Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Graphs.Equalizers
Equalizers defined in terms of limits
- Definition of equalizers
- Coincides with the direct definition
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.StandardFiniteSets.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Graphs.Limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Graphs.Colimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Equalizers.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section def_equalizers.
Variable C : category.
Let hs: has_homsets C := homset_property C.
Open Scope stn.
Definition One : two := ● 0.
Definition Two : two := ● 1.
Close Scope stn.
Definition Equalizer_graph : graph.
Show proof.
Definition Equalizer_diagram {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) : diagram Equalizer_graph C.
Show proof.
Definition Equalizer_cone {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
cone (Equalizer_diagram f g) d.
Show proof.
Definition isEqualizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
UU := isLimCone (Equalizer_diagram f g) d (Equalizer_cone f g d h H).
Definition make_isEqualizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
(∏ e (h' : C⟦e, a⟧) (H' : h' · f = h' · g),
iscontr (total2 (fun hk : C⟦e, d⟧ => hk · h = h'))) -> isEqualizer f g d h H.
Show proof.
Definition Equalizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) := LimCone (Equalizer_diagram f g).
Definition make_Equalizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) (isEq : isEqualizer f g d h H) :
Equalizer f g.
Show proof.
Definition Equalizers : UU := ∏ (a b : C) (f g : C⟦a, b⟧), Equalizer f g.
Definition hasEqualizers : UU := ∏ (a b : C) (f g : C⟦a, b⟧), ishinh (Equalizer f g).
Definition EqualizerObject {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} : Equalizer f g -> C := λ H, lim H.
Definition EqualizerArrow {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) :
C⟦lim E, a⟧ := limOut E One.
Definition EqualizerArrowEq {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) :
EqualizerArrow E · f = EqualizerArrow E · g.
Show proof.
Definition EqualizerIn {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) : C⟦e, lim E⟧.
Show proof.
Lemma EqualizerArrowComm {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) : EqualizerIn E e h H · EqualizerArrow E = h.
Show proof.
Lemma EqualizerInUnique {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) (w : C⟦e, lim E⟧) (H' : w · EqualizerArrow E = h) :
w = EqualizerIn E e h H.
Show proof.
Lemma EqualizerInEq
{a b : C}
{f g : C⟦a, b⟧}
(E : Equalizer f g)
(e : C)
(h h' : C⟦e, EqualizerObject E⟧)
(H : h · EqualizerArrow E = h' · EqualizerArrow E)
: h = h'.
Show proof.
Definition isEqualizer_Equalizer {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) :
isEqualizer f g (EqualizerObject E) (EqualizerArrow E) (EqualizerArrowEq E).
Show proof.
Variable C : category.
Let hs: has_homsets C := homset_property C.
Open Scope stn.
Definition One : two := ● 0.
Definition Two : two := ● 1.
Close Scope stn.
Definition Equalizer_graph : graph.
Show proof.
exists two.
use (@two_rec (two -> UU)).
- apply two_rec.
+ apply empty.
+ apply (unit ⨿ unit).
- apply (λ _, empty).
use (@two_rec (two -> UU)).
- apply two_rec.
+ apply empty.
+ apply (unit ⨿ unit).
- apply (λ _, empty).
Definition Equalizer_diagram {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) : diagram Equalizer_graph C.
Show proof.
exists (two_rec a b).
use two_rec_dep.
- use two_rec_dep; simpl.
+ apply fromempty.
+ intro x. induction x.
exact f. exact g.
- intro. apply fromempty.
use two_rec_dep.
- use two_rec_dep; simpl.
+ apply fromempty.
+ intro x. induction x.
exact f. exact g.
- intro. apply fromempty.
Definition Equalizer_cone {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
cone (Equalizer_diagram f g) d.
Show proof.
use make_cone.
- use two_rec_dep.
+ exact h.
+ exact (h · f).
- use two_rec_dep; use two_rec_dep.
+ exact (empty_rect _).
+ intro e. induction e.
* apply idpath.
* apply (! H).
+ exact (empty_rect _).
+ exact (empty_rect _).
- use two_rec_dep.
+ exact h.
+ exact (h · f).
- use two_rec_dep; use two_rec_dep.
+ exact (empty_rect _).
+ intro e. induction e.
* apply idpath.
* apply (! H).
+ exact (empty_rect _).
+ exact (empty_rect _).
Definition isEqualizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
UU := isLimCone (Equalizer_diagram f g) d (Equalizer_cone f g d h H).
Definition make_isEqualizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
(∏ e (h' : C⟦e, a⟧) (H' : h' · f = h' · g),
iscontr (total2 (fun hk : C⟦e, d⟧ => hk · h = h'))) -> isEqualizer f g d h H.
Show proof.
intros H' x cx.
assert (H1 : coneOut cx One · f = coneOut cx One · g).
use (pathscomp0 (coneOutCommutes cx One Two (ii1 tt))).
use (pathscomp0 _ (!(coneOutCommutes cx One Two (ii2 tt)))).
apply idpath.
set (H2 := (H' x (coneOut cx One) H1)).
use tpair.
- use (tpair _ (pr1 (pr1 H2)) _).
use two_rec_dep.
+ apply (pr2 (pr1 H2)).
+ use (pathscomp0 _ (coneOutCommutes cx One Two (ii1 tt))).
change (coneOut (Equalizer_cone f g d h H) (● 1)%stn) with (h · f).
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition, (pr2 (pr1 H2)).
- abstract (intro t; apply subtypePath;
[ intros y; apply impred; intros t0; apply hs
| induction t as [t p]; apply path_to_ctr, (p One)]).
assert (H1 : coneOut cx One · f = coneOut cx One · g).
use (pathscomp0 (coneOutCommutes cx One Two (ii1 tt))).
use (pathscomp0 _ (!(coneOutCommutes cx One Two (ii2 tt)))).
apply idpath.
set (H2 := (H' x (coneOut cx One) H1)).
use tpair.
- use (tpair _ (pr1 (pr1 H2)) _).
use two_rec_dep.
+ apply (pr2 (pr1 H2)).
+ use (pathscomp0 _ (coneOutCommutes cx One Two (ii1 tt))).
change (coneOut (Equalizer_cone f g d h H) (● 1)%stn) with (h · f).
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition, (pr2 (pr1 H2)).
- abstract (intro t; apply subtypePath;
[ intros y; apply impred; intros t0; apply hs
| induction t as [t p]; apply path_to_ctr, (p One)]).
Definition Equalizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) := LimCone (Equalizer_diagram f g).
Definition make_Equalizer {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (d : C) (h : C⟦d, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) (isEq : isEqualizer f g d h H) :
Equalizer f g.
Show proof.
Definition Equalizers : UU := ∏ (a b : C) (f g : C⟦a, b⟧), Equalizer f g.
Definition hasEqualizers : UU := ∏ (a b : C) (f g : C⟦a, b⟧), ishinh (Equalizer f g).
Definition EqualizerObject {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} : Equalizer f g -> C := λ H, lim H.
Definition EqualizerArrow {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) :
C⟦lim E, a⟧ := limOut E One.
Definition EqualizerArrowEq {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) :
EqualizerArrow E · f = EqualizerArrow E · g.
Show proof.
use (pathscomp0 (limOutCommutes E One Two (ii1 tt))).
use (pathscomp0 _ (!(limOutCommutes E One Two (ii2 tt)))).
apply idpath.
use (pathscomp0 _ (!(limOutCommutes E One Two (ii2 tt)))).
apply idpath.
Definition EqualizerIn {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) : C⟦e, lim E⟧.
Show proof.
Lemma EqualizerArrowComm {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) : EqualizerIn E e h H · EqualizerArrow E = h.
Show proof.
Lemma EqualizerInUnique {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧)
(H : h · f = h · g) (w : C⟦e, lim E⟧) (H' : w · EqualizerArrow E = h) :
w = EqualizerIn E e h H.
Show proof.
apply path_to_ctr.
use two_rec_dep.
- apply H'.
- set (X := limOutCommutes E One Two (ii1 tt)).
apply (maponpaths (λ h : _, w · h)) in X.
use (pathscomp0 (!X)); rewrite assoc.
change (dmor _ _) with f.
change (coneOut _ _) with (h · f).
apply cancel_postcomposition, H'.
use two_rec_dep.
- apply H'.
- set (X := limOutCommutes E One Two (ii1 tt)).
apply (maponpaths (λ h : _, w · h)) in X.
use (pathscomp0 (!X)); rewrite assoc.
change (dmor _ _) with f.
change (coneOut _ _) with (h · f).
apply cancel_postcomposition, H'.
Lemma EqualizerInEq
{a b : C}
{f g : C⟦a, b⟧}
(E : Equalizer f g)
(e : C)
(h h' : C⟦e, EqualizerObject E⟧)
(H : h · EqualizerArrow E = h' · EqualizerArrow E)
: h = h'.
Show proof.
refine (EqualizerInUnique E e (h' · EqualizerArrow E) _ h H @ !EqualizerInUnique E e (h' · EqualizerArrow E) _ h' (idpath _)).
do 2 refine (assoc' _ _ _ @ !_).
apply maponpaths.
apply EqualizerArrowEq.
do 2 refine (assoc' _ _ _ @ !_).
apply maponpaths.
apply EqualizerArrowEq.
Definition isEqualizer_Equalizer {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) :
isEqualizer f g (EqualizerObject E) (EqualizerArrow E) (EqualizerArrowEq E).
Show proof.
apply make_isEqualizer.
intros e h H.
use (unique_exists (EqualizerIn E e h H)).
- exact (EqualizerArrowComm E e h H).
- intros y. apply hs.
- intros y t. cbn in t.
use EqualizerInUnique.
exact t.
intros e h H.
use (unique_exists (EqualizerIn E e h H)).
- exact (EqualizerArrowComm E e h H).
- intros y. apply hs.
- intros y t. cbn in t.
use EqualizerInUnique.
exact t.
Definition identity_is_Equalizer_input {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g) :
total2 (fun hk : C⟦lim E, lim E⟧ => hk · EqualizerArrow E = EqualizerArrow E).
Show proof.
Lemma EqualizerEndo_is_identity {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E : Equalizer f g)
(k : C⟦lim E, lim E⟧) (kH : k · EqualizerArrow E = EqualizerArrow E) :
identity (lim E) = k.
Show proof.
apply lim_endo_is_identity.
unfold limOut.
use two_rec_dep; cbn.
+ apply kH.
+ set (X := (coneOutCommutes (limCone E) One Two (ii1 tt))).
use (pathscomp0 (! (maponpaths (λ h' : _, k · h') X))).
use (pathscomp0 _ X).
rewrite assoc; change (dmor _ _) with f.
apply cancel_postcomposition, kH.
unfold limOut.
use two_rec_dep; cbn.
+ apply kH.
+ set (X := (coneOutCommutes (limCone E) One Two (ii1 tt))).
use (pathscomp0 (! (maponpaths (λ h' : _, k · h') X))).
use (pathscomp0 _ X).
rewrite assoc; change (dmor _ _) with f.
apply cancel_postcomposition, kH.
Definition from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E1 E2 : Equalizer f g) :
C⟦lim E1, lim E2⟧.
Show proof.
Lemma are_inverses_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E1 E2 : Equalizer f g) :
is_inverse_in_precat (from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E2 E1)
(from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E1 E2).
Show proof.
split; apply pathsinv0.
- apply EqualizerEndo_is_identity.
rewrite <- assoc.
unfold from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer.
repeat rewrite EqualizerArrowComm.
apply idpath.
- apply EqualizerEndo_is_identity.
rewrite <- assoc.
unfold from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer.
repeat rewrite EqualizerArrowComm.
apply idpath.
- apply EqualizerEndo_is_identity.
rewrite <- assoc.
unfold from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer.
repeat rewrite EqualizerArrowComm.
apply idpath.
- apply EqualizerEndo_is_identity.
rewrite <- assoc.
unfold from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer.
repeat rewrite EqualizerArrowComm.
apply idpath.
Lemma isiso_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E1 E2 : Equalizer f g) :
is_iso (from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E1 E2).
Show proof.
apply (is_iso_qinv _ (from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E2 E1)).
apply are_inverses_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer.
apply are_inverses_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer.
Definition iso_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (E1 E2 : Equalizer f g) :
iso (lim E1) (lim E2) := tpair _ _ (isiso_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E1 E2).
Lemma inv_from_iso_iso_from_Pullback {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a , b⟧} (E1 E2 : Equalizer f g):
inv_from_iso (iso_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E1 E2) = from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E2 E1.
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
apply inv_iso_unique'.
apply (pr1 (are_inverses_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E2 E1)).
apply inv_iso_unique'.
apply (pr1 (are_inverses_from_Equalizer_to_Equalizer E2 E1)).
Lemma Equalizers_from_Lims :
Lims C -> Equalizers.
Show proof.
intros H a b f g. apply H.
End def_equalizers.
Definitions coincide
In this section we show that the definition of equalizer as a limit coincides with the direct definition.Lemma equiv_isEqualizer1 {a b : C} {f g : C⟦a, b⟧} (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
Limits.Equalizers.isEqualizer f g h H -> isEqualizer C f g e h H.
Show proof.
intros X.
set (E := Limits.Equalizers.make_Equalizer f g h H X).
use (make_isEqualizer C).
intros e' h' H'.
use (unique_exists (Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerIn E e' h' H')).
- exact (Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerCommutes E e' h' H').
- intros y. apply hs.
- intros y T. cbn in T.
use (Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerInsEq E).
use (pathscomp0 T).
exact (!(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerCommutes E e' h' H')).
set (E := Limits.Equalizers.make_Equalizer f g h H X).
use (make_isEqualizer C).
intros e' h' H'.
use (unique_exists (Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerIn E e' h' H')).
- exact (Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerCommutes E e' h' H').
- intros y. apply hs.
- intros y T. cbn in T.
use (Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerInsEq E).
use (pathscomp0 T).
exact (!(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerCommutes E e' h' H')).
Lemma equiv_isEqualizer2 {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) (e : C) (h : C⟦e, a⟧) (H : h · f = h · g) :
Limits.Equalizers.isEqualizer f g h H <- isEqualizer C f g e h H.
Show proof.
intros X.
set (E := make_Equalizer C f g e h H X).
intros e' h' H'.
use (unique_exists (EqualizerIn C E e' h' H')).
- exact (EqualizerArrowComm C E e' h' H').
- intros y. apply hs.
- intros y T. cbn in T.
use (EqualizerInUnique C E).
exact T.
set (E := make_Equalizer C f g e h H X).
intros e' h' H'.
use (unique_exists (EqualizerIn C E e' h' H')).
- exact (EqualizerArrowComm C E e' h' H').
- intros y. apply hs.
- intros y T. cbn in T.
use (EqualizerInUnique C E).
exact T.
Definition equiv_Equalizer1 {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) :
Limits.Equalizers.Equalizer f g -> Equalizer C f g.
Show proof.
intros E.
exact (make_Equalizer
C f g _ _ _
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerObject E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerArrow E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerEqAr E)
(Limits.Equalizers.isEqualizer_Equalizer E))).
exact (make_Equalizer
C f g _ _ _
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerObject E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerArrow E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerEqAr E)
(Limits.Equalizers.isEqualizer_Equalizer E))).
Definition equiv_Equalizers1 : @Limits.Equalizers.Equalizers C -> Equalizers C.
Show proof.
intros E' a b f g.
set (E := E' a b f g).
exact (make_Equalizer
C f g _ _ _
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerObject E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerArrow E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerEqAr E)
(Limits.Equalizers.isEqualizer_Equalizer E))).
set (E := E' a b f g).
exact (make_Equalizer
C f g _ _ _
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerObject E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerArrow E)
(Limits.Equalizers.EqualizerEqAr E)
(Limits.Equalizers.isEqualizer_Equalizer E))).
Definition equiv_Equalizer2 {a b : C} (f g : C⟦a, b⟧) :
Limits.Equalizers.Equalizer f g <- Equalizer C f g.
Show proof.
intros E.
exact (@Limits.Equalizers.make_Equalizer
C (EqualizerObject C E) a b f g
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
a b f g (EqualizerObject C E)
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
(isEqualizer_Equalizer C E))).
exact (@Limits.Equalizers.make_Equalizer
C (EqualizerObject C E) a b f g
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
a b f g (EqualizerObject C E)
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
(isEqualizer_Equalizer C E))).
Definition equiv_Equalizers2 : @Limits.Equalizers.Equalizers C <- Equalizers C.
Show proof.
intros E' a b f g.
set (E := E' a b f g).
exact (@Limits.Equalizers.make_Equalizer
C (EqualizerObject C E) a b f g
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
a b f g (EqualizerObject C E)
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
(isEqualizer_Equalizer C E))).
set (E := E' a b f g).
exact (@Limits.Equalizers.make_Equalizer
C (EqualizerObject C E) a b f g
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
a b f g (EqualizerObject C E)
(EqualizerArrow C E)
(EqualizerArrowEq C E)
(isEqualizer_Equalizer C E))).
End equalizers_coincide.