Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Groupoids
- Definitions
- Pregroupoid
- Groupoid
- Univalent groupoid
- An alternative characterization of univalence for groupoids
- Lemmas
- Subgroupoids
- Discrete categories
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Setcategories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Local Open Scope cat.
Definition is_pregroupoid (C : category) :=
∏ (x y : C) (f : x --> y), is_z_isomorphism f.
Lemma isaprop_is_pregroupoid (C : category) : isaprop (is_pregroupoid C).
Show proof.
Definition pregroupoid : UU := ∑ C : category, is_pregroupoid C.
∏ (x y : C) (f : x --> y), is_z_isomorphism f.
Lemma isaprop_is_pregroupoid (C : category) : isaprop (is_pregroupoid C).
Show proof.
Definition pregroupoid : UU := ∑ C : category, is_pregroupoid C.
Constructors, accessors, and coersions
Definition make_pregroupoid (C : category) (is : is_pregroupoid C) : pregroupoid :=
(C,, is).
Definition pregroupoid_to_precategory : pregroupoid -> category := pr1.
Definition pregroupoid_is_pregroupoid :
∏ gpd : pregroupoid, is_pregroupoid (pr1 gpd) := pr2.
Coercion pregroupoid_to_precategory : pregroupoid >-> category.
(C,, is).
Definition pregroupoid_to_precategory : pregroupoid -> category := pr1.
Definition pregroupoid_is_pregroupoid :
∏ gpd : pregroupoid, is_pregroupoid (pr1 gpd) := pr2.
Coercion pregroupoid_to_precategory : pregroupoid >-> category.
A category is a groupoid when all of its arrows are isos.
Constructors, accessors, and coersions
Definition make_groupoid (C : category) (is : is_pregroupoid C) : groupoid := (C,, is).
Definition groupoid_to_category : groupoid -> category := pr1.
Definition groupoid_is_pregroupoid :
∏ gpd : groupoid, is_pregroupoid (pr1 gpd) := pr2.
Coercion groupoid_to_category : groupoid >-> category.
Definition groupoid_to_pregroupoid :
groupoid → pregroupoid := λ gpd, make_pregroupoid gpd (groupoid_is_pregroupoid gpd).
Coercion groupoid_to_pregroupoid : groupoid >-> pregroupoid.
Definition univalent_groupoid : UU := ∑ C : univalent_category, is_pregroupoid C.
Definition groupoid_to_category : groupoid -> category := pr1.
Definition groupoid_is_pregroupoid :
∏ gpd : groupoid, is_pregroupoid (pr1 gpd) := pr2.
Coercion groupoid_to_category : groupoid >-> category.
Definition groupoid_to_pregroupoid :
groupoid → pregroupoid := λ gpd, make_pregroupoid gpd (groupoid_is_pregroupoid gpd).
Coercion groupoid_to_pregroupoid : groupoid >-> pregroupoid.
Definition univalent_groupoid : UU := ∑ C : univalent_category, is_pregroupoid C.
Constructors, accessors, and coersions
Definition make_univalent_groupoid (C : univalent_category) (is : is_pregroupoid C) :
univalent_groupoid := (C,, is).
Definition univalent_groupoid_to_univalent_category :
univalent_groupoid -> univalent_category := pr1.
Coercion univalent_groupoid_to_univalent_category :
univalent_groupoid >-> univalent_category.
Definition univalent_groupoid_is_pregroupoid :
∏ ugpd : univalent_groupoid, is_pregroupoid (pr1 ugpd) := pr2.
Definition univalent_groupoid_to_groupoid :
univalent_groupoid -> groupoid :=
λ ugpd, make_groupoid ugpd (univalent_groupoid_is_pregroupoid ugpd).
Coercion univalent_groupoid_to_groupoid :
univalent_groupoid >-> groupoid.
univalent_groupoid := (C,, is).
Definition univalent_groupoid_to_univalent_category :
univalent_groupoid -> univalent_category := pr1.
Coercion univalent_groupoid_to_univalent_category :
univalent_groupoid >-> univalent_category.
Definition univalent_groupoid_is_pregroupoid :
∏ ugpd : univalent_groupoid, is_pregroupoid (pr1 ugpd) := pr2.
Definition univalent_groupoid_to_groupoid :
univalent_groupoid -> groupoid :=
λ ugpd, make_groupoid ugpd (univalent_groupoid_is_pregroupoid ugpd).
Coercion univalent_groupoid_to_groupoid :
univalent_groupoid >-> groupoid.
An alternative characterization of univalence for groupoids
Definition is_univalent_pregroupoid (pgpd : pregroupoid) :=
(∏ a b : ob pgpd, isweq (fun path : a = b => idtomor a b path)) ×
has_homsets pgpd.
(∏ a b : ob pgpd, isweq (fun path : a = b => idtomor a b path)) ×
has_homsets pgpd.
The morphism part of an isomorphism is an inclusion.
Lemma morphism_from_iso_is_incl (C : category) (a b : ob C) :
isincl (@morphism_from_z_iso C a b).
Show proof.
isincl (@morphism_from_z_iso C a b).
Show proof.
The alternative characterization implies the normal one.
Note that the other implication is missing, it should be completed
if possible.
Lemma is_univalent_pregroupoid_is_univalent {pgpd : groupoid} :
is_univalent_pregroupoid pgpd -> is_univalent pgpd.
Show proof.
is_univalent_pregroupoid pgpd -> is_univalent pgpd.
Show proof.
intros ig.
intros a b.
use (isofhlevelff 0 idtoiso (morphism_from_z_iso _ _)).
+ use (isweqhomot (idtomor _ _)).
* intro p; destruct p; reflexivity.
* apply ig.
+ apply (morphism_from_iso_is_incl pgpd).
intros a b.
use (isofhlevelff 0 idtoiso (morphism_from_z_iso _ _)).
+ use (isweqhomot (idtomor _ _)).
* intro p; destruct p; reflexivity.
* apply ig.
+ apply (morphism_from_iso_is_incl pgpd).
Lemma pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso {pgpd : pregroupoid} (a b : pgpd) : (a --> b) ≃ z_iso a b.
Show proof.
Lemma pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso_idtoiso {pgpd : pregroupoid} (a : pgpd) :
pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso a a (identity a) = idtoiso (idpath a).
Show proof.
Lemma pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso_comp {pgpd : pregroupoid} {a b c : ob pgpd}
(f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) :
z_iso_comp (pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso _ _ f) (pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso _ _ g) =
(pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso _ _ (f · g)).
Show proof.
Show proof.
use weq_iso.
- intros f; refine (f,, _); apply pregroupoid_is_pregroupoid.
- apply pr1.
- reflexivity.
- intro; apply z_iso_eq; reflexivity.
- intros f; refine (f,, _); apply pregroupoid_is_pregroupoid.
- apply pr1.
- reflexivity.
- intro; apply z_iso_eq; reflexivity.
Lemma pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso_idtoiso {pgpd : pregroupoid} (a : pgpd) :
pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso a a (identity a) = idtoiso (idpath a).
Show proof.
Lemma pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso_comp {pgpd : pregroupoid} {a b c : ob pgpd}
(f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) :
z_iso_comp (pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso _ _ f) (pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso _ _ g) =
(pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso _ _ (f · g)).
Show proof.
If D is a groupoid, then a functor category into it is as well.
Lemma is_pregroupoid_functor_cat {C : precategory} {D : category}
(gr_D : is_pregroupoid D)
: is_pregroupoid (functor_category C D).
Show proof.
(gr_D : is_pregroupoid D)
: is_pregroupoid (functor_category C D).
Show proof.
In a univalent groupoid, arrows are equivalent to paths
Lemma univalent_groupoid_arrow_weq_path {ugpd : univalent_groupoid} {a b : ob ugpd} :
(a --> b) ≃ a = b.
Show proof.
(a --> b) ≃ a = b.
Show proof.
intermediate_weq (z_iso a b).
- apply (@pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso ugpd).
- apply invweq; use make_weq.
+ exact idtoiso.
+ apply univalent_category_is_univalent.
- apply (@pregroupoid_hom_weq_iso ugpd).
- apply invweq; use make_weq.
+ exact idtoiso.
+ apply univalent_category_is_univalent.
Definition maximal_subgroupoid {C : category} : pregroupoid.
Show proof.
Goal ∏ C:category, pregroupoid_to_precategory (@maximal_subgroupoid (C^op))
= (@maximal_subgroupoid C)^op.
Show proof.
See Categories.Categories.StandardCategories for a proof that any discrete
category is equivalent to the path groupoid of its objects.
A discrete category is a univalent pregroupoid with an underlying setcategory.
Why? In this case, all arrows must be identities: every arrow has an inverse,
and isos induce equality (by univalence).
Show proof.
use make_pregroupoid.
- use make_category.
+ use make_precategory; use tpair.
* use tpair.
-- exact (ob C).
-- exact (λ a b, ∑ f : a --> b, is_z_isomorphism f).
* unfold precategory_id_comp; cbn.
use make_dirprod.
-- exact (λ a, identity a,, identity_is_z_iso _).
-- intros ? ? ? f g; exact (z_iso_comp f g).
* use make_dirprod;
apply z_iso_eq.
-- apply id_left.
-- apply id_right.
* use make_dirprod; intros; apply z_iso_eq.
-- apply assoc.
-- apply assoc'.
+ cbn. intros a b. cbn. apply isaset_z_iso.
- intros ? ? f. exists (z_iso_inv_from_z_iso f).
use make_dirprod; apply z_iso_eq.
+ apply z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
+ apply z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
- use make_category.
+ use make_precategory; use tpair.
* use tpair.
-- exact (ob C).
-- exact (λ a b, ∑ f : a --> b, is_z_isomorphism f).
* unfold precategory_id_comp; cbn.
use make_dirprod.
-- exact (λ a, identity a,, identity_is_z_iso _).
-- intros ? ? ? f g; exact (z_iso_comp f g).
* use make_dirprod;
apply z_iso_eq.
-- apply id_left.
-- apply id_right.
* use make_dirprod; intros; apply z_iso_eq.
-- apply assoc.
-- apply assoc'.
+ cbn. intros a b. cbn. apply isaset_z_iso.
- intros ? ? f. exists (z_iso_inv_from_z_iso f).
use make_dirprod; apply z_iso_eq.
+ apply z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
+ apply z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
Goal ∏ C:category, pregroupoid_to_precategory (@maximal_subgroupoid (C^op))
= (@maximal_subgroupoid C)^op.
Show proof.
Fail reflexivity.
Goal ∏ (C:category) (a b:C) (f : C ⟦ b, a ⟧), @is_z_isomorphism C^op a b f = @is_z_isomorphism C b a f.
Fail reflexivity.
Goal ∏ (C:category) (a b:C) (f : C ⟦ b, a ⟧), @is_z_isomorphism C^op a b f = @is_z_isomorphism C b a f.
Fail reflexivity.
Discrete categories
Definition is_discrete (C : category) :=
(is_setcategory C × is_pregroupoid C × is_univalent C).
Definition discrete_category : UU := ∑ C : category, is_discrete C.
Definition make_discrete_category :
∏ C : category, is_discrete C → discrete_category := tpair is_discrete.
Definition discrete_category_to_univalent_groupoid :
discrete_category -> univalent_groupoid :=
λ disc, make_univalent_groupoid
(make_univalent_category (pr1 disc) (dirprod_pr2 (dirprod_pr2 (pr2 disc))))
(dirprod_pr1 (dirprod_pr2 (pr2 disc))).
Coercion discrete_category_to_univalent_groupoid :
discrete_category >-> univalent_groupoid.
Definition discrete_category_is_discrete :
∏ C : discrete_category, is_discrete C := pr2.
Definition discrete_category_is_setcategory :
∏ C : discrete_category, is_setcategory C := λ C, dirprod_pr1 (pr2 C).
Lemma isaprop_is_discrete (C : category) : isaprop (is_discrete C).
apply isapropdirprod; [|apply isapropdirprod].
- apply isaprop_is_setcategory.
- apply isaprop_is_pregroupoid.
- apply isaprop_is_univalent.
(is_setcategory C × is_pregroupoid C × is_univalent C).
Definition discrete_category : UU := ∑ C : category, is_discrete C.
Definition make_discrete_category :
∏ C : category, is_discrete C → discrete_category := tpair is_discrete.
Definition discrete_category_to_univalent_groupoid :
discrete_category -> univalent_groupoid :=
λ disc, make_univalent_groupoid
(make_univalent_category (pr1 disc) (dirprod_pr2 (dirprod_pr2 (pr2 disc))))
(dirprod_pr1 (dirprod_pr2 (pr2 disc))).
Coercion discrete_category_to_univalent_groupoid :
discrete_category >-> univalent_groupoid.
Definition discrete_category_is_discrete :
∏ C : discrete_category, is_discrete C := pr2.
Definition discrete_category_is_setcategory :
∏ C : discrete_category, is_setcategory C := λ C, dirprod_pr1 (pr2 C).
Lemma isaprop_is_discrete (C : category) : isaprop (is_discrete C).
apply isapropdirprod; [|apply isapropdirprod].
- apply isaprop_is_setcategory.
- apply isaprop_is_pregroupoid.
- apply isaprop_is_univalent.
In a discrete category, hom-types are propositions.
Lemma discrete_category_hom_prop {disc : discrete_category} {a b : ob disc} :
isaprop (a --> b).
Show proof.
isaprop (a --> b).
Show proof.
apply (@isofhlevelweqf _ (a = b)).
- apply invweq, (@univalent_groupoid_arrow_weq_path disc).
- apply (isaset_ob (_ ,, discrete_category_is_setcategory _)).
- apply invweq, (@univalent_groupoid_arrow_weq_path disc).
- apply (isaset_ob (_ ,, discrete_category_is_setcategory _)).
A functor between discrete categories is given by a function
on their objects.
Lemma discrete_functor {C D : discrete_category} (f : ob C → ob D) :
functor C D.
Show proof.
Definition discrete_cat_nat_trans {C : precategory} {D : discrete_category}
{F G : functor C D} (t : ∏ x : ob C, F x --> G x) : is_nat_trans F G t.
Show proof.
functor C D.
Show proof.
use make_functor.
- use make_functor_data.
+ apply f.
+ intros a b atob.
pose (aeqb := @univalent_groupoid_arrow_weq_path C _ _ atob).
exact (transportf (λ z, _ ⟦ f a, z ⟧) (maponpaths f aeqb) (identity _)).
- split.
+ intro; apply discrete_category_hom_prop.
+ intros ? ? ? ? ?; apply discrete_category_hom_prop.
- use make_functor_data.
+ apply f.
+ intros a b atob.
pose (aeqb := @univalent_groupoid_arrow_weq_path C _ _ atob).
exact (transportf (λ z, _ ⟦ f a, z ⟧) (maponpaths f aeqb) (identity _)).
- split.
+ intro; apply discrete_category_hom_prop.
+ intros ? ? ? ? ?; apply discrete_category_hom_prop.
Definition discrete_cat_nat_trans {C : precategory} {D : discrete_category}
{F G : functor C D} (t : ∏ x : ob C, F x --> G x) : is_nat_trans F G t.
Show proof.