Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Graphs.EqDiag

  • Custom notion of equality between diagrams (eq_diag) over the same graph
  • Transports of cones and cocones between equal diagrams.
  • Limits/Colimits are the same for equal diagrams.
This notion of equality is useful to make the link between standard diagrams (pushouts, coequalizers, ...) in a functor category and the induced pointwise diagram given an object of the source category
Example of the binary product :
  • C,D be two categories,
  • A and B two functors from C to D
  • x an object of C
Let J := binproduct_diagram (A x) (B x) Let J' := diagram_pointwise (binproduct_diagram A B) x.
J and J' are not definitionnally equal.
Let co a cone of J based on c.
Using a (not too stupid) proof (e : eq_diag J J'), we can transport the cone co with make_eq_diag_cone to get a cone co' of J' based on c that satisfies the definitional equalities : coneOut co' true ≡ coneOut co true coneOut co' false ≡ coneOut co false
(true and false are the two vertices of the binproduct graph).
This equality would not be needed if functional extensionality computed.

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.TransportMorphisms.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Graphs.Colimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Graphs.Limits.

Local Open Scope cat.

Lemma is_exists_unique {A : UU} {B : A UU} (H : ∃! a : A, B a) :
  B ( pr1 (iscontrpr1 H)).
Show proof.
  exact(pr2 (pr1 H)).

Lemma transport_swap: {X Y : UU} (P : X -> Y UU) {x x':X} {y y' : Y}
                        (e : x = x') (e' : y = y') (p : P x y),
                  transportf (λ a, P _ a) e' (transportf (λ a, P a _) e p) =
                  transportf (λ a, P a _) e (transportf (λ a, P _ a) e' p) .
Show proof.
  induction e.
  induction e'.
  apply idpath.

Lemma transportf2_comp {X : UU} (P : X -> X UU) (x x' : X)
      (ex : x = x') (t:P x x) :
  transportf (λ y, P y y) ex t = transportf (λ y, P y x') ex
                                             (transportf (λ y, P x y) ex t).
Show proof.
  now induction ex.

Definition eq_diag {C : category} {g : graph} (d d' : diagram g C) :=
   (eq_v : v: vertex g, dob d v = dob d' v), (v v':vertex g) (f:edge v v'),
  transportf (λ obj, Cobj, dob d v') (eq_v v) (dmor d f) =
  transportb (λ obj, C_, obj) (eq_v v') (dmor d' f).

Lemma eq_is_eq_diag {C : category} {g : graph} (d d' : diagram g C) :
  d = d' -> eq_diag d d'.
Show proof.
  intro e.
  induction e.
  exists (λ x, idpath _).
  exact (λ x y z, idpath _).

Lemma eq_diag_is_eq {C : category} {g : graph} (d d' : diagram g C) :
  eq_diag d d' -> d = d'.
Show proof.
  intros [eqv autreq].
  use total2_paths_f.
  - apply funextfun.
    intro v.
    apply eqv.
  - rewrite (transportf2_comp
               (λ x y : vertex g C, a b : vertex g, edge a b
                                                        C y a, x b )).
    match goal with |- transportf ?Pf ?x1 (transportf ?Pf2 ?s1 ?s2 ) = _ =>
                    set (e := x1);
                      set (P := Pf);
                      set (P2 := Pf2);
                      set (tp2:=transportf P2 s1 s2);
                      set (trp := transportf P x1 tp2)
    change (trp = pr2 d').
    unfold trp.
    apply funextsec.
    intro v; apply funextsec; intro v'.
    apply funextsec; intro ed.
    specialize (autreq v v' ed).
    rewrite <- (pathsinv0inv0 (eqv v)) in autreq.
    apply pathsinv0 in autreq.
    apply transportf_transpose_right in autreq.
    unfold dmor in autreq.
    rewrite autreq.
    rewrite pathsinv0inv0.
    eapply pathsinv0.
    apply ( transport_map (P:=P) (Q:=_) (λ x tp, tp v v' ed)).
    apply (transportf_funextfun (λ x, C pr1 d' v,x)).
    apply maponpaths.
    eapply pathsinv0.
    apply ( transport_map (P:=P2) (Q:=_) (λ x tp, tp v v' ed)).
    apply (transportf_funextfun (λ x, C x,pr1 d v')).

Lemma sym_eq_diag {C : category} {g : graph} (d d' : diagram g C) :
  eq_diag d d' -> eq_diag d' d.
Show proof.
  intros eq_d.
  set (eq_d1 := pr1 eq_d).
  set (eq_d2 := pr2 eq_d).
  use tpair.
  - intro v.
    apply (! (eq_d1 v)).
    unfold eq_d1.
    assert (heqdag:eq_diag d' d).
    + apply eq_is_eq_diag.
      apply pathsinv0.
      apply eq_diag_is_eq.

    abstract (cbn;
    intros v v' f;
    specialize (eq_d2 v v' f);
    apply pathsinv0;
    unfold transportb;
    rewrite pathsinv0inv0;
    apply (transportf_transpose_right (P:=(λ obj : C, C obj, dob d' v' )));
    assert (eq_d2':=transportf_transpose_right
                      (P:=(precategory_morphisms (dob d' v))) (! eq_d2));
    rewrite eq_d2';
    unfold transportb; rewrite pathsinv0inv0;
    apply (transport_swap (λ a b, Cb,a))).

Lemma make_eq_diag_cocone :
   {C : category} {g : graph} {d : diagram g C}
    (d' : diagram g C)
    (heq_d: eq_diag d d')
    {c : C} (cc:cocone d c),
  cocone d' c.
Show proof.
  destruct heq_d as [heq heq2].
  use make_cocone.
  intro v.
  use (transportf (λ obj, Cobj,_ ) (heq v)); simpl.
  apply (coconeIn cc).
      intros u v e; simpl;
      rewrite <- ( coconeInCommutes cc u v e);
      apply (pathscomp0 (b:=transportb (precategory_morphisms (dob d' u)) (heq v)
                                       (dmor d' e) · (coconeIn cc v)));
        unfold transportb; (set (z:= ! heq v));
        rewrite <- (pathsinv0inv0 (heq v));
        apply pathsinv0;
        apply transport_compose|];
      etrans; [
        apply cancel_postcomposition;
        eapply pathsinv0; apply heq2|];
      now destruct (heq u)).

Lemma make_eq_diag_cone :
   {C : category} {g : graph} {d : diagram g C}
    (d' : diagram g C)
    (heq_d: eq_diag d d')
    {c : C} (cc:cone d c),
  cone d' c.
Show proof.
  set (heq := pr1 heq_d).
  set (heq2 := pr2 heq_d).
  use make_cone.
  intro v.
  apply (transportf (λ obj, C_,obj ) (heq v) (coneOut cc v)).
      intros u v e; simpl;
      rewrite <- ( coneOutCommutes cc u v e);
        apply transport_compose|];
      rewrite transport_target_postcompose;
      apply cancel_precomposition;
      apply transportf_transpose_right;
        apply (transport_swap (λ a b, Ca,b))|];
        apply maponpaths;
        eapply pathsinv0;
        apply heq2|];
      unfold heq;
      induction (pr1 heq_d u);
      apply idpath).

Lemma eq_diag_islimcone:
   {C : category} {g : graph} {d : diagram g C}
    (d' : diagram g C)
    (eq_d : eq_diag d d')
    {c : C} {cc:cone d c}
    (islimcone : isLimCone _ _ cc) ,
  isLimCone _ _ (make_eq_diag_cone d' eq_d cc).
Show proof.

  set (eq_d1 := pr1 eq_d);
    set (eq_d2 := pr1 eq_d).
  set (eq_d' := sym_eq_diag _ _ eq_d).
  set (eq_d1' := pr1 eq_d').
  set (eq_d2' := pr2 eq_d').
  intros c' cc'.
  set (cc'2 := make_eq_diag_cone _ eq_d' cc').
  specialize (islimcone c' cc'2).
  apply (unique_exists (pr1 (pr1 islimcone))).
  - intro v.
    assert (islim := is_exists_unique islimcone v).
    cbn in islim.
    eapply pathsinv0.
    apply transport_target_postcompose.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply islim.
    apply transportfbinv.
  - intro y.
    apply impred_isaprop.
    intro t.
    apply homset_property.
  - intros y hy.
    apply (path_to_ctr _ _ islimcone).
    intro v; specialize (hy v).
    apply transportf_transpose_right.
    rewrite <- hy.
    unfold transportb.
    rewrite pathsinv0inv0.
    apply transport_target_postcompose.
    apply idpath.

The dual proof . This proof could be deduced from the previous if there was a lemma stating that colimits are limits in the dual category.
Lemma eq_diag_iscolimcocone:
   {C : category} {g : graph} {d : diagram g C}
    (d' : diagram g C)
    (eq_d : eq_diag d d')
    {c : C} {cc:cocone d c}
    (islimcone : isColimCocone _ _ cc) ,
  isColimCocone _ _ (make_eq_diag_cocone d' eq_d cc).
Show proof.
  destruct eq_d as [eq_d1 eq_d2].
  set (eq_d := eq_d1,,eq_d2).
  set (eq_d'' := sym_eq_diag _ _ eq_d).
  set (eq_d1' := pr1 eq_d'').
  set (eq_d2' := pr2 eq_d'').
  set (eq_d' := (eq_d1',,eq_d2'):eq_diag d' d).
  intros c' cc'.
  set (cc'2 := make_eq_diag_cocone _ eq_d' cc').
  specialize (islimcone c' cc'2).
  apply (unique_exists (pr1 (pr1 islimcone))).
  - intro v.
    assert (islim := is_exists_unique islimcone v).
    cbn in islim.
    rewrite <- (pathsinv0inv0 (eq_d1 v)).
    eapply pathsinv0.
    apply transport_source_precompose.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply islim.
    now apply (transportbfinv ( (λ x' : C, C x', c' ) )).
  - intro y.
    apply impred_isaprop.
    intro t.
    apply homset_property.
  - intros y hy.
    apply (path_to_ctr _ _ islimcone).
    intro v; specialize (hy v).
    revert hy.
    intro hy.
    apply (transportf_transpose_right (P:=(λ obj : C, C obj, c' ))).
    apply transport_source_precompose.
    unfold transportb.
    rewrite pathsinv0inv0.
    apply hy.

Definition eq_diag_liftcolimcocone
           {C : category} {g : graph} {d : diagram g C}
           (d' : diagram g C)
           (eq_d : eq_diag d d')
           (cc:ColimCocone d ) : ColimCocone d'
  := make_ColimCocone _ _ _ (eq_diag_iscolimcocone _ eq_d
                                                 (isColimCocone_from_ColimCocone cc)).

Definition eq_diag_liftlimcone
           {C : category} {g : graph} {d : diagram g C}
           (d' : diagram g C)
           (eq_d : eq_diag d d')
           (cc:LimCone d ) : LimCone d'
  := make_LimCone _ _ _ (eq_diag_islimcone _ eq_d
                                         (isLimCone_LimCone cc)).