Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
This import is included because in the end we want to show that
bifunctors are equivalent to functors coming out of a product category
the following are needed for the connection with functors into the functor category
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
the following are needed for the distribution of (binary) coproducts
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.BinCoproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Coproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.ProductCategory.
Open Scope cat.
Section Bifunctor.
Context {A B C : category}.
Definition bifunctor_data : UU :=
∑ (F : A -> B -> C),
(∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B), B⟦b1, b2⟧ → C⟦F a b1, F a b2⟧) ×
(∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 : A), A⟦a1, a2⟧ → C⟦F a1 b, F a2 b⟧).
Definition make_bifunctor_data
(F : A -> B -> C)
(lw : ∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B), B⟦b1, b2⟧ → C⟦F a b1, F a b2⟧)
(rw : ∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 : A), A⟦a1, a2⟧ → C⟦F a1 b, F a2 b⟧)
: bifunctor_data := (F,,lw,,rw).
Definition bifunctor_on_objects (F : bifunctor_data) : A → B → C := pr1 F.
Local Notation "a ⊗_{ F } b" := (bifunctor_on_objects F a b) (at level 31).
Definition leftwhiskering_on_morphisms (F : bifunctor_data) :
∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B), B⟦b1, b2⟧ → C⟦a ⊗_{F} b1, a ⊗_{F} b2⟧ := pr1 (pr2 F).
Local Notation "a ⊗^{ F }_{l} g" := (leftwhiskering_on_morphisms F a _ _ g) (at level 31).
Definition rightwhiskering_on_morphisms (F : bifunctor_data) :
∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 : A), A⟦a1, a2⟧ → C⟦a1 ⊗_{F} b, a2 ⊗_{F} b⟧ := pr2 (pr2 F).
Local Notation "f ⊗^{ F }_{r} b" := (rightwhiskering_on_morphisms F b _ _ f) (at level 31).
Definition bifunctor_leftidax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (a : A) (b : B), a ⊗^{F}_{l} (identity b) = identity (a ⊗_{F} b).
Definition bifunctor_rightidax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (b : B) (a : A), (identity a) ⊗^{F}_{r} b = identity (a ⊗_{F} b).
Definition bifunctor_leftcompax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 b3 : B) (g1 : B⟦b1,b2⟧) (g2 : B⟦b2,b3⟧), a ⊗^{F}_{l} (g1 · g2) = (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g1) · (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g2).
Definition bifunctor_rightcompax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 a3 : A) (f1 : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (f2 : A⟦a2,a3⟧), (f1 · f2) ⊗^{F}_{r} b = (f1 ⊗^{F}_{r} b) · (f2 ⊗^{F}_{r} b).
Lemma leftwhiskering_functor_pre (F : bifunctor_data) (bli : bifunctor_leftidax F) (blc : bifunctor_leftcompax F) (a : A): functor B C.
Show proof.
Lemma rightwhiskering_functor_pre (F : bifunctor_data) (bri : bifunctor_rightidax F) (brc : bifunctor_rightcompax F) (b : B) : functor A C.
Show proof.
Definition functoronmorphisms1 (F : bifunctor_data) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
: C⟦a1 ⊗_{F} b1, a2 ⊗_{F} b2⟧ := (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b1) · (a2 ⊗^{F}_{l} g).
Local Notation "f ⊗^{ F } g" := (functoronmorphisms1 F f g) (at level 31).
Definition functoronmorphisms2 (F : bifunctor_data) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
: C⟦a1 ⊗_{F} b1, a2 ⊗_{F} b2⟧ := (a1 ⊗^{F}_{l} g) · (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b2).
Local Notation "f ⊗^{ F }_{2} g" := (functoronmorphisms2 F f g) (at level 31).
Definition functoronmorphisms_are_equal (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧),
f ⊗^{F} g = f ⊗^{F}_{2} g.
Lemma whiskerscommutes (F : bifunctor_data) (fmae : functoronmorphisms_are_equal F) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧) : (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b1)·(a2 ⊗^{F}_{l} g) = (a1 ⊗^{F}_{l} g)·(f ⊗^{F}_{r} b2).
Show proof.
Definition is_bifunctor (F : bifunctor_data) : UU :=
(bifunctor_leftidax F) ×
(bifunctor_rightidax F) ×
(bifunctor_leftcompax F) ×
(bifunctor_rightcompax F) ×
(functoronmorphisms_are_equal F).
Lemma isaprop_is_bifunctor (F : bifunctor_data)
: isaprop (is_bifunctor F).
Show proof.
Lemma bifunctor_distributes_over_id {F : bifunctor_data} (bli : bifunctor_leftidax F) (bri : bifunctor_rightidax F) (a : A) (b : B) : (identity a) ⊗^{F} (identity b) = identity (a ⊗_{F} b).
Show proof.
Lemma bifunctor_distributes_over_comp {F : bifunctor_data} (blc : bifunctor_leftcompax F) (brc : bifunctor_rightcompax F) (fmae : functoronmorphisms_are_equal F) {a1 a2 a3 : A} {b1 b2 b3 : B} (f1 : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (f2 : A⟦a2,a3⟧) (g1 : B⟦b1,b2⟧) (g2 : B⟦b2,b3⟧) : (f1 · f2) ⊗^{F} (g1 · g2) = (f1 ⊗^{F} g1) · (f2 ⊗^{F} g2).
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor : UU :=
∑ (F : bifunctor_data), is_bifunctor F.
Definition make_bifunctor (F : bifunctor_data) (H : is_bifunctor F)
: bifunctor := (F,,H).
Definition bifunctordata_from_bifunctor (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_data := pr1 F.
Coercion bifunctordata_from_bifunctor : bifunctor >-> bifunctor_data.
Definition isbifunctor_from_bifunctor (F : bifunctor) : is_bifunctor F := pr2 F.
Definition bifunctor_leftid (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_leftidax F := pr1 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F).
Definition bifunctor_rightid (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_rightidax F := pr1 (pr2 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)).
Definition bifunctor_leftcomp (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_leftcompax F := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 ((isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)))).
Definition bifunctor_rightcomp (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_rightcompax F := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)))).
Definition bifunctor_equalwhiskers (F : bifunctor) : functoronmorphisms_are_equal F := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)))).
Definition leftwhiskering_functor (F : bifunctor) (a : A) : functor B C :=
leftwhiskering_functor_pre F (bifunctor_leftid F) (bifunctor_leftcomp F) a.
Definition rightwhiskering_functor (F : bifunctor) (b : B) : functor A C :=
rightwhiskering_functor_pre F (bifunctor_rightid F) (bifunctor_rightcomp F) b.
Lemma when_bifunctor_becomes_leftwhiskering (F : bifunctor) (a : A) {b1 b2 : B} (g: B⟦b1, b2⟧):
identity a ⊗^{ F } g = a ⊗^{F}_{l} g.
Show proof.
Lemma when_bifunctor_becomes_rightwhiskering (F : bifunctor) {a1 a2 : A} (b : B) (f: A⟦a1, a2⟧):
f ⊗^{ F } identity b = f ⊗^{F}_{r} b.
Show proof.
Definition is_z_iso_bifunctor_z_iso (F : bifunctor) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
(f_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism f) (g_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism g) : is_z_isomorphism (f ⊗^{ F } g).
Show proof.
Definition is_z_iso_leftwhiskering_z_iso (F : bifunctor) (a : A) {b1 b2 : B} (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
(g_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism g) : is_z_isomorphism (a ⊗^{ F }_{l} g) :=
pr2 (functor_on_z_iso (leftwhiskering_functor F a) (g,,g_is_z_iso)).
Definition is_z_iso_rightwhiskering_z_iso (F : bifunctor) {a1 a2 : A} (b : B) (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧)
(f_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism f) : is_z_isomorphism (f ⊗^{ F }_{r} b) :=
pr2 (functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor F b) (f,,f_is_z_iso)).
End Bifunctor.
Arguments bifunctor_data : clear implicits.
Arguments bifunctor : clear implicits.
Module BifunctorNotations.
Notation "a ⊗_{ F } b" := (bifunctor_on_objects F a b) (at level 31).
Notation "a ⊗^{ F }_{l} g" := (leftwhiskering_on_morphisms F a _ _ g) (at level 31).
Notation "f ⊗^{ F }_{r} b" := (rightwhiskering_on_morphisms F b _ _ f) (at level 31).
Notation "f ⊗^{ F } g" := (functoronmorphisms1 F f g) (at level 31).
End BifunctorNotations.
Section Bifunctors.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Lemma compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data {A B C D : category} (F : bifunctor A B C) (G : functor C D) : bifunctor_data A B D.
Show proof.
Lemma composition_bifunctor_with_functor_isbifunctor {A B C D : category} (F : bifunctor A B C) (G : functor C D) : is_bifunctor (compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data F G).
Show proof.
Definition compose_bifunctor_with_functor {A B C D : category} (F : bifunctor A B C) (G : functor C D)
: bifunctor A B D := (compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data F G ,, composition_bifunctor_with_functor_isbifunctor F G).
Lemma compose_functor_with_bifunctor_data {A B A' B' C : category} (F : functor A A') (G : functor B B') (H : bifunctor A' B' C) : bifunctor_data A B C.
Show proof.
Lemma composition_functor_with_bifunctor_isbifunctor {A B A' B' C : category} (F : functor A A') (G : functor B B') (H : bifunctor A' B' C) : is_bifunctor (compose_functor_with_bifunctor_data F G H).
Show proof.
Definition compose_functor_with_bifunctor {A B A' B' C : category} (F : functor A A') (G : functor B B') (H : bifunctor A' B' C)
: bifunctor A B C := (compose_functor_with_bifunctor_data F G H ,, composition_functor_with_bifunctor_isbifunctor F G H).
End Bifunctors.
Section WhiskeredBinaturaltransformation.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Context {A B C : category}.
Definition binat_trans_data (F G : bifunctor_data A B C) : UU :=
∏ (a : A) (b : B), C⟦a ⊗_{F} b, a ⊗_{G} b⟧.
Definition make_binat_trans_data {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : ∏ (a : A) (b : B), C⟦a ⊗_{F} b, a ⊗_{G} b⟧) : binat_trans_data F G := α.
Definition is_binat_trans {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans_data F G) :=
(∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧),
(a ⊗^{ F}_{l} g) · (α a b2) = (α a b1) · (a ⊗^{ G}_{l} g))
(∏ (a1 a2 : A) (b : B) (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧),
(f ⊗^{ F}_{r} b) · (α a2 b) = (α a1 b) · (f ⊗^{ G}_{r} b)).
Lemma full_naturality_condition {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans_data F G} (αn : is_binat_trans α) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧) : (f ⊗^{F} g)·(α a2 b2) = (α a1 b1)·(f ⊗^{G} g).
Show proof.
Definition binat_trans (F G : bifunctor_data A B C) : UU :=
∑ (α : binat_trans_data F G), is_binat_trans α.
Definition binattransdata_from_binattrans {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans F G) : binat_trans_data F G := pr1 α.
Definition binattransdata_from_binattrans_funclass {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans F G)
: ∏ (a : A) (b : B), C⟦a ⊗_{F} b, a ⊗_{G} b⟧ := pr1 α.
Coercion binattransdata_from_binattrans_funclass : binat_trans >-> Funclass.
Definition make_binat_trans {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans_data F G) (H : is_binat_trans α)
: binat_trans F G := (α,,H).
Definition is_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans F G)
:= ∏ (a : A) (b : B), is_z_isomorphism (pr1 α a b).
Definition inv_from_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans F G} (isiso: is_binatiso α) : binat_trans_data G F := fun a b => pr1 (isiso a b).
Lemma is_binat_trans_inv_from_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans F G} (isiso: is_binatiso α) : is_binat_trans (inv_from_binatiso isiso).
Show proof.
Definition inv_binattrans_from_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans F G} (isiso: is_binatiso α) : binat_trans G F := inv_from_binatiso isiso,, is_binat_trans_inv_from_binatiso isiso.
End WhiskeredBinaturaltransformation.
Section FunctorsFromProductCategory.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Local Notation "C × D" := (category_binproduct C D) (at level 75, right associativity).
Definition bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_data {C D E : category}
(F : bifunctor C D E) : functor_data (C × D) E.
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_laws
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: is_functor (bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_data F).
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat {C D E : category}
(F : bifunctor C D E) : functor (C × D) E
:= bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_data F ,, bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_laws F.
Definition bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_data {C D E : category}
(F : functor (C × D) E) : bifunctor_data C D E.
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_laws
{C D E : category} (F : functor (C × D) E)
: is_bifunctor (bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_data F).
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat {C D E : category}
(F : functor (C × D) E) : bifunctor C D E
:= bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_data F ,, bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_laws F.
Lemma bifunctor_to_functor_to_bifunctor_data
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: pr1 (bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat (bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat F)) = pr1 F.
Show proof.
Lemma bifunctor_to_functor_to_bifunctor
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat (bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat F) = F.
Show proof.
Lemma functor_to_bifunctor_to_functor
{C D E : category} (F : functor (C × D) E)
: bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat (bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat F) = F.
Show proof.
Lemma bifunctor_equiv_functorfromproductcat (C D E : category)
: bifunctor C D E ≃ functor (category_binproduct C D) E.
Show proof.
End FunctorsFromProductCategory.
Section FunctorsIntoEndofunctorCategory.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Definition bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: functor_data C [D,E].
Show proof.
Lemma bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data_is_functor
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: is_functor (bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data F).
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: functor C [D,E] := _,,bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data_is_functor F.
Definition bifunctor_data_from_functorintoendofunctorcat
{C D E : category} (F : functor C [D,E])
: bifunctor_data C D E.
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor_data_from_functorintoendofunctorcat_is_bifunctor
{C D E : category} (F : functor C [D,E])
: is_bifunctor (bifunctor_data_from_functorintoendofunctorcat F).
Show proof.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Coproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.ProductCategory.
Open Scope cat.
Section Bifunctor.
Context {A B C : category}.
Definition bifunctor_data : UU :=
∑ (F : A -> B -> C),
(∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B), B⟦b1, b2⟧ → C⟦F a b1, F a b2⟧) ×
(∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 : A), A⟦a1, a2⟧ → C⟦F a1 b, F a2 b⟧).
Definition make_bifunctor_data
(F : A -> B -> C)
(lw : ∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B), B⟦b1, b2⟧ → C⟦F a b1, F a b2⟧)
(rw : ∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 : A), A⟦a1, a2⟧ → C⟦F a1 b, F a2 b⟧)
: bifunctor_data := (F,,lw,,rw).
Definition bifunctor_on_objects (F : bifunctor_data) : A → B → C := pr1 F.
Local Notation "a ⊗_{ F } b" := (bifunctor_on_objects F a b) (at level 31).
Definition leftwhiskering_on_morphisms (F : bifunctor_data) :
∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B), B⟦b1, b2⟧ → C⟦a ⊗_{F} b1, a ⊗_{F} b2⟧ := pr1 (pr2 F).
Local Notation "a ⊗^{ F }_{l} g" := (leftwhiskering_on_morphisms F a _ _ g) (at level 31).
Definition rightwhiskering_on_morphisms (F : bifunctor_data) :
∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 : A), A⟦a1, a2⟧ → C⟦a1 ⊗_{F} b, a2 ⊗_{F} b⟧ := pr2 (pr2 F).
Local Notation "f ⊗^{ F }_{r} b" := (rightwhiskering_on_morphisms F b _ _ f) (at level 31).
Definition bifunctor_leftidax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (a : A) (b : B), a ⊗^{F}_{l} (identity b) = identity (a ⊗_{F} b).
Definition bifunctor_rightidax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (b : B) (a : A), (identity a) ⊗^{F}_{r} b = identity (a ⊗_{F} b).
Definition bifunctor_leftcompax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 b3 : B) (g1 : B⟦b1,b2⟧) (g2 : B⟦b2,b3⟧), a ⊗^{F}_{l} (g1 · g2) = (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g1) · (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g2).
Definition bifunctor_rightcompax (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (b : B) (a1 a2 a3 : A) (f1 : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (f2 : A⟦a2,a3⟧), (f1 · f2) ⊗^{F}_{r} b = (f1 ⊗^{F}_{r} b) · (f2 ⊗^{F}_{r} b).
Lemma leftwhiskering_functor_pre (F : bifunctor_data) (bli : bifunctor_leftidax F) (blc : bifunctor_leftcompax F) (a : A): functor B C.
Show proof.
use make_functor.
- use tpair.
+ intro b.
exact (a ⊗_{F} b).
+ intros b1 b2 g.
exact (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g).
- use tpair.
+ intros b.
exact (bli a b).
+ intros b1 b2 b3 g2 g3.
exact (blc a b1 b2 b3 g2 g3).
- use tpair.
+ intro b.
exact (a ⊗_{F} b).
+ intros b1 b2 g.
exact (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g).
- use tpair.
+ intros b.
exact (bli a b).
+ intros b1 b2 b3 g2 g3.
exact (blc a b1 b2 b3 g2 g3).
Lemma rightwhiskering_functor_pre (F : bifunctor_data) (bri : bifunctor_rightidax F) (brc : bifunctor_rightcompax F) (b : B) : functor A C.
Show proof.
use make_functor.
- use tpair.
+ intro a.
exact (a ⊗_{F} b).
+ intros a1 a2 f.
exact (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b).
- use tpair.
+ intros a.
exact (bri b a).
+ intros a1 a2 a3 f2 f3.
exact (brc b a1 a2 a3 f2 f3).
- use tpair.
+ intro a.
exact (a ⊗_{F} b).
+ intros a1 a2 f.
exact (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b).
- use tpair.
+ intros a.
exact (bri b a).
+ intros a1 a2 a3 f2 f3.
exact (brc b a1 a2 a3 f2 f3).
Definition functoronmorphisms1 (F : bifunctor_data) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
: C⟦a1 ⊗_{F} b1, a2 ⊗_{F} b2⟧ := (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b1) · (a2 ⊗^{F}_{l} g).
Local Notation "f ⊗^{ F } g" := (functoronmorphisms1 F f g) (at level 31).
Definition functoronmorphisms2 (F : bifunctor_data) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
: C⟦a1 ⊗_{F} b1, a2 ⊗_{F} b2⟧ := (a1 ⊗^{F}_{l} g) · (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b2).
Local Notation "f ⊗^{ F }_{2} g" := (functoronmorphisms2 F f g) (at level 31).
Definition functoronmorphisms_are_equal (F : bifunctor_data) :=
∏ (a1 a2 : A) (b1 b2 : B) (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧),
f ⊗^{F} g = f ⊗^{F}_{2} g.
Lemma whiskerscommutes (F : bifunctor_data) (fmae : functoronmorphisms_are_equal F) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧) : (f ⊗^{F}_{r} b1)·(a2 ⊗^{F}_{l} g) = (a1 ⊗^{F}_{l} g)·(f ⊗^{F}_{r} b2).
Show proof.
exact (fmae _ _ _ _ f g).
Definition is_bifunctor (F : bifunctor_data) : UU :=
(bifunctor_leftidax F) ×
(bifunctor_rightidax F) ×
(bifunctor_leftcompax F) ×
(bifunctor_rightcompax F) ×
(functoronmorphisms_are_equal F).
Lemma isaprop_is_bifunctor (F : bifunctor_data)
: isaprop (is_bifunctor F).
Show proof.
repeat (apply isapropdirprod) ; try (repeat (apply impred_isaprop ; intro) ; apply homset_property).
Lemma bifunctor_distributes_over_id {F : bifunctor_data} (bli : bifunctor_leftidax F) (bri : bifunctor_rightidax F) (a : A) (b : B) : (identity a) ⊗^{F} (identity b) = identity (a ⊗_{F} b).
Show proof.
Lemma bifunctor_distributes_over_comp {F : bifunctor_data} (blc : bifunctor_leftcompax F) (brc : bifunctor_rightcompax F) (fmae : functoronmorphisms_are_equal F) {a1 a2 a3 : A} {b1 b2 b3 : B} (f1 : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (f2 : A⟦a2,a3⟧) (g1 : B⟦b1,b2⟧) (g2 : B⟦b2,b3⟧) : (f1 · f2) ⊗^{F} (g1 · g2) = (f1 ⊗^{F} g1) · (f2 ⊗^{F} g2).
Show proof.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite brc.
rewrite blc.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (whiskerscommutes _ fmae f2 g1).
apply assoc.
rewrite brc.
rewrite blc.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (whiskerscommutes _ fmae f2 g1).
apply assoc.
Definition bifunctor : UU :=
∑ (F : bifunctor_data), is_bifunctor F.
Definition make_bifunctor (F : bifunctor_data) (H : is_bifunctor F)
: bifunctor := (F,,H).
Definition bifunctordata_from_bifunctor (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_data := pr1 F.
Coercion bifunctordata_from_bifunctor : bifunctor >-> bifunctor_data.
Definition isbifunctor_from_bifunctor (F : bifunctor) : is_bifunctor F := pr2 F.
Definition bifunctor_leftid (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_leftidax F := pr1 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F).
Definition bifunctor_rightid (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_rightidax F := pr1 (pr2 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)).
Definition bifunctor_leftcomp (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_leftcompax F := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 ((isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)))).
Definition bifunctor_rightcomp (F : bifunctor) : bifunctor_rightcompax F := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)))).
Definition bifunctor_equalwhiskers (F : bifunctor) : functoronmorphisms_are_equal F := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (isbifunctor_from_bifunctor F)))).
Definition leftwhiskering_functor (F : bifunctor) (a : A) : functor B C :=
leftwhiskering_functor_pre F (bifunctor_leftid F) (bifunctor_leftcomp F) a.
Definition rightwhiskering_functor (F : bifunctor) (b : B) : functor A C :=
rightwhiskering_functor_pre F (bifunctor_rightid F) (bifunctor_rightcomp F) b.
Lemma when_bifunctor_becomes_leftwhiskering (F : bifunctor) (a : A) {b1 b2 : B} (g: B⟦b1, b2⟧):
identity a ⊗^{ F } g = a ⊗^{F}_{l} g.
Show proof.
Lemma when_bifunctor_becomes_rightwhiskering (F : bifunctor) {a1 a2 : A} (b : B) (f: A⟦a1, a2⟧):
f ⊗^{ F } identity b = f ⊗^{F}_{r} b.
Show proof.
Definition is_z_iso_bifunctor_z_iso (F : bifunctor) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
(f_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism f) (g_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism g) : is_z_isomorphism (f ⊗^{ F } g).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact (is_z_isomorphism_mor f_is_z_iso ⊗^{ F } is_z_isomorphism_mor g_is_z_iso).
- split.
+ etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_distributes_over_comp.
- apply bifunctor_leftcomp.
- apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
- apply bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
unfold is_z_isomorphism_mor.
rewrite (pr12 f_is_z_iso).
rewrite (pr12 g_is_z_iso).
apply bifunctor_distributes_over_id.
* apply bifunctor_leftid.
* apply bifunctor_rightid.
+ etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_distributes_over_comp.
- apply bifunctor_leftcomp.
- apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
- apply bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
unfold is_z_isomorphism_mor.
rewrite (pr22 f_is_z_iso).
rewrite (pr22 g_is_z_iso).
apply bifunctor_distributes_over_id.
* apply bifunctor_leftid.
* apply bifunctor_rightid.
- exact (is_z_isomorphism_mor f_is_z_iso ⊗^{ F } is_z_isomorphism_mor g_is_z_iso).
- split.
+ etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_distributes_over_comp.
- apply bifunctor_leftcomp.
- apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
- apply bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
unfold is_z_isomorphism_mor.
rewrite (pr12 f_is_z_iso).
rewrite (pr12 g_is_z_iso).
apply bifunctor_distributes_over_id.
* apply bifunctor_leftid.
* apply bifunctor_rightid.
+ etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_distributes_over_comp.
- apply bifunctor_leftcomp.
- apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
- apply bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
unfold is_z_isomorphism_mor.
rewrite (pr22 f_is_z_iso).
rewrite (pr22 g_is_z_iso).
apply bifunctor_distributes_over_id.
* apply bifunctor_leftid.
* apply bifunctor_rightid.
Definition is_z_iso_leftwhiskering_z_iso (F : bifunctor) (a : A) {b1 b2 : B} (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧)
(g_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism g) : is_z_isomorphism (a ⊗^{ F }_{l} g) :=
pr2 (functor_on_z_iso (leftwhiskering_functor F a) (g,,g_is_z_iso)).
Definition is_z_iso_rightwhiskering_z_iso (F : bifunctor) {a1 a2 : A} (b : B) (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧)
(f_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism f) : is_z_isomorphism (f ⊗^{ F }_{r} b) :=
pr2 (functor_on_z_iso (rightwhiskering_functor F b) (f,,f_is_z_iso)).
End Bifunctor.
Arguments bifunctor_data : clear implicits.
Arguments bifunctor : clear implicits.
Module BifunctorNotations.
Notation "a ⊗_{ F } b" := (bifunctor_on_objects F a b) (at level 31).
Notation "a ⊗^{ F }_{l} g" := (leftwhiskering_on_morphisms F a _ _ g) (at level 31).
Notation "f ⊗^{ F }_{r} b" := (rightwhiskering_on_morphisms F b _ _ f) (at level 31).
Notation "f ⊗^{ F } g" := (functoronmorphisms1 F f g) (at level 31).
End BifunctorNotations.
Section Bifunctors.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Lemma compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data {A B C D : category} (F : bifunctor A B C) (G : functor C D) : bifunctor_data A B D.
Show proof.
use make_bifunctor_data.
- intros a b.
exact (G (a ⊗_{F} b)).
- intros a b1 b2 g.
exact (#G (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g)).
- intros a b1 b2 f.
exact (#G (f ⊗^{F}_{r} a)).
- intros a b.
exact (G (a ⊗_{F} b)).
- intros a b1 b2 g.
exact (#G (a ⊗^{F}_{l} g)).
- intros a b1 b2 f.
exact (#G (f ⊗^{F}_{r} a)).
Lemma composition_bifunctor_with_functor_isbifunctor {A B C D : category} (F : bifunctor A B C) (G : functor C D) : is_bifunctor (compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data F G).
Show proof.
repeat split.
- intros a b.
rewrite bifunctor_leftid.
exact (functor_id G (a ⊗_{F} b)).
- intros a b.
rewrite bifunctor_rightid.
apply functor_id.
- intros a b1 b2 b3 g1 g2.
rewrite bifunctor_leftcomp.
apply functor_comp.
- intros b a1 a2 a3 f1 f2.
rewrite bifunctor_rightcomp.
apply functor_comp.
- intros a1 a2 b1 b2 f g.
unfold compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data.
{ apply pathsinv0, functor_comp. }
rewrite whiskerscommutes.
+ apply functor_comp.
+ apply bifunctor_equalwhiskers.
- intros a b.
rewrite bifunctor_leftid.
exact (functor_id G (a ⊗_{F} b)).
- intros a b.
rewrite bifunctor_rightid.
apply functor_id.
- intros a b1 b2 b3 g1 g2.
rewrite bifunctor_leftcomp.
apply functor_comp.
- intros b a1 a2 a3 f1 f2.
rewrite bifunctor_rightcomp.
apply functor_comp.
- intros a1 a2 b1 b2 f g.
unfold compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data.
{ apply pathsinv0, functor_comp. }
rewrite whiskerscommutes.
+ apply functor_comp.
+ apply bifunctor_equalwhiskers.
Definition compose_bifunctor_with_functor {A B C D : category} (F : bifunctor A B C) (G : functor C D)
: bifunctor A B D := (compose_bifunctor_with_functor_data F G ,, composition_bifunctor_with_functor_isbifunctor F G).
Lemma compose_functor_with_bifunctor_data {A B A' B' C : category} (F : functor A A') (G : functor B B') (H : bifunctor A' B' C) : bifunctor_data A B C.
Show proof.
use make_bifunctor_data.
- intros a b.
exact ((F a) ⊗_{H} (G b)).
- intros a b1 b2 g.
exact ((F a) ⊗^{H}_{l} (#G g)).
- intros b a1 a2 f.
exact ((#F f) ⊗^{H}_{r} (G b)).
- intros a b.
exact ((F a) ⊗_{H} (G b)).
- intros a b1 b2 g.
exact ((F a) ⊗^{H}_{l} (#G g)).
- intros b a1 a2 f.
exact ((#F f) ⊗^{H}_{r} (G b)).
Lemma composition_functor_with_bifunctor_isbifunctor {A B A' B' C : category} (F : functor A A') (G : functor B B') (H : bifunctor A' B' C) : is_bifunctor (compose_functor_with_bifunctor_data F G H).
Show proof.
repeat split.
- intros a b.
rewrite functor_id.
apply bifunctor_leftid.
- intros a b.
rewrite functor_id.
apply bifunctor_rightid.
- intros a b1 b2 b3 g1 g2.
rewrite functor_comp.
apply bifunctor_leftcomp.
- intros b a1 a2 a3 f1 f2.
rewrite functor_comp.
apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
- intros a1 a2 b1 b2 f g.
apply (whiskerscommutes H (bifunctor_equalwhiskers H)).
- intros a b.
rewrite functor_id.
apply bifunctor_leftid.
- intros a b.
rewrite functor_id.
apply bifunctor_rightid.
- intros a b1 b2 b3 g1 g2.
rewrite functor_comp.
apply bifunctor_leftcomp.
- intros b a1 a2 a3 f1 f2.
rewrite functor_comp.
apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
- intros a1 a2 b1 b2 f g.
apply (whiskerscommutes H (bifunctor_equalwhiskers H)).
Definition compose_functor_with_bifunctor {A B A' B' C : category} (F : functor A A') (G : functor B B') (H : bifunctor A' B' C)
: bifunctor A B C := (compose_functor_with_bifunctor_data F G H ,, composition_functor_with_bifunctor_isbifunctor F G H).
End Bifunctors.
Section WhiskeredBinaturaltransformation.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Context {A B C : category}.
Definition binat_trans_data (F G : bifunctor_data A B C) : UU :=
∏ (a : A) (b : B), C⟦a ⊗_{F} b, a ⊗_{G} b⟧.
Definition make_binat_trans_data {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : ∏ (a : A) (b : B), C⟦a ⊗_{F} b, a ⊗_{G} b⟧) : binat_trans_data F G := α.
Definition is_binat_trans {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans_data F G) :=
(∏ (a : A) (b1 b2 : B) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧),
(a ⊗^{ F}_{l} g) · (α a b2) = (α a b1) · (a ⊗^{ G}_{l} g))
(∏ (a1 a2 : A) (b : B) (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧),
(f ⊗^{ F}_{r} b) · (α a2 b) = (α a1 b) · (f ⊗^{ G}_{r} b)).
Lemma full_naturality_condition {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans_data F G} (αn : is_binat_trans α) {a1 a2 : A} {b1 b2 : B} (f : A⟦a1,a2⟧) (g : B⟦b1,b2⟧) : (f ⊗^{F} g)·(α a2 b2) = (α a1 b1)·(f ⊗^{G} g).
Show proof.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (pr1 αn a2 _ _ g).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (pr2 αn a1 a2 b1 f).
apply assoc'.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (pr1 αn a2 _ _ g).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (pr2 αn a1 a2 b1 f).
apply assoc'.
Definition binat_trans (F G : bifunctor_data A B C) : UU :=
∑ (α : binat_trans_data F G), is_binat_trans α.
Definition binattransdata_from_binattrans {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans F G) : binat_trans_data F G := pr1 α.
Definition binattransdata_from_binattrans_funclass {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans F G)
: ∏ (a : A) (b : B), C⟦a ⊗_{F} b, a ⊗_{G} b⟧ := pr1 α.
Coercion binattransdata_from_binattrans_funclass : binat_trans >-> Funclass.
Definition make_binat_trans {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans_data F G) (H : is_binat_trans α)
: binat_trans F G := (α,,H).
Definition is_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} (α : binat_trans F G)
:= ∏ (a : A) (b : B), is_z_isomorphism (pr1 α a b).
Definition inv_from_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans F G} (isiso: is_binatiso α) : binat_trans_data G F := fun a b => pr1 (isiso a b).
Lemma is_binat_trans_inv_from_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans F G} (isiso: is_binatiso α) : is_binat_trans (inv_from_binatiso isiso).
Show proof.
- intros ? ? ? ?.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (α a b1 ,, isiso a b1)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (α a b2 ,, isiso a b2)).
apply pathsinv0, (pr12 α).
- intros ? ? ? ?.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (α a1 b ,, isiso a1 b)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (α a2 b ,, isiso a2 b)).
apply pathsinv0, (pr22 α).
- intros ? ? ? ?.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (α a b1 ,, isiso a b1)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (α a b2 ,, isiso a b2)).
apply pathsinv0, (pr12 α).
- intros ? ? ? ?.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_right _ _ _ (α a1 b ,, isiso a1 b)).
rewrite assoc.
apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (α a2 b ,, isiso a2 b)).
apply pathsinv0, (pr22 α).
Definition inv_binattrans_from_binatiso {F G : bifunctor_data A B C} {α : binat_trans F G} (isiso: is_binatiso α) : binat_trans G F := inv_from_binatiso isiso,, is_binat_trans_inv_from_binatiso isiso.
End WhiskeredBinaturaltransformation.
Section FunctorsFromProductCategory.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Local Notation "C × D" := (category_binproduct C D) (at level 75, right associativity).
Definition bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_data {C D E : category}
(F : bifunctor C D E) : functor_data (C × D) E.
Show proof.
Definition bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_laws
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: is_functor (bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_data F).
Show proof.
- intro ; apply bifunctor_distributes_over_id.
+ exact (bifunctor_leftid F).
+ exact (bifunctor_rightid F).
- intro ; intros ; apply bifunctor_distributes_over_comp.
+ exact (bifunctor_leftcomp F).
+ exact (bifunctor_rightcomp F).
+ exact (bifunctor_equalwhiskers F).
- intro ; apply bifunctor_distributes_over_id.
+ exact (bifunctor_leftid F).
+ exact (bifunctor_rightid F).
- intro ; intros ; apply bifunctor_distributes_over_comp.
+ exact (bifunctor_leftcomp F).
+ exact (bifunctor_rightcomp F).
+ exact (bifunctor_equalwhiskers F).
Definition bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat {C D E : category}
(F : bifunctor C D E) : functor (C × D) E
:= bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_data F ,, bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat_laws F.
Definition bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_data {C D E : category}
(F : functor (C × D) E) : bifunctor_data C D E.
Show proof.
exists (λ c d, F (c,,d)).
exists (λ c _ _ g, #F (catbinprodmor (identity c) g)).
exact (λ d _ _ f, #F (catbinprodmor f (identity d))).
exists (λ c _ _ g, #F (catbinprodmor (identity c) g)).
exact (λ d _ _ f, #F (catbinprodmor f (identity d))).
Definition bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_laws
{C D E : category} (F : functor (C × D) E)
: is_bifunctor (bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_data F).
Show proof.
repeat split.
- exact (λ c d, functor_id F (c ,, d)).
- exact (λ c d, functor_id F (d ,, c)).
- intros c d1 d2 d3 g1 g2.
refine (_ @ functor_comp F (catbinprodmor (identity c) g1) (catbinprodmor (identity c) g2)).
etrans. {
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (! id_left _).
apply maponpaths.
apply binprod_comp.
- intros d c1 c2 c3 f1 f2.
refine (_ @ functor_comp F (catbinprodmor f1 (identity d)) (catbinprodmor f2 (identity d))).
etrans. {
do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply (! id_left _).
apply maponpaths.
apply binprod_comp.
- intro ; intros.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
unfold functoronmorphisms2.
etrans. { apply (! functor_comp _ _ _). }
etrans. { apply maponpaths ; apply (binprod_comp). }
2: { apply functor_comp. }
2: { apply maponpaths ; apply binprod_comp. }
apply maponpaths.
etrans. { apply (! binprod_comp _ _ _ _ _ _ f (identity a2) (identity b1) g). }
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2 ; apply id_right. }
2: { apply maponpaths_2 ; apply (! id_left _). }
apply maponpaths.
exact (id_left _ @ ! id_right _).
- exact (λ c d, functor_id F (c ,, d)).
- exact (λ c d, functor_id F (d ,, c)).
- intros c d1 d2 d3 g1 g2.
refine (_ @ functor_comp F (catbinprodmor (identity c) g1) (catbinprodmor (identity c) g2)).
etrans. {
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (! id_left _).
apply maponpaths.
apply binprod_comp.
- intros d c1 c2 c3 f1 f2.
refine (_ @ functor_comp F (catbinprodmor f1 (identity d)) (catbinprodmor f2 (identity d))).
etrans. {
do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply (! id_left _).
apply maponpaths.
apply binprod_comp.
- intro ; intros.
unfold functoronmorphisms1.
unfold functoronmorphisms2.
etrans. { apply (! functor_comp _ _ _). }
etrans. { apply maponpaths ; apply (binprod_comp). }
2: { apply functor_comp. }
2: { apply maponpaths ; apply binprod_comp. }
apply maponpaths.
etrans. { apply (! binprod_comp _ _ _ _ _ _ f (identity a2) (identity b1) g). }
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2 ; apply id_right. }
2: { apply maponpaths_2 ; apply (! id_left _). }
apply maponpaths.
exact (id_left _ @ ! id_right _).
Definition bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat {C D E : category}
(F : functor (C × D) E) : bifunctor C D E
:= bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_data F ,, bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat_laws F.
Lemma bifunctor_to_functor_to_bifunctor_data
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: pr1 (bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat (bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat F)) = pr1 F.
Show proof.
repeat (use total2_paths_f).
- apply idpath.
- repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
apply when_bifunctor_becomes_leftwhiskering.
- repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
etrans. {
rewrite transportf_const.
apply when_bifunctor_becomes_rightwhiskering.
apply idpath.
- apply idpath.
- repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
apply when_bifunctor_becomes_leftwhiskering.
- repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
etrans. {
rewrite transportf_const.
apply when_bifunctor_becomes_rightwhiskering.
apply idpath.
Lemma bifunctor_to_functor_to_bifunctor
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat (bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat F) = F.
Show proof.
Lemma functor_to_bifunctor_to_functor
{C D E : category} (F : functor (C × D) E)
: bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat (bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat F) = F.
Show proof.
apply (functor_eq _ _ (homset_property _)).
use total2_paths_f.
- apply idpath.
- etrans. { rewrite idpath_transportf.
apply idpath. }
repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
etrans. { apply (! functor_comp _ _ _). }
apply maponpaths.
etrans. { apply binprod_comp. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths ; apply id_left. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2 ; apply id_right. }
apply idpath.
use total2_paths_f.
- apply idpath.
- etrans. { rewrite idpath_transportf.
apply idpath. }
repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
etrans. { apply (! functor_comp _ _ _). }
apply maponpaths.
etrans. { apply binprod_comp. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths ; apply id_left. }
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2 ; apply id_right. }
apply idpath.
Lemma bifunctor_equiv_functorfromproductcat (C D E : category)
: bifunctor C D E ≃ functor (category_binproduct C D) E.
Show proof.
use weq_iso.
{ apply bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat. }
{ apply bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat. }
{ intro ; apply bifunctor_to_functor_to_bifunctor. }
intro ; apply functor_to_bifunctor_to_functor.
{ apply bifunctor_to_functorfromproductcat. }
{ apply bifunctor_from_functorfromproductcat. }
{ intro ; apply bifunctor_to_functor_to_bifunctor. }
intro ; apply functor_to_bifunctor_to_functor.
End FunctorsFromProductCategory.
Section FunctorsIntoEndofunctorCategory.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Definition bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: functor_data C [D,E].
Show proof.
use make_functor_data.
- exact (λ c, leftwhiskering_functor F c).
- intros c1 c2 f.
exists (λ d, f ⊗^{F}_{r} d).
abstract (exact (λ d1 d2 g, ! bifunctor_equalwhiskers F c1 c2 d1 d2 f g)).
- exact (λ c, leftwhiskering_functor F c).
- intros c1 c2 f.
exists (λ d, f ⊗^{F}_{r} d).
abstract (exact (λ d1 d2 g, ! bifunctor_equalwhiskers F c1 c2 d1 d2 f g)).
Lemma bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data_is_functor
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: is_functor (bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data F).
Show proof.
use tpair.
+ intro c.
use nat_trans_eq.
{ apply homset_property. }
intro ; apply bifunctor_rightid.
+ intros c1 c2 c3 f g.
use nat_trans_eq.
{ apply homset_property. }
intro ; apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
+ intro c.
use nat_trans_eq.
{ apply homset_property. }
intro ; apply bifunctor_rightid.
+ intros c1 c2 c3 f g.
use nat_trans_eq.
{ apply homset_property. }
intro ; apply bifunctor_rightcomp.
Definition bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat
{C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: functor C [D,E] := _,,bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat_data_is_functor F.
Definition bifunctor_data_from_functorintoendofunctorcat
{C D E : category} (F : functor C [D,E])
: bifunctor_data C D E.
Show proof.
exists (λ c d, pr1 (F c) d).
exists (λ c d1 d2 g, #(pr1 (F c)) g).
exact (λ d c1 c2 f, pr1 (#F f) d).
exists (λ c d1 d2 g, #(pr1 (F c)) g).
exact (λ d c1 c2 f, pr1 (#F f) d).
Definition bifunctor_data_from_functorintoendofunctorcat_is_bifunctor
{C D E : category} (F : functor C [D,E])
: is_bifunctor (bifunctor_data_from_functorintoendofunctorcat F).
Show proof.
repeat (use tpair).
+ intro ; intro ; apply functor_id.
+ abstract (exact (λ d c, eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (functor_id F c)) d)).
+ intro ; intros ; apply functor_comp.
+ abstract (intro ; intros;
exact (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (functor_comp F f1 f2)) b)).
+ abstract (intro ; intros;
exact (! pr2 (#F f) b1 b2 g)).
+ intro ; intro ; apply functor_id.
+ abstract (exact (λ d c, eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (functor_id F c)) d)).
+ intro ; intros ; apply functor_comp.
+ abstract (intro ; intros;
exact (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (functor_comp F f1 f2)) b)).
+ abstract (intro ; intros;
exact (! pr2 (#F f) b1 b2 g)).
needs to be defined for bifunctor_from_to
Definition bifunctor_from_functorintoendofunctorcat
{C D E : category} (F : functor C [D,E])
: bifunctor C D E := _,,bifunctor_data_from_functorintoendofunctorcat_is_bifunctor F.
Lemma bifunctor_to_from {C D E : category} (F : bifunctor C D E)
: bifunctor_from_functorintoendofunctorcat (bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat F) = F.
Show proof.
Lemma bifunctor_from_to {C D E : category} (F : functor C [D,E])
: bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat (bifunctor_from_functorintoendofunctorcat F) = F.
Show proof.
use functor_eq.
{ apply homset_property. }
use total2_paths_f.
{ cbn. apply idpath. }
repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
use total2_paths_f.
{ apply idpath. }
repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
apply E.
{ apply homset_property. }
use total2_paths_f.
{ cbn. apply idpath. }
repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
use total2_paths_f.
{ apply idpath. }
repeat (apply funextsec ; intro).
apply E.
Lemma bifunctor_equiv_functorintoendofunctorcat (C D E : category)
: bifunctor C D E ≃ functor C [D,E].
Show proof.
use weq_iso.
{ apply bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat. }
{ apply bifunctor_from_functorintoendofunctorcat. }
{ intro ; apply bifunctor_to_from. }
{ intro ; apply bifunctor_from_to. }
{ apply bifunctor_to_functorintoendofunctorcat. }
{ apply bifunctor_from_functorintoendofunctorcat. }
{ intro ; apply bifunctor_to_from. }
{ intro ; apply bifunctor_from_to. }
End FunctorsIntoEndofunctorCategory.
Section DistributionOfBinaryCoproducts.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Context {A C D : category} (BCPC : BinCoproducts C) (BCPD : BinCoproducts D) (F : bifunctor A C D).
Definition bifunctor_bincoprod_antidistributor (a : A) (c c' : C) :=
bincoprod_antidistributor BCPC BCPD (leftwhiskering_functor F a) c c'.
Lemma bincoprod_antidistributor_nat_left (a : A) (cc'1 cc'2 : category_binproduct C C)
(g : category_binproduct C C ⟦ cc'1, cc'2 ⟧) :
bifunctor_bincoprod_antidistributor a (pr1 cc'1) (pr2 cc'1) · a ⊗^{F}_{l} #(bincoproduct_functor BCPC) g =
#(bincoproduct_functor BCPD) (#(pair_functor (leftwhiskering_functor F a) (leftwhiskering_functor F a)) g) ·
bifunctor_bincoprod_antidistributor a (pr1 cc'2) (pr2 cc'2).
Show proof.
Lemma bincoprod_antidistributor_nat_right (a1 a2 : A) (cc' : category_binproduct C C) (f : A ⟦ a1, a2 ⟧) :
bifunctor_bincoprod_antidistributor a1 (pr1 cc') (pr2 cc') · f ⊗^{F}_{r} bincoproduct_functor BCPC cc' =
#(bincoproduct_functor BCPD) (catbinprodmor (f ⊗^{F}_{r} (pr1 cc')) (f ⊗^{F}_{r} (pr2 cc'))) ·
bifunctor_bincoprod_antidistributor a2 (pr1 cc') (pr2 cc').
Show proof.
{ apply postcompWithBinCoproductArrow. }
2: { apply pathsinv0, precompWithBinCoproductArrow. }
apply maponpaths_12.
- etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
apply idpath.
- etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
apply idpath.
{ apply postcompWithBinCoproductArrow. }
2: { apply pathsinv0, precompWithBinCoproductArrow. }
apply maponpaths_12.
- etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
apply idpath.
- etrans.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
apply idpath.
Definition bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_data : UU :=
∏ (a : A), bincoprod_distributor_data BCPC BCPD (leftwhiskering_functor F a).
Identity Coercion bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_data_funclass: bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_data >-> Funclass.
Definition bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_iso_law (δ : bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_data) : UU
:= ∏ (a : A), bincoprod_distributor_iso_law BCPC BCPD (leftwhiskering_functor F a) (δ a).
Definition bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor : UU := ∑ δ : bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_data,
bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_iso_law δ.
Definition bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_to_data (δ : bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor) :
bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_data := pr1 δ.
Coercion bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_to_data :
bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor >-> bifunctor_bincoprod_distributor_data.
End DistributionOfBinaryCoproducts.
Section DistributionOfCoproducts.
Import BifunctorNotations.
Context {I : UU} {A C D : category} (CPC : Coproducts I C) (CPD : Coproducts I D)
(F : bifunctor A C D).
Definition bifunctor_coprod_antidistributor (a : A) (cs : power_category I C) :=
coprod_antidistributor CPC CPD (leftwhiskering_functor F a) cs.
Lemma coprod_antidistributor_nat_left (a : A) (cs1 cs2 : power_category I C)
(g : power_category I C ⟦ cs1, cs2 ⟧) :
bifunctor_coprod_antidistributor a cs1 · a ⊗^{F}_{l} #(coproduct_functor I CPC) g =
#(coproduct_functor I CPD) (#(family_functor I (fun _ => leftwhiskering_functor F a)) g) ·
bifunctor_coprod_antidistributor a cs2.
Show proof.
{ apply postcompWithCoproductArrow. }
2: { apply pathsinv0, precompWithCoproductArrow. }
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec; intro i.
{ apply pathsinv0, (functor_comp (leftwhiskering_functor F a)). }
2: { cbn. apply (functor_comp (leftwhiskering_functor F a)). }
apply maponpaths.
apply CoproductInCommutes.
{ apply postcompWithCoproductArrow. }
2: { apply pathsinv0, precompWithCoproductArrow. }
apply maponpaths.
apply funextsec; intro i.
{ apply pathsinv0, (functor_comp (leftwhiskering_functor F a)). }
2: { cbn. apply (functor_comp (leftwhiskering_functor F a)). }
apply maponpaths.
apply CoproductInCommutes.
Lemma coprod_antidistributor_nat_right (a1 a2 : A) (cs : power_category I C) (f : A ⟦ a1, a2 ⟧) :
bifunctor_coprod_antidistributor a1 cs · f ⊗^{F}_{r} coproduct_functor I CPC cs =
#(coproduct_functor I CPD) (fun i => f ⊗^{F}_{r} (cs i)) · bifunctor_coprod_antidistributor a2 cs.
Show proof.
{ apply postcompWithCoproductArrow. }
2: { apply pathsinv0, precompWithCoproductArrow. }
apply maponpaths; apply funextsec; intro i.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
apply idpath.
{ apply postcompWithCoproductArrow. }
2: { apply pathsinv0, precompWithCoproductArrow. }
apply maponpaths; apply funextsec; intro i.
{ apply pathsinv0, bifunctor_equalwhiskers. }
apply idpath.
Definition bifunctor_coprod_distributor_data : UU :=
∏ (a : A), coprod_distributor_data CPC CPD (leftwhiskering_functor F a).
Identity Coercion bifunctor_coprod_distributor_data_funclass: bifunctor_coprod_distributor_data >-> Funclass.
Definition bifunctor_coprod_distributor_iso_law (δ : bifunctor_coprod_distributor_data) : UU
:= ∏ (a : A), coprod_distributor_iso_law CPC CPD (leftwhiskering_functor F a) (δ a).
Definition bifunctor_coprod_distributor : UU := ∑ δ : bifunctor_coprod_distributor_data,
bifunctor_coprod_distributor_iso_law δ.
Definition bifunctor_coprod_distributor_to_data (δ : bifunctor_coprod_distributor) :
bifunctor_coprod_distributor_data := pr1 δ.
Coercion bifunctor_coprod_distributor_to_data :
bifunctor_coprod_distributor >-> bifunctor_coprod_distributor_data.
End DistributionOfCoproducts.