Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.catiso

Isomorphism of (pre)categories

Definition is_catiso {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : functor A B)
  := (fully_faithful F) × (isweq (functor_on_objects F)).

Definition catiso (A B : precategory_data)
  := total2 (λ F : functor A B, is_catiso F).

Lemma isaprop_is_catiso
  {A B : precategory_data}
  {F : functor A B}
  : isaprop (is_catiso F).
Show proof.
  apply isapropdirprod.
  - apply isaprop_fully_faithful.
  - apply isapropisweq.

Definition functor_from_catiso (A B : precategory_data)
  (F : catiso A B)
  : functor A B := pr1 F.
Coercion functor_from_catiso :
  catiso >-> functor.

Definition identity_catiso (A : precategory_data)
  : catiso A A.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (functor_identity A).
  - use tpair.
    + apply identity_functor_is_fully_faithful.
    + apply idisweq.

Definition catiso_ob_weq {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : (ob A) (ob B)
  := make_weq (functor_on_objects F) (pr2 (pr2 F)).

Definition catiso_to_precategory_ob_path {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : ob A = ob B
  := (invmap (univalence _ _) (catiso_ob_weq F)).

Definition catiso_fully_faithful_weq {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a' : A, (a --> a') (F a --> F a')
  := λ a a', (make_weq (functor_on_morphisms F) (pr1 (pr2 F) a a')).

Lemma catiso_fully_faithful_path {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a' : A, (a --> a') = (F a --> F a').
Show proof.
  intros a a'.
  apply (invmap (univalence _ _)).
  apply (catiso_fully_faithful_weq F).

Construction of a map (catiso A B) -> (A = B)

Lemma correct_hom {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a' : A,
      F a --> F a'
      = (eqweqmap (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F) a) -->
        (eqweqmap (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F) a').
Show proof.
  intros a a'.
  assert (W := (!(homotweqinvweq (univalence _ _)) (catiso_ob_weq F))).
  exact (maponpaths (λ T, (pr1weq T) a --> (pr1weq T) a') W ).

Lemma eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a : A, eqweqmap (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F) a = F a.
Show proof.
  intros a.
  exact (! toforallpaths (λ _ : A, B) F
    (pr1 (eqweqmap (invmap (univalence A B) (catiso_ob_weq F))))
    (maponpaths pr1 (! homotweqinvweq (univalence A B) (catiso_ob_weq F))) a).

Lemma eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app_compute
  (A B : precategory)
  (F : catiso A B)
  (a a' : A)
  (f : B F a, F a' ):
  eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app F a =
  ! toforallpaths (λ _ : A, B) F
      (pr1weq (eqweqmap (invmap (univalence A B) (catiso_ob_weq F))))
      (maponpaths pr1weq (! homotweqinvweq (univalence A B) (catiso_ob_weq F))) a.
Show proof.
  unfold eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app.

Lemma eqweq_maponpaths_mor {A B : precategory}
  (F G : A B) (p : F = G) (a a' : A) (f : F a --> F a')
  : eqweqmap (maponpaths (λ T : A B, (pr1 T) a --> (pr1 T) a') p) f
    = (idtomor _ _ (!toforallpaths _ _ _ (maponpaths pr1 p) a))
      · f
      · (idtomor _ _ (toforallpaths _ _ _ (maponpaths pr1 p) a')).
  induction p.
  rewrite id_left.
  rewrite id_right.

Lemma eqweq_correct_hom_is_comp {A B : precategory}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a' : A, forall f : F a --> F a',
      eqweqmap (correct_hom F _ _) f
    = (idtomor _ _ (eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app F a))
      · f
      · (idtomor _ _ (!eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app F a')).
Show proof.
  intros a a' f.
  rewrite (eqweq_maponpaths_mor _ _
             (! homotweqinvweq (univalence A B) (catiso_ob_weq F))
             a a').
  apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths.
  unfold eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app.
  rewrite pathsinv0inv0.

Lemma eqweq_fully_faithful_is_functor_app {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a' : A,
    eqweqmap (catiso_fully_faithful_path F a a')
    = catiso_fully_faithful_weq F _ _.
Show proof.
  intros a a'.
  unfold catiso_fully_faithful_path.

  assert (W := (@homotweqinvweq _ _ (univalence (a --> a') (F a --> F a')))).
  simpl in W.
  rewrite W.


Lemma transport_mor {A B : UU} (B1 : B -> B -> UU) (p : A = B) :
  forall a a' : A,
    B1 (eqweqmap p a) (eqweqmap p a')
  = (transportb (λ T, T -> T -> UU) p B1) a a'.
Show proof.
  induction p.

Lemma catiso_to_precategory_mor_path {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a', (precategory_morphisms (C:=A)) a a'
  = transportb (λ T, T -> T -> UU) (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)
    (precategory_morphisms (C:=B)) a a'.
Show proof.
  intros a.
  intros a'.

  eapply pathscomp0. apply (catiso_fully_faithful_path F).
  eapply pathscomp0. apply correct_hom.
  eapply pathscomp0. apply transport_mor.


Lemma catiso_to_precategory_mor_path_funext {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : (precategory_morphisms (C:=A))
  = transportb (λ T, T -> T -> UU) (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)
    (precategory_morphisms (C:=B)).
Show proof.
  apply (pr1 (weqfunextsec _ _ _)).
  intros a.
  apply (pr1 (weqfunextsec _ _ _)).
  intros a'.
  apply (catiso_to_precategory_mor_path F).

Definition catiso_to_precategory_ob_mor_path {A B : precategory_data}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : precategory_ob_mor_from_precategory_data A = precategory_ob_mor_from_precategory_data B
  := total2_paths_b (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F) (catiso_to_precategory_mor_path_funext F).

Lemma transport_id {A0 B0 : UU} (p0 : A0 = B0)
  (A1 : A0 -> A0 -> UU) (B1 : B0 -> B0 -> UU) (p1 : A1 = transportb _ p0 B1)
  (idB : forall b : B0, B1 b b)
  : forall a : A0,
    (transportb (X := total2 (λ T, T -> T -> UU))
                (λ T, forall a, (pr2 T) a a)
                (total2_paths2_b p0 p1) idB) a
  = (eqweqmap ( (transport_mor B1 p0 _ _)
               @ !weqtoforallpaths _ _ _ (weqtoforallpaths _ _ _ p1 a) a))
    (idB (eqweqmap p0 a)).
Show proof.
  induction p0.
  change (transportb _ _ _) with B1 in p1.
  induction p1.

Lemma correct_hom_on_id {A B : precategory}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a,
    identity ((eqweqmap (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)) a) =
    (eqweqmap (correct_hom F a a)) (identity (F a)).
Show proof.
  intros a.

  apply pathsinv0.
  eapply pathscomp0. apply eqweq_correct_hom_is_comp.

  induction (eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app F a).
  rewrite 2 id_right.

Lemma catiso_to_precategory_id_path {A B : precategory}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a : A,
    (transportb (X := total2 (λ T, T -> T -> UU))
                (λ T, forall a, (pr2 T) a a)
                (total2_paths2_b (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)
                                 (catiso_to_precategory_mor_path_funext F))
     identity) a
   = identity a.
Show proof.
  intros a.

  eapply pathscomp0. apply transport_id.

  unfold catiso_to_precategory_mor_path_funext.
  unfold catiso_to_precategory_mor_path.
  unfold weqfunextsec.
  simpl (pr1 _).
  rewrite !(homotweqinvweq (weqtoforallpaths _ _ _)).

  rewrite pathscomp_inv.
  rewrite pathscomp_inv.
  rewrite path_assoc.
  rewrite path_assoc.
  rewrite pathscomp0rid.
  rewrite pathsinv0r.

  apply pathsweq1'.
  rewrite <- pathscomp_inv.
  rewrite eqweqmap_pathsinv0.
  rewrite invinv.

  rewrite <- eqweqmap_pathscomp0.

  rewrite (eqweq_fully_faithful_is_functor_app F a a).

  rewrite functor_id.
  apply correct_hom_on_id.

Lemma transport_comp_target {A0 B0 : UU} (p0 : A0 = B0)
  (A1 : A0 -> A0 -> UU) (B1 : B0 -> B0 -> UU) (p1 : A1 = transportb (λ T, T -> T -> UU) p0 B1)
  : forall a a' a'' : A0,
    ( B1 (eqweqmap p0 a) (eqweqmap p0 a')
      -> B1 (eqweqmap p0 a') (eqweqmap p0 a'')
      -> B1 (eqweqmap p0 a) (eqweqmap p0 a''))
  -> ( A1 a a' -> A1 a' a'' -> A1 a a'').
Show proof.
  intros a a' a''.
  intros Bhom.
  intros f g.

  set (X := λ a a', (transport_mor B1 p0 a a')
                    @ (! weqtoforallpaths _ _ _ (weqtoforallpaths _ _ _ p1 a) a') ).

  apply (eqweqmap (X a a'')).
  apply Bhom.

  apply (eqweqmap (! X a a')).
  exact f.

  apply (eqweqmap (! X a' a'')).
  exact g.

Lemma transport_comp {A0 B0 : UU} (p0 : A0 = B0)
  (A1 : A0 -> A0 -> UU) (B1 : B0 -> B0 -> UU) (p1 : A1 = transportb _ p0 B1)
  (compB : forall b b' b'' : B0, B1 b b' -> B1 b' b'' -> B1 b b'')
  : forall a a' a'' : A0,
      (transportb (X := total2 (λ T, T -> T -> UU))
                  (λ T, forall a b c, (pr2 T) a b -> (pr2 T) b c -> (pr2 T) a c)
                  (total2_paths2_b p0 p1) compB)
        a a' a''
    = transport_comp_target p0 A1 B1 p1 a a' a''
        (compB (eqweqmap p0 a) (eqweqmap p0 a') (eqweqmap p0 a'')).
Show proof.
  induction p0.
  change (A1 = B1) in p1.
  induction p1.

Lemma correct_hom_on_comp {A B : precategory}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a' a'', forall f : F a --> F a', forall g : F a' --> F a'',
       (eqweqmap (correct_hom F _ _)) f
    · (eqweqmap (correct_hom F _ _)) g
    = (eqweqmap (correct_hom F _ _)) (f · g).
Show proof.
  intros a a' a'' f g.
  rewrite !eqweq_correct_hom_is_comp.
  induction (eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app F a).
  induction (eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app F a').
  induction (eqweq_ob_path_is_functor_app F a'').
  rewrite 3 id_left.
  rewrite 3 id_right.

Lemma catiso_to_precategory_comp_path {A B : precategory}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : forall a a' a'' : A,
    (transportb (X := total2 (λ T, T -> T -> UU))
                (λ T, forall a b c : (pr1 T), (pr2 T) a b -> (pr2 T) b c -> (pr2 T) a c)
                (total2_paths2_b (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)
                                 (catiso_to_precategory_mor_path_funext F))
     (@compose B)) a a' a''
   = (@compose A a a' a'').
Show proof.
  intros a a' a''.

  eapply pathscomp0. apply transport_comp.
  apply funextsec. intros f.
  apply funextsec. intros g.

  unfold transport_comp_target.

  unfold catiso_to_precategory_mor_path_funext.

  set (W := homotweqinvweq
              (weqtoforallpaths (λ _ : A, A -> UU)
                                (transportb (λ T, T -> T -> UU)
                                            (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)
  simpl in W. rewrite !W. clear W.

  set (W := homotweqinvweq
              (weqtoforallpaths (λ _ : A, UU)
                                (precategory_morphisms a)
                                (transportb (λ T, T -> T -> UU)
                                            (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)
                                            precategory_morphisms a))).
  simpl in W. rewrite !W. clear W.

  set (W := homotweqinvweq
              (weqtoforallpaths (λ _ : A, UU)
                                (precategory_morphisms a')
                                (transportb (λ T, T -> T -> UU)
                                            (catiso_to_precategory_ob_path F)
                                            precategory_morphisms a'))).
  simpl in W. rewrite !W. clear W.

  unfold catiso_to_precategory_mor_path.
  rewrite !pathscomp0rid.
  rewrite !pathscomp_inv.
  rewrite !pathsinv0inv0.
  rewrite path_assoc.
  rewrite path_assoc.
  rewrite pathsinv0r.
  rewrite <- path_assoc.
  rewrite <- path_assoc.
  rewrite pathsinv0r.
  rewrite pathscomp0rid.
  rewrite <- path_assoc.
  rewrite <- path_assoc.
  rewrite pathsinv0r.
  rewrite pathscomp0rid.
  rewrite <- pathscomp_inv.

  apply pathsweq1'.
  rewrite eqweqmap_pathsinv0.
  rewrite invinv.

  rewrite <- !eqweqmap_pathscomp0.
  rewrite !eqweq_fully_faithful_is_functor_app.
  rewrite functor_comp.

  apply (correct_hom_on_comp F).

Lemma catiso_to_precategory_data_path {A B : precategory}
  (F : catiso A B)
  : precategory_data_from_precategory A
    = precategory_data_from_precategory B.
Show proof.
  destruct A as [[[Ao Am] [Ai Ac]] Aax].
  destruct B as [[[Bo Bm] [Bi Bc]] Bax].

  eapply total2_paths_b. Unshelve.
  2: { simpl. exact (catiso_to_precategory_ob_mor_path F). }
  apply pathsinv0.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  apply (transportb_dirprod _ _ _ _ _ (catiso_to_precategory_ob_mor_path F)).
  apply dirprodeq.
  - apply funextsec.
    intros a.
    apply (catiso_to_precategory_id_path F).
  - apply funextsec.
    apply funextsec.
    apply funextsec.
    apply (catiso_to_precategory_comp_path F).

If either precategory has homsets, then an isomorphism between them becomes a path. This is essentially one half of univalence for categories.
Lemma catiso_to_precategory_path_f {A B : precategory}
  (hs : has_homsets A)
  (F : catiso A B)
  : A = B.
Show proof.
  use total2_paths_b.
  - exact (catiso_to_precategory_data_path F).
  - apply proofirrelevance, isaprop_is_precategory.
    apply hs.

Lemma catiso_to_precategory_path_b {A B : precategory}
  (hs : has_homsets B)
  (F : catiso A B)
  : A = B.
Show proof.
  use total2_paths_f.
  - exact (catiso_to_precategory_data_path F).
  - apply proofirrelevance, isaprop_is_precategory.
    apply hs.

A special case is that they both have homsets
Corollary catiso_to_category_path {A B : category}
  (F : catiso A B) : A = B.
Show proof.
  apply category_eq.
  apply catiso_to_precategory_data_path.

Definition inv_catiso
           {C D : category}
           (F : catiso C D)
  : D C.
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  - use tpair.
    + exact (invweq (catiso_ob_weq F)).
    + intros X Y f ; cbn.
      refine (invmap
                (catiso_fully_faithful_weq F
                                           (invmap (catiso_ob_weq F) X)
                                           (invmap (catiso_ob_weq F) Y))
      exact ((idtoiso (homotweqinvweq (catiso_ob_weq F) X))
               · f
               · idtoiso (!(homotweqinvweq (catiso_ob_weq F) Y))).
  - split.
    + intro X ; cbn.
      rewrite id_right.
        apply maponpaths.
        exact (!(maponpaths pr1
                            (idtoiso_concat D _ _ _
                                            (homotweqinvweq (catiso_ob_weq F) X)
                                            (! homotweqinvweq (catiso_ob_weq F) X)))).
      rewrite pathsinv0r ; cbn.
      apply invmap_eq ; cbn.
      rewrite functor_id.
    + intros X Y Z f g ; cbn.
      apply invmap_eq ; cbn.
      rewrite functor_comp.
      pose (homotweqinvweq
              (catiso_fully_faithful_weq F
                                         (invmap (catiso_ob_weq F) X)
                                         (invmap (catiso_ob_weq F) Y))) as p.
      cbn in p.
      rewrite p ; clear p.
      pose (homotweqinvweq
              (catiso_fully_faithful_weq F
                                         (invmap (catiso_ob_weq F) Y)
                                         (invmap (catiso_ob_weq F) Z))) as p.
      cbn in p.
      rewrite p ; clear p.
      rewrite <- !assoc.
      repeat (apply (maponpaths (λ z, _ · (f · z)))).
      refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
      rewrite !assoc.
      repeat (apply (maponpaths (λ z, z · _))).
      rewrite idtoiso_inv.
      rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.

Definition adj_equivalence_of_cats_to_cat_iso
      {C D : category}
      {F : functor C D}
      (Fa : adj_equivalence_of_cats F)
      (Cuniv : is_univalent C) (Duniv : is_univalent D)
  : catiso C D.
Show proof.
  exists F.
  - apply fully_faithful_from_equivalence, Fa.
  - apply(weq_on_objects_from_adj_equiv_of_cats C D Cuniv Duniv F Fa).

More operations on isomorphisms of categories
Section CatIso.
  Context {C D : setcategory}
          (F : catiso C D).

  Definition catiso_to_fully_faithful
    : fully_faithful F.
  Show proof.
    intros x y.
    apply F.

  Definition catiso_inv_ob
             (y : D)
    : C
    := invmap (catiso_ob_weq F) y.

  Proposition catiso_catiso_inv_ob
              (y : D)
    : F (catiso_inv_ob y) = y.
  Show proof.
    apply (homotweqinvweq (catiso_ob_weq F) y).

  Proposition catiso_inv_ob_catiso
              (x : C)
    : catiso_inv_ob (F x) = x.
  Show proof.
    apply (homotinvweqweq (catiso_ob_weq F) x).

  Proposition catiso_reflect_ob_eq
              {x y : C}
              (p : F x = F y)
    : x = y.
  Show proof.
    refine (!(catiso_inv_ob_catiso x) @ _ @ catiso_inv_ob_catiso y).
    apply maponpaths.
    exact p.

  Proposition catiso_inv_hom_idtoiso
              {x y : C}
              (p : F x = F y)
    : fully_faithful_inv_hom catiso_to_fully_faithful x y (idtoiso p)
      idtoiso (catiso_reflect_ob_eq p).
  Show proof.

  Definition catiso_inv_mor
             {y₁ y₂ : D}
             (f : y₁ --> y₂)
    : catiso_inv_ob y₁ --> catiso_inv_ob y₂
    := fully_faithful_inv_hom
         _ _
         (idtoiso (catiso_catiso_inv_ob y₁)
          · f
          · idtoiso (!(catiso_catiso_inv_ob y₂))).

  Proposition catiso_inv_mor_cat_iso
              {x₁ x₂ : C}
              (f : x₁ --> x₂)
    : catiso_inv_mor (#F f)
      idtoiso (catiso_inv_ob_catiso x₁)
      · f
      · idtoiso (!(catiso_inv_ob_catiso x₂)).
  Show proof.
    unfold catiso_inv_mor.
    rewrite !fully_faithful_inv_comp.
    rewrite fully_faithful_inv_hom_is_inv.
    rewrite !catiso_inv_hom_idtoiso.
    apply setcategory_eq_idtoiso_comp.

  Proposition catiso_catiso_inv_mor
              {y₁ y₂ : D}
              (f : y₁ --> y₂)
    : #F (catiso_inv_mor f)
      idtoiso (catiso_catiso_inv_ob y₁)
      · f
      · idtoiso (!(catiso_catiso_inv_ob y₂)).
  Show proof.

  Proposition catiso_inv_mor_eq
              {y₁ y₂ : D}
              (f : y₁ --> y₂)
              (g : catiso_inv_ob y₁ --> catiso_inv_ob y₂)
              (p : f
                   idtoiso (!(catiso_catiso_inv_ob y₁))
                   · #F g
                   · idtoiso (catiso_catiso_inv_ob y₂))
    : catiso_inv_mor f = g.
  Show proof.
    use (invmaponpathsweq
           (weq_from_fully_faithful catiso_to_fully_faithful _ _)).
    cbn -[catiso_inv_mor].
    rewrite catiso_catiso_inv_mor.
    rewrite p.
    rewrite !assoc.
        do 3 apply maponpaths_2.
        refine (!_).
        apply pr1_idtoiso_concat.
      rewrite pathsinv0r ; cbn.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        refine (!_).
        apply (pr1_idtoiso_concat (catiso_catiso_inv_ob y₂)).
      rewrite pathsinv0r ; cbn.
      apply id_right.
    apply idpath.
End CatIso.