Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Pullbacks

Direct implementation of pullbacks together with:
Definition of pullbacks
Section def_pb.

  Context (C : category).

Definition isPullback {a b c d : C} (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a)
        (p1 : d --> b) (p2 : d --> c) (H : p1 · f = p2 · g) : UU :=
    e (h : e --> b) (k : e --> c) (H : h · f = k · g ),
      ∃! hk : e --> d, (hk · p1 = h) × (hk · p2 = k).

Lemma isaprop_isPullback {a b c d : C} (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a)
        (p1 : d --> b) (p2 : d --> c) (H : p1 · f = p2 · g) :
       isaprop (isPullback f g p1 p2 H).
Show proof.
  repeat (apply impred; intro).
  apply isapropiscontr.

Lemma PullbackArrowUnique {a b c d : C} (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a)
        (p1 : d --> b) (p2 : d --> c) (H : p1 · f = p2 · g)
     (P : isPullback f g p1 p2 H) e (h : e --> b) (k : e --> c)
     (Hcomm : h · f = k · g)
     (w : e --> d)
     (H1 : w · p1 = h) (H2 : w · p2 = k) :
     w = (pr1 (pr1 (P e h k Hcomm))).
Show proof.
  set (T := tpair (fun hk : e --> d => dirprod (hk · p1 = h)(hk · p2 = k))
                    w (make_dirprod H1 H2)).
  set (T' := pr2 (P e h k Hcomm) T).
  exact (base_paths _ _ T').

Definition Pullback {a b c : C} (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a) :=
      pfg : ( p : C, (p --> b) × (p --> c)),
        (H : pr1 (pr2 pfg) · f = pr2 (pr2 pfg) · g),
         isPullback f g (pr1 (pr2 pfg)) (pr2 (pr2 pfg)) H.

Definition Pullbacks : UU :=
   (a b c : C) (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a), Pullback f g.

Definition hasPullbacks : UU :=
   (a b c : C) (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a), ishinh (Pullback f g).

Definition PullbackObject {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}:
   Pullback f g -> C := λ H, pr1 (pr1 H).
Coercion PullbackObject : Pullback >-> ob.

Definition PullbackPr1 {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb : Pullback f g) : Pb --> b := pr1 (pr2 (pr1 Pb)).

Definition PullbackPr2 {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb : Pullback f g) : Pb --> c := pr2 (pr2 (pr1 Pb)).

Definition PullbackSqrCommutes {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb : Pullback f g) :
    PullbackPr1 Pb · f = PullbackPr2 Pb · g .
Show proof.
  exact (pr1 (pr2 Pb)).

Definition isPullback_Pullback {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (P : Pullback f g) :
  isPullback f g (PullbackPr1 P) (PullbackPr2 P) (PullbackSqrCommutes P).
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 (pr2 P)).

Definition PullbackArrow {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb : Pullback f g) e (h : e --> b) (k : e --> c) (H : h · f = k · g) : e --> Pb :=
   pr1 (pr1 (isPullback_Pullback Pb e h k H)).

Lemma PullbackArrowUnique' {a b c : C} (f : Cb,a) (g : Cc,a)
      (P : Pullback f g) e (h : Ce,b) (k : Ce,c)
      (Hcomm : h · f = k · g) (w : Ce,P) (H1 : w · PullbackPr1 P = h) (H2 : w · PullbackPr2 P = k) :
  w = PullbackArrow P e h k Hcomm.
Show proof.
now apply PullbackArrowUnique.

Lemma PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb : Pullback f g) e (h : e --> b) (k : e --> c) (H : h · f = k · g) :
   PullbackArrow Pb e h k H · PullbackPr1 Pb = h.
Show proof.
  exact (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (isPullback_Pullback Pb e h k H)))).

Lemma PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb : Pullback f g) e (h : e --> b) (k : e --> c) (H : h · f = k · g) :
   PullbackArrow Pb e h k H · PullbackPr2 Pb = k.
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (isPullback_Pullback Pb e h k H)))).

Definition make_Pullback {a b c : C} (f : Cb, a) (g : Cc, a)
    (d : C) (p1 : Cd,b) (p2 : C d,c)
    (H : p1 · f = p2 · g)
    (ispb : isPullback f g p1 p2 H)
  : Pullback f g.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + apply d.
    + exists p1.
      exact p2.
  - exists H.
    apply ispb.

Definition make_isPullback {a b c d : C} (f : C b, a) (g : C c, a)
           (p1 : Cd,b) (p2 : Cd,c) (H : p1 · f = p2 · g) :
  ( e (h : C e, b) (k : Ce,c) (Hk : h · f = k · g ),
   ∃! hk : Ce,d, (hk · p1 = h) × (hk · p2 = k))
  isPullback f g p1 p2 H.
Show proof.
  intros H' x cx k sqr.
  apply H'. assumption.

Local Lemma postCompWithPullbackArrow_subproof
 {c d a b x : C} (k0 : Cc,d) {f : Ca,x} {g : Cb,x}
 {h : C d, a } {k : C d, b } (H : h · f = k · g) :
  k0 · h · f = k0 · k · g.
Show proof.
now rewrite <- assoc, H, assoc.

Lemma postCompWithPullbackArrow
 (c d : C) (k0 : Cc,d) {a b x : C} {f : Ca,x} {g : Cb,x}
 (Pb : Pullback f g)
 (h : C d, a ) (k : C d, b ) (H : h · f = k · g) :
   k0 · PullbackArrow Pb d h k H =
   PullbackArrow Pb _ (k0 · h) (k0 · k) (postCompWithPullbackArrow_subproof k0 H).
Show proof.

Lemma MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual {a b c d : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
        {p1 : d --> b} {p2 : d --> c} {H : p1 · f = p2 · g}
        (P : isPullback f g p1 p2 H) {e}
        (w w': e --> d)
        (H1 : w · p1 = w' · p1) (H2 : w · p2 = w' · p2)
     : w = w'.
Show proof.
  assert (Hw : w · p1 · f = w · p2 · g).
  { rewrite <- assoc , H, assoc; apply idpath. }
  assert (Hw' : w' · p1 · f = w' · p2 · g).
  { rewrite <- assoc , H, assoc; apply idpath. }
  set (Pb := make_Pullback _ _ _ _ _ _ P).
  set (Xw := PullbackArrow Pb e (w·p1) (w·p2) Hw).
  intermediate_path Xw; [ apply PullbackArrowUnique; apply idpath |].
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply PullbackArrowUnique. apply pathsinv0. apply H1.
  apply pathsinv0. apply H2.

Definition identity_is_Pullback_input {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a} (Pb : Pullback f g) :
   hk : Pb --> Pb,
   (hk · PullbackPr1 Pb = PullbackPr1 Pb) × (hk · PullbackPr2 Pb = PullbackPr2 Pb).
Show proof.
  exists (identity Pb).
  apply make_dirprod; apply id_left.

Lemma PullbackEndo_is_identity {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb : Pullback f g) (k : Pb --> Pb) (kH1 : k · PullbackPr1 Pb = PullbackPr1 Pb)
                                       (kH2 : k · PullbackPr2 Pb = PullbackPr2 Pb) :
       identity Pb = k.
Show proof.
  set (H1 := tpair ((fun hk : Pb --> Pb => dirprod (hk · _ = _)(hk · _ = _))) k (make_dirprod kH1 kH2)).
  assert (H2 : identity_is_Pullback_input Pb = H1).
  - apply proofirrelevancecontr.
    apply (isPullback_Pullback Pb).
    apply PullbackSqrCommutes.
  - apply (base_paths _ _ H2).

Definition from_Pullback_to_Pullback {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb Pb': Pullback f g) : Pb --> Pb'.
Show proof.
  apply (PullbackArrow Pb' Pb (PullbackPr1 _ ) (PullbackPr2 _)).
  exact (PullbackSqrCommutes _ ).

Lemma are_inverses_from_Pullback_to_Pullback {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb Pb': Pullback f g) :
is_inverse_in_precat (from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb Pb')
  (from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb' Pb).
Show proof.
  split; apply pathsinv0;
  apply PullbackEndo_is_identity;
  rewrite <- assoc;
  unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback;
  repeat rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1;
  repeat rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2;

Lemma isziso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb Pb': Pullback f g) :
      is_z_isomorphism (from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb Pb').
Show proof.

Definition z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback {a b c : C}{f : b --> a} {g : c --> a}
   (Pb Pb': Pullback f g) : z_iso Pb Pb' :=
  _ ,, isziso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb Pb'.

Lemma pullbackiso {A B D:C} {f : A --> D} {g : B --> D}
      (pb : Pullback f g) (pb' : Pullback f g)
  : (t : z_iso (PullbackObject pb) (PullbackObject pb')),
    t · PullbackPr1 pb' = PullbackPr1 pb ×
    t · PullbackPr2 pb' = PullbackPr2 pb.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback.
  - split.
    + use PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.
    + use PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2.

pullback lemma

Section pullback_lemma.

Context (a b c d e x : C)
  (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a) (h : e --> b) (k : e --> c)
  (i : d --> b) (j : x --> e) (m : x --> d)
  (H1 : h · f = k · g) (H2 : m · i = j · h)
  (P1 : isPullback _ _ _ _ H1) (P2 : isPullback _ _ _ _ H2).

Lemma glueSquares : m · (i · f) = (j · k) · g.
Show proof.
  rewrite assoc.
  rewrite H2.
  repeat rewrite <- assoc.
  rewrite H1.
  apply idpath.

Lemma isPullbackGluedSquare : isPullback (i · f) g m (j · k) glueSquares.
Show proof.
  unfold isPullback.
  intros y p q.
  intro Hrt.
  assert (ex : (p · i) · f = q · g).
   { rewrite <- Hrt.
     rewrite assoc; apply idpath.
  set (rt := P1 _ (p · i) q ex).
  set (Ppiq := pr1 (pr1 (rt))).
  assert (owiej : p · i = Ppiq · h).
   { apply pathsinv0. apply (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 rt))). }
  set (rt' := P2 _ p Ppiq owiej).
  set (awe := pr1 (pr1 rt')).
  assert (Hawe1 : awe · m = p).
   { exact (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 rt'))). }
  assert (Hawe2 : awe · (j · k) = q).
   { rewrite assoc.
     set (X := pr2 (pr2 (pr1 rt'))). simpl in X.
           unfold awe. rewrite X.
           exact (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 rt))).
  exists (tpair _ awe (make_dirprod Hawe1 Hawe2)).
  abstract ( intro t;
  apply subtypePath;
    [ intro a0; apply isapropdirprod; apply C
    | destruct t as [t [Ht1 Ht2]];
      apply PullbackArrowUnique;
      [ assumption
      | apply PullbackArrowUnique;
        [ rewrite <- Ht1;
          repeat rewrite <- assoc;
          rewrite H2;
          apply idpath
        | rewrite <- assoc;
          assumption ]

End pullback_lemma.

Definition pullback_glue_pullback {a b c e : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a} {h : e --> b} (pbr : Pullback f g) (pbl : Pullback h (PullbackPr1 pbr)) : Pullback (h · f) g.
Show proof.
  use make_Pullback.
  + exact pbl.
  + exact (PullbackPr1 pbl).
  + exact ((PullbackPr2 pbl) · (PullbackPr2 pbr)).
  + abstract (use glueSquares;
    [ exact (PullbackPr1 pbr) | use (PullbackSqrCommutes pbr) | use PullbackSqrCommutes ]).
  + use (isPullbackGluedSquare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
      (isPullback_Pullback pbr)
      (isPullback_Pullback pbl)).

End def_pb.

Arguments isPullback [_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _] _.
Arguments Pullback [_ _ _ _] _ _.
Arguments PullbackArrow [_ _ _ _ _ _ ] _ _ _ _ _ .
Arguments make_Pullback [_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _] _ _.
Arguments PullbackObject [_ _ _ _ _ _ ] _.
Arguments z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback [_ _ _ _ _ _] _ _.
Arguments from_Pullback_to_Pullback [_ _ _ _ _ _] _ _.
Arguments are_inverses_from_Pullback_to_Pullback [_ _ _ _ _ _] _ _.
Arguments PullbackPr1 [_ _ _ _ _ _] _.
Arguments PullbackPr2 [_ _ _ _ _ _] _.
Arguments isPullback_Pullback [_ _ _ _ _ _] _.
Arguments MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual [_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _] _ _ _ _ .
Arguments PullbackSqrCommutes [_ _ _ _ _ _] _.
Arguments PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 [_ _ _ _ _ _] _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 [_ _ _ _ _ _] _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments PullbackArrowUnique [_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Section Universal_Unique.

  Context (C : category) (H : is_univalent C).

Lemma inv_from_z_iso_z_iso_from_Pullback (a b c : C) (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a)
  (Pb : Pullback f g) (Pb' : Pullback f g):
    inv_from_z_iso (z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb Pb') = from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb' Pb.
Show proof.
  apply idpath.

Lemma isaprop_Pullbacks: isaprop (Pullbacks C).
Show proof.
  apply impred; intro a;
  apply impred; intro b;
  apply impred; intro c;
  apply impred; intro f;
  apply impred; intro g;
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros Pb Pb'.
  apply subtypePath.
  - intro; apply isofhleveltotal2.
    + apply C.
    + intros; apply isaprop_isPullback.
  - apply (total2_paths_f (isotoid _ H (z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback Pb Pb' ))).
    rewrite transportf_dirprod, transportf_isotoid.
    rewrite inv_from_z_iso_z_iso_from_Pullback.
    rewrite transportf_isotoid.
    rewrite inv_from_z_iso_z_iso_from_Pullback.
    destruct Pb as [Cone bla];
    destruct Pb' as [Cone' bla'];
    simpl in *.
    destruct Cone as [p [h k]];
    destruct Cone' as [p' [h' k']];
    simpl in *.
    unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback;
    rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2, PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.
    apply idpath.

End Universal_Unique.

Make the C not implicit for Pullbacks
Arguments Pullbacks : clear implicits.

In this section we prove that the pullback of a monomorphism is a monomorphism.
Section monic_pb.

  Context (C : category).

The pullback of a Monic is isMonic.
  Lemma MonicPullbackisMonic {a b c : C} (M : Monic _ b a) (g : c --> a)
        (PB : Pullback M g) : isMonic (PullbackPr2 PB).
  Show proof.
    apply make_isMonic. intros x g0 h X.
    use (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual (isPullback_Pullback PB) _ _ _ _ X).

    set (X0 := maponpaths (λ f, f · g) X); simpl in X0.
    rewrite <- assoc in X0. rewrite <- assoc in X0.
    rewrite <- (PullbackSqrCommutes PB) in X0.
    rewrite assoc in X0. rewrite assoc in X0.
    apply (pr2 M _ _ _) in X0. apply X0.

Same result for the other morphism.
  Lemma MonicPullbackisMonic' {a b c : C} (f : b --> a) (M : Monic _ c a)
        (PB : Pullback f M) : isMonic (PullbackPr1 PB).
  Show proof.
    apply make_isMonic. intros x g h X.
    use (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual (isPullback_Pullback PB) _ _ _ X).

    set (X0 := maponpaths (λ f', f' · f) X); simpl in X0.
    rewrite <- assoc in X0. rewrite <- assoc in X0.
    rewrite (PullbackSqrCommutes PB) in X0.
    rewrite assoc in X0. rewrite assoc in X0.
    apply (pr2 M _ _ _) in X0. apply X0.

End monic_pb.

Arguments glueSquares {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } _ _ .
Arguments isPullbackGluedSquare [_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _] _ _ [_ _ _] _.

Criteria for existence of pullbacks.

Section pb_criteria.

  Context (C : category).

  Lemma Pullback_from_Equalizer_BinProduct_eq (X Y Z : C)
             (f : X --> Z) (g : Y --> Z) (BinProd : BinProduct C X Y)
             (Eq : Equalizer ((BinProductPr1 C BinProd) · f)
                             ((BinProductPr2 C BinProd) · g)) :
    EqualizerArrow Eq · (BinProductPr1 C BinProd) · f
    = EqualizerArrow Eq · (BinProductPr2 C BinProd) · g.
  Show proof.
    repeat rewrite <- assoc. apply EqualizerEqAr.

  Definition Pullback_from_Equalizer_BinProduct_isPullback (X Y Z : C)
             (f : X --> Z) (g : Y --> Z) (BinProd : BinProduct C X Y)
             (Eq : Equalizer ((BinProductPr1 C BinProd) · f)
                             ((BinProductPr2 C BinProd) · g)) :
                  X Y Z f g BinProd Eq).
  Show proof.
    use make_isPullback.
    intros e h k Hk.
    set (com1 := BinProductPr1Commutes C _ _ BinProd _ h k).
    set (com2 := BinProductPr2Commutes C _ _ BinProd _ h k).
    apply (maponpaths (λ l : _, l · f)) in com1.
    apply (maponpaths (λ l : _, l · g)) in com2.
    rewrite <- com1 in Hk. rewrite <- com2 in Hk.
    repeat rewrite <- assoc in Hk.
    apply (unique_exists (EqualizerIn Eq _ _ Hk)).

    rewrite assoc. rewrite (EqualizerCommutes Eq e _).
    exact (BinProductPr1Commutes C _ _ BinProd _ h k).
    rewrite assoc. rewrite (EqualizerCommutes Eq e _).
    exact (BinProductPr2Commutes C _ _ BinProd _ h k).

    intros y. apply isapropdirprod; apply C.

    intros y H. induction H as [t p]. apply EqualizerInsEq. apply BinProductArrowsEq.
    rewrite assoc in t. rewrite t.
    rewrite (EqualizerCommutes Eq e _). apply pathsinv0.
    exact (BinProductPr1Commutes C _ _ BinProd _ h k).
    rewrite assoc in p. rewrite p.
    rewrite (EqualizerCommutes Eq e _). apply pathsinv0.
    exact (BinProductPr2Commutes C _ _ BinProd _ h k).

  Definition Pullback_from_Equalizer_BinProduct (X Y Z : C)
             (f : X --> Z) (g : Y --> Z) (BinProd : BinProduct C X Y)
             (Eq : Equalizer ((BinProductPr1 C BinProd) · f)
                             ((BinProductPr2 C BinProd) · g)) :
    Pullback f g.
  Show proof.
    use (@make_Pullback _ _ _ _ f g Eq (EqualizerArrow Eq · (BinProductPr1 C BinProd))
                     (EqualizerArrow Eq · (BinProductPr2 C BinProd))).
    apply Pullback_from_Equalizer_BinProduct_eq.
    apply Pullback_from_Equalizer_BinProduct_isPullback.

  Definition Pullbacks_from_Equalizers_BinProducts (BinProds : BinProducts C)
             (Eqs : Equalizers C) : Pullbacks C.
  Show proof.
    intros Z X Y f g.
    use (Pullback_from_Equalizer_BinProduct X Y Z f g).
    apply BinProds.
    apply Eqs.

End pb_criteria.

Section lemmas_on_pullbacks.

setup for this section
          d --------> c
          |           |
       h  |     H     | g
          v           v
          b --------> a

Context {C : category}
  {a b c d : C}
  {f : C b, a} {g : C c, a} {h : Cd, b} {k : Cd,c}
  (H : h · f = k · g).

Pullback is symmetric, i.e., we can rotate a pb square

Lemma is_symmetric_isPullback
  : isPullback H -> isPullback (!H).
Show proof.
  intro isPb.
  use make_isPullback.
  intros e x y Hxy.
  set (Pb := make_Pullback _ isPb).
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + use (PullbackArrow Pb).
      * assumption.
      * assumption.
      * abstract (apply (!Hxy)).
    + abstract (split;
                [apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pb) |
                  apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pb)]).
  - abstract (intro t; apply subtypePath;
              [intro; apply isapropdirprod; apply C
              | destruct t as [t Ht];
                cbn; apply PullbackArrowUnique;
                [apply (pr2 Ht) | apply (pr1 Ht)]]).

Pulling back a section

Definition pb_of_section (isPb : isPullback H)
  (s : Ca,c) (K : s · g = identity _ )
  : s' : Cb, d, s' · h = identity _ .
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use (PullbackArrow (make_Pullback _ isPb) b (identity _ )
                  (f · s)).
    abstract (rewrite id_left, <- assoc, K, id_right; apply idpath).
  - abstract (cbn; apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (make_Pullback H isPb))).

Diagonal morphisms are equivalent to sections

Definition section_from_diagonal (isPb : isPullback H)
  : ( x : Cb, c, x · g = f)
     s' : Cb, d, s' · h = identity _ .
Show proof.
  intro X.
  use tpair.
  - use (PullbackArrow (make_Pullback _ isPb) _ (identity _ ) (pr1 X)).
    abstract (rewrite id_left ; apply (! (pr2 X))).
  - abstract (apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (make_Pullback H isPb))).

Definition diagonal_from_section (isPb : isPullback H)
  : ( x : Cb, c, x · g = f)
     s' : Cb, d, s' · h = identity _ .
Show proof.
  intro X.
  exists (pr1 X · k).
  abstract (rewrite <- assoc, <- H, assoc, (pr2 X); apply id_left).

Definition weq_section_from_diagonal (isPb : isPullback H)
  : ( x : Cb, c, x · g = f)
     s' : Cb, d, s' · h = identity _ .
Show proof.
  exists (section_from_diagonal isPb).
  apply (isweq_iso _ (diagonal_from_section isPb )).
  - abstract (intro x; apply subtypePath; [intro; apply C |];
              apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (make_Pullback H isPb) )).
  - abstract (intro y; apply subtypePath; [intro; apply C |];
              destruct y as [y t2];
              apply pathsinv0, PullbackArrowUnique; [
                apply t2 |
                apply idpath] ).

Diagram for next lemma
              i'           k
         d' -------> d --------> c
         |           |           |
       h'|           |h          | g
         v           v           v
         b'--------> b --------> a
              i            f

Lemma isPullback_two_pullback
     (b' d' : C) (h' : Cd', b')
     (i : Cb', b) (i' : Cd', d)
     (Hinner : h · f = k · g)
     (Hinnerpb : isPullback Hinner)
     (Hleft : h' · i = i' · h)
     (Houterpb : isPullback (glueSquares Hinner Hleft ))
     : isPullback Hleft.
Show proof.
  apply make_isPullback.
  intros e x y Hxy.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    use (PullbackArrow (make_Pullback _ Houterpb)).
    + apply x.
    + apply (y · k).
    + abstract (rewrite assoc; rewrite Hxy;
                repeat rewrite <- assoc; rewrite Hinner; apply idpath).
    + abstract (
      split ;
      apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (make_Pullback _ Houterpb))
      apply (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual Hinnerpb);
      [rewrite <- assoc;
        match goal with |[ |- ?KK · ( _ · _ ) = _ ] => intermediate_path (KK · (h' · i)) end;
        [ apply maponpaths; apply (!Hleft) |
          rewrite assoc;
          assert (T:= PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (make_Pullback _ Houterpb));
          cbn in T; rewrite T;
          apply Hxy ]
        | idtac ] ;
      assert (T:= PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (make_Pullback _ Houterpb));
      cbn in T; rewrite <- assoc, T; apply idpath
  - abstract (
    intro t; apply subtypePath;
              [ intro; apply isapropdirprod; apply C
              simpl; apply PullbackArrowUnique; [
                apply (pr1 (pr2 t))
                cbn; rewrite assoc; rewrite (pr2 (pr2 t)); apply idpath ]]

A square isomorphic to a pullback is a pullback (case 1)

Section pullback_iso.

Diagram for next lemma
              i'           k
         d' -------> d --------> c
         |           |           |
       h'|           |h          | g
         v           v           v
         b'--------> b --------> a
              i            f

Lemma isPullback_z_iso_of_morphisms (b' d' : C) (h' : Cd', b')
     (i : Cb', b) (i' : Cd', d)
     (xi : is_z_isomorphism i) (xi' : is_z_isomorphism i')
     (Hi : h' · i = i' · h)
     (H' : h' · (i · f) = (i' · k) · g)
   : isPullback H ->
     isPullback H'.
Show proof.
  intro isPb.
  use make_isPullback.
  intros e x y Hxy.
  set (Pb:= make_Pullback _ isPb).
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + use ( PullbackArrow Pb _ _ _ _ · _ ).
      * apply (x · i).
      * apply y.
      * abstract (rewrite <- assoc; apply Hxy).
      * apply (inv_from_z_iso (make_z_iso' i' xi')).
    + cbn. split.
      * assert (X:= PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pb e (x · i) y ).
        cbn in X.
        match goal with
          |[ |- ?AA · _ · _ = _ ] =>
           intermediate_path (AA · h · inv_from_z_iso (make_z_iso' i xi)) end.
        - repeat rewrite <- assoc. apply maponpaths.
          apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
          rewrite assoc.
          apply z_iso_inv_on_left.
          apply pathsinv0, Hi.
        - rewrite X.
          apply pathsinv0.
          apply z_iso_inv_on_left. apply idpath.
      * assert (X:= PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pb e (x · i) y ).
        cbn in X.
        repeat rewrite assoc.
        match goal with |[|- ?AA · _ · _ · ?K = _ ]
                         => intermediate_path (AA · K) end.
        - apply cancel_postcomposition.
          repeat rewrite <- assoc.
          rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
          apply id_right.
        - apply X.
  - cbn. intro t.
    apply subtypePath.
    + intro. apply isapropdirprod; apply C.
    + cbn.
      destruct t as [t Ht]; cbn in *.
      apply z_iso_inv_on_left.
      apply pathsinv0 , PullbackArrowUnique; cbn in *.
      * rewrite <- assoc. rewrite <- Hi.
        rewrite assoc. rewrite (pr1 Ht). apply idpath.
      * rewrite <- assoc. apply (pr2 Ht).

End pullback_iso.

End lemmas_on_pullbacks.

Definition switchPullback {C:category} {A B D:C} {f : A --> D} {g : B --> D} (pb : Pullback f g) : Pullback g f.
Show proof.
  induction pb as [[P [r s]] [e ip]]; simpl in e.
  use (make_Pullback (!e) (is_symmetric_isPullback _ ip)).

In this section we prove that the pullback of a z_iso is a z_iso.
Section pb_of_ziso.

Lemma Pullback_of_z_iso {C:category} {a b c : C} {f : C b, a} {g : C c, a} (gis : is_z_isomorphism g) (pb : Pullback f g) : is_z_isomorphism (PullbackPr1 pb).
Show proof.
  use make_is_z_isomorphism.
  + use PullbackArrow.
    - exact (identity b).
    - exact (f · (is_z_isomorphism_mor gis)).
    - now rewrite
  + use make_is_inverse_in_precat.
    - use pathsinv0.
      use PullbackEndo_is_identity.
      * now rewrite
          (assoc' (PullbackPr1 pb)),
      * now rewrite
          (assoc' (PullbackPr1 pb)),
    - use PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.

Lemma Pullback_of_z_iso' {C:category} {a b c : C} {f : C b, a} {g : C c, a} (fis : is_z_isomorphism f) (pb : Pullback f g) : is_z_isomorphism (PullbackPr2 pb).
Show proof.
  use (Pullback_of_z_iso _ (switchPullback pb)).
  exact fis.

End pb_of_ziso.

Definition Pullback_z_iso_of_morphisms {C:category} {a b c : C} {f : b --> a} {g : c --> a} (pb : Pullback f g)
  {b' pb' : C}
  (i : Cb', b) (i' : Cpb', pb) (h : Cpb', b')
  (xi : is_z_isomorphism i) (xi' : is_z_isomorphism i')
  (Hi : h · i = i' · (PullbackPr1 pb))
  : Pullback (i · f) g.
Show proof.
  assert (H' : h · (i · f) = i' · PullbackPr2 pb · g). {
    rewrite assoc, Hi, !assoc'.
    use cancel_precomposition.
    use PullbackSqrCommutes.
  use (make_Pullback (p1:=h) (p2:=(i' · (PullbackPr2 pb))) H').
  use (isPullback_z_iso_of_morphisms (PullbackSqrCommutes pb)).
  - exact xi.
  - exact xi'.
  - exact Hi.
  - use isPullback_Pullback.

A fully faithful functor reflects limits

Section functor_on_square.

Context (C D : category) (F : functor C D).

Section isPullback_if_functor_on_square_is.

  Context (Fff : fully_faithful F)
    {a b c d : C}
    {f : C b, a} {g : C c, a} {h : Cd, b} {k : Cd,c}
    (H : h · f = k · g).

Definition functor_on_square : #F h · #F f = #F k · #F g.
Show proof.
  eapply pathscomp0; [ | apply functor_comp].
  eapply pathscomp0; [ | apply maponpaths ; apply H].
  apply (! functor_comp _ _ _ ).

Context (X : isPullback functor_on_square).

Lemma isPullback_preimage_square : isPullback H.
Show proof.
  use make_isPullback.
  intros e x y Hxy.
  set (T := maponpaths (#F) Hxy).
  set (T' := !functor_comp _ _ _
                 functor_comp _ _ _ ).
  set (TH := X _ _ _ T').
  set (FxFy := pr1 (pr1 TH)).
  set (HFxFy := pr2 (pr1 TH)). simpl in HFxFy.
  set (xy := fully_faithful_inv_hom Fff _ _ FxFy).
  use tpair.
  - exists xy.
    set (t := pr1 HFxFy).
    set (p := pr2 HFxFy).
    + use (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq _ (Fff _ _ ))).
      rewrite functor_comp.
      assert (XX:=homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (Fff e d ))). simpl in XX.
      unfold xy.
      eapply pathscomp0.
      eapply cancel_postcomposition.
      assert (XXX := XX FxFy).
      apply XX. exact t.
    + use (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq _ (Fff _ _ ))).
      rewrite functor_comp.
      assert (XX:=homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (Fff e d ))). simpl in XX.
      unfold xy.
      eapply pathscomp0.
      eapply cancel_postcomposition.
      assert (XXX := XX FxFy).
      apply XX. exact p.
  - simpl.
    intro t.
    apply subtypePath.
    + intro kkkk. apply isapropdirprod; apply C.
    + simpl.
      use (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq _ (Fff _ _ ))).
      unfold xy.
      assert (XX:=homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (Fff e d ))). simpl in XX.
      apply pathsinv0.
      eapply pathscomp0.
      apply XX.
      apply pathsinv0.
      apply path_to_ctr.
      destruct (pr2 t) as [H1 H2].
      * assert (X1:= maponpaths (#F) H1).
        eapply pathscomp0. apply (!functor_comp _ _ _ ).
        apply X1.
      * assert (X2:= maponpaths (#F) H2).
        eapply pathscomp0. apply (!functor_comp _ _ _).
        apply X2.

End isPullback_if_functor_on_square_is.

A fully faithful and essentially surjective functor preserves pullbacks

Section ff_es_functor_preserves_pb.

  Context (Fff : fully_faithful F) (Fes : essentially_surjective F).

Let FF a b := (weq_from_fully_faithful Fff a b).

Context {a b c d : C}
  {f : C b, a} {g : C c, a} {h : Cd, b} {k : Cd,c}
  (H : h · f = k · g)
  (X : isPullback H).

Lemma isPullback_image_square
  : isPullback (functor_on_square H).
Show proof.
  intros e x y Hxy.
  apply (squash_to_prop (Fes e)).
  apply isapropiscontr.
  intros [e' i].
  set (e'c := invmap (FF _ _ ) (i ·y)).
  set (e'b := invmap (FF _ _ ) (i ·x)).
  set (Pb := make_Pullback _ X).
  assert (XX : e'b · f = e'c · g).
  { apply (invmaponpathsweq (FF _ _ )).
    cbn. unfold e'b. unfold e'c.
    repeat rewrite functor_comp.
    set (T:=homotweqinvweq (FF e' b)). cbn in T.
    rewrite T; clear T.
    set (T:=homotweqinvweq (FF e' c)). cbn in T.
    rewrite T; clear T.
    repeat rewrite <- assoc. rewrite Hxy. apply idpath.

  set (umor := PullbackArrow Pb _ e'b e'c XX).
  set (umorPr1 := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pb _ _ _ XX).
  set (umorPr2 := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pb _ _ _ XX).
  cbn in *.
  use tpair.
  - exists (inv_from_z_iso i · #F umor ).
    + rewrite <- assoc. apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
      rewrite <- functor_comp.
      apply (invmaponpathsweq (invweq (FF _ _ ))).
      set (TX:= homotinvweqweq (FF e' b)). cbn in TX.
      rewrite TX; clear TX.
      unfold umor; rewrite umorPr1. apply idpath.
    + rewrite <- assoc. apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
      rewrite <- functor_comp.
      apply (invmaponpathsweq (invweq (FF _ _ ))).
      set (TX:= homotinvweqweq (FF e' c)). cbn in TX.
      rewrite TX; clear TX.
      unfold umor; rewrite umorPr2. apply idpath.
  - cbn. intro t. apply subtypePath ; [
        intro; apply isapropdirprod; apply D | cbn ].
    destruct t as [t [Htx Hty]]; cbn.
    apply (pre_comp_with_z_iso_is_inj i).
    rewrite assoc. rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
    rewrite id_left.
    apply (invmaponpathsweq (invweq (FF _ _ ))).
    set (TX:= homotinvweqweq (FF e' d)). cbn in TX.
    rewrite TX; clear TX.
    apply PullbackArrowUnique.
    + apply (invmaponpathsweq (FF _ _ )).
      set (TX:= homotweqinvweq (FF e' d)). cbn in *.
      rewrite functor_comp, TX; clear TX.
      rewrite <- assoc. rewrite Htx.
      unfold e'b.
      set (TX:= homotweqinvweq (FF e' b)). cbn in *.
      rewrite TX. apply idpath.
    + apply (invmaponpathsweq (FF _ _ )).
      set (TX:= homotweqinvweq (FF e' d)). cbn in *.
      rewrite functor_comp, TX; clear TX.
      rewrite <- assoc. rewrite Hty.
      unfold e'c.
      set (TX:= homotweqinvweq (FF e' c)). cbn in *.
      rewrite TX. apply idpath.

End ff_es_functor_preserves_pb.

Definition maps_pb_square_to_pb_square
  {a b c d : C}
  {f : C b, a} {g : C c, a} {h : Cd, b} {k : Cd,c}
  (H : h · f = k · g)
  : UU :=
  isPullback H -> isPullback (functor_on_square H).

Definition maps_pb_squares_to_pb_squares :=
    (a b c d : C)
     (f : C b, a) (g : C c, a) (h : Cd, b) (k : Cd,c)
     (H : h · f = k · g),
     maps_pb_square_to_pb_square H.

End functor_on_square.

Pullbacks in functor categories

Diagram for this section:
    J -------> H
    |          |
  c |          | b
    v          v
    G -------> F

Context {C D : category}.

Let CD := [C, D].

Context {F G H J : CD}
  {a : CD G, F} {b : CD H, F} {c : CDJ,G} {d : CDJ, H}
  (Hcomm : c · a = d · b).

Arguments make_Pullback {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } _ .

Let Hcommx x := nat_trans_eq_pointwise Hcomm x.

Local Definition g (T : x, isPullback (Hcommx x))
  (E : CD) (h : CD E, G ) (k : CD E, H )
  (Hhk : h · a = k · b) : x, D pr1 E x, pr1 J x .
Show proof.
intro x; apply (PullbackArrow (make_Pullback (T x)) _ (pr1 h x) (pr1 k x)).
abstract (apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise Hhk)).

Local Lemma is_nat_trans_g (T : x, isPullback (Hcommx x))
  E (h : CD E, G ) (k : CD E, H )
  (Hhk : h · a = k · b) : is_nat_trans _ _ (λ x : C, g T E h k Hhk x).
Show proof.
intros x y f; unfold g.
apply (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual (T y)).
+ rewrite <- !assoc, (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (make_Pullback (T y))).
  rewrite (nat_trans_ax c), assoc.
  now rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (make_Pullback (T x))), (nat_trans_ax h).
+ rewrite <- !assoc,(PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (make_Pullback (T y))).
  rewrite (nat_trans_ax d), assoc.
  now rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (make_Pullback (T x))), (nat_trans_ax k).

Lemma pb_if_pointwise_pb : ( x, isPullback (Hcommx x)) ->
  isPullback Hcomm.
Show proof.
intro T.
use make_isPullback; intros E h k Hhk.
use unique_exists.
- use tpair.
  + intro x; apply (g T E h k Hhk).
  + apply is_nat_trans_g.
- abstract (split; apply (nat_trans_eq D); intro x;
           [ apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 (make_Pullback (T x)))
           | apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 (make_Pullback (T x))) ]).
- abstract (intro; apply isapropdirprod; apply functor_category_has_homsets).
- abstract (intros t [h1 h2]; destruct h as [h Hh];
            apply (nat_trans_eq D); intro x; apply PullbackArrowUnique;
            [ apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise h1) | apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise h2) ]).

End pullbacks_pointwise.

Construction of binary products from pullbacks

Section binproduct_from_pullback.

Context {C : category} (Pb : Pullbacks C) (T : Terminal C).

Definition UnivProductFromPullback (c d a : C) (f : a --> c) (g : a --> d):
   fg : a --> Pb T c d (TerminalArrow T c) (TerminalArrow T d),
      (fg · PullbackPr1 (Pb T c d (TerminalArrow T c) (TerminalArrow T d)) = f)
    × (fg · PullbackPr2 (Pb T c d (TerminalArrow T c) (TerminalArrow T d)) = g).
Show proof.
  unfold Pullbacks in Pb.
  exists (PullbackArrow (Pb _ _ _ (TerminalArrow _ c)(TerminalArrow _ d)) _ f g
       (TerminalArrowEq _ _)).
  apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.
  apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2.

Lemma isBinProduct_Pullback (c d : C):
   isBinProduct C c d
            (PullbackObject (Pb _ _ _ (TerminalArrow T c) (TerminalArrow T d)))
   (PullbackPr1 _ ) (PullbackPr2 _ ).
Show proof.
  intros a f g.
  exists (UnivProductFromPullback c d a f g).
  intro t.
  abstract (apply proofirrelevancecontr,

Definition BinProduct_Pullback (c d : C) : BinProduct _ c d.
Show proof.
  (tpair _ (PullbackObject (Pb _ _ _ (TerminalArrow T c) (TerminalArrow T d)))
               (make_dirprod (PullbackPr1 _) (PullbackPr2 _))).
 exact (isBinProduct_Pullback c d).

Definition BinProductsFromPullbacks : BinProducts C := BinProduct_Pullback.

End binproduct_from_pullback.

Pullbacks in functor_precategory

We construct pullbacks in the functor category D, C from pullbacks of C.
Section pullbacks_functor_category.

  Context (D C : category) (hpb : @Pullbacks C).

  Local Lemma FunctorcategoryPullbacks_eq (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) (a b : D) (f : D a, b) :
    PullbackPr1 (hpb _ _ _ (α a) (β a)) · # G f · α b =
    PullbackPr2 (hpb _ _ _ (α a) (β a)) · # H f · β b.
  Show proof.
    set (pba := hpb _ _ _ (α a) (β a)).
    repeat rewrite <- assoc.
    rewrite (nat_trans_ax α a b f).
    rewrite (nat_trans_ax β a b f).
    repeat rewrite assoc.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    exact (PullbackSqrCommutes pba).

  Local Lemma FunctorcategoryPullbacks_isfunctor (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) :
         (λ d : D, hpb (F d) (G d) (H d) (α d) (β d))
         (λ (a b : D) (f : D a, b ),
            (hpb (F b) (G b) (H b) (α b) (β b))
            (hpb (F a) (G a) (H a) (α a) (β a))
            (PullbackPr1 (hpb (F a) (G a) (H a) (α a) (β a)) · # G f)
            (PullbackPr2 (hpb (F a) (G a) (H a) (α a) (β a)) · # H f)
            (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_eq F G H α β a b f))).
  Show proof.
    - intros x. apply pathsinv0. cbn.
      eapply PullbackArrowUnique.
      + rewrite functor_id. rewrite id_left. rewrite id_right. apply idpath.
      + rewrite functor_id. rewrite id_left. rewrite id_right. apply idpath.
    - intros x y z f g.
      set (px := hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x)).
      set (py := hpb (F y) (G y) (H y) (α y) (β y)).
      set (pz := hpb (F z) (G z) (H z) (α z) (β z)).
      set (pz1 := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 pz py (PullbackPr1 py · # G g)
                                            (PullbackPr2 py · # H g)
                                               F G H α β y z g)).
      set (pz2 := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 pz py (PullbackPr1 py · # G g)
                                            (PullbackPr2 py · # H g)
                                               F G H α β y z g)).
      set (py1 := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 py px (PullbackPr1 px · # G f)
                                            (PullbackPr2 px · # H f)
                                             F G H α β x y f)).
      set (py2 := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 py px (PullbackPr1 px · # G f)
                                            (PullbackPr2 px · # H f)
                                               F G H α β x y f)).
      apply pathsinv0. cbn. fold px. fold py. fold pz.
      eapply PullbackArrowUnique.
      + rewrite functor_comp. rewrite assoc.
        rewrite <- assoc. rewrite pz1. rewrite assoc.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        apply py1.

      + rewrite functor_comp. rewrite assoc.
        rewrite <- assoc. rewrite pz2. rewrite assoc.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        apply py2.

  Local Definition FunctorcategoryPullbacks_functor (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) : functor D C.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor.
    - use make_functor_data.
      + intros d.
        exact (PullbackObject (hpb _ _ _ (α d) (β d))).
      + intros a b f.
        use (PullbackArrow (hpb _ _ _ (α b) (β b)) _
                           (PullbackPr1 (hpb _ _ _ (α a) (β a)) · (# G f))
                           (PullbackPr2 (hpb _ _ _ (α a) (β a)) · (# H f))
                           (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_eq F G H α β a b f)).
    - exact (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_isfunctor F G H α β).

  Local Lemma FunctorcategoryPullbacks_is_nat_trans1 (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) :
    is_nat_trans (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_functor F G H α β) G
                 (λ x : D, PullbackPr1 (hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x))).
  Show proof.
    intros x x' f. cbn.
    set (px := hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x)).
    set (px' := hpb (F x') (G x') (H x') (α x') (β x')).
    apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 px' px (PullbackPr1 px · # G f)
                                     (PullbackPr2 px · # H f)
                                        F G H α β x x' f)).

  Local Definition FunctorcategoryPullbacks_nat_trans1 (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) : nat_trans (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_functor F G H α β) G.
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - intros x. exact (PullbackPr1 (hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x))).
    - exact (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_is_nat_trans1 F G H α β).

  Local Lemma FunctorcategoryPullbacks_is_nat_trans2 (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) :
    is_nat_trans (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_functor F G H α β) H
                 (λ x : D, PullbackPr2 (hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x))).
  Show proof.
    intros x x' f. cbn.
    set (px := hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x)).
    set (px' := hpb (F x') (G x') (H x') (α x') (β x')).
    apply (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 px' px (PullbackPr1 px · # G f)
                                     (PullbackPr2 px · # H f)
                                        F G H α β x x' f)).

  Local Definition FunctorcategoryPullbacks_nat_trans2 (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) : nat_trans (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_functor F G H α β) H.
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - intros x. exact (PullbackPr2 (hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x))).
    - exact (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_is_nat_trans2 F G H α β).

  Local Lemma FunctorcategoryPullbacks_comm (F G H : functor D C) (α : nat_trans G F)
        (β : nat_trans H F) :
    nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_nat_trans1 F G H α β) α =
    nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_nat_trans2 F G H α β) β.
  Show proof.
    use nat_trans_eq_alt. intros x.
    apply (PullbackSqrCommutes (hpb (F x) (G x) (H x) (α x) (β x))).

  Definition FunctorcategoryPullbacks : @Pullbacks (functor_category D C).
  Show proof.
    intros F G H α β.
    use make_Pullback.
    - exact (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_functor F G H α β).
    - exact (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_nat_trans1 F G H α β).
    - exact (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_nat_trans2 F G H α β).
    - exact (FunctorcategoryPullbacks_comm F G H α β).
    - apply pb_if_pointwise_pb. intros x. apply isPullback_Pullback.

End pullbacks_functor_category.

Section pullback_up_to_iso.

  Context {C : category}.

  Local Lemma isPullback_up_to_z_iso_eq {a' a b c d : C} (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a)
        (p1 : d --> b) (p2 : d --> c) (H : p1 · f = p2 · g) (i : z_iso a a') :
    p1 · (f · i) = p2 · (g · i).
  Show proof.
    rewrite assoc. rewrite assoc. rewrite H. apply idpath.

  Lemma isPullback_up_to_z_iso {a' a b c d : C} (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a)
        (p1 : d --> b) (p2 : d --> c) (H : p1 · f = p2 · g) (i : z_iso a a')
        (iPb : isPullback (isPullback_up_to_z_iso_eq f g p1 p2 H i)) :
    isPullback H.
  Show proof.
    set (Pb := make_Pullback _ iPb).
    use make_isPullback.
    intros e h k Hk.
    use unique_exists.
    - use (PullbackArrow Pb).
      + exact h.
      + exact k.
      + use isPullback_up_to_z_iso_eq. exact Hk.
    - split.
      + exact (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pb e h k (isPullback_up_to_z_iso_eq f g h k Hk i)).
      + exact (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pb e h k (isPullback_up_to_z_iso_eq f g h k Hk i)).
    - intros y. apply isapropdirprod; apply C.
    - intros y X. cbn in X.
      eapply PullbackArrowUnique.
      + exact (dirprod_pr1 X).
      + exact (dirprod_pr2 X).

End pullback_up_to_iso.

Section pullback_paths.

  Context {C : category}.

  Lemma isPullback_mor_paths {a b c d : C} {f1 f2 : b --> a} {g1 g2 : c --> a} {p11 p21 : d --> b}
        {p12 p22 : d --> c} (e1 : f1 = f2) (e2 : g1 = g2) (e3 : p11 = p21) (e4 : p12 = p22)
        (H1 : p11 · f1 = p12 · g1) (H2 : p21 · f2 = p22 · g2)
        (iPb : isPullback H1) : isPullback H2.
  Show proof.
    induction e1, e2, e3, e4.
    assert (e5 : H1 = H2) by apply C.
    induction e5.
    exact iPb.

  Lemma isPullback_mor_paths' {a b c d : C} {f1 f2 : b --> a} {g1 g2 : c --> a} {p11 p21 : d --> b}
    {p12 p22 : d --> c} (e1 : f1 = f2) (e2 : g1 = g2) (e3 : p11 = p21) (e4 : p12 = p22)
    (H1 : p11 · f1 = p12 · g1)
    (iPb : isPullback H1)
    : (H2 : p21 · f2 = p22 · g2), isPullback H2.
  Show proof.
    induction e1, e2, e3, e4.
    use tpair.
    + exact H1.
    + exact iPb.

  Definition Pullback_mor_paths {a b c : C} {f1 f2 : b --> a} {g1 g2 : c --> a} (e1 : f1 = f2) (e2 : g1 = g2) (pb : Pullback f1 g1) : Pullback f2 g2.
  Show proof.
    use make_Pullback.
    + exact pb.
    + exact (PullbackPr1 pb).
    + exact (PullbackPr2 pb).
    + abstract (rewrite <-e1, <-e2; use PullbackSqrCommutes).
    + use (isPullback_mor_paths e1 e2 (idpath _) (idpath _)).
      - apply PullbackSqrCommutes.
      - apply isPullback_Pullback.

End pullback_paths.

Lemma induced_precategory_reflects_pullbacks {M : category} {X:Type} (j : X -> ob M)
      {a b c d : induced_category M j}
      (f : b --> a) (g : c --> a) (p1 : d --> b) (p2 : d --> c)
      (H : p1 · f = p2 · g) :
  @isPullback _ _ _ _ _
             (# (induced_precategory_incl j) f)
             (# (induced_precategory_incl j) g)
             (# (induced_precategory_incl j) p1)
             (# (induced_precategory_incl j) p2) H ->
  isPullback H.
Show proof.
  exact (λ pb T, pb (j T)).

The type of pullbacks on a given diagram is a proposition
Definition eq_Pullback
           {C : category}
           {x y z : C}
           {f : x --> z}
           {g : y --> z}
           (p₁ p₂ : Pullback f g)
           (e₁ : PullbackObject p₁ = PullbackObject p₂)
           (e₂ : idtoiso e₁ · PullbackPr1 p₂
                 PullbackPr1 p₁)
           (e₃ : idtoiso e₁ · PullbackPr2 p₂
                 PullbackPr2 p₁)
  : p₁ = p₂.
Show proof.
  use subtypePath.
    use isaproptotal2.
      apply isaprop_isPullback.
    apply homset_property.
  induction p₁ as [ [ p₁ [ h₁ k₁ ]] ? ].
  induction p₂ as [ [ p₂ [ h₂ k₂ ]] ? ].
  cbn in *.
  induction e₁.
  cbn in *.
  rewrite !id_left in *.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply pathsdirprod.
  - exact (!e₂).
  - exact (!e₃).

Definition isaprop_Pullback
           {C : category}
           (HC : is_univalent C)
           {x y z : C}
           (f : x --> z)
           (g : y --> z)
  : isaprop (Pullback f g).
Show proof.
  use invproofirrelevance.
  intros p₁ p₂.
  use eq_Pullback.
  - refine (isotoid _ HC _).
    apply z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback.
  - rewrite idtoiso_isotoid ; cbn.
    apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.
  - rewrite idtoiso_isotoid ; cbn.
    apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2.

Isos between pullbacks
Section IsoIsPullback.

  Context {C : category}
          {x y z : C}
          {f : x --> z}
          {g : y --> z}
          {pb pb' : C}
          {π : pb --> x}
          {π : pb --> y}
          (sqr : π · f = π · g)
          {π₁' : pb' --> x}
          {π₂' : pb' --> y}
          (sqr' : π₁' · f = π₂' · g)
          (H : isPullback sqr)
          (i : z_iso pb pb')
          (iπ₁' : i · π₁' = π)
          (iπ₂' : i · π₂' = π).

  Let P : Pullback f g := make_Pullback _ H.

  Section UMP.

    Context {w : C}
            {h₁ : w --> x}
            {h₂ : w --> y}
            (q : h₁ · f = h₂ · g).

    Definition isPullback_z_iso_unique
      : isaprop ( (hk : w --> pb'), hk · π₁' = h₁ × hk · π₂' = h₂).
    Show proof.
      use invproofirrelevance.
      intros φ φ.
      use subtypePath.
        apply isapropdirprod ; apply homset_property.
      refine (!(id_right _) @ _ @ id_right _).
      rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv i).
      rewrite !assoc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
      use (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual H).
      - pose (maponpaths (λ z, inv_from_z_iso i · z) iπ₁') as p.
        cbn in p.
        rewrite !assoc in p.
        rewrite !z_iso_after_z_iso_inv in p.
        rewrite id_left in p.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite <- p.
        exact (pr12 φ @ !(pr12 φ)).
      - pose (maponpaths (λ z, inv_from_z_iso i · z) iπ₂') as p.
        cbn in p.
        rewrite !assoc in p.
        rewrite !z_iso_after_z_iso_inv in p.
        rewrite id_left in p.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite <- p.
        exact (pr22 φ @ !(pr22 φ)).

    Definition isPullback_z_iso_mor
      : w --> pb'
      := PullbackArrow P _ h₁ h₂ q · i.

    Definition isPullback_z_iso_pr1
      : isPullback_z_iso_mor · π₁' = h₁.
    Show proof.
      unfold isPullback_z_iso_mor.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        exact iπ₁'.
      apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.

    Definition isPullback_z_iso_pr2
      : isPullback_z_iso_mor · π₂' = h₂.
    Show proof.
      unfold isPullback_z_iso_mor.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        exact iπ₂'.
      apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2.

  End UMP.

  Definition isPullback_z_iso
    : isPullback sqr'.
  Show proof.
    intros w h₁ h₂ q.
    use iscontraprop1.
    - apply isPullback_z_iso_unique.
    - refine (isPullback_z_iso_mor q ,, _ ,, _).
      + apply isPullback_z_iso_pr1.
      + apply isPullback_z_iso_pr2.

End IsoIsPullback.

A general statement to get isos between pullbacks
Section IsoOfPullbacks.

  Context {C : category}
          {pb pb' x x' y y' z z' : C}
          {f : x --> z}
          {f' : x' --> z'}
          {g : y --> z}
          {g' : y' --> z'}
          {π : pb --> x}
          {π : pb --> y}
          {π₁' : pb' --> x'}
          {π₂' : pb' --> y'}
          (sqr : π · f = π · g)
          (sqr' : π₁' · f' = π₂' · g')
          (H : isPullback sqr)
          (H' : isPullback sqr')
          (ix : z_iso x x')
          (iy : z_iso y y')
          (iz : z_iso z z')
          (pf : ix · f' = f · iz)
          (pg : iy · g' = g · iz).

  Let P : Pullback f g := make_Pullback _ H.
  Let P' : Pullback f' g' := make_Pullback _ H'.

  Lemma iso_between_pullbacks_help_path
    : inv_from_z_iso ix · f = f' · inv_from_z_iso iz.
  Show proof.
    use z_iso_inv_on_left.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    refine (!_).
    use z_iso_inv_on_right.
    exact (!pf).

  Lemma iso_between_pullbacks_other_help_path
    : inv_from_z_iso iy · g = g' · inv_from_z_iso iz.
  Show proof.
    use z_iso_inv_on_left.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    refine (!_).
    use z_iso_inv_on_right.
    exact (!pg).

  Definition iso_between_pullbacks_map : pb --> pb'.
  Show proof.
    use (PullbackArrow P' _ (π · ix) (π · iy)).
      (rewrite !assoc' ;
       rewrite pf, pg ;
       rewrite !assoc ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       exact sqr).

  Definition iso_between_pullbacks_inv : pb' --> pb.
  Show proof.
    use (PullbackArrow P _ (π₁' · inv_from_z_iso ix) (π₂' · inv_from_z_iso iy)).
      (rewrite !assoc' ;
       rewrite iso_between_pullbacks_help_path, iso_between_pullbacks_other_help_path ;
       rewrite !assoc ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       exact sqr').

  Lemma iso_between_pullbacks_are_inv
    : is_inverse_in_precat iso_between_pullbacks_map iso_between_pullbacks_inv.
  Show proof.
    split ; unfold iso_between_pullbacks_map, iso_between_pullbacks_inv.
    - use (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual H).
      + rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 P).
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 P').
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
        rewrite id_left, id_right.
        apply idpath.
      + rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 P).
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 P').
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
        rewrite id_left, id_right.
        apply idpath.
    - use (MorphismsIntoPullbackEqual H').
      + rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 P').
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 P).
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
        rewrite id_left, id_right.
        apply idpath.
      + rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 P').
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 P).
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
        rewrite id_left, id_right.
        apply idpath.

  Definition iso_between_pullbacks
    : z_iso pb pb'.
  Show proof.
    use make_z_iso.
    - exact iso_between_pullbacks_map.
    - exact iso_between_pullbacks_inv.
    - exact iso_between_pullbacks_are_inv.

End IsoOfPullbacks.