.
    set (HH := maponpaths pr1 (p (_,,H1))); simpl in HH.
    set (HHH := maponpaths pr1 (p (_,,H2))); simpl in HHH.
    now rewrite HHH, <- HH.

Definition left_adjoint_from_partial : is_left_adjoint F :=
  (G,, (unit,, counit),, form_adjunctionFG).
Definition right_adjoint_from_partial : is_right_adjoint G :=
  (F,, (unit,, counit),, form_adjunctionFG).

End right_adjoint_from_partial.

Construction of an adjunction from some partial data

(Theorem 2 (ii) of Chapter IV.1 of MacLane)

Section left_adjoint_from_partial.

Definition is_universal_arrow_to {D C : precategory}
           (S : functor D C) (c : C) (r : D) (v : Cc, S r) : UU :=
   (d : D) (f : Cc, S d), ∃! (f' : Dr,d), v · #S f' = f.

Context {X A : category}
        (G : functor A X)
        (F0 : ob X -> ob A)
        (eta : x, Xx, G (F0 x))
        (Huniv : x, is_universal_arrow_to G x (F0 x) (eta x)).

Local Definition F_data : functor_data X A.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  + apply F0.
  + intros a b f.
    use (pr1 (pr1 (Huniv _ _ _ ))). apply (f · eta _ ).

Local Definition F_is_functor : is_functor F_data.
Show proof.
  + intro x; simpl.
    apply pathsinv0, path_to_ctr.
    rewrite functor_id, id_left, id_right; apply idpath.
  + intros a b c f g; simpl.
    apply pathsinv0, path_to_ctr.
    rewrite functor_comp, assoc.
    set (H2 := Huniv _ _ (f · eta _ )).
    rewrite (pr2 (pr1 H2)).
    do 2 rewrite <- assoc; apply maponpaths.
    set (H3 := Huniv _ _ (g · eta _ )).
    apply (pr2 (pr1 H3)).

Local Definition left_adj_from_partial : functor X A := F_data,, F_is_functor.
Local Notation F := left_adj_from_partial.

Local Definition counit_left_from_partial
  : functor_composite G F functor_identity A.
Show proof.
  use make_nat_trans.
  - intro a.
    apply (pr1 (pr1 (Huniv _ _ (identity _)))).
  - intros a b f; simpl.
    destruct (Huniv _ _ (identity (G b))) as [t p], t as [t p0]; simpl.
    destruct (Huniv _ _ (identity (G a))) as [t0 p1], t0 as [t0 p2]; simpl.
      (Huniv _ _ (#G f · eta _ )) as [t1 p3], t1 as [t1 p4]; simpl.
    assert (H1 : # G f = eta _ · # G (t1 · t) ).
    { rewrite functor_comp. rewrite assoc. rewrite p4.
      rewrite <- assoc. rewrite p0. rewrite id_right; apply idpath. }
    destruct (Huniv _ _ (# G f)) as [t2 p5].
    set (HH := (maponpaths pr1 (p5 (_,,!H1))));
    simpl in HH; rewrite HH.
    assert (H2 : #G f = eta _ · #G (t0 · f)).
    { rewrite functor_comp. rewrite assoc. rewrite p2.
      rewrite id_left; apply idpath. }
    set (HHH := (maponpaths pr1 (p5 (_,,!H2)))); simpl in HHH;
    now rewrite HHH.

Local Definition unit_left_from_partial : functor_identity X functor_composite F G.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  * red. apply eta.
  * abstract (intros a b f; simpl; apply (pathsinv0 (pr2 (pr1 (Huniv _ _ (f · eta _ )))))).

Local Lemma form_adjunctionFG_left_from_partial
  : form_adjunction F G unit_left_from_partial counit_left_from_partial.
Show proof.
  use tpair; simpl.
  + unfold triangle_1_statement; cbn.
    intros x; simpl.
    destruct (Huniv _ _ (identity (G (F0 x)))) as [[f hf] H]; simpl.
    destruct ((Huniv _ _
                         (eta _ · eta (G (F0 x))))) as [[g hg] Hg]; simpl.
    destruct (Huniv _ _ (eta x)) as [t p].
    assert (H1 : eta x = eta x · # G (identity _)).
    { now rewrite functor_id, id_right. }
    assert (H2 : eta x = eta x · # G (g · f) ).
    { rewrite functor_comp. rewrite assoc. rewrite hg.
      rewrite <- assoc. rewrite hf. now rewrite id_right. }
    set (HH := maponpaths pr1 (p (_,,!H1))); simpl in HH.
    set (HHH := maponpaths pr1 (p (_,,!H2))); simpl in HHH.
    now rewrite HHH, <- HH.
  + unfold triangle_2_statement; cbn.
    intro a.
    destruct (Huniv _ _ (identity (G a))) as [[f hf] H]; simpl.
    apply hf.

Definition right_adjoint_left_from_partial : is_right_adjoint G :=
  (F,, (unit_left_from_partial,, counit_left_from_partial),,

Definition left_adjoint_left_from_partial : is_left_adjoint F :=
  (G,, (unit_left_from_partial,, _),, form_adjunctionFG_left_from_partial).

End left_adjoint_from_partial.

Post-composition with a left adjoint is a left adjoint

Section postcomp.

Context {C D E : category}
        (F : functor D E) (HF : is_left_adjoint F).

Let G : functor E D := right_adjoint HF.
Let H : are_adjoints F G := pr2 HF.
Let η : nat_trans (functor_identity D) (functor_composite F G):= unit_from_left_adjoint H.
Let ε : nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity E) := counit_from_left_adjoint H.
Let H1 : a : D, # F (η a) · ε (F a) = identity (F a) := triangle_id_left_ad H.
Let H2 : b : E, η (G b) · # G (ε b) = identity (G b) := triangle_id_right_ad H.

Lemma is_left_adjoint_post_composition_functor :
  is_left_adjoint (post_composition_functor C D E F).
Show proof.
  exists (post_composition_functor _ _ _ G).
  use tpair.
  - split.
    + use make_nat_trans.
      * simpl; intros F'. simpl in F'.
        apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _
                              (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (nat_trans_functor_id_right_inv F')
                                              (pre_whisker F' η))
                              (nat_trans_functor_assoc_inv _ _ _)).
      * abstract (intros F1 F2 α; apply (nat_trans_eq D); intro c; simpl in *;
                    now rewrite !id_right, !id_left; apply (nat_trans_ax η (F1 c) _ (α c))).
    + use make_nat_trans.
      * simpl; intros F'. simpl in F'.
        apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _
                              (nat_trans_functor_assoc _ _ _)
                              (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (pre_whisker F' ε)
                                              (nat_trans_functor_id_left _))).
      * abstract (intros F1 F2 α; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c; simpl in *;
                    now rewrite !id_right, !id_left; apply (nat_trans_ax ε _ _ (α c))).
  - abstract (split; simpl; intro F';
              [ apply (nat_trans_eq E); simpl; intro c;
                now rewrite !id_left, !id_right; apply H1
              | apply (nat_trans_eq D); simpl; intro c;
                now rewrite !id_left, !id_right; apply H2]).

End postcomp.

Post-composition with a right adjoint is a right adjoint

Section postcomp_right.

Context {C D E : category}
        (F : functor D E) (HF : is_right_adjoint F).

Let G : functor E D := left_adjoint HF.
Let H : are_adjoints G F := pr2 HF.
Let ε : nat_trans (functor_composite F G) (functor_identity D) := counit_from_left_adjoint H.
Let η : nat_trans (functor_identity E) (functor_composite G F) := unit_from_left_adjoint H.
Let H1 : d : D, _ = identity (F d) := triangle_id_right_ad H.
Let H2 : e : E, _ = identity (G e) := triangle_id_left_ad H.

Lemma is_right_adjoint_post_composition_functor :
  is_right_adjoint (post_composition_functor C D E F).
Show proof.
  exists (post_composition_functor _ _ _ G).
  use tpair.
  - split.
    + use make_nat_trans.
      * simpl; intros F'. simpl in F'.
        apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _
                              (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (nat_trans_functor_id_right_inv F')
                                              (pre_whisker F' η))
                              (nat_trans_functor_assoc_inv _ _ _)).
      * abstract (intros F1 F2 α; apply (nat_trans_eq E); intro c; simpl in *;
                    now rewrite !id_right, !id_left; apply (nat_trans_ax η (F1 c) _ (α c))).
    + use make_nat_trans.
      * simpl; intros F'. simpl in F'.
        apply (nat_trans_comp _ _ _
                              (nat_trans_functor_assoc _ _ _)
                              (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (pre_whisker F' ε)
                                              (nat_trans_functor_id_left _))).
      * abstract (intros F1 F2 α; apply (nat_trans_eq D); intro c; simpl in *;
                    now rewrite !id_right, !id_left; apply (nat_trans_ax ε _ _ (α c))).
  - abstract (split; simpl; intro F';
              [ apply (nat_trans_eq D); simpl; intro c;
                now rewrite !id_right, !id_left; apply H2
              | apply (nat_trans_eq E); simpl; intro c;
                now rewrite !id_left, !id_right; apply H1]).

End postcomp_right.

End adjunctions.

Section HomSetIso_from_Adjunction.

  Context {C D : category} {F : functor C D} {G : functor D C} (H : are_adjoints F G).

  Let η := unit_from_are_adjoints H.
  Let ε := counit_from_are_adjoints H.

Definition of the maps on hom-types

  Definition φ_adj {A : C} {B : D} : F A --> B A --> G B
    := λ f : F A --> B, η _ · #G f.

  Definition φ_adj_inv {A : C} {B : D} : A --> G B F A --> B
    := λ g : A --> G B, #F g · ε _ .

Proof that those maps are inverse to each other

  Lemma φ_adj_after_φ_adj_inv {A : C} {B : D} (g : A --> G B)
    : φ_adj (φ_adj_inv g) = g.
  Show proof.
    unfold φ_adj.
    unfold φ_adj_inv.
    assert (X':=triangle_id_right_ad H).
    rewrite functor_comp.
    rewrite assoc.
    assert (X2 := nat_trans_ax η). simpl in X2.
    rewrite <- X2; clear X2.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    intermediate_path (g · identity _).
    - apply maponpaths.
      apply X'.
    - apply id_right.

  Lemma φ_adj_inv_after_φ_adj {A : C} {B : D} (f : F A --> B)
    : φ_adj_inv (φ_adj f) = f.
  Show proof.
    unfold φ_adj, φ_adj_inv.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    assert (X2 := nat_trans_ax ε); simpl in *.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    rewrite X2; clear X2.
    rewrite assoc.
    intermediate_path (identity _ · f).
    - apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply triangle_id_left_ad.
    - apply id_left.

  Lemma φ_adj_identity (A : C) : φ_adj (identity (F A)) = η _ .
  Show proof.
    unfold φ_adj. rewrite functor_id.
    apply id_right.

  Lemma φ_adj_inv_unit (A : C) : φ_adj_inv (η A) = identity _ .
  Show proof.
    apply triangle_id_left_ad.

  Definition adjunction_hom_weq (A : C) (B : D) : F A --> B A --> G B.
  Show proof.
    exists φ_adj.
    apply (isweq_iso _ φ_adj_inv).
    - apply φ_adj_inv_after_φ_adj.
    - apply φ_adj_after_φ_adj_inv.

Proof of the equations (naturality squares) of the adjunction

  Lemma φ_adj_natural_precomp (A : C) (B : D) (f : F A --> B) (X : C) (h : X --> A)
    : φ_adj (#F h · f) = h · φ_adj f.
  Show proof.
    unfold φ_adj.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    set (T:=nat_trans_ax η); simpl in T.
    rewrite assoc.
    rewrite <- T.
    apply pathsinv0, assoc.

  Lemma φ_adj_natural_postcomp (A : C) (B : D) (f : F A --> B) (Y : D) (k : B --> Y)
    : φ_adj (f · k) = φ_adj f · #G k.
  Show proof.
    unfold φ_adj.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (functor_comp G).

  Corollary φ_adj_natural_prepostcomp (A X : C) (B Y : D) (f : F A --> B) (h : X --> A) (k : B --> Y)
    : φ_adj (#F h · f · k) = h · φ_adj f · #G k.
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    apply φ_adj_natural_precomp.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply φ_adj_natural_postcomp.

  Lemma φ_adj_inv_natural_precomp (A : C) (B : D) (g : A --> G B) (X : C) (h : X --> A)
    : φ_adj_inv (h · g) = #F h · φ_adj_inv g.
  Show proof.
    unfold φ_adj_inv.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    apply pathsinv0, assoc.

  Lemma φ_adj_inv_natural_postcomp (A : C) (B : D) (g : A --> G B) (Y : D) (k : B --> Y)
    : φ_adj_inv (g · #G k) = φ_adj_inv g · k.
  Show proof.
    unfold φ_adj_inv.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    set (T:=nat_trans_ax ε); simpl in T.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    rewrite T.
    apply assoc.

  Corollary φ_adj_inv_natural_prepostcomp (A X : C) (B Y : D) (g : A --> G B) (h : X --> A) (k : B --> Y)
    : φ_adj_inv (h · g · #G k) = #F h · φ_adj_inv g · k.
  Show proof.
    apply φ_adj_inv_natural_postcomp.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply φ_adj_inv_natural_precomp.

End HomSetIso_from_Adjunction.

Adjunction defined from a natural isomorphism on homsets (F A --> B) ≃ (A --> G B)

Definition natural_hom_weq {C D : precategory} (F : functor C D) (G : functor D C) : UU
  := (hom_weq : {A : C} {B : D}, F A --> B A --> G B),
       ( (A : C) (B : D) (f : F A --> B) (X : C) (h : X --> A),
        hom_weq (#F h · f) = h · hom_weq f) ×
       ( (A : C) (B : D) (f : F A --> B) (Y : D) (k : B --> Y),
        hom_weq (f · k) = hom_weq f · #G k).

Definition hom_weq {C D : precategory} {F : functor C D} {G : functor D C}
           (H : natural_hom_weq F G) : {A : C} {B : D}, F A --> B A --> G B := pr1 H.

Definition hom_natural_precomp {C D : precategory} {F : functor C D} {G : functor D C}
           (H : natural_hom_weq F G) : (A : C) (B : D) (f : F A --> B) (X : C) (h : X --> A),
                       hom_weq H (#F h · f) = h · hom_weq H f := pr1 (pr2 H).

Definition hom_natural_postcomp {C D : precategory} {F : functor C D} { G : functor D C}
           (H : natural_hom_weq F G) : (A : C) (B : D) (f : F A --> B) (Y : D) (k : B --> Y),
                       hom_weq H (f · k) = hom_weq H f · #G k := pr2 (pr2 H).

Section Adjunction_from_HomSetIso.

  Context {C D : category} {F : functor C D} {G : functor D C}
          (H : natural_hom_weq F G).

  Local Definition hom_inv : {A : C} {B : D}, A --> G B F A --> B
    := λ A B, invmap (hom_weq H).

  Definition inv_natural_precomp {A : C} {B : D} (g : A --> G B) {X : C} (h : X --> A)
    : hom_inv (h · g) = #F h · hom_inv g.
  Show proof.
    apply pathsinv0, pathsweq1.
    rewrite hom_natural_precomp.
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply homotweqinvweq.

  Definition inv_natural_postcomp {A : C} {B : D} (g : A --> G B) {Y : D} (k : B --> Y)
    : hom_inv (g · #G k) = hom_inv g · k.
  Show proof.
    apply pathsinv0, pathsweq1.
    rewrite hom_natural_postcomp.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply homotweqinvweq.

  Definition unit_from_hom : nat_trans (functor_identity C) (F G).
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - exact (λ A, (hom_weq H (identity (F A)))).
    - intros A A' h. cbn.
      rewrite <- hom_natural_precomp.
      rewrite <- hom_natural_postcomp.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite id_left.
      apply id_right.

  Definition counit_from_hom : nat_trans (G F) (functor_identity D).
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - exact (λ B, hom_inv (identity (G B))).
    - intros B B' k. cbn.
      rewrite <- inv_natural_postcomp.
      rewrite <- inv_natural_precomp.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite id_left.
      apply id_right.

  Definition adj_from_nathomweq : are_adjoints F G.
  Show proof.
    apply (make_are_adjoints F G unit_from_hom counit_from_hom).
    apply make_dirprod.
    - intro a. cbn.
      rewrite <- inv_natural_precomp.
      rewrite id_right.
      apply homotinvweqweq.
    - intro b. cbn.
      rewrite <- hom_natural_postcomp.
      rewrite id_left.
      apply homotweqinvweq.

End Adjunction_from_HomSetIso.

Weak equivalence between adjunctions F -| G and natural weqs of homsets (F A --> B) ≃ (A --> G B)

Section Adjunction_HomSetIso_weq.

  Context {C D : category} {F : functor C D} {G : functor D C}.

  Definition nathomweq_from_adj : (are_adjoints F G) (natural_hom_weq F G)
    := λ H, (adjunction_hom_weq H,, (φ_adj_natural_precomp H,, φ_adj_natural_postcomp H)).

  Lemma adj_after_nathomweq (H : are_adjoints F G)
    : adj_from_nathomweq (nathomweq_from_adj H) = H.
  Show proof.
    apply subtypePath.
    - intro. apply isaprop_form_adjunction.
    - apply dirprod_paths; cbn.
      + apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property C)).
        intro c. cbn.
        unfold φ_adj, unit_from_are_adjoints.
        rewrite functor_id.
        apply id_right.
      + apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property D)).
        intro d. cbn.
        unfold φ_adj_inv, counit_from_are_adjoints.
        rewrite functor_id.
        apply id_left.

  Lemma nathomweq_after_adj (H : natural_hom_weq F G)
    : nathomweq_from_adj (adj_from_nathomweq H) = H.
  Show proof.
    apply subtypePath.
    - intros p. apply isapropdirprod.
      + do 5 (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
        apply C.
      + do 5 (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
        apply C.
    - cbn.
      unfold adjunction_hom_weq.
      do 2 (apply funextsec; intro).
      apply subtypePath.
      + intro. apply isapropisweq.
      + cbn.
        unfold φ_adj, adj_from_nathomweq. cbn.
        apply funextsec.
        intro f.
        rewrite <- hom_natural_postcomp.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply id_left.

  Lemma adjunction_homsetiso_weq : (are_adjoints F G) (natural_hom_weq F G).
  Show proof.
    exists nathomweq_from_adj.
    apply (isweq_iso _ adj_from_nathomweq).
    - apply adj_after_nathomweq.
    - apply nathomweq_after_adj.

End Adjunction_HomSetIso_weq.

Section RelativeAdjunction_by_natural_hom_weq.

this definition is according to Altenkirch, Chapman and Uustalu Reference:

Definition are_relative_adjoints {I: precategory_data} {C D: precategory_data}
  (J: functor_data I C) (L: functor_data I D) (R: functor_data D C) : UU
  := (hom_weq : {X : I} {Y : D}, L X --> Y J X --> R Y),
       ( (Y : I) (Z : D) (f : L Y --> Z) (X : I) (h : X --> Y),
        hom_weq (#L h · f) = #J h · hom_weq f) ×
       ( (X : I) (Y : D) (f : L X --> Y) (Z : D) (k : Y --> Z),
        hom_weq (f · k) = hom_weq f · #R k).

the notion is a proper generalization of one of the criteria for being an adjunction

Lemmas about adjunctions

Section AdjunctionLemmas.
  Context {C D : category} {F : functor C D} {G : functor D C}.
  Context (are : are_adjoints F G).

  Let η : nat_trans (functor_identity C) (functor_composite F G) := unit_from_left_adjoint are.
  Let ε : nat_trans (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity D) := counit_from_left_adjoint are.

  Let pre_whisker_functor_cat {a b c : category} {f g : functor b c}
      (h : functor a b) (n : [b, c]f, g) :
    [a, c]functor_composite h f, functor_composite h g := pre_whisker h n.
  Let post_whisker_functor_cat {a b c : category} {f g : functor a b}
      (n : [a, b]f, g) (h : functor b c) :
    [a, c]functor_composite f h, functor_composite g h := post_whisker n h.

  Let := post_whisker_functor_cat η F.
  Let εF := pre_whisker_functor_cat F ε.
  Let ηG := pre_whisker_functor_cat G η.
  Let := post_whisker_functor_cat ε G.

  Local Lemma triangle_eq_l : · εF = identity (F : ob [C, D]).
  Show proof.
    apply nat_trans_eq; [apply homset_property|].
    intro; apply triangle_id_left_ad.

  Local Lemma triangle_eq_r : ηG · = identity (G : ob [D, C]).
  Show proof.
    apply nat_trans_eq; [apply homset_property|].
    intro; apply triangle_id_right_ad.

  Lemma is_epi_post_whisker_right_adjoint_counit_pointwise :
     x, isEpi (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans x).
  Show proof.
    intro x.
    assert (is0 : isEpi (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans (ηG · ) x)).
      rewrite (maponpaths nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans triangle_eq_r).
      apply identity_isEpi.
    apply (isEpi_precomp _ _ _ is0).

  Corollary is_epi_post_whisker_right_adjoint_counit : isEpi .
  Show proof.

  Lemma is_monic_pre_whisker_right_adjoint_unit_pointwise :
     x, isMonic (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans ηG x).
  Show proof.
    intro x.
    assert (is0 : isMonic (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans (ηG · ) x)).
      rewrite (maponpaths nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans triangle_eq_r).
      apply identity_isMonic.
    apply (isMonic_postcomp _ _ _ is0).

  Corollary is_monic_pre_whisker_right_adjoint_unit : isMonic ηG.
  Show proof.

  Lemma is_epi_pre_whisker_left_adjoint_counit_pointwise :
     x, isEpi (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans εF x).
  Show proof.
    intro x.
    assert (is0 : isEpi (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans ( · εF) x)).
      rewrite (maponpaths nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans triangle_eq_l).
      apply identity_isEpi.
    apply (isEpi_precomp _ _ _ is0).

  Corollary is_epi_pre_whisker_left_adjoint_counit : isEpi εF.
  Show proof.

  Lemma is_monic_post_whisker_left_adjoint_unit_pointwise :
     x, isMonic (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans x).
  Show proof.
    intro x.
    assert (is0 : isMonic (nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans ( · εF) x)).
      rewrite (maponpaths nat_trans_data_from_nat_trans triangle_eq_l).
      apply identity_isMonic.
    apply (isMonic_postcomp _ _ _ is0).

  Corollary is_monic_post_whisker_left_adjoint_unit : isMonic .
  Show proof.

Riehl, "Category Theory in Context", Lemma 4.5.13(i)/Exercise
  Lemma counit_is_epi_if_right_adjoint_is_faithful :
    faithful G -> x, isEpi (ε x).
  Show proof.
    intros faithfulG.
    intros x y f g H.

    apply (Injectivity (# G)).
    apply incl_injectivity.
    - apply faithfulG.
    - apply (is_epi_post_whisker_right_adjoint_counit_pointwise x).
      apply (maponpaths #G) in H.
      do 2 rewrite functor_comp in H.

  Local Lemma issurjective_postcomp_with_weq {A B E : UU}
        (f : A -> B) (w : B E) : issurjective (w f)%functions -> issurjective f.
  Show proof.
    intros iss b.
    specialize (iss (w b)).
    apply (squash_to_prop iss); [apply isapropishinh|].
    intros a; apply hinhpr.
    exists (hfiberpr1 _ _ a).
    apply (make_weq _ (isweqmaponpaths w _ _)).
    apply (hfiberpr2 _ _ a).

Riehl, "Category Theory in Context", Lemma 4.5.13(ii)/Exercise
Proof appears on the nLab (§ Basic properties):
  Lemma counit_is_split_monic_if_right_adjoint_is_full :
    full G -> x, is_merely_split_monic (ε x).
  Show proof.
    intros fullG x.

    set (pcw c := (@precomp_with _ _ _ (ε x) c)).

    cut ( c : D, issurjective (pcw c));
      [apply is_merely_split_monic_weq_precomp_is_surjection|].
    intros c.

    cut (issurjective (hom_weq (nathomweq_from_adj are)
                               @precomp_with _ _ _ (ε x) c)%functions);
      [apply issurjective_postcomp_with_weq|].

    assert (E : (hom_weq (nathomweq_from_adj are) pcw c)%functions = # G).
      apply funextfun; intro z; cbn.
      unfold φ_adj, pcw, precomp_with.
      rewrite functor_comp, assoc.
      change ε with (counit_from_are_adjoints are).
      refine (_ @ id_left _).
      apply (maponpaths (fun f => f · _)).
      apply (triangle_id_right_ad are x).

    cut (issurjective (@functor_on_morphisms _ _ G x c)).
    - intros; cbn.
      unfold pcw in *; cbn in E.
      rewrite E.
    - apply fullG.

  Lemma counit_is_z_iso_if_right_adjoint_is_fully_faithful :
    fully_faithful G -> x, is_z_isomorphism (ε x).
  Show proof.
    intros ? ?.
    apply merely_split_monic_is_epi_to_is_z_iso.
    - apply counit_is_split_monic_if_right_adjoint_is_full.
      apply fully_faithful_implies_full_and_faithful; assumption.
    - apply counit_is_epi_if_right_adjoint_is_faithful.
      apply fully_faithful_implies_full_and_faithful; assumption.

End AdjunctionLemmas.

More builders for adjunctions
Definition left_adjoint_to_adjunction
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           {L : C₁ C₂}
           (HL : is_left_adjoint L)
  : adjunction C₁ C₂.
Show proof.
  use make_adjunction.
  - use make_adjunction_data.
    + exact L.
    + exact (right_adjoint HL).
    + exact (adjunit HL).
    + exact (adjcounit HL).
  - split.
    + exact (pr122 HL).
    + exact (pr222 HL).

Definition right_adjoint_to_adjunction
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           {R : C₁ C₂}
           (HR : is_right_adjoint R)
  : adjunction C₂ C₁.
Show proof.
  use make_adjunction.
  - use make_adjunction_data.
    + exact (left_adjoint HR).
    + exact R.
    + exact (adjunit (pr2 HR)).
    + exact (adjcounit (pr2 HR)).
  - split.
    + exact (pr122 HR).
    + exact (pr222 HR).