Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.ComonadCoalgebras
Contents :
- Definition of the category of coCoalgebras of a comonad
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Comonads.
Local Open Scope cat.
Ltac rewrite_cbn x := let H := fresh in (set (H := x); cbn in H; rewrite H; clear H).
Ltac rewrite_cbn_inv x := let H := fresh in (set (H := x); cbn in H; rewrite <- H; clear H).
Section Coalgebras.
Context {C : category} (T : Comonad C).
Definition of an Coalgebra of a monad T
Section Coalgebra_def.
Definition Coalgebra_data : UU := ∑ X : C, X --> T X.
#[reversible] Coercion Coalg_carrier (X : Coalgebra_data) : C := pr1 X.
Definition Coalg_map (X : Coalgebra_data) : X --> T X := pr2 X.
Definition Coalgebra_laws (X : Coalgebra_data) : UU
:= (Coalg_map X · ε T X = identity X)
× (Coalg_map X · δ T X = Coalg_map X · #T (Coalg_map X)).
Definition Coalgebra : UU := ∑ X : Coalgebra_data, Coalgebra_laws X.
#[reversible] Coercion Coalgebra_data_from_Coalgebra (X : Coalgebra) : Coalgebra_data := pr1 X.
Definition Coalgebra_idlaw (X : Coalgebra) : Coalg_map X · ε T X = identity X
:= pr1 (pr2 X).
Definition Coalgebra_multlaw (X : Coalgebra) : Coalg_map X · δ T X = Coalg_map X · #T (Coalg_map X)
:= pr2 (pr2 X).
Definition free_Coalgebra (X : C) : Coalgebra.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exists (T X).
exact (δ T X).
- abstract (split;
[apply Comonad_law1 |
apply pathsinv0;
apply Comonad_law3]).
- exists (T X).
exact (δ T X).
- abstract (split;
[apply Comonad_law1 |
apply pathsinv0;
apply Comonad_law3]).
End Coalgebra_def.
Data for the category of Coalgebras of the monad T, following FunctorCoalgebras.v
Section Coalgebra_precategory_data.
Definition is_Coalgebra_mor {X Y : Coalgebra} (f : X --> Y) : UU
:= f · Coalg_map Y = Coalg_map X · #T f.
Definition Coalgebra_mor (X Y : Coalgebra) : UU
:= ∑ f : X --> Y, is_Coalgebra_mor f.
#[reversible] Coercion mor_from_Coalgebra_mor {X Y : Coalgebra} (f : Coalgebra_mor X Y)
: X --> Y := pr1 f.
Definition Coalgebra_mor_commutes {X Y : Coalgebra} (f : Coalgebra_mor X Y)
: f · Coalg_map Y = Coalg_map X · #T f := pr2 f.
Definition Coalgebra_mor_id (X : Coalgebra) : Coalgebra_mor X X.
Show proof.
exists (identity X).
abstract (unfold is_Coalgebra_mor;
rewrite functor_id, id_right, id_left;
apply idpath).
abstract (unfold is_Coalgebra_mor;
rewrite functor_id, id_right, id_left;
apply idpath).
Definition Coalgebra_mor_comp (X Y Z : Coalgebra) (f : Coalgebra_mor X Y) (g : Coalgebra_mor Y Z)
: Coalgebra_mor X Z.
Show proof.
exists (f · g).
abstract (unfold is_Coalgebra_mor;
rewrite assoc';
rewrite Coalgebra_mor_commutes;
rewrite assoc;
rewrite Coalgebra_mor_commutes;
rewrite functor_comp, assoc;
apply idpath).
abstract (unfold is_Coalgebra_mor;
rewrite assoc';
rewrite Coalgebra_mor_commutes;
rewrite assoc;
rewrite Coalgebra_mor_commutes;
rewrite functor_comp, assoc;
apply idpath).
Definition precategory_Coalg_ob_mor : precategory_ob_mor
:= (Coalgebra,, Coalgebra_mor).
Definition precategory_Coalg_data : precategory_data
:= (precategory_Coalg_ob_mor,, Coalgebra_mor_id,, Coalgebra_mor_comp).
End Coalgebra_precategory_data.
End Coalgebras.
Definition of the category ComonadCoalg of Coalgebras for T. Requires that C is a category.
Section Coalgebra_category.
Context {C : category} (T : Comonad C).
Definition Coalgebra_mor_eq {X Y : Coalgebra T} {f g : Coalgebra_mor T X Y}
: (f : X --> Y) = g ≃ f = g.
Show proof.
Lemma is_precategory_precategory_Coalg_data : is_precategory (precategory_Coalg_data T).
Show proof.
apply make_is_precategory; intros;
apply Coalgebra_mor_eq.
- apply id_left.
- apply id_right.
- apply assoc.
- apply assoc'.
apply Coalgebra_mor_eq.
- apply id_left.
- apply id_right.
- apply assoc.
- apply assoc'.
Definition ComonadCoalg_precat : precategory := ( _,, is_precategory_precategory_Coalg_data).
Lemma has_homsets_ComonadCoalg : has_homsets ComonadCoalg_precat.
Show proof.
intros X Y.
apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
- apply homset_property.
- intro f.
apply isasetaprop.
apply homset_property.
apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
- apply homset_property.
- intro f.
apply isasetaprop.
apply homset_property.
Definition ComonadCoalg: category := ComonadCoalg_precat ,, has_homsets_ComonadCoalg.
End Coalgebra_category.