Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.PowerObject

** Following Saunders Mac Lane & Ieke Moerdijk Sheaves in Geometry and Logic - A First Introduction to Topos theory. Chapter IV.1
Contents :

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Terminal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.BinProducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.SubobjectClassifier.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.OppositeCategory.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.HSET.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.exponentials.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section PowerObject_def.

  Context {C:category} {T:Terminal C} (Prod : BinProducts C) (O : subobject_classifier T).

  Local Notation "c 'x' d" :=
    (BinProductObject C (Prod c d))(at level 5).
  Local Notation "f ⨱ g" :=
    (BinProductOfArrows _ (Prod _ _) (Prod _ _) f g) (at level 10).

  Definition is_PowerObject
    (P : ob C -> ob C)
    (inmap : (b:C), C b x (P b), O ):=
     (a b:C) (f : C b x a, O),
      ∃! g : C a, P b,
        f = identity b g·(inmap b).

  Definition PowerObject :=
     (P : ob C -> ob C)
      (inmap : (b:C), C b x (P b), O ),
      is_PowerObject P inmap.

  Definition make_PowerObject
    (P : ob C -> ob C) (inmap : (b:C), C b x (P b), O ) (is : is_PowerObject P inmap)
    : PowerObject.
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    + exact P.
    + use tpair.
      - exact inmap.
      - exact is.

End PowerObject_def.

Section PowerObject_from_exponentials.
Context {C:category} {T:Terminal C} (Prod : BinProducts C) (Ω : subobject_classifier T) (Exp : Exponentials Prod).

Let ExpFun (c:C) := right_adjoint (Exp c).
Let ExpEv (c:C) := counit_from_left_adjoint (Exp c).
Let ExpUnit (c:C) := unit_from_left_adjoint (Exp c).
Let ExpAdj (c:C) := pr2 (Exp c).

Definition PowerObject_from_exponentials : PowerObject Prod Ω.
Show proof.
  use make_PowerObject.
  + intro b.
    exact (ExpFun b Ω).
  + intro b.
    use (ExpEv b).
    intros c b f.
    use make_iscontr.
    - split with
        (φ_adj (ExpAdj b) f).
      use pathsinv0.
      use (pathscomp0 (b:=(φ_adj_inv (ExpAdj b) (φ_adj (ExpAdj b) f)))).
      * apply idpath.
      * use φ_adj_inv_after_φ_adj.
    - intros (t,tis).
      use subtypePath.
      * intro.
        use homset_property.
      * use (invmaponpathsweq (invweq (adjunction_hom_weq (ExpAdj b) c Ω))).
        rewrite φ_adj_inv_after_φ_adj.
        use pathsinv0.
        use tis.

End PowerObject_from_exponentials.

Section ContextAndNotaions.

Context {C:category} {T:Terminal C} {Prod : BinProducts C} {Ω : subobject_classifier T} (P: PowerObject Prod Ω).

Local Notation "c ⨉ d"
  := (BinProductObject C (Prod c d))(at level 5).

Local Notation "f ⨱ g"
  := (BinProductOfArrows _ (Prod _ _) (Prod _ _) f g) (at level 10).

Section PowerObject_accessor.
  Definition PowerObject_on_ob : C -> C := pr1 P.
  Definition PowerObject_inPred
    : a : C, C ⟦(a (PowerObject_on_ob a)), Ω
    := pr1 (pr2 P).
  Definition PowerObject_property {a b : C}
    : f : C b a, Ω , ∃! g : C a, PowerObject_on_ob b ,
      f = (identity b) g · PowerObject_inPred b
    := (pr2 (pr2 P)) a b.
  Definition PowerObject_transpose {a b : C} (f : C b a , Ω)
    : C a , (PowerObject_on_ob b)⟧
    := pr1 ( iscontrpr1 ((pr2 (pr2 P)) a b f)).
  Definition PowerObject_transpose_tri {a b : C} (f : C b a , Ω)
    : f = (identity b) (PowerObject_transpose f)·
          PowerObject_inPred b
    := pr2 (iscontrpr1 ((pr2 (pr2 P)) a b f)).
End PowerObject_accessor.

Section PowerObject_transpose_lemma.

  Proposition PowerObject_transpose_precomp {a' a b: C} (g : C a', a)(f : C ⟦(b a), Ω )
    : PowerObject_transpose (identity b g · f) = g · (PowerObject_transpose f).
  Show proof.
    apply pathsinv0.
    use path_to_ctr.
    use pathsinv0.
    rewrite <-BinProductOfArrows_idxcomp.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    use cancel_precomposition.
    use pathsinv0.
    use (PowerObject_transpose_tri).

End PowerObject_transpose_lemma.

Section PowerObject_functor.

Let construction {c b : C} (h : C b,c):=
  h (identity (PowerObject_on_ob c))·(PowerObject_inPred c).

Definition PowerObject_functor_data : functor_data C^op C.
Show proof.
  use make_functor_data.
  - exact (PowerObject_on_ob).
  - intros c b h.
    use PowerObject_transpose.
    exact (construction h).

Theorem PowerObject_functor_isfunctor : is_functor PowerObject_functor_data.
Show proof.
  + intro b.
    use pathsinv0.
    use path_to_ctr.
    apply idpath.
  + unfold functor_compax.
    intros c b a h h'.
    cbn in c, b, a, h, h'.
    use pathsinv0.
    use path_to_ctr.
    unfold construction.
      <-(BinProductOfArrows_compxid), assoc'.
    fold (construction h).
      (PowerObject_transpose_tri (construction h)),
    rewrite BinProductOfArrows_comp,
      (id_right h'), <-(id_left h'),
      (id_left (PowerObject_transpose _)),
      <-(id_right (PowerObject_transpose _)),
      !assoc', id_left, id_right.
    fold (construction h').
    rewrite (PowerObject_transpose_tri (construction h')),
    rewrite <-(PowerObject_transpose_tri (construction h')), <-(PowerObject_transpose_tri (construction h)).
    apply idpath.

Definition PowerObject_functor : functor C^op C.
Show proof.

End PowerObject_functor.

Section PowerObject_nat_z_iso.

Definition HomxO : functor (category_binproduct C^op C^op) hset_category
  :=( binswap_pair_functor
      (functor_opp (binproduct_functor Prod))
      (contra_homSet_functor Ω)).

Definition HomP : functor (category_binproduct C^op C^op) hset_category
  :=( pair_functor (functor_identity C^op) (PowerObject_functor)

Definition PowerObject_nt_data : nat_trans_data HomxO HomP.
Show proof.
  intro ab.
  exact PowerObject_transpose.

Theorem PowerObject_nt_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans HomxO HomP PowerObject_nt_data.
Show proof.
  intros (a,b) (a',b') (a'a,b'b).
  cbn in a'a, b'b.
  use funextfun.
  intro f.
  apply pathsinv0.
  use path_to_ctr.
  rewrite id_right.
  rewrite <-BinProductOfArrows_idxcomp,
  rewrite <-(PowerObject_transpose_tri).
  rewrite !assoc,
    id_left, id_right.
    (PowerObject_transpose_tri f),
    <-(PowerObject_transpose_tri f).
  apply idpath.

Definition PowerObject_nattrans : nat_trans HomxO HomP.
Show proof.

Theorem PowerObject_nt_is_nat_z_iso : is_nat_z_iso PowerObject_nattrans.
Show proof.
  intros (a,b).
  use make_is_z_isomorphism.
  + intro g.
    exact ((identity b) g · (PowerObject_inPred b)).
  + cbn.
    use make_is_inverse_in_precat.
    - use funextfun.
      intros f.
      use pathsinv0.
      use PowerObject_transpose_tri.
    - use funextfun.
      intros g.
      use pathsinv0.
      use path_to_ctr.
      apply idpath.

Definition PowerObject_nat_z_iso : nat_z_iso HomxO HomP.
Show proof.

Definition idxT_nattrans := binproduct_nat_trans_pr1 C C Prod (functor_identity C) (constant_functor C C T).

Theorem idxT_is_nat_z_iso : is_nat_z_iso idxT_nattrans.
Show proof.
  intro c.
  use (terminal_binprod_unit_r_z T Prod).

Definition idxT_nat_z_iso := (make_nat_z_iso _ _ (idxT_nattrans) (idxT_is_nat_z_iso)).

Definition idxT_nat_inopp := op_nt idxT_nat_z_iso.

Definition idxT_whiskered_nat := post_whisker (idxT_nat_inopp) (contra_homSet_functor Ω).

Definition PowerObject_nat_z_iso_Tfixed := nat_z_iso_fix_fst_arg C^op C^op hset_category _ _ PowerObject_nat_z_iso T.

Definition PowerObject_charname_nattrans := nat_trans_comp _ _ _ idxT_whiskered_nat PowerObject_nat_z_iso_Tfixed.

Definition PowerObject_charname_is_nat_z_iso : is_nat_z_iso PowerObject_charname_nattrans.
Show proof.
  intro c.
  use is_z_iso_comp_of_is_z_isos.
  + generalize c.
    use post_whisker_z_iso_is_z_iso.
    use op_nt_is_z_iso.
    use pr2_nat_z_iso.
  + generalize c.
    use (pr2_nat_z_iso PowerObject_nat_z_iso_Tfixed).

Definition PowerObject_charname_nat_z_iso : nat_z_iso (contra_homSet_functor Ω) (functor_fix_fst_arg C^op C^op hset_category HomP T).
Show proof.

Definition PowerObject_charname_nat_z_iso_tri {b : C} (f : C b , Ω )
  : (identity b) (PowerObject_charname_nat_z_iso b f)·
    PowerObject_inPred b
    = (BinProductPr1 C (Prod b T) · f).
Show proof.
  rewrite (PowerObject_transpose_tri).
  rewrite id_right.
  apply idpath.

End PowerObject_nat_z_iso.

End ContextAndNotaions.