Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Local Open Scope cat.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Local Open Scope cat.
Import BifunctorNotations.
1. Monoidal structures
Definition tensor_data (C : category) : UU :=
bifunctor_data C C C.
Identity Coercion tensorintobifunctor : tensor_data >-> bifunctor_data.
Definition leftunitor_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦I ⊗_{T} x, x⟧.
Definition leftunitorinv_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦x, I ⊗_{T} x⟧.
Definition rightunitor_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦x ⊗_{T} I, x⟧.
Definition rightunitorinv_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦x, x ⊗_{T} I⟧.
Definition associator_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z : C), C ⟦(x ⊗_{T} y) ⊗_{T} z, x ⊗_{T} (y ⊗_{T} z)⟧.
Definition associatorinv_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z : C), C ⟦x ⊗_{T} (y ⊗_{T} z), (x ⊗_{T} y) ⊗_{T} z⟧.
Definition monoidal_data (C : category): UU :=
∑ (T : tensor_data C) (I : C),
(leftunitor_data T I) × (leftunitorinv_data T I) ×
(rightunitor_data T I) × (rightunitorinv_data T I) ×
(associator_data T) × (associatorinv_data T).
Definition make_monoidal_data
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
(αinv : associatorinv_data T)
: monoidal_data C
:= (T,,I,,lu,,luinv,,ru,,ruinv,,α,,αinv).
Definition monoidal_tensor_data {C : category} (MD : monoidal_data C) : tensor_data C := pr1 MD.
Coercion monoidal_tensor_data : monoidal_data >-> tensor_data.
Definition monoidal_unit {C : category} (MD : monoidal_data C) : C := pr12 MD.
Notation "I_{ MD }" := (monoidal_unit MD).
Definition monoidal_leftunitordata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: leftunitor_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr1 (pr22 MD).
Notation "lu_{ MD }" := (monoidal_leftunitordata MD).
Definition monoidal_leftunitorinvdata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: leftunitorinv_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr12 (pr22 MD).
Notation "luinv_{ MD }" := (monoidal_leftunitorinvdata MD).
Definition monoidal_rightunitordata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: rightunitor_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr122 (pr22 MD).
Notation "ru_{ MD }" := (monoidal_rightunitordata MD).
Definition monoidal_rightunitorinvdata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: rightunitorinv_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr1 (pr222 (pr22 MD)).
Notation "ruinv_{ MD }" := (monoidal_rightunitorinvdata MD).
Definition monoidal_associatordata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: associator_data MD
:= pr12 (pr222 (pr22 MD)).
Notation "α_{ MD }" := (monoidal_associatordata MD).
Definition monoidal_associatorinvdata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: associatorinv_data MD
:= pr22 (pr222 (pr22 MD)).
Notation "αinv_{ MD }" := (monoidal_associatorinvdata MD).
bifunctor_data C C C.
Identity Coercion tensorintobifunctor : tensor_data >-> bifunctor_data.
Definition leftunitor_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦I ⊗_{T} x, x⟧.
Definition leftunitorinv_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦x, I ⊗_{T} x⟧.
Definition rightunitor_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦x ⊗_{T} I, x⟧.
Definition rightunitorinv_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
(I : C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), C⟦x, x ⊗_{T} I⟧.
Definition associator_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z : C), C ⟦(x ⊗_{T} y) ⊗_{T} z, x ⊗_{T} (y ⊗_{T} z)⟧.
Definition associatorinv_data
{C : category}
(T : tensor_data C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z : C), C ⟦x ⊗_{T} (y ⊗_{T} z), (x ⊗_{T} y) ⊗_{T} z⟧.
Definition monoidal_data (C : category): UU :=
∑ (T : tensor_data C) (I : C),
(leftunitor_data T I) × (leftunitorinv_data T I) ×
(rightunitor_data T I) × (rightunitorinv_data T I) ×
(associator_data T) × (associatorinv_data T).
Definition make_monoidal_data
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
(αinv : associatorinv_data T)
: monoidal_data C
:= (T,,I,,lu,,luinv,,ru,,ruinv,,α,,αinv).
Definition monoidal_tensor_data {C : category} (MD : monoidal_data C) : tensor_data C := pr1 MD.
Coercion monoidal_tensor_data : monoidal_data >-> tensor_data.
Definition monoidal_unit {C : category} (MD : monoidal_data C) : C := pr12 MD.
Notation "I_{ MD }" := (monoidal_unit MD).
Definition monoidal_leftunitordata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: leftunitor_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr1 (pr22 MD).
Notation "lu_{ MD }" := (monoidal_leftunitordata MD).
Definition monoidal_leftunitorinvdata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: leftunitorinv_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr12 (pr22 MD).
Notation "luinv_{ MD }" := (monoidal_leftunitorinvdata MD).
Definition monoidal_rightunitordata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: rightunitor_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr122 (pr22 MD).
Notation "ru_{ MD }" := (monoidal_rightunitordata MD).
Definition monoidal_rightunitorinvdata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: rightunitorinv_data MD I_{MD}
:= pr1 (pr222 (pr22 MD)).
Notation "ruinv_{ MD }" := (monoidal_rightunitorinvdata MD).
Definition monoidal_associatordata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: associator_data MD
:= pr12 (pr222 (pr22 MD)).
Notation "α_{ MD }" := (monoidal_associatordata MD).
Definition monoidal_associatorinvdata
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: associatorinv_data MD
:= pr22 (pr222 (pr22 MD)).
Notation "αinv_{ MD }" := (monoidal_associatorinvdata MD).
Definition leftunitor_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), I ⊗^{ T}_{l} f · lu y = lu x · f.
Definition leftunitorinv_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), luinv x · I ⊗^{ T}_{l} f = f · luinv y.
Definition leftunitor_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), is_inverse_in_precat (lu x) (luinv x).
Definition leftunitor_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= leftunitor_nat lu × leftunitor_iso_law lu luinv.
Definition leftunitorlaw_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{lu : leftunitor_data T I}
{luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I}
(lu_law : leftunitor_law lu luinv)
: leftunitor_nat lu
:= pr1 lu_law.
Definition leftunitorlaw_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{lu : leftunitor_data T I}
{luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I}
(lu_law : leftunitor_law lu luinv)
: leftunitor_iso_law lu luinv
:= pr2 lu_law.
Definition rightunitor_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), f ⊗^{ T}_{r} I · ru y = ru x · f.
Definition rightunitorinv_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), ruinv x · f ⊗^{ T}_{r} I = f · ruinv y.
Definition rightunitor_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), is_inverse_in_precat (ru x) (ruinv x).
Definition rightunitor_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= rightunitor_nat ru × rightunitor_iso_law ru ruinv.
Definition rightunitorlaw_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{ru : rightunitor_data T I}
{ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I}
(rul : rightunitor_law ru ruinv)
: rightunitor_nat ru
:= pr1 rul.
Definition rightunitorlaw_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{ru : rightunitor_data T I}
{ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I}
(rul : rightunitor_law ru ruinv)
: rightunitor_iso_law ru ruinv
:= pr2 rul.
Definition associator_nat_leftwhisker
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z z' : C) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧),
(α x y z) · (x ⊗^{ T}_{l} (y ⊗^{ T}_{l} h))
((x ⊗_{ T} y) ⊗^{ T}_{l} h) · (α x y z').
Definition associator_nat_rightwhisker
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x x' y z : C) (f : C⟦x,x'⟧),
(α x y z) · (f ⊗^{ T}_{r} (y ⊗_{ T} z))
((f ⊗^{ T}_{r} y) ⊗^{ T}_{r} z) · (α x' y z).
Definition associator_nat_leftrightwhisker
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y y' z : C) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧),
(α x y z) · (x ⊗^{ T}_{l} (g ⊗^{ T}_{r} z))
((x ⊗^{ T}_{l} g) ⊗^{ T}_{r} z) · (α x y' z).
Definition associator_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
(αinv : associatorinv_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z : C), is_inverse_in_precat (α x y z) (αinv x y z).
Definition associator_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
(αinv : associatorinv_data T)
: UU
:= (associator_nat_leftwhisker α) × (associator_nat_rightwhisker α) ×
(associator_nat_leftrightwhisker α) × (associator_iso_law α αinv).
Definition associatorlaw_natleft
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_nat_leftwhisker α
:= pr1 αl.
Definition associatorlaw_natright
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_nat_rightwhisker α
:= pr1 (pr2 αl).
Definition associatorlaw_natleftright
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_nat_leftrightwhisker α
:= pr1 (pr2 (pr2 αl)).
Definition associatorlaw_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_iso_law α αinv
:= pr2 (pr2 (pr2 αl)).
Definition triangle_identity
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), α x I y · x ⊗^{T}_{l} (lu y) = ru x ⊗^{T}_{r} y.
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), I ⊗^{ T}_{l} f · lu y = lu x · f.
Definition leftunitorinv_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), luinv x · I ⊗^{ T}_{l} f = f · luinv y.
Definition leftunitor_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), is_inverse_in_precat (lu x) (luinv x).
Definition leftunitor_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= leftunitor_nat lu × leftunitor_iso_law lu luinv.
Definition leftunitorlaw_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{lu : leftunitor_data T I}
{luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I}
(lu_law : leftunitor_law lu luinv)
: leftunitor_nat lu
:= pr1 lu_law.
Definition leftunitorlaw_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{lu : leftunitor_data T I}
{luinv : leftunitorinv_data T I}
(lu_law : leftunitor_law lu luinv)
: leftunitor_iso_law lu luinv
:= pr2 lu_law.
Definition rightunitor_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), f ⊗^{ T}_{r} I · ru y = ru x · f.
Definition rightunitorinv_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), ∏ (f : C ⟦x,y⟧), ruinv x · f ⊗^{ T}_{r} I = f · ruinv y.
Definition rightunitor_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= ∏ (x : C), is_inverse_in_precat (ru x) (ruinv x).
Definition rightunitor_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I)
: UU
:= rightunitor_nat ru × rightunitor_iso_law ru ruinv.
Definition rightunitorlaw_nat
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{ru : rightunitor_data T I}
{ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I}
(rul : rightunitor_law ru ruinv)
: rightunitor_nat ru
:= pr1 rul.
Definition rightunitorlaw_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
{ru : rightunitor_data T I}
{ruinv : rightunitorinv_data T I}
(rul : rightunitor_law ru ruinv)
: rightunitor_iso_law ru ruinv
:= pr2 rul.
Definition associator_nat_leftwhisker
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z z' : C) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧),
(α x y z) · (x ⊗^{ T}_{l} (y ⊗^{ T}_{l} h))
((x ⊗_{ T} y) ⊗^{ T}_{l} h) · (α x y z').
Definition associator_nat_rightwhisker
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x x' y z : C) (f : C⟦x,x'⟧),
(α x y z) · (f ⊗^{ T}_{r} (y ⊗_{ T} z))
((f ⊗^{ T}_{r} y) ⊗^{ T}_{r} z) · (α x' y z).
Definition associator_nat_leftrightwhisker
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y y' z : C) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧),
(α x y z) · (x ⊗^{ T}_{l} (g ⊗^{ T}_{r} z))
((x ⊗^{ T}_{l} g) ⊗^{ T}_{r} z) · (α x y' z).
Definition associator_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
(αinv : associatorinv_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y z : C), is_inverse_in_precat (α x y z) (αinv x y z).
Definition associator_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
(αinv : associatorinv_data T)
: UU
:= (associator_nat_leftwhisker α) × (associator_nat_rightwhisker α) ×
(associator_nat_leftrightwhisker α) × (associator_iso_law α αinv).
Definition associatorlaw_natleft
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_nat_leftwhisker α
:= pr1 αl.
Definition associatorlaw_natright
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_nat_rightwhisker α
:= pr1 (pr2 αl).
Definition associatorlaw_natleftright
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_nat_leftrightwhisker α
:= pr1 (pr2 (pr2 αl)).
Definition associatorlaw_iso_law
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{α : associator_data T}
{αinv : associatorinv_data T}
(αl : associator_law α αinv)
: associator_iso_law α αinv
:= pr2 (pr2 (pr2 αl)).
Definition triangle_identity
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), α x I y · x ⊗^{T}_{l} (lu y) = ru x ⊗^{T}_{r} y.
more triangle laws that are redundant in the axiomatisation
Definition triangle_identity'
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), α I x y · lu (x ⊗_{T} y) = lu x ⊗^{T}_{r} y.
Definition triangle_identity''
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), α x y I · x ⊗^{T}_{l} (ru y) = ru (x ⊗_{T} y).
Definition pentagon_identity
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (w x y z : C),
((α w x y) ⊗^{T}_{r} z) · (α w (x⊗_{T} y) z) · (w ⊗^{T}_{l} (α x y z))
(α (w⊗_{T}x) y z) · (α w x (y ⊗_{T} z)).
Definition monoidal_laws
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: UU
:= is_bifunctor MD
× (leftunitor_law lu_{MD} luinv_{MD})
× (rightunitor_law ru_{MD} ruinv_{MD})
× (associator_law α_{MD} αinv_{MD})
× (triangle_identity lu_{MD} ru_{MD} α_{MD})
× (pentagon_identity α_{MD}).
Definition monoidal (C : category) : UU :=
∑ (MD : monoidal_data C), (monoidal_laws MD).
Definition monoidal_mondata {C : category} (M : monoidal C) : monoidal_data C := pr1 M.
Coercion monoidal_mondata : monoidal >-> monoidal_data.
Definition monoidal_monlaws {C : category} (M : monoidal C) : monoidal_laws M := pr2 M.
Definition monoidal_tensor_is_bifunctor
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: is_bifunctor M
:= pr12 M.
#[reversible] Coercion monoidal_tensor
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: bifunctor C C C
:= _ ,, monoidal_tensor_is_bifunctor M.
Definition monoidal_leftunitorlaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitor_law lu_{M} luinv_{M}
:= pr12 (monoidal_monlaws M).
Definition monoidal_leftunitornat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitor_nat lu_{M}
:= leftunitorlaw_nat (monoidal_leftunitorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_leftunitorisolaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitor_iso_law lu_{M} luinv_{M}
:= leftunitorlaw_iso_law (monoidal_leftunitorlaw M).
Lemma monoidal_leftunitorinvnat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitorinv_nat luinv_{M}.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_rightunitorlaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitor_law ru_{M} ruinv_{M}
:= pr122 (monoidal_monlaws M).
Definition monoidal_rightunitornat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitor_nat ru_{M}
:= rightunitorlaw_nat (monoidal_rightunitorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_rightunitorisolaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitor_iso_law ru_{M} ruinv_{M}
:= rightunitorlaw_iso_law (monoidal_rightunitorlaw M).
Lemma monoidal_rightunitorinvnat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitorinv_nat ruinv_{M}.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_associatorlaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_law α_{M} αinv_{M}
:= pr1 (pr222 (monoidal_monlaws M)).
Definition monoidal_associatornatleft
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_nat_leftwhisker α_{M}
:= associatorlaw_natleft (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_associatornatright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_nat_rightwhisker α_{M}
:= associatorlaw_natright (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_associatornatleftright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_nat_leftrightwhisker α_{M}
:= associatorlaw_natleftright (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_associatorisolaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_iso_law α_{M} αinv_{M}
:= associatorlaw_iso_law (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Lemma associator_nat1
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C}
(f : C⟦x,x'⟧) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: (monoidal_associatordata M x y z)
· ((f ⊗^{M}_{r} (y ⊗_{M} z))
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} ((g ⊗^{M}_{r} z) · (y' ⊗^{M}_{l} h))))
(((f ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} g)) ⊗^{M}_{r} z)
· ((x' ⊗_{M} y') ⊗^{M}_{l} h) · (monoidal_associatordata M x' y' z').
Show proof.
Lemma associator_nat2
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C} (f : C⟦x,x'⟧)
(g : C⟦y,y'⟧) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: (monoidal_associatordata M x y z) · (f ⊗^{M} (g ⊗^{M} h))
((f ⊗^{M} g) ⊗^{M} h) · (monoidal_associatordata M x' y' z').
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_triangleidentity
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: triangle_identity lu_{M} ru_{M} α_{M}
:= pr12 (pr222 (monoidal_monlaws M)).
Definition monoidal_pentagonidentity
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: pentagon_identity α_{M}
:= pr22 (pr222 (monoidal_monlaws M)).
Lemma isaprop_monoidal_laws {C : category} (M : monoidal_data C)
: isaprop (monoidal_laws M).
Show proof.
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(lu : leftunitor_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), α I x y · lu (x ⊗_{T} y) = lu x ⊗^{T}_{r} y.
Definition triangle_identity''
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
{I : C}
(ru : rightunitor_data T I)
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C), α x y I · x ⊗^{T}_{l} (ru y) = ru (x ⊗_{T} y).
Definition pentagon_identity
{C : category}
{T : tensor_data C}
(α : associator_data T)
: UU
:= ∏ (w x y z : C),
((α w x y) ⊗^{T}_{r} z) · (α w (x⊗_{T} y) z) · (w ⊗^{T}_{l} (α x y z))
(α (w⊗_{T}x) y z) · (α w x (y ⊗_{T} z)).
Definition monoidal_laws
{C : category}
(MD : monoidal_data C)
: UU
:= is_bifunctor MD
× (leftunitor_law lu_{MD} luinv_{MD})
× (rightunitor_law ru_{MD} ruinv_{MD})
× (associator_law α_{MD} αinv_{MD})
× (triangle_identity lu_{MD} ru_{MD} α_{MD})
× (pentagon_identity α_{MD}).
Definition monoidal (C : category) : UU :=
∑ (MD : monoidal_data C), (monoidal_laws MD).
Definition monoidal_mondata {C : category} (M : monoidal C) : monoidal_data C := pr1 M.
Coercion monoidal_mondata : monoidal >-> monoidal_data.
Definition monoidal_monlaws {C : category} (M : monoidal C) : monoidal_laws M := pr2 M.
Definition monoidal_tensor_is_bifunctor
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: is_bifunctor M
:= pr12 M.
#[reversible] Coercion monoidal_tensor
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: bifunctor C C C
:= _ ,, monoidal_tensor_is_bifunctor M.
Definition monoidal_leftunitorlaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitor_law lu_{M} luinv_{M}
:= pr12 (monoidal_monlaws M).
Definition monoidal_leftunitornat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitor_nat lu_{M}
:= leftunitorlaw_nat (monoidal_leftunitorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_leftunitorisolaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitor_iso_law lu_{M} luinv_{M}
:= leftunitorlaw_iso_law (monoidal_leftunitorlaw M).
Lemma monoidal_leftunitorinvnat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: leftunitorinv_nat luinv_{M}.
Show proof.
intros x y f.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M x)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M y)).
apply pathsinv0, monoidal_leftunitornat.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M x)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M y)).
apply pathsinv0, monoidal_leftunitornat.
Definition monoidal_rightunitorlaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitor_law ru_{M} ruinv_{M}
:= pr122 (monoidal_monlaws M).
Definition monoidal_rightunitornat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitor_nat ru_{M}
:= rightunitorlaw_nat (monoidal_rightunitorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_rightunitorisolaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitor_iso_law ru_{M} ruinv_{M}
:= rightunitorlaw_iso_law (monoidal_rightunitorlaw M).
Lemma monoidal_rightunitorinvnat
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: rightunitorinv_nat ruinv_{M}.
Show proof.
intros x y f.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M x)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M y)).
apply pathsinv0, monoidal_rightunitornat.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M x)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (_,,_,,monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M y)).
apply pathsinv0, monoidal_rightunitornat.
Definition monoidal_associatorlaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_law α_{M} αinv_{M}
:= pr1 (pr222 (monoidal_monlaws M)).
Definition monoidal_associatornatleft
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_nat_leftwhisker α_{M}
:= associatorlaw_natleft (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_associatornatright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_nat_rightwhisker α_{M}
:= associatorlaw_natright (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_associatornatleftright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_nat_leftrightwhisker α_{M}
:= associatorlaw_natleftright (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Definition monoidal_associatorisolaw
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: associator_iso_law α_{M} αinv_{M}
:= associatorlaw_iso_law (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
Lemma associator_nat1
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C}
(f : C⟦x,x'⟧) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: (monoidal_associatordata M x y z)
· ((f ⊗^{M}_{r} (y ⊗_{M} z))
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} ((g ⊗^{M}_{r} z) · (y' ⊗^{M}_{l} h))))
(((f ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} g)) ⊗^{M}_{r} z)
· ((x' ⊗_{M} y') ⊗^{M}_{l} h) · (monoidal_associatordata M x' y' z').
Show proof.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (monoidal_associatornatright M).
rewrite assoc'.
etrans. {
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite (bifunctor_leftcomp M).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (monoidal_associatornatleftright M).
apply idpath.
etrans. {
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (monoidal_associatornatleft M).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
rewrite (bifunctor_rightcomp M).
apply idpath.
rewrite (monoidal_associatornatright M).
rewrite assoc'.
etrans. {
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite (bifunctor_leftcomp M).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (monoidal_associatornatleftright M).
apply idpath.
etrans. {
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (monoidal_associatornatleft M).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
rewrite (bifunctor_rightcomp M).
apply idpath.
Lemma associator_nat2
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C} (f : C⟦x,x'⟧)
(g : C⟦y,y'⟧) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: (monoidal_associatordata M x y z) · (f ⊗^{M} (g ⊗^{M} h))
((f ⊗^{M} g) ⊗^{M} h) · (monoidal_associatordata M x' y' z').
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_triangleidentity
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: triangle_identity lu_{M} ru_{M} α_{M}
:= pr12 (pr222 (monoidal_monlaws M)).
Definition monoidal_pentagonidentity
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: pentagon_identity α_{M}
:= pr22 (pr222 (monoidal_monlaws M)).
Lemma isaprop_monoidal_laws {C : category} (M : monoidal_data C)
: isaprop (monoidal_laws M).
Show proof.
repeat (apply isapropdirprod)
; repeat (apply impred ; intro)
; repeat (try apply C)
; repeat (apply isaprop_is_inverse_in_precat).
; repeat (apply impred ; intro)
; repeat (try apply C)
; repeat (apply isaprop_is_inverse_in_precat).
Some additional data and properties which one deduces from monoidal categories
Lemma swap_nat_along_zisos
{C : category} {x1 x2 y1 y2 : C}
(p1 : z_iso x1 y1) (p2 : z_iso x2 y2)
: ∏ (f: C⟦x1,x2⟧) (g : C⟦y1,y2⟧),
(pr1 p1) · g = f · (pr1 p2) -> g · (inv_from_z_iso p2) = (inv_from_z_iso p1) · f.
Show proof.
Lemma leftunitor_nat_z_iso {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: nat_z_iso
(leftwhiskering_functor M I_{M})
(functor_identity C).
Show proof.
Definition rightunitor_nat_z_iso {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: nat_z_iso
(rightwhiskering_functor M I_{M})
(functor_identity C).
Show proof.
Definition z_iso_from_associator_iso
{C : category} (M : monoidal C) (x y z : C)
: z_iso ((x ⊗_{ M} y) ⊗_{ M} z) (x ⊗_{ M} (y ⊗_{ M} z))
:= make_z_iso
(α_{M} x y z)
(αinv_{M} x y z)
(monoidal_associatorisolaw M x y z).
Definition monoidal_associatorinvnatleft
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: ∏ (x y z z' : C) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧),
(x ⊗^{M}_{l} (y ⊗^{M}_{l} h)) · (αinv_{M} x y z')
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((x ⊗_{M} y) ⊗^{M}_{l} h) .
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_associatorinvnatright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: ∏ (x x' y z: C) (f : C⟦x,x'⟧),
(f ⊗^{M}_{r} (y ⊗_{M} z)) · (αinv_{M} x' y z)
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((f ⊗^{M}_{r} y) ⊗^{M}_{r} z).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_associatorinvnatleftright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: ∏ (x y y' z : C) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧),
(x ⊗^{M}_{l} (g ⊗^{M}_{r} z)) · (αinv_{M} x y' z)
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((x ⊗^{M}_{l} g) ⊗^{M}_{r} z).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_associatorinv_nat1
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C}
(f : C⟦x,x'⟧)
(g : C⟦y,y'⟧)
(h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: ((f ⊗^{M}_{r} (y ⊗_{M} z))
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} ((g ⊗^{M}_{r} z) · (y' ⊗^{M}_{l} h))))
· (αinv_{M} x' y' z')
(αinv_{M} x y z)
· ((((f ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} g)) ⊗^{M}_{r} z)
· ((x' ⊗_{M} y') ⊗^{ M}_{l} h)).
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_associatorinv_nat2
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C}
(f : C⟦x,x'⟧) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: (f ⊗^{M} (g ⊗^{M} h)) · (αinv_{M} x' y' z')
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((f ⊗^{M} g) ⊗^{M} h).
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity_inv
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
(x y : C)
: x ⊗^{M}_{l} luinv_{M} y · αinv_{M} x I_{ M} y = ruinv_{M} x ⊗^{ M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity_inv_alt
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
(x y : C)
: x ⊗^{M}_{l} (luinv_{M} y) · αinv_{M} x I_{M} y = (ruinv_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_pentagon_identity_inv
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
(w x y z : C)
: w ⊗^{ M}_{l} (αinv_{M} x y z)
· αinv_{M} w (x ⊗_{ M} y) z
· αinv_{M} w x y ⊗^{ M}_{r} z
αinv_{M} w x (y ⊗_{ M} z)
· αinv_{M} (w ⊗_{ M} x) y z.
Show proof.
End A.
Module MonoidalNotations.
Notation "I_{ M }" := (monoidal_unit M) : cat.
Notation "lu_{ M }" := (monoidal_leftunitordata M) : cat.
Notation "luinv_{ M }" := (monoidal_leftunitorinvdata M) : cat.
Notation "ru_{ M }" := (monoidal_rightunitordata M) : cat.
Notation "ruinv_{ M }" := (monoidal_rightunitorinvdata M) : cat.
Notation "α_{ M }" := (monoidal_associatordata M) : cat.
Notation "αinv_{ M }" := (monoidal_associatorinvdata M) : cat.
Notation "lu^{ M }_{ x }" := (monoidal_leftunitordata M x ) : cat.
Notation "ru^{ M }_{ x }" := ( monoidal_rightunitordata M x ) : cat.
Notation "α^{ M }_{ x , y , z }" := (monoidal_associatordata M x y z) : cat.
Notation "luinv^{ M }_{ x }" := (monoidal_leftunitorinvdata M x ) : cat.
Notation "ruinv^{ M }_{ x }" := ( monoidal_rightunitorinvdata M x ) : cat.
Notation "αinv^{ M }_{ x , y , z }" := (monoidal_associatorinvdata M x y z) : cat.
End MonoidalNotations.
{C : category} {x1 x2 y1 y2 : C}
(p1 : z_iso x1 y1) (p2 : z_iso x2 y2)
: ∏ (f: C⟦x1,x2⟧) (g : C⟦y1,y2⟧),
(pr1 p1) · g = f · (pr1 p2) -> g · (inv_from_z_iso p2) = (inv_from_z_iso p1) · f.
Show proof.
intros f g p.
apply pathsinv0.
apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
rewrite assoc.
apply z_iso_inv_on_left.
apply p.
apply pathsinv0.
apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
rewrite assoc.
apply z_iso_inv_on_left.
apply p.
Lemma leftunitor_nat_z_iso {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: nat_z_iso
(leftwhiskering_functor M I_{M})
(functor_identity C).
Show proof.
use make_nat_z_iso.
- use make_nat_trans.
+ exact (λ x, lu_{M} x).
+ exact (λ x y f, monoidal_leftunitornat M x y f).
- intro x. exists (luinv_{M} x).
apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M x).
- use make_nat_trans.
+ exact (λ x, lu_{M} x).
+ exact (λ x y f, monoidal_leftunitornat M x y f).
- intro x. exists (luinv_{M} x).
apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M x).
Definition rightunitor_nat_z_iso {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: nat_z_iso
(rightwhiskering_functor M I_{M})
(functor_identity C).
Show proof.
use make_nat_z_iso.
- use make_nat_trans.
+ exact (λ x, ru_{M} x).
+ exact (λ x y f, monoidal_rightunitornat M x y f).
- intro x. exists (ruinv_{M} x).
apply (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M x).
- use make_nat_trans.
+ exact (λ x, ru_{M} x).
+ exact (λ x y f, monoidal_rightunitornat M x y f).
- intro x. exists (ruinv_{M} x).
apply (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M x).
Definition z_iso_from_associator_iso
{C : category} (M : monoidal C) (x y z : C)
: z_iso ((x ⊗_{ M} y) ⊗_{ M} z) (x ⊗_{ M} (y ⊗_{ M} z))
:= make_z_iso
(α_{M} x y z)
(αinv_{M} x y z)
(monoidal_associatorisolaw M x y z).
Definition monoidal_associatorinvnatleft
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: ∏ (x y z z' : C) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧),
(x ⊗^{M}_{l} (y ⊗^{M}_{l} h)) · (αinv_{M} x y z')
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((x ⊗_{M} y) ⊗^{M}_{l} h) .
Show proof.
intros x y z z' h.
apply (swap_nat_along_zisos (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z) (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z')).
apply monoidal_associatornatleft.
apply (swap_nat_along_zisos (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z) (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z')).
apply monoidal_associatornatleft.
Definition monoidal_associatorinvnatright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: ∏ (x x' y z: C) (f : C⟦x,x'⟧),
(f ⊗^{M}_{r} (y ⊗_{M} z)) · (αinv_{M} x' y z)
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((f ⊗^{M}_{r} y) ⊗^{M}_{r} z).
Show proof.
intros x x' y z f.
apply (swap_nat_along_zisos (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z) (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x' y z)).
apply monoidal_associatornatright.
apply (swap_nat_along_zisos (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z) (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x' y z)).
apply monoidal_associatornatright.
Definition monoidal_associatorinvnatleftright
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
: ∏ (x y y' z : C) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧),
(x ⊗^{M}_{l} (g ⊗^{M}_{r} z)) · (αinv_{M} x y' z)
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((x ⊗^{M}_{l} g) ⊗^{M}_{r} z).
Show proof.
intros x y y' z g.
apply (swap_nat_along_zisos (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z) (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y' z)).
apply monoidal_associatornatleftright.
apply (swap_nat_along_zisos (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z) (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y' z)).
apply monoidal_associatornatleftright.
Definition monoidal_associatorinv_nat1
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C}
(f : C⟦x,x'⟧)
(g : C⟦y,y'⟧)
(h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: ((f ⊗^{M}_{r} (y ⊗_{M} z))
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} ((g ⊗^{M}_{r} z) · (y' ⊗^{M}_{l} h))))
· (αinv_{M} x' y' z')
(αinv_{M} x y z)
· ((((f ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· (x' ⊗^{M}_{l} g)) ⊗^{M}_{r} z)
· ((x' ⊗_{M} y') ⊗^{ M}_{l} h)).
Show proof.
apply (swap_nat_along_zisos
(z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z)
(z_iso_from_associator_iso M x' y' z')
unfold z_iso_from_associator_iso.
unfold make_z_iso.
unfold make_is_z_isomorphism.
unfold pr1.
apply associator_nat1.
(z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z)
(z_iso_from_associator_iso M x' y' z')
unfold z_iso_from_associator_iso.
unfold make_z_iso.
unfold make_is_z_isomorphism.
unfold pr1.
apply associator_nat1.
Lemma monoidal_associatorinv_nat2
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
{x x' y y' z z' : C}
(f : C⟦x,x'⟧) (g : C⟦y,y'⟧) (h : C⟦z,z'⟧)
: (f ⊗^{M} (g ⊗^{M} h)) · (αinv_{M} x' y' z')
(αinv_{M} x y z) · ((f ⊗^{M} g) ⊗^{M} h).
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity_inv
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
(x y : C)
: x ⊗^{M}_{l} luinv_{M} y · αinv_{M} x I_{ M} y = ruinv_{M} x ⊗^{ M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ((z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _))).
set (luiy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M y)).
set (luixy := functor_on_z_iso (leftwhiskering_functor M x) luiy).
set (ruix := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M x)).
set (ruixy := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) ruix).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ ruixy).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ luixy).
exact (! (monoidal_triangleidentity M) x y).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ((z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _))).
set (luiy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M y)).
set (luixy := functor_on_z_iso (leftwhiskering_functor M x) luiy).
set (ruix := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M x)).
set (ruixy := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) ruix).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ ruixy).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ luixy).
exact (! (monoidal_triangleidentity M) x y).
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity_inv_alt
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
(x y : C)
: x ⊗^{M}_{l} (luinv_{M} y) · αinv_{M} x I_{M} y = (ruinv_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
transparent assert (auxiso1 : (z_iso (x ⊗_{ M} y) (x ⊗_{ M} (I_{ M} ⊗_{ M} y)))).
{ exists (x ⊗^{M}_{l} (luinv_{M} y)).
apply (is_z_iso_leftwhiskering_z_iso M).
exists (lu_{ M} y).
split; apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw. }
transparent assert (auxiso2 : (z_iso (x ⊗_{ M} y) ((x ⊗_{ M} I_{ M}) ⊗_{ M} y))).
{ exists (ruinv_{ M} x ⊗^{ M}_{r} y).
apply (is_z_iso_rightwhiskering_z_iso M).
exists (ru_{ M} x).
split; apply monoidal_rightunitorisolaw. }
apply pathsinv0, (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _)).
apply (z_iso_inv_to_left _ _ _ auxiso2).
apply (z_iso_inv_to_right _ _ _ _ auxiso1).
apply pathsinv0, monoidal_triangleidentity.
{ exists (x ⊗^{M}_{l} (luinv_{M} y)).
apply (is_z_iso_leftwhiskering_z_iso M).
exists (lu_{ M} y).
split; apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw. }
transparent assert (auxiso2 : (z_iso (x ⊗_{ M} y) ((x ⊗_{ M} I_{ M}) ⊗_{ M} y))).
{ exists (ruinv_{ M} x ⊗^{ M}_{r} y).
apply (is_z_iso_rightwhiskering_z_iso M).
exists (ru_{ M} x).
split; apply monoidal_rightunitorisolaw. }
apply pathsinv0, (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _)).
apply (z_iso_inv_to_left _ _ _ auxiso2).
apply (z_iso_inv_to_right _ _ _ _ auxiso1).
apply pathsinv0, monoidal_triangleidentity.
Lemma monoidal_pentagon_identity_inv
{C : category}
(M : monoidal C)
(w x y z : C)
: w ⊗^{ M}_{l} (αinv_{M} x y z)
· αinv_{M} w (x ⊗_{ M} y) z
· αinv_{M} w x y ⊗^{ M}_{r} z
αinv_{M} w x (y ⊗_{ M} z)
· αinv_{M} (w ⊗_{ M} x) y z.
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _)).
unfold z_iso_from_associator_iso.
unfold make_z_iso.
unfold make_is_z_isomorphism.
etrans. { apply (pathsinv0 (id_right _)). }
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _)).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. {
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply (pathsinv0 (monoidal_pentagonidentity M w x y z)).
etrans. {
rewrite assoc.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (pathsinv0 (bifunctor_leftcomp M _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z)).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (bifunctor_leftid M).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply id_right.
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (pr2 (z_iso_from_associator_iso M w (x⊗_{M}y) z)).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply id_right.
etrans. {
apply (pathsinv0 (bifunctor_rightcomp M _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. {
apply maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (pr2 (z_iso_from_associator_iso M w x y))).
apply (bifunctor_rightid M).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _)).
unfold z_iso_from_associator_iso.
unfold make_z_iso.
unfold make_is_z_isomorphism.
etrans. { apply (pathsinv0 (id_right _)). }
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _)).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. {
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply (pathsinv0 (monoidal_pentagonidentity M w x y z)).
etrans. {
rewrite assoc.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (pathsinv0 (bifunctor_leftcomp M _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (z_iso_from_associator_iso M x y z)).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (bifunctor_leftid M).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply id_right.
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply (pr2 (z_iso_from_associator_iso M w (x⊗_{M}y) z)).
etrans. {
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply id_right.
etrans. {
apply (pathsinv0 (bifunctor_rightcomp M _ _ _ _ _ _)).
etrans. {
apply maponpaths.
apply (pr2 (pr2 (z_iso_from_associator_iso M w x y))).
apply (bifunctor_rightid M).
End A.
Module MonoidalNotations.
Notation "I_{ M }" := (monoidal_unit M) : cat.
Notation "lu_{ M }" := (monoidal_leftunitordata M) : cat.
Notation "luinv_{ M }" := (monoidal_leftunitorinvdata M) : cat.
Notation "ru_{ M }" := (monoidal_rightunitordata M) : cat.
Notation "ruinv_{ M }" := (monoidal_rightunitorinvdata M) : cat.
Notation "α_{ M }" := (monoidal_associatordata M) : cat.
Notation "αinv_{ M }" := (monoidal_associatorinvdata M) : cat.
Notation "lu^{ M }_{ x }" := (monoidal_leftunitordata M x ) : cat.
Notation "ru^{ M }_{ x }" := ( monoidal_rightunitordata M x ) : cat.
Notation "α^{ M }_{ x , y , z }" := (monoidal_associatordata M x y z) : cat.
Notation "luinv^{ M }_{ x }" := (monoidal_leftunitorinvdata M x ) : cat.
Notation "ruinv^{ M }_{ x }" := ( monoidal_rightunitorinvdata M x ) : cat.
Notation "αinv^{ M }_{ x , y , z }" := (monoidal_associatorinvdata M x y z) : cat.
End MonoidalNotations.
2. Opposite monoidal category
Section OppositeMonoidal.
Context {C : category} (M : monoidal C).
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition monoidal_opp_tensor_data : bifunctor_data C^op C^op C^op.
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_opp_is_tensor : is_bifunctor monoidal_opp_tensor_data.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_opp_tensor : bifunctor C^op C^op C^op
:= monoidal_opp_tensor_data ,, monoidal_opp_is_tensor.
Definition monoidal_opp_data : monoidal_data C^op.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_opp_laws : monoidal_laws monoidal_opp_data.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_opp : monoidal C^op
:= monoidal_opp_data ,, monoidal_opp_laws.
End OppositeMonoidal.
Context {C : category} (M : monoidal C).
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition monoidal_opp_tensor_data : bifunctor_data C^op C^op C^op.
Show proof.
exists (pr11 (monoidal_tensor M)).
exists (λ x _ _ g, x ⊗^{M}_{l} g).
exact (λ x _ _ f, f ⊗^{M}_{r} x).
exists (λ x _ _ g, x ⊗^{M}_{l} g).
exact (λ x _ _ f, f ⊗^{M}_{r} x).
Lemma monoidal_opp_is_tensor : is_bifunctor monoidal_opp_tensor_data.
Show proof.
repeat split ; (try (intro ; intros) ; try apply (pr2 (monoidal_tensor M))).
exact (! bifunctor_equalwhiskers M a2 a1 b2 b1 f g).
exact (! bifunctor_equalwhiskers M a2 a1 b2 b1 f g).
Definition monoidal_opp_tensor : bifunctor C^op C^op C^op
:= monoidal_opp_tensor_data ,, monoidal_opp_is_tensor.
Definition monoidal_opp_data : monoidal_data C^op.
Show proof.
exists monoidal_opp_tensor_data.
exists I_{M}.
exists luinv_{M}.
exists lu_{M}.
exists ruinv_{M}.
exists ru_{M}.
exists αinv_{M}.
exact α_{M}.
exists I_{M}.
exists luinv_{M}.
exists lu_{M}.
exists ruinv_{M}.
exists ru_{M}.
exists αinv_{M}.
exact α_{M}.
Definition monoidal_opp_laws : monoidal_laws monoidal_opp_data.
Show proof.
repeat split.
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_leftid M).
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_rightid M).
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_leftcomp M).
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_rightcomp M).
- intro ; intros.
exact (!(bifunctor_equalwhiskers M _ _ _ _ f g)).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_leftunitorinvnat.
- apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M).
- apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_rightunitorinvnat.
- apply (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M).
- apply (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_associatorinvnatleft.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_associatorinvnatright.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_associatorinvnatleftright.
- apply (monoidal_associatorisolaw M).
- apply (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_triangle_identity_inv.
- intros w x y z.
refine (_ @ monoidal_pentagon_identity_inv M w x y z).
simpl ; apply assoc.
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_leftid M).
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_rightid M).
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_leftcomp M).
- intro ; intros.
apply (bifunctor_rightcomp M).
- intro ; intros.
exact (!(bifunctor_equalwhiskers M _ _ _ _ f g)).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_leftunitorinvnat.
- apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M).
- apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_rightunitorinvnat.
- apply (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M).
- apply (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_associatorinvnatleft.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_associatorinvnatright.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_associatorinvnatleftright.
- apply (monoidal_associatorisolaw M).
- apply (monoidal_associatorlaw M).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_triangle_identity_inv.
- intros w x y z.
refine (_ @ monoidal_pentagon_identity_inv M w x y z).
simpl ; apply assoc.
Definition monoidal_opp : monoidal C^op
:= monoidal_opp_data ,, monoidal_opp_laws.
End OppositeMonoidal.
3. Equivalences from the tensor and unit
Section EquivalenceFromTensorWithUnit.
Context {C : category} (M : monoidal C).
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition ladjunction_data_from_tensor_with_unit
: adjunction_data C C.
Show proof.
Definition lequivalence_from_tensor_with_unit
: equivalence_of_cats C C.
Show proof.
Definition radjunction_data_from_tensor_with_unit
: adjunction_data C C.
Show proof.
Definition requivalence_from_tensor_with_unit
: equivalence_of_cats C C.
Show proof.
Lemma leftwhiskering_fullyfaithful
: fully_faithful (leftwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
Lemma rightwhiskering_fullyfaithful
: fully_faithful (rightwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
Lemma leftwhiskering_faithful
: faithful (leftwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
Lemma rightwhiskering_faithful
: faithful (rightwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
End EquivalenceFromTensorWithUnit.
Context {C : category} (M : monoidal C).
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition ladjunction_data_from_tensor_with_unit
: adjunction_data C C.
Show proof.
exists (leftwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
exists (functor_identity C).
use tpair.
- apply (nat_z_iso_inv (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- apply (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M).
exists (functor_identity C).
use tpair.
- apply (nat_z_iso_inv (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- apply (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M).
Definition lequivalence_from_tensor_with_unit
: equivalence_of_cats C C.
Show proof.
exists ladjunction_data_from_tensor_with_unit.
- intro ; apply (nat_z_iso_inv (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- intro ; apply (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M).
- intro ; apply (nat_z_iso_inv (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- intro ; apply (leftunitor_nat_z_iso M).
Definition radjunction_data_from_tensor_with_unit
: adjunction_data C C.
Show proof.
exists (rightwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
exists (functor_identity C).
use tpair.
- apply (nat_z_iso_inv (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- apply (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M).
exists (functor_identity C).
use tpair.
- apply (nat_z_iso_inv (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- apply (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M).
Definition requivalence_from_tensor_with_unit
: equivalence_of_cats C C.
Show proof.
exists radjunction_data_from_tensor_with_unit.
- intro ; apply (nat_z_iso_inv (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- intro ; apply (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M).
- intro ; apply (nat_z_iso_inv (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M)).
- intro ; apply (rightunitor_nat_z_iso M).
Lemma leftwhiskering_fullyfaithful
: fully_faithful (leftwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
Lemma rightwhiskering_fullyfaithful
: fully_faithful (rightwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
Lemma leftwhiskering_faithful
: faithful (leftwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
Lemma rightwhiskering_faithful
: faithful (rightwhiskering_functor M I_{M}).
Show proof.
End EquivalenceFromTensorWithUnit.
4. The unitors coincide
Section UnitorsCoincide.
Context {C : category} (M : monoidal C).
Import MonoidalNotations.
Local Lemma lemma0 (x y : C) :
((α_{M} I_{M} I_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · ((I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) =
(ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
Local Lemma lemma1 (x y : C) :
α_{M} I_{M} (I_{M} ⊗_{M} x) y · (I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y)) =
((I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · α_{M} I_{M} x y.
Show proof.
Local Lemma lemma2 (x y : C) :
I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y) = αinv_{M} I_{M} (I_{M} ⊗_{M} x) y · (((I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · α_{M} I_{M} x y).
Show proof.
Local Lemma lemma2' (x y : C) :
(I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y =
((αinv_{M} I_{M} I_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · (ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
Local Lemma lemma3 (x y : C) :
I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y) =
αinv_{M} I_{M} (I_{M} ⊗_{M} x) y
· ((((αinv_{M} I_{M} I_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· (ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· α_{M} I_{M} x y).
Show proof.
Local Lemma right_whisker_with_lunitor' (x y : C)
: I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (α_{M} I_{M} x y · lu_{M} (x ⊗_{M} y)).
Show proof.
Lemma right_whisker_with_lunitor : triangle_identity' lu_{M} α_{M}.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_triangleidentity' := right_whisker_with_lunitor.
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity'_inv (x y : C)
: luinv_{M} (x ⊗_{M} y) · αinv_{M} I_{M} x y = luinv_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
Lemma lunitor_preserves_leftwhiskering_with_unit
: lu^{M}_{I_{ M} ⊗_{M} I_{M}} = I_{M} ⊗^{ M}_{l} lu^{M}_{I_{ M}}.
Show proof.
Lemma unitors_coincide_on_unit'
: lu_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} I_{M} = ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} I_{M}.
Show proof.
Lemma unitors_coincide_on_unit
: lu_{M} I_{M} = ru_{M} I_{M}.
Show proof.
Corollary unitorsinv_coincide_on_unit
: luinv_{M} I_{M} = ruinv_{M} I_{M}.
Show proof.
Section UnitorsCoincideAlternative.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Lemma unitorsinv_coincide_on_unit_alt {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: luinv_{M} I_{M} = ruinv_{M} I_{M}.
Show proof.
End UnitorsCoincideAlternative.
Context {C : category} (M : monoidal C).
Import MonoidalNotations.
Local Lemma lemma0 (x y : C) :
((α_{M} I_{M} I_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · ((I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) =
(ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
refine (! bifunctor_rightcomp M _ _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
apply maponpaths.
apply (monoidal_triangleidentity M I_{M} x).
apply maponpaths.
apply (monoidal_triangleidentity M I_{M} x).
Local Lemma lemma1 (x y : C) :
α_{M} I_{M} (I_{M} ⊗_{M} x) y · (I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y)) =
((I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · α_{M} I_{M} x y.
Show proof.
Local Lemma lemma2 (x y : C) :
I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y) = αinv_{M} I_{M} (I_{M} ⊗_{M} x) y · (((I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · α_{M} I_{M} x y).
Show proof.
set (αiso := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_associatorisolaw M I_{ M} (I_{ M} ⊗_{ M} x) y)).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αiso).
apply pathsinv0.
apply lemma1.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αiso).
apply pathsinv0.
apply lemma1.
Local Lemma lemma2' (x y : C) :
(I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} lu_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y =
((αinv_{M} I_{M} I_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y) · (ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
set (αiso := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_associatorisolaw M I_{ M} I_{ M} x)).
set (αisor := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) αiso).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αisor).
apply pathsinv0.
apply lemma0.
set (αiso := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_associatorisolaw M I_{ M} I_{ M} x)).
set (αisor := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) αiso).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αisor).
apply pathsinv0.
apply lemma0.
Local Lemma lemma3 (x y : C) :
I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y) =
αinv_{M} I_{M} (I_{M} ⊗_{M} x) y
· ((((αinv_{M} I_{M} I_{M} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· (ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} x) ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
· α_{M} I_{M} x y).
Show proof.
Local Lemma right_whisker_with_lunitor' (x y : C)
: I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (lu_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y)
I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{l} (α_{M} I_{M} x y · lu_{M} (x ⊗_{M} y)).
Show proof.
refine (lemma3 x y @ _).
set (αiso := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_associatorisolaw M I_{ M} (I_{ M} ⊗_{M} x) y)).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αiso).
set (αiso' := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_associatorisolaw M I_{ M} I_{ M} x)).
set (αisor := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) αiso').
etrans. { apply assoc'. }
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αisor).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply assoc. }
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftcomp M _ _ _ _ _ _).
etrans. { apply assoc. }
etrans. {
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (monoidal_pentagonidentity M I_{M} I_{M} x y).
2: {
apply (associatorlaw_natright (monoidal_associatorlaw M)).
etrans. { apply assoc'. }
apply maponpaths.
apply monoidal_triangleidentity.
set (αiso := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_associatorisolaw M I_{ M} (I_{ M} ⊗_{M} x) y)).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αiso).
set (αiso' := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_associatorisolaw M I_{ M} I_{ M} x)).
set (αisor := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) αiso').
etrans. { apply assoc'. }
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ αisor).
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. { apply assoc. }
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftcomp M _ _ _ _ _ _).
etrans. { apply assoc. }
etrans. {
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (monoidal_pentagonidentity M I_{M} I_{M} x y).
2: {
apply (associatorlaw_natright (monoidal_associatorlaw M)).
etrans. { apply assoc'. }
apply maponpaths.
apply monoidal_triangleidentity.
Lemma right_whisker_with_lunitor : triangle_identity' lu_{M} α_{M}.
Show proof.
intros x y.
use faithful_reflects_commutative_triangle.
3: { apply leftwhiskering_faithful. }
apply pathsinv0.
refine (right_whisker_with_lunitor' _ _ @ _).
apply (bifunctor_leftcomp (monoidal_tensor M)).
use faithful_reflects_commutative_triangle.
3: { apply leftwhiskering_faithful. }
apply pathsinv0.
refine (right_whisker_with_lunitor' _ _ @ _).
apply (bifunctor_leftcomp (monoidal_tensor M)).
Definition monoidal_triangleidentity' := right_whisker_with_lunitor.
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity'_inv (x y : C)
: luinv_{M} (x ⊗_{M} y) · αinv_{M} I_{M} x y = luinv_{M} x ⊗^{M}_{r} y.
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ((z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _))).
set (luix := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M x)).
set (luixy := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) luix).
set (luipxy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M (x ⊗_{ M} y))).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ luixy).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ luipxy).
exact (! monoidal_triangleidentity' x y).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ((z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _))).
set (luix := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M x)).
set (luixy := functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor M y) luix).
set (luipxy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M (x ⊗_{ M} y))).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ luixy).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ luipxy).
exact (! monoidal_triangleidentity' x y).
Lemma lunitor_preserves_leftwhiskering_with_unit
: lu^{M}_{I_{ M} ⊗_{M} I_{M}} = I_{M} ⊗^{ M}_{l} lu^{M}_{I_{ M}}.
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
set (lun := monoidal_leftunitornat M _ _ (lu_{M} (I_{M}))).
etrans. { apply (! id_right _). }
2: { apply id_right. }
etrans. {
apply maponpaths.
exact (! pr1 (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M I_{ M})).
etrans. { apply assoc. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2 ; exact lun. }
etrans. { apply assoc'. }
apply maponpaths.
apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw.
set (lun := monoidal_leftunitornat M _ _ (lu_{M} (I_{M}))).
etrans. { apply (! id_right _). }
2: { apply id_right. }
etrans. {
apply maponpaths.
exact (! pr1 (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M I_{ M})).
etrans. { apply assoc. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2 ; exact lun. }
etrans. { apply assoc'. }
apply maponpaths.
apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw.
Lemma unitors_coincide_on_unit'
: lu_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} I_{M} = ru_{M} I_{M} ⊗^{M}_{r} I_{M}.
Show proof.
refine (! right_whisker_with_lunitor I_{M} I_{M} @ _).
refine (_ @ monoidal_triangleidentity M I_{M} I_{M}).
apply maponpaths.
apply lunitor_preserves_leftwhiskering_with_unit.
refine (_ @ monoidal_triangleidentity M I_{M} I_{M}).
apply maponpaths.
apply lunitor_preserves_leftwhiskering_with_unit.
Lemma unitors_coincide_on_unit
: lu_{M} I_{M} = ru_{M} I_{M}.
Show proof.
use faithful_reflects_morphism_equality.
3: { apply rightwhiskering_faithful. }
apply unitors_coincide_on_unit'.
3: { apply rightwhiskering_faithful. }
apply unitors_coincide_on_unit'.
Corollary unitorsinv_coincide_on_unit
: luinv_{M} I_{M} = ruinv_{M} I_{M}.
Show proof.
apply (cancel_z_iso _ _ (lu_{M} I_{M},,(luinv_{M} I_{M},,monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M I_{M}))).
2: { rewrite unitors_coincide_on_unit.
apply pathsinv0, (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M I_{M}). }
apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M I_{M}).
2: { rewrite unitors_coincide_on_unit.
apply pathsinv0, (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M I_{M}). }
apply (monoidal_leftunitorisolaw M I_{M}).
Section UnitorsCoincideAlternative.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Lemma unitorsinv_coincide_on_unit_alt {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: luinv_{M} I_{M} = ruinv_{M} I_{M}.
Show proof.
End UnitorsCoincideAlternative.
5. Swapping the tensor
Section MonoidalSwapped.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition tensor_swapped {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: tensor_data V.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_swapped_data {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: monoidal_data V.
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_swapped_laws {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: monoidal_laws (monoidal_swapped_data Mon_V).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_swapped {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: monoidal V
:= monoidal_swapped_data Mon_V ,, monoidal_swapped_laws Mon_V.
End MonoidalSwapped.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition tensor_swapped {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: tensor_data V.
Show proof.
repeat (use tpair).
- intros v w.
exact (w ⊗_{Mon_V} v).
- intros v w1 w2 f.
exact (f ⊗^{Mon_V}_{r} v).
- intros v w1 w2 f.
exact (v ⊗^{Mon_V}_{l} f).
- intros v w.
exact (w ⊗_{Mon_V} v).
- intros v w1 w2 f.
exact (f ⊗^{Mon_V}_{r} v).
- intros v w1 w2 f.
exact (v ⊗^{Mon_V}_{l} f).
Definition monoidal_swapped_data {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: monoidal_data V.
Show proof.
exists (tensor_swapped Mon_V).
exists I_{Mon_V}.
exists (λ v, ru_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v, ruinv_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v, lu_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v, luinv_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v1 v2 v3, αinv_{Mon_V} v3 v2 v1).
exact (λ v1 v2 v3, α_{Mon_V} v3 v2 v1).
exists I_{Mon_V}.
exists (λ v, ru_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v, ruinv_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v, lu_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v, luinv_{Mon_V} v).
exists (λ v1 v2 v3, αinv_{Mon_V} v3 v2 v1).
exact (λ v1 v2 v3, α_{Mon_V} v3 v2 v1).
Lemma monoidal_swapped_laws {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: monoidal_laws (monoidal_swapped_data Mon_V).
Show proof.
repeat split.
- intro ; intro ; apply (bifunctor_rightid Mon_V).
- intro ; intro ; apply (bifunctor_leftid Mon_V).
- intro ; intros ; apply (bifunctor_rightcomp Mon_V).
- intro ; intros ; apply (bifunctor_leftcomp Mon_V).
- intro ; intros ; apply (! bifunctor_equalwhiskers Mon_V _ _ _ _ _ _).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_rightunitornat.
- apply monoidal_rightunitorisolaw.
- apply monoidal_rightunitorisolaw.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_leftunitornat.
- apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw.
- apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw.
- intro ; intros ; apply (! monoidal_associatorinvnatright Mon_V _ _ _ _ _).
- intro ; intros ; apply (! monoidal_associatorinvnatleft Mon_V _ _ _ _ _).
- intro ; intros ; apply (! monoidal_associatorinvnatleftright Mon_V _ _ _ _ _).
- apply monoidal_associatorisolaw.
- apply monoidal_associatorisolaw.
- intro ; intros.
rewrite (! monoidal_triangleidentity Mon_V _ _).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (pr2 (monoidal_associatorisolaw Mon_V _ _ _)).
apply id_left.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_pentagon_identity_inv.
- intro ; intro ; apply (bifunctor_rightid Mon_V).
- intro ; intro ; apply (bifunctor_leftid Mon_V).
- intro ; intros ; apply (bifunctor_rightcomp Mon_V).
- intro ; intros ; apply (bifunctor_leftcomp Mon_V).
- intro ; intros ; apply (! bifunctor_equalwhiskers Mon_V _ _ _ _ _ _).
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_rightunitornat.
- apply monoidal_rightunitorisolaw.
- apply monoidal_rightunitorisolaw.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_leftunitornat.
- apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw.
- apply monoidal_leftunitorisolaw.
- intro ; intros ; apply (! monoidal_associatorinvnatright Mon_V _ _ _ _ _).
- intro ; intros ; apply (! monoidal_associatorinvnatleft Mon_V _ _ _ _ _).
- intro ; intros ; apply (! monoidal_associatorinvnatleftright Mon_V _ _ _ _ _).
- apply monoidal_associatorisolaw.
- apply monoidal_associatorisolaw.
- intro ; intros.
rewrite (! monoidal_triangleidentity Mon_V _ _).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (pr2 (monoidal_associatorisolaw Mon_V _ _ _)).
apply id_left.
- intro ; intros ; apply monoidal_pentagon_identity_inv.
Definition monoidal_swapped {V : category} (Mon_V : monoidal V)
: monoidal V
:= monoidal_swapped_data Mon_V ,, monoidal_swapped_laws Mon_V.
End MonoidalSwapped.
6. More monoidal laws
Section MonoidalLaws.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Lemma left_whisker_with_runitor {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: triangle_identity'' ru_{M} α_{M}.
Show proof.
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity''_inv {C : category} (M : monoidal C) (x y : C)
: x ⊗^{M}_{l} (ruinv_{M} y) · αinv_{M} x y I_{M} = ruinv_{M} (x ⊗_{M} y).
Show proof.
Lemma lunitorinv_preserves_leftwhiskering_with_unit
{C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: luinv^{M}_{I_{ M}} ⊗^{ M}_{r} I_{ M} · α^{ M }_{ I_{ M}, I_{ M}, I_{ M}}
= I_{ M} ⊗^{ M}_{l} luinv^{M}_{I_{ M}}.
Show proof.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Lemma left_whisker_with_runitor {C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: triangle_identity'' ru_{M} α_{M}.
Show proof.
red; intros x y.
assert (aux := right_whisker_with_lunitor (monoidal_swapped M) y x).
cbn in aux.
rewrite <- aux.
rewrite assoc.
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply monoidal_associatorisolaw. }
apply id_left.
assert (aux := right_whisker_with_lunitor (monoidal_swapped M) y x).
cbn in aux.
rewrite <- aux.
rewrite assoc.
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply monoidal_associatorisolaw. }
apply id_left.
Lemma monoidal_triangle_identity''_inv {C : category} (M : monoidal C) (x y : C)
: x ⊗^{M}_{l} (ruinv_{M} y) · αinv_{M} x y I_{M} = ruinv_{M} (x ⊗_{M} y).
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ((z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _))).
set (ruiy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M y)).
set (ruiyx := functor_on_z_iso (leftwhiskering_functor M x) ruiy).
set (ruipxy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M (x ⊗_{ M} y))).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ ruipxy).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ruiyx).
exact (! (left_whisker_with_runitor M) x y).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ((z_iso_from_associator_iso M _ _ _))).
set (ruiy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M y)).
set (ruiyx := functor_on_z_iso (leftwhiskering_functor M x) ruiy).
set (ruipxy := make_z_iso _ _ (monoidal_rightunitorisolaw M (x ⊗_{ M} y))).
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ ruipxy).
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ ruiyx).
exact (! (left_whisker_with_runitor M) x y).
Lemma lunitorinv_preserves_leftwhiskering_with_unit
{C : category} (M : monoidal C)
: luinv^{M}_{I_{ M}} ⊗^{ M}_{r} I_{ M} · α^{ M }_{ I_{ M}, I_{ M}, I_{ M}}
= I_{ M} ⊗^{ M}_{l} luinv^{M}_{I_{ M}}.
Show proof.
set (t := monoidal_triangle_identity_inv_alt M I_{M} I_{M}).
use (_ @ ! z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (_,, α^{M}_{_,_,_} ,, _) _ (! t)).
- apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
apply unitorsinv_coincide_on_unit_alt.
- split ; apply (monoidal_associatorisolaw M).
End MonoidalLaws.use (_ @ ! z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (_,, α^{M}_{_,_,_} ,, _) _ (! t)).
- apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
apply unitorsinv_coincide_on_unit_alt.
- split ; apply (monoidal_associatorisolaw M).
7. Bundled approach to monoidal categories
Accessors and notations for monoidal categories
Declare Scope moncat.
Local Open Scope moncat.
Definition monoidal_cat : UU := ∑ (C : category), monoidal C.
#[reversible] Coercion monoidal_cat_to_cat (V : monoidal_cat) : category := pr1 V.
#[reversible] Coercion monoidal_cat_to_monoidal (V : monoidal_cat) : monoidal V := pr2 V.
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor_pt
{V : monoidal_cat}
(x y : V)
: V
:= x ⊗_{ pr2 V } y.
Notation "x ⊗ y" := (monoidal_cat_tensor_pt x y) : moncat.
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor_mor
{V : monoidal_cat}
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: x₁ ⊗ y₁ --> x₂ ⊗ y₂
:= f ⊗^{ pr2 V } g.
Notation "f #⊗ g" := (monoidal_cat_tensor_mor f g) (at level 31) : moncat.
Proposition tensor_mor_left
{V : monoidal_cat}
(x : V)
{y z : V}
(f : y --> z)
: x ⊗^{V}_{l} f = identity x #⊗ f.
Show proof.
Proposition tensor_mor_right
{V : monoidal_cat}
(x : V)
{y z : V}
(f : y --> z)
: f ⊗^{V}_{r} x = f #⊗ identity x.
Show proof.
Section MonoidalCatAccessors.
Context {V : monoidal_cat}.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition tensor_id_id
(x y : V)
: identity x #⊗ identity y = identity (x ⊗ y).
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_mor
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: (f · f') #⊗ (g · g') = f #⊗ g · f' #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_id_l
{x y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: (identity x) #⊗ (g · g') = (identity x) #⊗ g · (identity x) #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_l_id_l
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: f #⊗ (g · g') = (identity _) #⊗ g · f #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_l_id_r
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: f #⊗ (g · g') = f #⊗ g · (identity _) #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_id_r
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
: (f · f') #⊗ (identity y) = f #⊗ (identity y) · f' #⊗ (identity y).
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_r_id_l
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: (f · f') #⊗ g = f #⊗ (identity _) · f' #⊗ g.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_r_id_r
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: (f · f') #⊗ g = f #⊗ g · f' #⊗ (identity _).
Show proof.
Definition tensor_split
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: f #⊗ g = identity _ #⊗ g · f #⊗ identity _.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_split'
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: f #⊗ g = f #⊗ identity _ · identity _ #⊗ g.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_swap
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: f #⊗ identity _ · identity _ #⊗ g = identity _ #⊗ g · f #⊗ identity _.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_swap'
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: identity _ #⊗ g · f #⊗ identity _ = f #⊗ identity _ · identity _ #⊗ g.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lunitor
(x : V)
: I_{V} ⊗ x --> x
:= monoidal_leftunitordata V x.
Definition tensor_lunitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: identity _ #⊗ f · mon_lunitor y
mon_lunitor x · f.
Show proof.
Definition mon_linvunitor
(x : V)
: x --> I_{V} ⊗ x
:= monoidal_leftunitorinvdata V x.
Definition tensor_linvunitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: f · mon_linvunitor y
mon_linvunitor x · identity _ #⊗ f.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lunitor_linvunitor
(x : V)
: mon_lunitor x · mon_linvunitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_linvunitor_lunitor
(x : V)
: mon_linvunitor x · mon_lunitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_runitor
(x : V)
: x ⊗ I_{V} --> x
:= monoidal_rightunitordata V x.
Definition tensor_runitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: f #⊗ identity _ · mon_runitor y
mon_runitor x · f.
Show proof.
Definition mon_rinvunitor
(x : V)
: x --> x ⊗ I_{V}
:= monoidal_rightunitorinvdata V x.
Definition tensor_rinvunitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: f · mon_rinvunitor y
mon_rinvunitor x · f #⊗ identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_runitor_rinvunitor
(x : V)
: mon_runitor x · mon_rinvunitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_rinvunitor_runitor
(x : V)
: mon_rinvunitor x · mon_runitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lassociator
(x y z : V)
: (x ⊗ y) ⊗ z --> x ⊗ (y ⊗ z)
:= α_{ V } x y z.
Definition tensor_lassociator
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
(h : z₁ --> z₂)
: (f #⊗ g) #⊗ h · mon_lassociator _ _ _
mon_lassociator _ _ _ · f #⊗ (g #⊗ h).
Show proof.
Definition mon_rassociator
(x y z : V)
: x ⊗ (y ⊗ z) --> (x ⊗ y) ⊗ z
:= αinv_{ V } x y z.
Definition tensor_rassociator
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
(h : z₁ --> z₂)
: f #⊗ (g #⊗ h) · mon_rassociator _ _ _
mon_rassociator _ _ _ · (f #⊗ g) #⊗ h.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lassociator_rassociator
(x y z : V)
: mon_lassociator x y z · mon_rassociator x y z = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_rassociator_lassociator
(x y z : V)
: mon_rassociator x y z · mon_lassociator x y z = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_runitor x #⊗ identity y
mon_lassociator x I_{V} y · (identity x #⊗ mon_lunitor y).
Show proof.
Definition mon_inv_triangle
(x y : V)
: identity x #⊗ mon_linvunitor y
mon_rinvunitor x #⊗ identity y · mon_lassociator x (I_{V}) y.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lunitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_lassociator (I_{V}) x y · mon_lunitor (x ⊗ y)
mon_lunitor x #⊗ identity y.
Show proof.
Definition mon_linvunitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_linvunitor x #⊗ identity y · mon_lassociator (I_{V}) x y
mon_linvunitor (x ⊗ y).
Show proof.
Definition mon_runitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_rassociator x y (I_{V}) · mon_runitor (x ⊗ y)
identity x #⊗ mon_runitor y.
Show proof.
Definition mon_rinvunitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: identity x #⊗ mon_rinvunitor y · mon_rassociator x y (I_{V})
mon_rinvunitor (x ⊗ y).
Show proof.
Definition mon_runitor_I_mon_lunitor_I
: mon_runitor (I_{V}) = mon_lunitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Definition mon_lunitor_I_mon_runitor_I
: mon_lunitor (I_{V}) = mon_runitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Definition mon_rinvunitor_I_mon_linvunitor_I
: mon_rinvunitor (I_{V}) = mon_linvunitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Definition mon_linvunitor_I_mon_rinvunitor_I
: mon_linvunitor (I_{V}) = mon_rinvunitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Proposition mon_lassociator_lassociator
{w x y z : V}
: mon_lassociator (w ⊗ x) y z
· mon_lassociator w x (y ⊗ z)
mon_lassociator w x y #⊗ identity z
· mon_lassociator w (x ⊗ y) z
· identity w #⊗ mon_lassociator x y z.
Show proof.
Proposition mon_lassociator_lassociator'
{w x y z : V}
: mon_lassociator (w ⊗ x) y z
· mon_lassociator w x (y ⊗ z)
· w ⊗^{V}_{l} mon_rassociator x y z
= mon_lassociator w x y ⊗^{V}_{r} z
· mon_lassociator w (x ⊗ y) z.
Show proof.
Proposition mon_rassociator_rassociator
{w x y z : V}
: mon_rassociator w x (y ⊗ z)
· mon_rassociator (w ⊗ x) y z
identity w #⊗ mon_rassociator x y z
· mon_rassociator w (x ⊗ y) z
· mon_rassociator w x y #⊗ identity z.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_left_tensor_data
(x : V)
: functor_data V V.
Show proof.
Proposition is_functor_monoidal_left_tensor
(x : V)
: is_functor (monoidal_left_tensor_data x).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_left_tensor
(x : V)
: V ⟶ V.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_right_tensor_data
(y : V)
: functor_data V V.
Show proof.
Proposition is_functor_monoidal_right_tensor
(y : V)
: is_functor (monoidal_right_tensor_data y).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_right_tensor
(y : V)
: V ⟶ V.
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor_data
(V : monoidal_cat)
: functor_data (category_binproduct V V) V.
Show proof.
Proposition is_functor_monoidal_cat_tensor
(V : monoidal_cat)
: is_functor (monoidal_cat_tensor_data V).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor
(V : monoidal_cat)
: category_binproduct V V ⟶ V.
Show proof.
Local Open Scope moncat.
Definition monoidal_cat : UU := ∑ (C : category), monoidal C.
#[reversible] Coercion monoidal_cat_to_cat (V : monoidal_cat) : category := pr1 V.
#[reversible] Coercion monoidal_cat_to_monoidal (V : monoidal_cat) : monoidal V := pr2 V.
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor_pt
{V : monoidal_cat}
(x y : V)
: V
:= x ⊗_{ pr2 V } y.
Notation "x ⊗ y" := (monoidal_cat_tensor_pt x y) : moncat.
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor_mor
{V : monoidal_cat}
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: x₁ ⊗ y₁ --> x₂ ⊗ y₂
:= f ⊗^{ pr2 V } g.
Notation "f #⊗ g" := (monoidal_cat_tensor_mor f g) (at level 31) : moncat.
Proposition tensor_mor_left
{V : monoidal_cat}
(x : V)
{y z : V}
(f : y --> z)
: x ⊗^{V}_{l} f = identity x #⊗ f.
Show proof.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
apply id_left.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
apply id_left.
Proposition tensor_mor_right
{V : monoidal_cat}
(x : V)
{y z : V}
(f : y --> z)
: f ⊗^{V}_{r} x = f #⊗ identity x.
Show proof.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
apply id_right.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
apply id_right.
Section MonoidalCatAccessors.
Context {V : monoidal_cat}.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Definition tensor_id_id
(x y : V)
: identity x #⊗ identity y = identity (x ⊗ y).
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_mor
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: (f · f') #⊗ (g · g') = f #⊗ g · f' #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
use bifunctor_distributes_over_comp.
- apply (bifunctor_leftcomp V).
- apply (bifunctor_rightcomp V).
- apply (bifunctor_equalwhiskers V).
- apply (bifunctor_leftcomp V).
- apply (bifunctor_rightcomp V).
- apply (bifunctor_equalwhiskers V).
Definition tensor_comp_id_l
{x y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: (identity x) #⊗ (g · g') = (identity x) #⊗ g · (identity x) #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_l_id_l
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: f #⊗ (g · g') = (identity _) #⊗ g · f #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_l_id_r
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ y₃ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂) (g' : y₂ --> y₃)
: f #⊗ (g · g') = f #⊗ g · (identity _) #⊗ g'.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_id_r
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
: (f · f') #⊗ (identity y) = f #⊗ (identity y) · f' #⊗ (identity y).
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_r_id_l
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: (f · f') #⊗ g = f #⊗ (identity _) · f' #⊗ g.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_comp_r_id_r
{x₁ x₂ x₃ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂) (f' : x₂ --> x₃)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: (f · f') #⊗ g = f #⊗ g · f' #⊗ (identity _).
Show proof.
Definition tensor_split
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: f #⊗ g = identity _ #⊗ g · f #⊗ identity _.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_split'
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: f #⊗ g = f #⊗ identity _ · identity _ #⊗ g.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_swap
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: f #⊗ identity _ · identity _ #⊗ g = identity _ #⊗ g · f #⊗ identity _.
Show proof.
Definition tensor_swap'
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
: identity _ #⊗ g · f #⊗ identity _ = f #⊗ identity _ · identity _ #⊗ g.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lunitor
(x : V)
: I_{V} ⊗ x --> x
:= monoidal_leftunitordata V x.
Definition tensor_lunitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: identity _ #⊗ f · mon_lunitor y
mon_lunitor x · f.
Show proof.
refine (_ @ pr1 (monoidal_leftunitorlaw V) x y f).
apply maponpaths_2.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
apply maponpaths_2.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
Definition mon_linvunitor
(x : V)
: x --> I_{V} ⊗ x
:= monoidal_leftunitorinvdata V x.
Definition tensor_linvunitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: f · mon_linvunitor y
mon_linvunitor x · identity _ #⊗ f.
Show proof.
refine (!(monoidal_leftunitorinvnat V x y f) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
apply maponpaths.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
Definition mon_lunitor_linvunitor
(x : V)
: mon_lunitor x · mon_linvunitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_linvunitor_lunitor
(x : V)
: mon_linvunitor x · mon_lunitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_runitor
(x : V)
: x ⊗ I_{V} --> x
:= monoidal_rightunitordata V x.
Definition tensor_runitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: f #⊗ identity _ · mon_runitor y
mon_runitor x · f.
Show proof.
refine (_ @ pr1 (monoidal_rightunitorlaw V) x y f).
apply maponpaths_2.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
apply maponpaths_2.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
Definition mon_rinvunitor
(x : V)
: x --> x ⊗ I_{V}
:= monoidal_rightunitorinvdata V x.
Definition tensor_rinvunitor
{x y : V}
(f : x --> y)
: f · mon_rinvunitor y
mon_rinvunitor x · f #⊗ identity _.
Show proof.
refine (!(monoidal_rightunitorinvnat V x y f) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_right _) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
apply maponpaths.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_right _) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
Definition mon_runitor_rinvunitor
(x : V)
: mon_runitor x · mon_rinvunitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_rinvunitor_runitor
(x : V)
: mon_rinvunitor x · mon_runitor x = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lassociator
(x y z : V)
: (x ⊗ y) ⊗ z --> x ⊗ (y ⊗ z)
:= α_{ V } x y z.
Definition tensor_lassociator
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
(h : z₁ --> z₂)
: (f #⊗ g) #⊗ h · mon_lassociator _ _ _
mon_lassociator _ _ _ · f #⊗ (g #⊗ h).
Show proof.
Definition mon_rassociator
(x y z : V)
: x ⊗ (y ⊗ z) --> (x ⊗ y) ⊗ z
:= αinv_{ V } x y z.
Definition tensor_rassociator
{x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ z₁ z₂ : V}
(f : x₁ --> x₂)
(g : y₁ --> y₂)
(h : z₁ --> z₂)
: f #⊗ (g #⊗ h) · mon_rassociator _ _ _
mon_rassociator _ _ _ · (f #⊗ g) #⊗ h.
Show proof.
Definition mon_lassociator_rassociator
(x y z : V)
: mon_lassociator x y z · mon_rassociator x y z = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_rassociator_lassociator
(x y z : V)
: mon_rassociator x y z · mon_lassociator x y z = identity _.
Show proof.
Definition mon_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_runitor x #⊗ identity y
mon_lassociator x I_{V} y · (identity x #⊗ mon_lunitor y).
Show proof.
refine (_ @ !(monoidal_triangleidentity V x y) @ _).
- unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
- apply maponpaths.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
- unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
- apply maponpaths.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
Definition mon_inv_triangle
(x y : V)
: identity x #⊗ mon_linvunitor y
mon_rinvunitor x #⊗ identity y · mon_lassociator x (I_{V}) y.
Show proof.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (_ @ !(monoidal_triangle_identity_inv V x y)).
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite (whiskerscommutes V).
- apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
- apply (bifunctor_equalwhiskers V).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (_ @ !(monoidal_triangle_identity_inv V x y)).
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite (whiskerscommutes V).
- apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
- apply (bifunctor_equalwhiskers V).
Definition mon_lunitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_lassociator (I_{V}) x y · mon_lunitor (x ⊗ y)
mon_lunitor x #⊗ identity y.
Show proof.
refine (right_whisker_with_lunitor V x y @ _).
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_right _) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_right _) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_leftid V).
Definition mon_linvunitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_linvunitor x #⊗ identity y · mon_lassociator (I_{V}) x y
mon_linvunitor (x ⊗ y).
Show proof.
refine (!(id_right _) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(mon_lunitor_linvunitor _)).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_lunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite mon_linvunitor_lunitor.
apply tensor_id_id.
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(mon_lunitor_linvunitor _)).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_lunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite mon_linvunitor_lunitor.
apply tensor_id_id.
Definition mon_runitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: mon_rassociator x y (I_{V}) · mon_runitor (x ⊗ y)
identity x #⊗ mon_runitor y.
Show proof.
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(left_whisker_with_runitor V x y)).
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id_left.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(left_whisker_with_runitor V x y)).
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite id_left.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
apply maponpaths_2.
refine (!_).
apply (bifunctor_rightid V).
Definition mon_rinvunitor_triangle
(x y : V)
: identity x #⊗ mon_rinvunitor y · mon_rassociator x y (I_{V})
mon_rinvunitor (x ⊗ y).
Show proof.
refine (!(id_right _) @ _).
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(mon_runitor_rinvunitor _)).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_runitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite mon_rinvunitor_runitor.
apply tensor_id_id.
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(mon_runitor_rinvunitor _)).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_runitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite mon_rinvunitor_runitor.
apply tensor_id_id.
Definition mon_runitor_I_mon_lunitor_I
: mon_runitor (I_{V}) = mon_lunitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Definition mon_lunitor_I_mon_runitor_I
: mon_lunitor (I_{V}) = mon_runitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Definition mon_rinvunitor_I_mon_linvunitor_I
: mon_rinvunitor (I_{V}) = mon_linvunitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Definition mon_linvunitor_I_mon_rinvunitor_I
: mon_linvunitor (I_{V}) = mon_rinvunitor (I_{V}).
Show proof.
Proposition mon_lassociator_lassociator
{w x y z : V}
: mon_lassociator (w ⊗ x) y z
· mon_lassociator w x (y ⊗ z)
mon_lassociator w x y #⊗ identity z
· mon_lassociator w (x ⊗ y) z
· identity w #⊗ mon_lassociator x y z.
Show proof.
refine (!(monoidal_pentagonidentity V w x y z) @ _).
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite (bifunctor_rightid V).
rewrite (bifunctor_leftid V).
rewrite !id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite (bifunctor_rightid V).
rewrite (bifunctor_leftid V).
rewrite !id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
Proposition mon_lassociator_lassociator'
{w x y z : V}
: mon_lassociator (w ⊗ x) y z
· mon_lassociator w x (y ⊗ z)
· w ⊗^{V}_{l} mon_rassociator x y z
= mon_lassociator w x y ⊗^{V}_{r} z
· mon_lassociator w (x ⊗ y) z.
Show proof.
etrans. {
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite <- (when_bifunctor_becomes_leftwhiskering V).
rewrite ! assoc'.
etrans. {
do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0, tensor_comp_id_l.
etrans. {
do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite tensor_id_id.
rewrite id_right.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (when_bifunctor_becomes_rightwhiskering V).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply mon_lassociator_lassociator.
rewrite <- (when_bifunctor_becomes_leftwhiskering V).
rewrite ! assoc'.
etrans. {
do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0, tensor_comp_id_l.
etrans. {
do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_lassociator_rassociator.
rewrite tensor_id_id.
rewrite id_right.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (when_bifunctor_becomes_rightwhiskering V).
Proposition mon_rassociator_rassociator
{w x y z : V}
: mon_rassociator w x (y ⊗ z)
· mon_rassociator (w ⊗ x) y z
identity w #⊗ mon_rassociator x y z
· mon_rassociator w (x ⊗ y) z
· mon_rassociator w x y #⊗ identity z.
Show proof.
refine (!(monoidal_pentagon_identity_inv V w x y z) @ _).
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite (bifunctor_rightid V).
rewrite (bifunctor_leftid V).
rewrite !id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
unfold monoidal_cat_tensor_mor.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite (bifunctor_rightid V).
rewrite (bifunctor_leftid V).
rewrite !id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
Definition monoidal_left_tensor_data
(x : V)
: functor_data V V.
Show proof.
Proposition is_functor_monoidal_left_tensor
(x : V)
: is_functor (monoidal_left_tensor_data x).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_left_tensor
(x : V)
: V ⟶ V.
Show proof.
use make_functor.
- exact (monoidal_left_tensor_data x).
- exact (is_functor_monoidal_left_tensor x).
- exact (monoidal_left_tensor_data x).
- exact (is_functor_monoidal_left_tensor x).
Definition monoidal_right_tensor_data
(y : V)
: functor_data V V.
Show proof.
Proposition is_functor_monoidal_right_tensor
(y : V)
: is_functor (monoidal_right_tensor_data y).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_right_tensor
(y : V)
: V ⟶ V.
Show proof.
use make_functor.
- exact (monoidal_right_tensor_data y).
- exact (is_functor_monoidal_right_tensor y).
End MonoidalCatAccessors.- exact (monoidal_right_tensor_data y).
- exact (is_functor_monoidal_right_tensor y).
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor_data
(V : monoidal_cat)
: functor_data (category_binproduct V V) V.
Show proof.
Proposition is_functor_monoidal_cat_tensor
(V : monoidal_cat)
: is_functor (monoidal_cat_tensor_data V).
Show proof.
Definition monoidal_cat_tensor
(V : monoidal_cat)
: category_binproduct V V ⟶ V.
Show proof.