Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Terminal

Direct definition of terminal object together with:
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Products.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monics.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section def_terminal.

Context {C : precategory}.

Definition isTerminal (b : C) : UU := a : C, iscontr (a --> b).

Lemma isaprop_isTerminal (b : C)
  : isaprop (isTerminal b).
Show proof.
  apply impred_isaprop
  ; intro
  ; apply isapropiscontr.

Definition Terminal : UU := a, isTerminal a.

Definition TerminalObject (T : Terminal) : C := pr1 T.
Coercion TerminalObject : Terminal >-> ob.

Definition TerminalArrow (T : Terminal) (b : C) : b --> T := pr1 (pr2 T b).

Lemma TerminalArrowUnique {T : Terminal} {a : C} (f : Ca,TerminalObject T) :
  f = TerminalArrow T _.
Show proof.
exact (pr2 (pr2 T _ ) _ ).

Lemma TerminalEndo_is_identity {T : Terminal} (f : T --> T) : f = identity T.
Show proof.
apply proofirrelevancecontr, (pr2 T T).

Lemma TerminalArrowEq {T : Terminal} {a : C} (f g : a --> T) : f = g.
Show proof.

Definition make_Terminal (b : C) (H : isTerminal b) : Terminal.
Show proof.
  exists b; exact H.

Definition make_isTerminal (b : C) (H : (a : C), iscontr (a --> b)) :
  isTerminal b.
Show proof.
  exact H.

Lemma isziso_from_Terminal_to_Terminal (T T' : Terminal) :
   is_z_isomorphism (TerminalArrow T T').
Show proof.
 exists (TerminalArrow T' T).
 now split; apply TerminalEndo_is_identity.

Definition z_iso_Terminals (T T' : Terminal) : z_iso T T' :=
  TerminalArrow T' T,,isziso_from_Terminal_to_Terminal T' T.

Definition hasTerminal := ishinh Terminal.

End def_terminal.

Arguments Terminal : clear implicits.
Arguments isTerminal : clear implicits.
Arguments TerminalObject {_} _.
Arguments TerminalArrow {_} _ _.
Arguments TerminalArrowUnique {_} _ _ _.
Arguments make_isTerminal {_} _ _ _.
Arguments make_Terminal {_} _ _.

Section Terminal_Unique.

Context (C : category) (H : is_univalent C).

Lemma isaprop_Terminal : isaprop (Terminal C).
Show proof.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros T T'.
  apply (total2_paths_f (isotoid _ H (z_iso_Terminals T T')) ).
  apply isaprop_isTerminal.

End Terminal_Unique.

Section Terminal_and_EmptyProd.

Construct Terminal from empty arbitrary product.
  Definition terminal_from_empty_product (C : category) :
    Product C fromempty -> Terminal C.
  Show proof.
    intros X.
    use (make_Terminal (ProductObject _ C X)).
    use make_isTerminal.
    intros a.
    assert (H : i : , Ca, fromempty i) by
        (intros i; apply (fromempty i)).
    apply (make_iscontr (ProductArrow _ _ X H)).
    abstract (intros t; apply ProductArrowUnique; intros i; apply (fromempty i)).

  Section TerminalToProduct.

    Context {C : category}.
    Context (T : Terminal C).
    Context {I : UU}.
    Context (c : I C).
    Context (φ : I ).

    Definition terminal_product_object
      : C
      := T.

    Definition terminal_product_projection
      (i : I)
      : Cterminal_product_object, c i.
    Show proof.
      induction (φ i).

    Section Arrow.

      Context (c' : C).
      Context (cone' : i, Cc', c i).

      Definition terminal_product_arrow
        : Cc', terminal_product_object
        := TerminalArrow T c'.

      Lemma terminal_product_arrow_commutes
        (i : I)
        : terminal_product_arrow · terminal_product_projection i = cone' i.
      Show proof.
        induction (φ i).

      Lemma terminal_product_arrow_unique
        (t : k, i : I, k · terminal_product_projection i = cone' i)
        : t = terminal_product_arrow ,, terminal_product_arrow_commutes.
      Show proof.
        use subtypePairEquality.
          intro i.
          apply impred_isaprop.
          apply homset_property.
        apply TerminalArrowUnique.

    End Arrow.

    Definition terminal_is_product
      : isProduct _ _ _ terminal_product_object terminal_product_projection.
    Show proof.
      use (make_isProduct _ _ (homset_property C)).
      intros c' cone'.
      use make_iscontr.
      - use tpair.
        + exact (terminal_product_arrow c').
        + exact (terminal_product_arrow_commutes c' cone').
      - exact (terminal_product_arrow_unique c' cone').

    Definition Terminal_is_empty_product
      : Product I C c.
    Show proof.
      use make_Product.
      - exact terminal_product_object.
      - exact terminal_product_projection.
      - exact terminal_is_product.

  End TerminalToProduct.

End Terminal_and_EmptyProd.

Construction of terminal object in a functor category

Section TerminalFunctorCat.

Context (C D : category) (ID : Terminal D).

Definition Terminal_functor_precat : Terminal [C,D].
Show proof.
use make_Terminal.
- exact (constant_functor _ _ ID).
- intros F.
  use tpair.
  + use make_nat_trans.
    * intro a; apply TerminalArrow.
    * abstract (intros a b f; apply TerminalArrowEq).
  + abstract (intros α; apply (nat_trans_eq D); intro a; apply TerminalArrowUnique).

End TerminalFunctorCat.

Morphisms from the terminal object are monic
Section monics_terminal.

Context {C : category} (TC : Terminal C).

Lemma from_terminal_isMonic (a : C) (f : TC --> a) : isMonic f.
Show proof.
apply make_isMonic; intros b g h H.
now apply TerminalArrowEq.

End monics_terminal.

Definition iso_to_Terminal
           {C : category}
           (T : Terminal C)
           (x : C)
           (i : z_iso T x)
  : isTerminal C x.
Show proof.
  intros w.
  use iscontraprop1.
  - abstract
      (use invproofirrelevance ;
       intros φ φ ;
       refine (!(id_right _) @ _ @ id_right _) ;
       rewrite <- !(z_iso_after_z_iso_inv i) ;
       rewrite !assoc ;
       apply maponpaths_2 ;
       apply TerminalArrowEq).
  - exact (TerminalArrow T w · i).