Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.exponentials
Anders Mörtberg, 2016
Section ExponentialsCarriedThroughAdjointEquivalence added by Ralph Matthes in 2023
- Definition of the functors given by binary product with a fixed object
- Definition of exponentials
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.BinProducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Limits.Preservation.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.catiso.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.CategoryEquality.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section exponentials.
Context {C : category} (PC : BinProducts C).
Definition constprod_functor1 (a : C) : functor C C :=
BinProduct_of_functors C C PC (constant_functor C C a) (functor_identity C).
Definition constprod_functor2 (a : C) : functor C C :=
BinProduct_of_functors C C PC (functor_identity C) (constant_functor C C a).
Definition is_exponentiable (a : C) : UU := is_left_adjoint (constprod_functor1 a).
Definition Exponentials : UU := ∏ (a : C), is_exponentiable a.
Definition hasExponentials : UU := ∏ (a : C), ∥ is_exponentiable a ∥.
Definition nat_trans_constprod_functor1 (a : C) :
nat_trans (constprod_functor1 a) (constprod_functor2 a).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl.
apply BinProductArrow; [ apply BinProductPr2 | apply BinProductPr1 ].
- abstract (intros x y f; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
apply pathsinv0; eapply pathscomp0; [apply postcompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 C _ (PC a x)), (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 C _ (PC a x))).
- intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl.
apply BinProductArrow; [ apply BinProductPr2 | apply BinProductPr1 ].
- abstract (intros x y f; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
apply pathsinv0; eapply pathscomp0; [apply postcompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 C _ (PC a x)), (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 C _ (PC a x))).
Definition nat_trans_constprod_functor2 (a : C) :
nat_trans (constprod_functor2 a) (constprod_functor1 a).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl.
apply BinProductArrow; [ apply BinProductPr2 | apply BinProductPr1 ].
- abstract (intros x y f; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
apply pathsinv0; eapply pathscomp0; [apply postcompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 C _ (PC x a)), (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 C _ (PC x a))).
- intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl.
apply BinProductArrow; [ apply BinProductPr2 | apply BinProductPr1 ].
- abstract (intros x y f; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
apply pathsinv0; eapply pathscomp0; [apply postcompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 C _ (PC x a)), (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 C _ (PC x a))).
Lemma is_z_iso_constprod_functor1 a :
@is_z_isomorphism [C,C] _ _ (nat_trans_constprod_functor1 a).
Show proof.
exists (nat_trans_constprod_functor2 a).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
Lemma is_z_iso_constprod_functor2 a :
@is_z_isomorphism [C,C] _ _ (nat_trans_constprod_functor2 a).
Show proof.
exists (nat_trans_constprod_functor1 a).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
+ abstract (
apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro x; simpl; unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob; simpl;
eapply pathscomp0; [apply precompWithBinProductArrow|];
now rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes, BinProductPr2Commutes, BinProductArrowEta, !id_left).
Definition flip_z_iso a : @z_iso [C,C] (constprod_functor1 a) (constprod_functor2 a) :=
tpair _ _ (is_z_iso_constprod_functor1 a).
Variable (a : C).
Variable (HF : is_left_adjoint (constprod_functor1 a)).
Local Notation F := (constprod_functor1 a).
Local Notation F' := (constprod_functor2 a).
Let G := right_adjoint HF.
Let H := pr2 HF : are_adjoints F G.
Let eta : [C,C]⟦functor_identity C,functor_composite F G⟧ := unit_from_left_adjoint H.
Let eps : [C,C]⟦functor_composite G F,functor_identity C⟧ := counit_from_left_adjoint H.
Let H1 := triangle_id_left_ad H.
Let H2 := triangle_id_right_ad H.
Arguments constprod_functor1 : simpl never.
Arguments constprod_functor2 : simpl never.
Arguments flip_z_iso : simpl never.
Local Definition eta' : [C,C]⟦functor_identity C,functor_composite F' G⟧ :=
let G' := (post_composition_functor C C C G)
in eta · (# G' (flip_z_iso a)).
Local Definition eps' : [C,C]⟦functor_composite G F',functor_identity C⟧ :=
let G' := (pre_composition_functor C C C G)
in # G' (inv_from_z_iso (flip_z_iso a)) · eps.
Local Lemma form_adjunction_eta'_eps' : form_adjunction F' G eta' eps'.
Show proof.
fold eta in H1; fold eps in H1; fold eta in H2; fold eps in H2; fold G in H2.
use tpair.
+ intro x; unfold eta', eps'; cbn.
rewrite assoc.
eapply pathscomp0.
- eapply cancel_postcomposition.
exact (nat_trans_ax (inv_from_z_iso (flip_z_iso _)) _ _ _).
- rewrite functor_comp, assoc.
eapply pathscomp0; [rewrite <- assoc; apply maponpaths, (nat_trans_ax eps)|].
rewrite <- assoc.
eapply pathscomp0; [apply maponpaths; rewrite assoc; apply cancel_postcomposition, H1|].
rewrite id_left.
apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (flip_z_iso a)) x).
+ intro x; cbn.
rewrite <- (H2 x), <- assoc, <- (functor_comp G).
apply maponpaths, maponpaths.
rewrite assoc.
apply remove_id_left; try apply idpath.
apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (flip_z_iso a))).
use tpair.
+ intro x; unfold eta', eps'; cbn.
rewrite assoc.
eapply pathscomp0.
- eapply cancel_postcomposition.
exact (nat_trans_ax (inv_from_z_iso (flip_z_iso _)) _ _ _).
- rewrite functor_comp, assoc.
eapply pathscomp0; [rewrite <- assoc; apply maponpaths, (nat_trans_ax eps)|].
rewrite <- assoc.
eapply pathscomp0; [apply maponpaths; rewrite assoc; apply cancel_postcomposition, H1|].
rewrite id_left.
apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (flip_z_iso a)) x).
+ intro x; cbn.
rewrite <- (H2 x), <- assoc, <- (functor_comp G).
apply maponpaths, maponpaths.
rewrite assoc.
apply remove_id_left; try apply idpath.
apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (flip_z_iso a))).
Lemma is_left_adjoint_constprod_functor2 : is_left_adjoint F'.
Show proof.
End exponentials.
Section ExponentialsCarriedThroughAdjointEquivalence.
Context {C : category} (PC : BinProducts C) {D : category} (PD : BinProducts D)
(ExpC : Exponentials PC) (adjeq : adj_equiv C D).
Let F : functor C D := adjeq.
Let G : functor D C := adj_equivalence_inv adjeq.
Let η_z_iso : ∏ (c : C), z_iso c (G (F c)) := unit_pointwise_z_iso_from_adj_equivalence adjeq.
Let ε_z_iso : ∏ (d : D), z_iso (F (G d)) d := counit_pointwise_z_iso_from_adj_equivalence adjeq.
Let η_nat_z_iso : nat_z_iso (functor_identity C) (functor_composite F G) :=
unit_nat_z_iso_from_adj_equivalence_of_cats adjeq.
Let ε_nat_z_iso : nat_z_iso (functor_composite G F) (functor_identity D) :=
counit_nat_z_iso_from_adj_equivalence_of_cats adjeq.
Let FC (c : C) : functor C C := constprod_functor1 PC c.
Let GC (c : C) : functor C C := right_adjoint (ExpC c).
Let ηC (c : C) : functor_identity C ⟹ (FC c) ∙ (GC c) := unit_from_left_adjoint (ExpC c).
Let εC (c : C) : functor_composite (GC c) (FC c) ⟹ functor_identity C := counit_from_left_adjoint (ExpC c).
Section FixAnObject.
Context (d0 : D).
Let Fd0 : functor D D := constprod_functor1 PD d0.
Let Gd0 : functor D D := functor_composite (functor_composite G (GC (G d0))) F.
Local Definition inherited_BP_on_C (d : D) : BinProduct C (G d0) (G d).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exists (G (pr1 (pr1 (PD d0 d)))).
exact (# G (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (PD d0 d)))),,# G (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (PD d0 d))))).
- set (Hpres := right_adjoint_preserves_binproduct adjeq adjeq : preserves_binproduct G).
exact (Hpres _ _ _ _ _ (pr2 (PD d0 d))).
- exists (G (pr1 (pr1 (PD d0 d)))).
exact (# G (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (PD d0 d)))),,# G (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (PD d0 d))))).
- set (Hpres := right_adjoint_preserves_binproduct adjeq adjeq : preserves_binproduct G).
exact (Hpres _ _ _ _ _ (pr2 (PD d0 d))).
Local Definition μ_nat_trans_data : nat_trans_data (G ∙ FC (G d0)) (Fd0 ∙ G).
Show proof.
intro d.
exact (BinProductOfArrows _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d)) (identity _) (identity _)).
exact (BinProductOfArrows _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d)) (identity _) (identity _)).
Local Lemma μ_nat_trans_law : is_nat_trans _ _ μ_nat_trans_data.
Show proof.
intros d' d f.
apply (BinProductArrowsEq _ _ _ (inherited_BP_on_C d)).
- etrans.
{ rewrite assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
2: { cbn.
rewrite assoc'.
2: { apply maponpaths.
apply functor_comp. }
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor.
2: { do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0, BinProductOfArrowsPr1. }
rewrite id_right.
unfold BinProductPr1.
apply pathsinv0, (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d') (PC (G d0) (G d'))).
rewrite id_right.
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor, constant_functor, functor_identity.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (PC (G d0) (G d'))). }
apply id_right.
- etrans.
{ rewrite assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
2: { cbn.
rewrite assoc'.
2: { apply maponpaths.
apply functor_comp. }
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor.
2: { do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0, BinProductOfArrowsPr2. }
rewrite functor_comp.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
unfold BinProductPr2.
apply pathsinv0, (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d') (PC (G d0) (G d'))).
rewrite id_right.
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor, constant_functor, functor_identity.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (PC (G d0) (G d'))). }
apply idpath.
apply (BinProductArrowsEq _ _ _ (inherited_BP_on_C d)).
- etrans.
{ rewrite assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
2: { cbn.
rewrite assoc'.
2: { apply maponpaths.
apply functor_comp. }
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor.
2: { do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0, BinProductOfArrowsPr1. }
rewrite id_right.
unfold BinProductPr1.
apply pathsinv0, (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d') (PC (G d0) (G d'))).
rewrite id_right.
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor, constant_functor, functor_identity.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (PC (G d0) (G d'))). }
apply id_right.
- etrans.
{ rewrite assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
2: { cbn.
rewrite assoc'.
2: { apply maponpaths.
apply functor_comp. }
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor.
2: { do 2 apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0, BinProductOfArrowsPr2. }
rewrite functor_comp.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
unfold BinProductPr2.
apply pathsinv0, (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d') (PC (G d0) (G d'))).
rewrite id_right.
unfold BinProduct_of_functors_mor, constant_functor, functor_identity.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (PC (G d0) (G d'))). }
apply idpath.
Local Definition μ_nat_trans : nat_trans (G ∙ FC (G d0)) (Fd0 ∙ G) := _,,μ_nat_trans_law.
Local Definition μ_nat_trans_inv_pointwise (d : D) : C ⟦ (Fd0 ∙ G) d, (G ∙ FC (G d0)) d ⟧.
Show proof.
Local Lemma μ_nat_trans_is_inverse (d : D): is_inverse_in_precat (μ_nat_trans d) (μ_nat_trans_inv_pointwise d).
Show proof.
split; cbn.
- apply pathsinv0, BinProduct_endo_is_identity.
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
rewrite id_right.
{ cbn.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
apply id_right.
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
rewrite id_right.
{ cbn.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
apply id_right.
- unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob, constant_functor, functor_identity.
apply pathsinv0. apply (BinProduct_endo_is_identity _ _ _ (inherited_BP_on_C d)).
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
apply id_right.
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
apply id_right.
- apply pathsinv0, BinProduct_endo_is_identity.
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
rewrite id_right.
{ cbn.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
apply id_right.
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
rewrite id_right.
{ cbn.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
apply id_right.
- unfold BinProduct_of_functors_ob, constant_functor, functor_identity.
apply pathsinv0. apply (BinProduct_endo_is_identity _ _ _ (inherited_BP_on_C d)).
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr1 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
apply id_right.
+ rewrite assoc'.
{ apply maponpaths.
apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (inherited_BP_on_C d) (PC (G d0) (G d))). }
rewrite id_right.
{ apply (BinProductOfArrowsPr2 _ (PC (G d0) (G d)) (inherited_BP_on_C d)). }
apply id_right.
Local Definition μ : nat_z_iso (functor_composite G (FC (G d0))) (functor_composite Fd0 G).
Show proof.
use make_nat_z_iso.
- exact μ_nat_trans.
- intro d.
use tpair.
+ exact (μ_nat_trans_inv_pointwise d).
+ exact (μ_nat_trans_is_inverse d).
- exact μ_nat_trans.
- intro d.
use tpair.
+ exact (μ_nat_trans_inv_pointwise d).
+ exact (μ_nat_trans_is_inverse d).
Local Definition ηDd0 : functor_identity D ⟹ Fd0 ∙ Gd0.
Show proof.
simple refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ (nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv ε_nat_z_iso) _).
unfold Gd0.
change ((functor_composite G (functor_identity C)) ∙ F ⟹ (Fd0 ∙ (G ∙ GC (G d0))) ∙ F).
apply post_whisker.
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
- apply (pre_whisker G (ηC (G d0))).
- change (functor_composite (functor_composite G (FC (G d0))) (GC (G d0)) ⟹
functor_composite (Fd0 ∙ G) (GC (G d0))).
apply post_whisker.
apply μ.
unfold Gd0.
change ((functor_composite G (functor_identity C)) ∙ F ⟹ (Fd0 ∙ (G ∙ GC (G d0))) ∙ F).
apply post_whisker.
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
- apply (pre_whisker G (ηC (G d0))).
- change (functor_composite (functor_composite G (FC (G d0))) (GC (G d0)) ⟹
functor_composite (Fd0 ∙ G) (GC (G d0))).
apply post_whisker.
apply μ.
Local Definition εDd0 : Gd0 ∙ Fd0 ⟹ functor_identity D.
Show proof.
simple refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ ε_nat_z_iso).
change (functor_composite (functor_composite Gd0 Fd0) (functor_identity D) ⟹ G ∙ F).
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
- apply (pre_whisker _ (nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv ε_nat_z_iso)).
- change ((functor_composite (Gd0 ∙ Fd0) G) ∙ F ⟹ G ∙ F).
apply post_whisker.
unfold Gd0.
change (((G ∙ GC (G d0)) ∙ F) ∙ (Fd0 ∙ G) ⟹ G).
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
+ apply (pre_whisker _ (nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv μ)).
+ change ((((G ∙ GC (G d0)) ∙ F) ∙ G) ∙ FC (G d0) ⟹ G).
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
* use (post_whisker _ (FC (G d0))).
-- exact (G ∙ GC (G d0)).
-- change (functor_composite (G ∙ GC (G d0)) (functor_composite F G) ⟹
functor_composite (G ∙ GC (G d0)) (functor_identity C)).
apply (pre_whisker _ (nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv η_nat_z_iso)).
* change (functor_composite G (functor_composite (GC (G d0)) (FC (G d0))) ⟹ G).
apply (pre_whisker _ (εC (G d0))).
change (functor_composite (functor_composite Gd0 Fd0) (functor_identity D) ⟹ G ∙ F).
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
- apply (pre_whisker _ (nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv ε_nat_z_iso)).
- change ((functor_composite (Gd0 ∙ Fd0) G) ∙ F ⟹ G ∙ F).
apply post_whisker.
unfold Gd0.
change (((G ∙ GC (G d0)) ∙ F) ∙ (Fd0 ∙ G) ⟹ G).
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
+ apply (pre_whisker _ (nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv μ)).
+ change ((((G ∙ GC (G d0)) ∙ F) ∙ G) ∙ FC (G d0) ⟹ G).
refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ _).
* use (post_whisker _ (FC (G d0))).
-- exact (G ∙ GC (G d0)).
-- change (functor_composite (G ∙ GC (G d0)) (functor_composite F G) ⟹
functor_composite (G ∙ GC (G d0)) (functor_identity C)).
apply (pre_whisker _ (nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv η_nat_z_iso)).
* change (functor_composite G (functor_composite (GC (G d0)) (FC (G d0))) ⟹ G).
apply (pre_whisker _ (εC (G d0))).
Definition is_expDd0_adjunction_data : adjunction_data D D.
Show proof.
Lemma is_expDd0_adjunction_laws : form_adjunction' is_expDd0_adjunction_data.
Show proof.
- intro d.
change (# Fd0 (ηDd0 d) · εDd0 (Fd0 d) = identity (Fd0 d)).
unfold ηDd0.
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
{ apply functor_comp. }
do 2 apply maponpaths.
assert (Hpost := post_whisker_composition _ _ _ F _ _ _ (pre_whisker G (ηC (G d0))) (post_whisker (pr1 μ) (GC (G d0)))).
refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (maponpaths pr1 Hpost) d).
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply maponpaths.
apply functor_comp. }
unfold εDd0.
End FixAnObject.
End ExponentialsCarriedThroughAdjointEquivalence.
Section AlternativeWithUnivalence.
Context {C : category} (PC : BinProducts C) {D : category} (PD : BinProducts D)
(ExpC : Exponentials PC) (adjeq : adj_equiv C D) (Cuniv : is_univalent C) (Duniv : is_univalent D).
Local Lemma CDeq : C = D.
assert (aux : category_to_precategory C = category_to_precategory D).
{ apply (invmap (catiso_is_path_precat C D D)).
apply (adj_equivalence_of_cats_to_cat_iso adjeq); assumption. }
apply subtypePath. intro. apply isaprop_has_homsets.
exact aux.
- intro d.
change (# Fd0 (ηDd0 d) · εDd0 (Fd0 d) = identity (Fd0 d)).
unfold ηDd0.
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
{ apply functor_comp. }
do 2 apply maponpaths.
assert (Hpost := post_whisker_composition _ _ _ F _ _ _ (pre_whisker G (ηC (G d0))) (post_whisker (pr1 μ) (GC (G d0)))).
refine (toforallpaths _ _ _ (maponpaths pr1 Hpost) d).
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply maponpaths.
apply functor_comp. }
unfold εDd0.
End FixAnObject.
End ExponentialsCarriedThroughAdjointEquivalence.
Section AlternativeWithUnivalence.
Context {C : category} (PC : BinProducts C) {D : category} (PD : BinProducts D)
(ExpC : Exponentials PC) (adjeq : adj_equiv C D) (Cuniv : is_univalent C) (Duniv : is_univalent D).
Local Lemma CDeq : C = D.
assert (aux : category_to_precategory C = category_to_precategory D).
{ apply (invmap (catiso_is_path_precat C D D)).
apply (adj_equivalence_of_cats_to_cat_iso adjeq); assumption. }
apply subtypePath. intro. apply isaprop_has_homsets.
exact aux.
Definition exponentials_through_adj_equivalence_univalent_cats : Exponentials PD.
Show proof.
induction CDeq.
clear adjeq.
assert (aux : PC = PD).
2: { rewrite <- aux. exact ExpC. }
apply funextsec.
intro c1.
apply funextsec.
intro c2.
apply isaprop_BinProduct; exact Cuniv.
clear adjeq.
assert (aux : PC = PD).
2: { rewrite <- aux. exact ExpC. }
apply funextsec.
intro c1.
apply funextsec.
intro c2.
apply isaprop_BinProduct; exact Cuniv.
End AlternativeWithUnivalence.
Accessors for exponentials
Section AccessorsExponentials.
Context {C : category}
{prodC : BinProducts C}
(expC : Exponentials prodC).
Definition exp
(x y : C)
: C
:= pr1 (expC x) y.
Definition exp_eval
(x y : C)
: prodC x (exp x y) --> y
:= counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC x)) y.
Definition exp_eval_alt
(x y : C)
: prodC (exp x y) x --> y
:= prod_swap prodC _ _ · exp_eval x y.
Definition exp_lam
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC y x --> z)
: x --> exp y z
:= unit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC y)) x · # (pr1 (expC y)) f.
Definition exp_lam_alt
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC z x --> y)
: z --> exp x y
:= exp_lam (prod_swap prodC _ _ · f).
Proposition exp_beta
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC y x --> z)
: BinProductOfArrows _ _ _ (identity _) (exp_lam f)
· exp_eval _ _
Show proof.
Proposition exp_beta_alt
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC z x --> y)
: BinProductOfArrows _ _ _ (exp_lam_alt f) (identity x)
· exp_eval_alt x y
Show proof.
Proposition exp_eta
{x y z : C}
(f : z --> exp x y)
: f
exp_lam (BinProductOfArrows C _ _ (identity x) f · exp_eval x y).
Show proof.
Proposition exp_eta_alt
{x y z : C}
(f : z --> exp x y)
: f
exp_lam_alt (BinProductOfArrows C _ _ f (identity x) · exp_eval_alt x y).
Show proof.
Proposition exp_funext
{x y z : C}
{f g : z --> exp x y}
(p : ∏ (a : C)
(h : a --> x),
BinProductOfArrows C _ (prodC a z) h f · exp_eval x y
BinProductOfArrows C _ (prodC a z) h g · exp_eval x y)
: f = g.
Show proof.
Proposition exp_lam_natural
{w x y z : C}
(f : prodC y x --> z)
(s : w --> x)
: s · exp_lam f
exp_lam (BinProductOfArrows _ _ _ (identity _ ) s · f).
Show proof.
Context {C : category}
{prodC : BinProducts C}
(expC : Exponentials prodC).
Definition exp
(x y : C)
: C
:= pr1 (expC x) y.
Definition exp_eval
(x y : C)
: prodC x (exp x y) --> y
:= counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC x)) y.
Definition exp_eval_alt
(x y : C)
: prodC (exp x y) x --> y
:= prod_swap prodC _ _ · exp_eval x y.
Definition exp_lam
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC y x --> z)
: x --> exp y z
:= unit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC y)) x · # (pr1 (expC y)) f.
Definition exp_lam_alt
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC z x --> y)
: z --> exp x y
:= exp_lam (prod_swap prodC _ _ · f).
Proposition exp_beta
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC y x --> z)
: BinProductOfArrows _ _ _ (identity _) (exp_lam f)
· exp_eval _ _
Show proof.
unfold exp_lam.
rewrite <- BinProductOfArrows_idxcomp.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
exact (nat_trans_ax
(counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC y)))
rewrite !assoc.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (triangle_id_left_ad (pr2 (expC y))).
rewrite <- BinProductOfArrows_idxcomp.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
exact (nat_trans_ax
(counit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC y)))
rewrite !assoc.
refine (_ @ id_left _).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply (triangle_id_left_ad (pr2 (expC y))).
Proposition exp_beta_alt
{x y z : C}
(f : prodC z x --> y)
: BinProductOfArrows _ _ _ (exp_lam_alt f) (identity x)
· exp_eval_alt x y
Show proof.
unfold exp_eval_alt.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite BinProductOfArrows_swap.
unfold exp_lam_alt.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite exp_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite prod_swap_swap.
apply id_left.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite BinProductOfArrows_swap.
unfold exp_lam_alt.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite exp_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite prod_swap_swap.
apply id_left.
Proposition exp_eta
{x y z : C}
(f : z --> exp x y)
: f
exp_lam (BinProductOfArrows C _ _ (identity x) f · exp_eval x y).
Show proof.
unfold exp_lam.
rewrite functor_comp.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (!(nat_trans_ax
(unit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC x)))
refine (_ @ id_right _).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
exact (triangle_id_right_ad (pr2 (expC x)) _).
rewrite functor_comp.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
exact (!(nat_trans_ax
(unit_from_are_adjoints (pr2 (expC x)))
refine (_ @ id_right _).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
exact (triangle_id_right_ad (pr2 (expC x)) _).
Proposition exp_eta_alt
{x y z : C}
(f : z --> exp x y)
: f
exp_lam_alt (BinProductOfArrows C _ _ f (identity x) · exp_eval_alt x y).
Show proof.
refine (exp_eta _ @ _).
unfold exp_lam_alt.
apply maponpaths.
unfold exp_eval_alt.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite BinProductOfArrows_swap.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite prod_swap_swap.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
unfold exp_lam_alt.
apply maponpaths.
unfold exp_eval_alt.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite BinProductOfArrows_swap.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite prod_swap_swap.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
Proposition exp_funext
{x y z : C}
{f g : z --> exp x y}
(p : ∏ (a : C)
(h : a --> x),
BinProductOfArrows C _ (prodC a z) h f · exp_eval x y
BinProductOfArrows C _ (prodC a z) h g · exp_eval x y)
: f = g.
Show proof.
Proposition exp_lam_natural
{w x y z : C}
(f : prodC y x --> z)
(s : w --> x)
: s · exp_lam f
exp_lam (BinProductOfArrows _ _ _ (identity _ ) s · f).
Show proof.
use exp_funext.
intros a h.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
exact (!(id_right _)).
rewrite <- BinProductOfArrows_comp.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite exp_beta.
refine (!_).
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
exact (!(id_right _)).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(id_left _)).
rewrite <- BinProductOfArrows_comp.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite exp_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite BinProductOfArrows_comp.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
End AccessorsExponentials.intros a h.
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
exact (!(id_right _)).
rewrite <- BinProductOfArrows_comp.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite exp_beta.
refine (!_).
do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
exact (!(id_right _)).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply maponpaths.
exact (!(id_left _)).
rewrite <- BinProductOfArrows_comp.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite exp_beta.
rewrite !assoc.
apply maponpaths_2.
rewrite BinProductOfArrows_comp.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.