Library UniMath.Foundations.PartA
Univalent Foundations, Part A
- Preamble
- Settings
- Imports
- Some standard constructions not using identity types (paths)
- Paths and operations on paths
- Associativity of function composition and mutual invertibility of curry/uncurry
- Composition of paths and inverse paths
- Direct product of paths
- The function maponpaths between paths types defined by a function between ambient types
- maponpaths for the identity functions and compositions of functions
- Homotopy between functions
- Equality between functions defines a homotopy
- maponpaths for a function homotopic to the identity
- maponpaths in the case of a projection p with a section s
- Fibrations and paths - the transport functions
- A series of lemmas about paths and total2
- Lemmas about transport adapted from the HoTT library and the HoTT book
- Homotopies between families and the total spaces
- First fundamental notions
- Contractibility iscontr
- Homotopy fibers hfiber
- The functions between the hfibers of homotopic functions over the same point
- Paths in homotopy fibers
- Coconuses: spaces of paths that begin (coconusfromt) or end (coconustot) at a given point
- The total paths space of a type - two definitions
- Coconus of a function: the total space of the family of h-fibers
- Weak equivalences
- Basics - isweq and weq
- Weak equivalences and paths spaces (more results in further sections)
- Adjointness property of a weak equivalence and its inverse
- Transport functions are weak equivalences
- Weak equivalences between contractible types (one implication)
- Unit and contractibility
- Homotopy equivalence is a weak equivalence
- Some weak equivalences
- 2-out-of-3 property of weak equivalences
- Any function between contractible types is a weak equivalence
- Composition of weak equivalences
- 2-out-of-6 property of weak equivalences
- Pairwise direct products of weak equivalences
- Weak equivalence of a type and its direct product with the unit
- Associativity of total2 as a weak equivalence
- Associativity and commutativity of direct products as weak equivalences
- Binary coproducts and their basic properties
- Distributivity of coproducts and direct products as a weak equivalence
- Total space of a family over a coproduct
- Pairwise sum of functions, coproduct associativity and commutativity
- Coproduct with a "negative" type
- Coproduct of two functions
- The equality_cases construction and four applications to ii1 and ii2
- Bool as coproduct
- Pairwise coproducts as dependent sums of families over bool
- Splitting of X into a coproduct defined by a function X -> Y ⨿ Z
- Some properties of bool
- Fibrations with only one non-empty fiber
- Basics about fibration sequences
- The structures of a complex and of a fibration sequence on a composable pair of functions
- Construction of the derived fibration sequence
- Explicit description of the first map in the second derived sequence
- Fibration sequences based on tpair P z and pr1 : total2 P -> Z ( the "pr1-case" )
- Fibration sequences based on hfiberpr1 : hfiber g z -> Y and g : Y -> Z (the "g-case")
- Fibration sequence of h-fibers defined by a composable pair of functions (the "hf-case")
- Functions between total spaces of families
- Function totalfun between total spaces from a family of functions between the fibers
- Function fpmap between the total spaces from a function between the bases
- Homotopy fibers of fpmap
- The fpmap from a weak equivalence is a weak equivalence
- Total spaces of families over a contractible base
- Function on the total spaces from functions between the bases and between the fibers
- Homotopy fiber squares
- Homotopy commutative squares
- Short complexes and homotopy commutative squares
- Homotopy fiber products
- Homotopy fiber products and homotopy fibers
- Homotopy fiber squares
- Fiber sequences and homotopy fiber squares
Some standard constructions not using identity types (paths)
Canonical functions from empty and to unit
Definition fromempty : ∏ X : UU , empty -> X. Show proof.
intro X.
intro H.
induction H.
intro H.
induction H.
Arguments fromempty { X } _.
Definition tounit {X : UU} : X -> unit := λ _, tt.
Functions from unit corresponding to terms
Arguments idfun _ _ /.
Definition funcomp {X Y : UU} {Z:Y->UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : ∏ y:Y, Z y) := λ x, g (f x).
Definition funcomp {X Y : UU} {Z:Y->UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : ∏ y:Y, Z y) := λ x, g (f x).
Arguments funcomp {_ _ _} _ _ _/.
Declare Scope functions.
Delimit Scope functions with functions.
Open Scope functions.
Notation "g ∘ f" := (funcomp f g) : functions.
Declare Scope functions.
Delimit Scope functions with functions.
Open Scope functions.
Notation "g ∘ f" := (funcomp f g) : functions.
back and forth between functions of pairs and functions returning
Definition curry {X : UU} {Y : X -> UU} {Z : (∑ x, Y x) -> UU}
(f : ∏ p, Z p) : (∏ x : X, ∏ y : Y x, Z (x,, y)) :=
λ x y, f (x,, y).
Definition uncurry {X : UU} {Y : X -> UU} {Z : (∑ x, Y x) -> UU}
(g : ∏ x : X, ∏ y : Y x, Z (x,, y)) : (∏ p, Z p) :=
λ x, g (pr1 x) (pr2 x).
Definition adjev {X Y : UU} (x : X) (f : X -> Y) : Y := f x.
Definition adjev2 {X Y : UU} (phi : ((X -> Y) -> Y) -> Y) : X -> Y :=
λ x, phi (λ f, f x).
Definition dirprod (X Y : UU) := ∑ x:X, Y.
Notation "A × B" := (dirprod A B) : type_scope.
Definition dirprod_pr1 {X Y : UU} := pr1 : X × Y -> X.
Definition dirprod_pr2 {X Y : UU} := pr2 : X × Y -> Y.
Definition make_dirprod {X Y : UU} (x:X) (y:Y) : X × Y := x,,y.
Definition dirprodadj {X Y Z : UU} (f : X × Y -> Z) : X -> Y -> Z :=
λ x y, f (x,,y).
Definition dirprodf {X Y X' Y' : UU}
(f : X -> Y) (f' : X' -> Y') (xx' : X × X') : Y × Y' :=
make_dirprod (f (pr1 xx')) (f' (pr2 xx')).
Definition ddualand {X Y P : UU}
(xp : (X -> P) -> P) (yp : (Y -> P) -> P) : (X × Y -> P) -> P.
Show proof.
Definition neg (X : UU) : UU := X -> empty.
Notation "'¬' X" := (neg X).
Notation "x != y" := (neg (x = y)) : type_scope.
Definition negf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : ¬ Y -> ¬ X := λ phi x, phi (f x).
Definition dneg (X : UU) : UU := ¬ ¬ X.
Notation "'¬¬' X" := (dneg X).
Definition dnegf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : dneg X -> dneg Y :=
negf (negf f).
Definition todneg (X : UU) : X -> dneg X := adjev.
Definition dnegnegtoneg {X : UU} : ¬¬ ¬ X -> ¬ X := adjev2.
Lemma dneganddnegl1 {X Y : UU} (dnx : ¬¬ X) (dny : ¬¬ Y) : ¬ (X -> ¬ Y).
Show proof.
Definition dneganddnegimpldneg {X Y : UU}
(dnx : ¬¬ X) (dny : ¬¬ Y) : ¬¬ (X × Y) := ddualand dnx dny.
Definition logeq (X Y : UU) := (X -> Y) × (Y -> X).
Notation " X <-> Y " := (logeq X Y) : type_scope.
Lemma isrefl_logeq (X : UU) : X <-> X.
Show proof.
Lemma issymm_logeq (X Y : UU) : (X <-> Y) -> (Y <-> X).
Show proof.
Definition logeqnegs {X Y : UU} (l : X <-> Y) : (¬ X) <-> (¬ Y) :=
make_dirprod (negf (pr2 l)) (negf (pr1 l)).
Definition logeq_both_true {X Y : UU} : X -> Y -> (X <-> Y).
Show proof.
intros x y.
- intros x'. exact y.
- intros y'. exact x.
- intros x'. exact y.
- intros y'. exact x.
Definition logeq_both_false {X Y : UU} : ¬X -> ¬Y -> (X <-> Y).
Show proof.
intros nx ny.
- intros x. induction (nx x).
- intros y. induction (ny y).
- intros x. induction (nx x).
- intros y. induction (ny y).
Definition logeq_trans {X Y Z : UU} : (X <-> Y) -> (Y <-> Z) -> (X <-> Z).
Show proof.
Paths and operations on paths
Associativity of function composition and mutual invertibility of curry/uncurry
Lemma funcomp_assoc {X Y Z W : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (h : Z -> W)
: h ∘ (g ∘ f) = (h ∘ g) ∘ f.
Show proof.
Lemma uncurry_curry {X Z : UU} {Y : X -> UU} (f : (∑ x : X, Y x) -> Z) :
∏ p, uncurry (curry f) p = f p.
Show proof.
Lemma curry_uncurry {X Z : UU} {Y : X -> UU} (g : ∏ x : X, Y x -> Z) :
∏ x y, curry (uncurry g) x y = g x y.
Show proof.
Definition pathscomp0 {X : UU} {a b c : X} (e1 : a = b) (e2 : b = c) : a = c.
Show proof.
intros. induction e1. apply e2.
Hint Resolve @pathscomp0 : pathshints.
Ltac intermediate_path x := apply (pathscomp0 (b := x)).
Ltac etrans := eapply pathscomp0.
Notation "p @ q" := (pathscomp0 p q).
Definition pathscomp0rid {X : UU} {a b : X} (e1 : a = b) : e1 @ idpath b = e1.
Show proof.
Note that we do not introduce pathscomp0lid since the corresponding
two terms are convertible to each other due to our definition of
pathscomp0 . If we defined it by inductioning e2 and
applying e1 then pathscomp0rid would be trivial but
pathscomp0lid would require a proof. Similarly we do not introduce a
lemma to connect pathsinv0 (idpath _) to idpath .
Definition pathsinv0 {X : UU} {a b : X} (e : a = b) : b = a.
Show proof.
Hint Resolve @pathsinv0 : pathshints.
Definition path_assoc {X} {a b c d:X}
(f : a = b) (g : b = c) (h : c = d)
: f @ (g @ h) = (f @ g) @ h.
Show proof.
Notation "! p " := (pathsinv0 p).
Definition pathsinv0l {X : UU} {a b : X} (e : a = b) : !e @ e = idpath _.
Show proof.
Definition pathsinv0r {X : UU} {a b : X} (e : a = b) : e @ !e = idpath _.
Show proof.
Definition pathsinv0inv0 {X : UU} {x x' : X} (e : x = x') : !(!e) = e.
Show proof.
Lemma pathscomp_cancel_left {X : UU} {x y z : X} (p : x = y) (r s : y = z) :
p @ r= p @ s -> r = s.
Show proof.
intros e. induction p. exact e.
Lemma pathscomp_cancel_right {X : UU} {x y z : X} (p q : x = y) (s : y = z) :
p @ s = q @ s -> p = q.
Show proof.
Lemma pathscomp_inv {X : UU} {x y z : X} (p : x = y) (q : y = z)
: !(p @ q) = !q @ !p.
Show proof.
Definition pathsdirprod {X Y : UU} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 y2 : Y}
(ex : x1 = x2) (ey : y1 = y2) :
make_dirprod x1 y1 = make_dirprod x2 y2.
Show proof.
Lemma dirprodeq (A B : UU) (ab ab' : A × B) :
pr1 ab = pr1 ab' -> pr2 ab = pr2 ab' -> ab = ab'.
Show proof.
intros H H'.
induction ab as [a b].
induction ab' as [a' b']; simpl in *.
induction H.
induction H'.
apply idpath.
induction ab as [a b].
induction ab' as [a' b']; simpl in *.
induction H.
induction H'.
apply idpath.
The function maponpaths between paths types defined by a function between ambient types
Definition maponpaths {T1 T2 : UU} (f : T1 -> T2) {t1 t2 : T1}
(e: t1 = t2) : f t1 = f t2.
Show proof.
Definition map_on_two_paths {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y -> Z) {x x' y y'} (ex : x = x') (ey: y = y') :
f x y = f x' y'.
Show proof.
Definition maponpathscomp0 {X Y : UU} {x1 x2 x3 : X}
(f : X -> Y) (e1 : x1 = x2) (e2 : x2 = x3) :
maponpaths f (e1 @ e2) = maponpaths f e1 @ maponpaths f e2.
Show proof.
Definition maponpathsinv0 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y)
{x1 x2 : X} (e : x1 = x2) : maponpaths f (! e) = ! (maponpaths f e).
Show proof.
maponpaths for the identity functions and compositions of functions
Lemma maponpathsidfun {X : UU} {x x' : X}
(e : x = x') : maponpaths (idfun _) e = e.
Show proof.
Lemma maponpathscomp {X Y Z : UU} {x x' : X} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z)
(e : x = x') : maponpaths g (maponpaths f e) = maponpaths (g ∘ f) e.
Show proof.
Definition homot {X : UU} {P : X -> UU} (f g : ∏ x : X, P x) := ∏ x : X , f x = g x.
Notation "f ~ g" := (homot f g).
Definition homotrefl {X : UU} {P : X -> UU} (f: ∏ x : X, P x) : f ~ f.
Show proof.
Definition homotcomp {X:UU} {Y:X->UU} {f f' f'' : ∏ x : X, Y x}
(h : f ~ f') (h' : f' ~ f'') : f ~ f'' := λ x, h x @ h' x.
Definition invhomot {X:UU} {Y:X->UU} {f f' : ∏ x : X, Y x}
(h : f ~ f') : f' ~ f := λ x, !(h x).
Definition funhomot {X Y Z:UU} (f : X -> Y) {g g' : Y -> Z}
(h : g ~ g') : g ∘ f ~ g' ∘ f := λ x, h (f x).
Definition funhomotsec {X Y:UU} {Z:Y->UU} (f : X -> Y) {g g' : ∏ y:Y, Z y}
(h : g ~ g') : g ∘ f ~ g' ∘ f := λ x, h (f x).
Definition homotfun {X Y Z : UU} {f f' : X -> Y} (h : f ~ f')
(g : Y -> Z) : g ∘ f ~ g ∘ f' := λ x, maponpaths g (h x).
Definition toforallpaths {T:UU} (P:T->UU) (f g:∏ t:T, P t) : f = g -> f ~ g.
Show proof.
Definition eqtohomot {T:UU} {P:T->UU} {f g:∏ t:T, P t} : f = g -> f ~ g.
Show proof.
maponpaths for a function homotopic to the identity
Definition maponpathshomidinv {X : UU} (f : X -> X)
(h : ∏ x : X, f x = x) (x x' : X) (e : f x = f x') :
x = x' := ! (h x) @ e @ (h x').
Lemma maponpathshomid1 {X : UU} (f : X -> X) (h: ∏ x : X, f x = x)
{x x' : X} (e : x = x') : maponpaths f e = (h x) @ e @ (! h x').
Show proof.
Lemma maponpathshomid2 {X : UU} (f : X -> X) (h : ∏ x : X, f x = x)
(x x' : X) (e: f x = f x') :
maponpaths f (maponpathshomidinv f h _ _ e) = e.
Show proof.
unfold maponpathshomidinv.
apply (pathscomp0 (maponpathshomid1 f h (! h x @ e @ h x'))).
assert (l : ∏ (X : UU) (a b c d : X) (p : a = b) (q : a = c) (r : c = d),
p @ (!p @ q @ r) @ !r = q).
{ intros. induction p. induction q. induction r. apply idpath. }
apply (l _ _ _ _ _ (h x) e (h x')).
unfold maponpathshomidinv.
apply (pathscomp0 (maponpathshomid1 f h (! h x @ e @ h x'))).
assert (l : ∏ (X : UU) (a b c d : X) (p : a = b) (q : a = c) (r : c = d),
p @ (!p @ q @ r) @ !r = q).
{ intros. induction p. induction q. induction r. apply idpath. }
apply (l _ _ _ _ _ (h x) e (h x')).
maponpaths in the case of a projection p with a section s
Definition pathssec1 {X Y : UU} (s : X -> Y) (p : Y -> X)
(eps : ∏ (x : X) , p (s x) = x)
(x : X) (y : Y) (e : s x = y) : x = p y.
Show proof.
Definition pathssec2 {X Y : UU} (s : X -> Y) (p : Y -> X)
(eps : ∏ (x : X), p (s x) = x)
(x x' : X) (e : s x = s x') : x = x'.
Show proof.
Definition pathssec2id {X Y : UU} (s : X -> Y) (p : Y -> X)
(eps : ∏ x : X, p (s x) = x)
(x : X) : pathssec2 s p eps _ _ (idpath (s x)) = idpath x.
Show proof.
unfold pathssec2. unfold pathssec1. simpl.
assert (e : ∏ X : UU, ∏ a b : X,
∏ p : a = b, (! p @ idpath _) @ p = idpath _).
{ intros. induction p0. simpl. apply idpath. }
apply e.
unfold pathssec2. unfold pathssec1. simpl.
assert (e : ∏ X : UU, ∏ a b : X,
∏ p : a = b, (! p @ idpath _) @ p = idpath _).
{ intros. induction p0. simpl. apply idpath. }
apply e.
Definition pathssec3 {X Y : UU} (s : X -> Y) (p : Y -> X)
(eps : ∏ x : X, p (s x) = x) {x x' : X} (e : x = x') :
pathssec2 s p eps _ _ (maponpaths s e) = e.
Show proof.
Definition constr1 {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x x' : X} (e : x = x') :
∑ (f : P x -> P x'),
∑ (ee : ∏ p : P x, tpair _ x p = tpair _ x' (f p)),
∏ (pp : P x), maponpaths pr1 (ee pp) = e.
Show proof.
intros. induction e.
split with (idfun (P x)).
split with (λ p, idpath _).
unfold maponpaths. simpl.
intro. apply idpath.
split with (idfun (P x)).
split with (λ p, idpath _).
unfold maponpaths. simpl.
intro. apply idpath.
Definition transportf {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x x' : X}
(e : x = x') : P x -> P x' := pr1 (constr1 P e).
Definition transportf_eq {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x x' : X} (e : x = x') ( p : P x ) :
tpair _ x p = tpair _ x' ( transportf P e p ) := ( pr1 ( pr2 ( constr1 P e ))) p .
Definition transportb {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x x' : X}
(e : x = x') : P x' -> P x := transportf P (!e).
Declare Scope transport.
Notation "p # x" := (transportf _ p x) (only parsing) : transport.
Notation "p #' x" := (transportb _ p x) (only parsing) : transport.
Delimit Scope transport with transport.
Definition idpath_transportf {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x : X} (p : P x) :
transportf P (idpath x) p = p.
Show proof.
Lemma functtransportf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (P : Y -> UU) {x x' : X}
(e : x = x') (p : P (f x)) :
transportf (λ x, P (f x)) e p = transportf P (maponpaths f e) p.
Show proof.
Lemma functtransportb {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (P : Y -> UU) {x x' : X}
(e : x' = x) (p : P (f x)) :
transportb (λ x, P (f x)) e p = transportb P (maponpaths f e) p.
Show proof.
Definition transport_f_b {X : UU} (P : X ->UU) {x y z : X} (e : y = x)
(e' : y = z) (p : P x) :
transportf P e' (transportb P e p) = transportf P (!e @ e') p.
Show proof.
Definition transport_b_f {X : UU} (P : X ->UU) {x y z : X} (e : x = y)
(e' : z = y) (p : P x) :
transportb P e' (transportf P e p) = transportf P (e @ !e') p.
Show proof.
Definition transport_f_f {X : UU} (P : X ->UU) {x y z : X} (e : x = y)
(e' : y = z) (p : P x) :
transportf P e' (transportf P e p) = transportf P (e @ e') p.
Show proof.
Definition transport_b_b {X : UU} (P : X ->UU) {x y z : X} (e : x = y)
(e' : y = z) (p : P z) :
transportb P e (transportb P e' p) = transportb P (e @ e') p.
Show proof.
Definition transport_map {X : UU} {P Q : X -> UU} (f : ∏ x, P x -> Q x)
{x : X} {y : X} (e : x = y) (p : P x) :
transportf Q e (f x p) = f y (transportf P e p).
Show proof.
Definition transport_section {X : UU} {P:X -> UU} (f : ∏ x, P x)
{x : X} {y : X} (e : x = y) :
transportf P e (f x) = f y.
Show proof.
Definition transportf_fun {X Y : UU}(P : X -> UU)
{x1 x2 : X}(e : x1 = x2)(f : P x1 -> Y) :
transportf (λ x, (P x -> Y)) e f = f ∘ transportb P e .
Show proof.
Lemma transportb_fun' {X:UU} {P:X->UU} {Z:UU}
{x x':X} (f:P x'->Z) (p:x=x') (y:P x) :
f (transportf P p y) = transportb (λ x, P x->Z) p f y.
Show proof.
Definition transportf_const {X : UU}{x1 x2 : X}(e : x1 = x2)(Y : UU) :
transportf (λ x, Y) e = idfun Y.
Show proof.
Definition transportb_const {X : UU}{x1 x2 : X}(e : x1 = x2)(Y : UU) :
transportb (λ x, Y) e = idfun Y.
Show proof.
Lemma transportf_paths {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x1 x2 : X} {e1 e2 : x1 = x2} (e : e1 = e2)
(p : P x1) : transportf P e1 p = transportf P e2 p.
Show proof.
Opaque transportf_paths.
Local Open Scope transport.
Definition transportbfinv {T} (P:T->Type) {t u:T} (e:t = u) (p:P t) : e#'e#p = p.
Show proof.
Definition transportfbinv {T} (P:T->Type) {t u:T} (e:t = u) (p:P u) : e#e#'p = p.
Show proof.
Close Scope transport.
A series of lemmas about paths and total2
Lemma base_paths {A : UU} {B : A -> UU}
(a b : total2 B) : a = b -> pr1 a = pr1 b.
Show proof.
Lemma two_arg_paths {A B C:UU} {f : A -> B -> C} {a1 b1 a2 b2} (p : a1 = a2)
(q : b1 = b2) : f a1 b1 = f a2 b2.
Show proof.
Lemma two_arg_paths_f {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {C:UU} {f : ∏ a, B a -> C} {a1 b1 a2 b2}
(p : a1 = a2) (q : transportf B p b1 = b2) : f a1 b1 = f a2 b2.
Show proof.
Lemma two_arg_paths_b {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {C:UU} {f : ∏ a, B a -> C} {a1 b1 a2 b2}
(p : a1 = a2) (q : b1 = transportb B p b2) : f a1 b1 = f a2 b2.
Show proof.
Lemma dirprod_paths {A : UU} {B : UU} {s s' : A × B}
(p : pr1 s = pr1 s') (q : pr2 s = pr2 s') : s = s'.
Show proof.
Lemma total2_paths_f {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {s s' : ∑ x, B x}
(p : pr1 s = pr1 s')
(q : transportf B p (pr2 s) = pr2 s') : s = s'.
Show proof.
Lemma total2_paths_b {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {s s' : ∑ x, B x}
(p : pr1 s = pr1 s')
(q : pr2 s = transportb B p (pr2 s')) : s = s'.
Show proof.
Lemma total2_paths2 {A : UU} {B : UU} {a1 a2:A} {b1 b2:B}
(p : a1 = a2) (q : b1 = b2) : a1,,b1 = a2,,b2.
Show proof.
Lemma total2_paths2_f {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {a1 : A} {b1 : B a1}
{a2 : A} {b2 : B a2} (p : a1 = a2)
(q : transportf B p b1 = b2) : a1,,b1 = a2,,b2.
Show proof.
Lemma total2_paths2_b {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {a1 : A} {b1 : B a1}
{a2 : A} {b2 : B a2} (p : a1 = a2)
(q : b1 = transportb B p b2) : a1,,b1 = a2,,b2.
Show proof.
Definition pair_path_in2 {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x : X} {p q : P x} (e : p = q) :
x,,p = x,,q.
Show proof.
Definition fiber_paths {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {u v : ∑ x, B x} (p : u = v) :
transportf (λ x, B x) (base_paths _ _ p) (pr2 u) = pr2 v.
Show proof.
Lemma total2_fiber_paths {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {x y : ∑ x, B x} (p : x = y) :
total2_paths_f _ (fiber_paths p) = p.
Show proof.
Lemma base_total2_paths {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {x y : ∑ x, B x}
{p : pr1 x = pr1 y} (q : transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y) :
(base_paths _ _ (total2_paths_f _ q)) = p.
Show proof.
Lemma transportf_fiber_total2_paths {A : UU} (B : A -> UU)
(x y : ∑ x, B x)
(p : pr1 x = pr1 y) (q : transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y) :
transportf (λ p' : pr1 x = pr1 y, transportf _ p' (pr2 x) = pr2 y)
(base_total2_paths q) (fiber_paths (total2_paths_f _ q)) = q.
Show proof.
Definition total2_base_map {S T:UU} {P: T -> UU} (f : S->T) : (∑ i, P(f i)) -> (∑ j, P j).
Show proof.
Lemma total2_section_path {X:UU} {Y:X->UU} (a:X) (b:Y a) (e:∏ x, Y x) : (a,,e a) = (a,,b) -> e a = b.
Show proof.
intros p. simple refine (_ @ fiber_paths p). unfold base_paths. simpl.
apply pathsinv0, transport_section.
apply pathsinv0, transport_section.
Definition transportD {A : UU} (B : A -> UU) (C : ∏ a : A, B a -> UU)
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (y : B x1) (z : C x1 y) :
C x2 (transportf _ p y).
Show proof.
induction p.
exact z.
induction p.
exact z.
Definition transportf_total2 {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} {C : ∏ a:A, B a -> UU}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (yz : ∑ y : B x1, C x1 y) :
transportf (λ x, ∑ y : B x, C x y) p yz =
tpair (λ y, C x2 y) (transportf _ p (pr1 yz))
(transportD _ _ p (pr1 yz) (pr2 yz)).
Show proof.
Definition transportf_dirprod (A : UU) (B B' : A -> UU)
(x x' : ∑ a, B a × B' a) (p : pr1 x = pr1 x') :
transportf (λ a, B a × B' a) p (pr2 x) =
make_dirprod (transportf (λ a, B a) p (pr1 (pr2 x)))
(transportf (λ a, B' a) p (pr2 (pr2 x))).
Show proof.
Definition transportb_dirprod (A : UU) (B B' : A -> UU)
(x x' : ∑ a, B a × B' a) (p : pr1 x = pr1 x') :
transportb (λ a, B a × B' a) p (pr2 x') =
make_dirprod (transportb (λ a, B a) p (pr1 (pr2 x')))
(transportb (λ a, B' a) p (pr2 (pr2 x'))).
Show proof.
Definition transportf_id1 {A : UU} {a x1 x2 : A}
(p : x1 = x2) (q : a = x1) :
transportf (λ (x : A), a = x) p q = q @ p.
Show proof.
Definition transportf_id2 {A : UU} {a x1 x2 : A}
(p : x1 = x2) (q : x1 = a) :
transportf (λ (x : A), x = a) p q = !p @ q.
Show proof.
Definition transportf_id3 {A : UU} {x1 x2 : A}
(p : x1 = x2) (q : x1 = x1) :
transportf (λ (x : A), x = x) p q = !p @ q @ p.
Show proof.
Definition famhomotfun {X : UU} {P Q : X -> UU}
(h : P ~ Q) (xp : total2 P) : total2 Q.
Show proof.
Definition famhomothomothomot {X : UU} {P Q : X -> UU} (h1 h2 : P ~ Q)
(H : h1 ~ h2) : famhomotfun h1 ~ famhomotfun h2.
Show proof.
intro xp.
apply (maponpaths (λ q, tpair Q (pr1 xp) q)).
induction (H (pr1 xp)).
apply idpath.
intro xp.
apply (maponpaths (λ q, tpair Q (pr1 xp) q)).
induction (H (pr1 xp)).
apply idpath.
Definition iscontr (T:UU) : UU := ∑ cntr:T, ∏ t:T, t=cntr.
Notation "'∃!' x .. y , P"
:= (iscontr (∑ x, .. (∑ y, P) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : type_scope.
Definition make_iscontr {T : UU} : ∏ x : T, (∏ t : T, t = x) -> iscontr T
:= tpair _.
Definition iscontrpr1 {T : UU} : iscontr T -> T := pr1.
Definition iscontr_uniqueness {T} (i:iscontr T) (t:T) : t = iscontrpr1 i
:= pr2 i t.
Lemma iscontrretract {X Y : UU} (p : X -> Y) (s : Y -> X)
(eps : ∏ y : Y, p (s y) = y) (is : iscontr X) : iscontr Y.
Show proof.
intros. set (x := iscontrpr1 is). set (fe := pr2 is). split with (p x).
intro t. apply (! (eps t) @ maponpaths p (fe (s t))).
intro t. apply (! (eps t) @ maponpaths p (fe (s t))).
Lemma proofirrelevancecontr {X : UU} (is : iscontr X) (x x' : X) : x = x'.
Show proof.
Lemma path_to_ctr (A : UU) (B : A -> UU) (isc : ∃! a, B a)
(a : A) (p : B a) : a = pr1 (pr1 isc).
Show proof.
Homotopy fibers hfiber
Definition hfiber {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y) : UU := ∑ x : X, f x = y.
Definition make_hfiber {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) {y : Y}
(x : X) (e : f x = y) : hfiber f y :=
tpair _ x e.
Definition hfiberpr1 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y) : hfiber f y -> X := pr1.
Definition hfiberpr2 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y) (y' : hfiber f y) : f (hfiberpr1 f y y') = y :=
pr2 y'.
Lemma hfibershomotftog {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y)
(h : f ~ g) (y : Y) : hfiber f y -> hfiber g y.
Show proof.
Lemma hfibershomotgtof {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y)
(h : f ~ g) (y : Y) : hfiber g y -> hfiber f y.
Show proof.
Lemma hfibertriangle1 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) {y : Y} {xe1 xe2 : hfiber f y}
(e : xe1 = xe2) :
pr2 xe1 = maponpaths f (maponpaths pr1 e) @ pr2 xe2.
Show proof.
Corollary hfibertriangle1' {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) {x : X} {xe1: hfiber f (f x)}
(e : xe1 = (x,,idpath (f x))) :
pr2 xe1 = maponpaths f (maponpaths pr1 e).
Show proof.
intermediate_path (maponpaths f (maponpaths pr1 e) @ idpath (f x)).
- apply hfibertriangle1.
- apply pathscomp0rid.
intermediate_path (maponpaths f (maponpaths pr1 e) @ idpath (f x)).
- apply hfibertriangle1.
- apply pathscomp0rid.
Lemma hfibertriangle1inv0 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) {y : Y} {xe1 xe2: hfiber f y}
(e : xe1 = xe2) :
maponpaths f (! (maponpaths pr1 e)) @ (pr2 xe1) = pr2 xe2.
Show proof.
Corollary hfibertriangle1inv0' {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) {x : X}
{xe2: hfiber f (f x)} (e : (x,,idpath (f x)) = xe2) :
maponpaths f (! (maponpaths pr1 e)) = pr2 xe2.
Show proof.
intermediate_path (maponpaths f (! (maponpaths pr1 e)) @ idpath (f x)).
- apply pathsinv0, pathscomp0rid.
- apply hfibertriangle1inv0.
intermediate_path (maponpaths f (! (maponpaths pr1 e)) @ idpath (f x)).
- apply pathsinv0, pathscomp0rid.
- apply hfibertriangle1inv0.
Lemma hfibertriangle2 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) {y : Y} (xe1 xe2: hfiber f y)
(ee: pr1 xe1 = pr1 xe2) (eee: pr2 xe1 = maponpaths f ee @ (pr2 xe2)) :
xe1 = xe2.
Show proof.
induction xe1 as [t e1].
induction xe2 as [t' e2].
simpl in *.
fold (make_hfiber f t e1).
fold (make_hfiber f t' e2).
induction ee.
simpl in eee.
apply (maponpaths (λ e, make_hfiber f t e) eee).
induction xe1 as [t e1].
induction xe2 as [t' e2].
simpl in *.
fold (make_hfiber f t e1).
fold (make_hfiber f t' e2).
induction ee.
simpl in eee.
apply (maponpaths (λ e, make_hfiber f t e) eee).
Coconuses: spaces of paths that begin coconusfromt or end coconustot at a given point
Definition coconusfromt (T : UU) (t : T) := ∑ t' : T, t = t'.
Definition coconusfromtpair (T : UU) {t t' : T} (e: t = t') : coconusfromt T t
:= tpair _ t' e.
Definition coconusfromtpr1 (T : UU) (t : T) : coconusfromt T t -> T := pr1.
Definition coconustot (T : UU) (t : T) := ∑ t' : T, t' = t.
Definition coconustotpair (T : UU) {t t' : T} (e: t' = t) : coconustot T t
:= tpair _ t' e.
Definition coconustotpr1 (T : UU) (t : T) : coconustot T t -> T := pr1.
Lemma coconustot_isProofIrrelevant {T : UU} {t : T} (c1 c2 : coconustot T t) : c1 = c2.
Show proof.
Lemma iscontrcoconustot (T : UU) (t : T) : iscontr (coconustot T t).
Show proof.
Lemma coconusfromt_isProofIrrelevant {T : UU} {t : T} (c1 c2 : coconusfromt T t) : c1 = c2.
Show proof.
Lemma iscontrcoconusfromt (T : UU) (t : T) : iscontr (coconusfromt T t).
Show proof.
The total paths space of a type - two definitions
Definition pathsspace (T : UU) := ∑ t:T, coconusfromt T t.
Definition pathsspacetriple (T : UU) {t1 t2 : T}
(e : t1 = t2) : pathsspace T := tpair _ t1 (coconusfromtpair T e).
Definition deltap (T : UU) : T -> pathsspace T :=
λ (t : T), pathsspacetriple T (idpath t).
Definition pathsspace' (T : UU) := ∑ xy : T × T, pr1 xy = pr2 xy.
Definition coconusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) := ∑ y:Y, hfiber f y.
Definition fromcoconusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : coconusf f -> X :=
λ yxe, pr1 (pr2 yxe).
Definition tococonusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : X -> coconusf f :=
λ x, tpair _ (f x) (make_hfiber f x (idpath _)).
Lemma homottofromcoconusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
∏ yxe : coconusf f, tococonusf f (fromcoconusf f yxe) = yxe.
Show proof.
induction yxe as [y xe].
induction xe as [x e].
unfold fromcoconusf.
unfold tococonusf.
induction e.
apply idpath.
induction yxe as [y xe].
induction xe as [x e].
unfold fromcoconusf.
unfold tococonusf.
induction e.
apply idpath.
Lemma homotfromtococonusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
∏ x : X, fromcoconusf f (tococonusf f x) = x.
Show proof.
Definition isweq {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : UU :=
∏ y : Y, iscontr (hfiber f y).
Lemma idisweq (T : UU) : isweq (idfun T).
Show proof.
intros. unfold isweq. intro y.
unfold iscontr.
split with (make_hfiber (idfun T) y (idpath y)).
intro t.
induction t as [x e].
induction e.
apply idpath.
unfold iscontr.
split with (make_hfiber (idfun T) y (idpath y)).
intro t.
induction t as [x e].
induction e.
apply idpath.
Definition weq (X Y : UU) : UU := ∑ f:X->Y, isweq f.
Notation "X ≃ Y" := (weq X%type Y%type) : type_scope.
Definition pr1weq {X Y : UU} := pr1 : X ≃ Y -> (X -> Y).
Coercion pr1weq : weq >-> Funclass.
Definition weqproperty {X Y} (f:X≃Y) : isweq f := pr2 f.
Definition weqccontrhfiber {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (y : Y) : hfiber w y.
Show proof.
Definition weqccontrhfiber2 {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (y : Y) :
∏ x : hfiber w y, x = weqccontrhfiber w y.
Show proof.
Definition make_weq {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is: isweq f) : X ≃ Y :=
tpair (λ f : X -> Y, isweq f) f is.
Definition idweq (X : UU) : X ≃ X :=
tpair (λ f : X -> X, isweq f) (λ (x : X), x) (idisweq X).
Definition isweqtoempty {X : UU} (f : X -> ∅) : isweq f.
Show proof.
Definition weqtoempty {X : UU} (f : X -> ∅) : X ≃ ∅ :=
make_weq _ (isweqtoempty f).
Lemma isweqtoempty2 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : ¬ Y) : isweq f.
Show proof.
intros. intro y. induction (is y).
Definition weqtoempty2 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : ¬ Y) : X ≃ Y
:= make_weq _ (isweqtoempty2 f is).
Definition weqempty {X Y : UU} : ¬X → ¬Y → X≃Y.
Show proof.
intros nx ny.
use make_weq.
- intro x. apply fromempty, nx. exact x.
- intro y. apply fromempty, ny. exact y.
use make_weq.
- intro x. apply fromempty, nx. exact x.
- intro y. apply fromempty, ny. exact y.
Definition invmap {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) : Y -> X :=
λ (y : Y), hfiberpr1 _ _ (weqccontrhfiber w y).
Weak equivalences and paths spaces (more results in further sections)
Definition homotweqinvweq {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) :
∏ y : Y, w (invmap w y) = y.
Show proof.
Definition homotinvweqweq0 {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) :
∏ x : X, x = invmap w (w x).
Show proof.
unfold invmap.
set (xe1 := weqccontrhfiber w (w x)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber w x (idpath (w x))).
set (p := weqccontrhfiber2 w (w x) xe2).
apply (maponpaths pr1 p).
unfold invmap.
set (xe1 := weqccontrhfiber w (w x)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber w x (idpath (w x))).
set (p := weqccontrhfiber2 w (w x) xe2).
apply (maponpaths pr1 p).
Definition homotinvweqweq {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) :
∏ x : X, invmap w (w x) = x
:= λ (x : X), ! (homotinvweqweq0 w x).
Definition invmaponpathsweq {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x x' : X) :
w x = w x' -> x = x'
:= pathssec2 w (invmap w) (homotinvweqweq w) x x'.
Definition invmaponpathsweqid {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x : X) :
invmaponpathsweq w _ _ (idpath (w x)) = idpath x
:= pathssec2id w (invmap w) (homotinvweqweq w) x.
Definition pathsweq1 {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x : X) (y : Y) :
w x = y -> x = invmap w y
:= λ e, maponpaths pr1 (pr2 (weqproperty w y) (x,,e)).
Definition pathsweq1' {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x : X) (y : Y) :
x = invmap w y -> w x = y
:= λ e, maponpaths w e @ homotweqinvweq w y.
Definition pathsweq3 {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) {x x' : X}
(e : x = x') : invmaponpathsweq w x x' (maponpaths w e) = e
:= pathssec3 w (invmap w) (homotinvweqweq w) _.
Definition pathsweq4 {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x x' : X)
(e : w x = w x') : maponpaths w (invmaponpathsweq w x x' e) = e.
Show proof.
induction w as [f is1].
set (w := make_weq f is1).
set (g := invmap w).
set (ee := maponpaths g e).
simpl in *.
set (eee := maponpathshomidinv (g ∘ f) (homotinvweqweq w) x x' ee).
assert (e1 : maponpaths f eee = e).
assert (e2 : maponpaths (g ∘ f) eee = ee).
{ apply maponpathshomid2. }
assert (e3 : maponpaths g (maponpaths f eee) = maponpaths g e).
{ apply (maponpathscomp f g eee @ e2). }
set (s := @maponpaths _ _ g (f x) (f x')).
set (p := @pathssec2 _ _ g f (homotweqinvweq w) (f x) (f x')).
set (eps := @pathssec3 _ _ g f (homotweqinvweq w) (f x) (f x')).
apply (pathssec2 s p eps _ _ e3).
assert (e4:
maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' (maponpaths f eee)) =
maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' e)).
apply (maponpaths (λ e0: f x = f x',
maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' e0))
assert (X0 : invmaponpathsweq w x x' (maponpaths f eee) = eee).
{ apply (pathsweq3 w). }
assert (e5: maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' (maponpaths f eee))
= maponpaths f eee).
{ apply (maponpaths (λ eee0: x = x', maponpaths f eee0) X0). }
apply (! e4 @ e5 @ e1).
induction w as [f is1].
set (w := make_weq f is1).
set (g := invmap w).
set (ee := maponpaths g e).
simpl in *.
set (eee := maponpathshomidinv (g ∘ f) (homotinvweqweq w) x x' ee).
assert (e1 : maponpaths f eee = e).
assert (e2 : maponpaths (g ∘ f) eee = ee).
{ apply maponpathshomid2. }
assert (e3 : maponpaths g (maponpaths f eee) = maponpaths g e).
{ apply (maponpathscomp f g eee @ e2). }
set (s := @maponpaths _ _ g (f x) (f x')).
set (p := @pathssec2 _ _ g f (homotweqinvweq w) (f x) (f x')).
set (eps := @pathssec3 _ _ g f (homotweqinvweq w) (f x) (f x')).
apply (pathssec2 s p eps _ _ e3).
assert (e4:
maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' (maponpaths f eee)) =
maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' e)).
apply (maponpaths (λ e0: f x = f x',
maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' e0))
assert (X0 : invmaponpathsweq w x x' (maponpaths f eee) = eee).
{ apply (pathsweq3 w). }
assert (e5: maponpaths f (invmaponpathsweq w x x' (maponpaths f eee))
= maponpaths f eee).
{ apply (maponpaths (λ eee0: x = x', maponpaths f eee0) X0). }
apply (! e4 @ e5 @ e1).
Lemma homotweqinv {X Y Z} (f:X->Z) (w:X≃Y) (g:Y->Z) : f ~ g ∘ w -> f ∘ invmap w ~ g.
Show proof.
intros p y.
simple refine (p (invmap w y) @ _); clear p.
simpl. apply maponpaths. apply homotweqinvweq.
simple refine (p (invmap w y) @ _); clear p.
simpl. apply maponpaths. apply homotweqinvweq.
Lemma homotweqinv' {X Y Z} (f:X->Z) (w:X≃Y) (g:Y->Z) : f ~ g ∘ w <- f ∘ invmap w ~ g.
Show proof.
Definition isinjinvmap {X Y} (v w:X≃Y) : invmap v ~ invmap w -> v ~ w.
Show proof.
intros h x.
intermediate_path (w ((invmap w) (v x))).
{ apply pathsinv0. apply homotweqinvweq. }
rewrite <- h. rewrite homotinvweqweq. apply idpath.
intermediate_path (w ((invmap w) (v x))).
{ apply pathsinv0. apply homotweqinvweq. }
rewrite <- h. rewrite homotinvweqweq. apply idpath.
Definition isinjinvmap' {X Y} (v w:X->Y) (v' w':Y->X) : w ∘ w' ~ idfun Y -> v' ∘ v ~ idfun X -> v' ~ w' -> v ~ w.
Show proof.
intros p q h x .
intermediate_path (w (w' (v x))).
{ apply pathsinv0. apply p. }
apply maponpaths. rewrite <- h. apply q.
intermediate_path (w (w' (v x))).
{ apply pathsinv0. apply p. }
apply maponpaths. rewrite <- h. apply q.
Lemma diaglemma2 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) {x x' : X}
(e1 : x = x') (e2 : f x' = f x)
(ee : idpath (f x) = maponpaths f e1 @ e2) : maponpaths f (! e1) = e2.
Show proof.
intros. induction e1. simpl in *. exact ee.
Definition homotweqinvweqweq {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x : X) :
maponpaths w (homotinvweqweq w x) = homotweqinvweq w (w x).
Show proof.
unfold homotinvweqweq.
unfold homotinvweqweq0.
set (hfid := make_hfiber w x (idpath (w x))).
set (hfcc := weqccontrhfiber w (w x)).
unfold homotweqinvweq.
apply diaglemma2.
apply (@hfibertriangle1 _ _ w _ hfid hfcc (weqccontrhfiber2 w (w x) hfid)).
unfold homotinvweqweq.
unfold homotinvweqweq0.
set (hfid := make_hfiber w x (idpath (w x))).
set (hfcc := weqccontrhfiber w (w x)).
unfold homotweqinvweq.
apply diaglemma2.
apply (@hfibertriangle1 _ _ w _ hfid hfcc (weqccontrhfiber2 w (w x) hfid)).
Definition weq_transportf_adjointness {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (P : Y -> UU)
(x : X) (p : P (w x)) :
transportf (P ∘ w) (! homotinvweqweq w x) p
= transportf P (! homotweqinvweq w (w x)) p.
Show proof.
intros. refine (functtransportf w P (!homotinvweqweq w x) p @ _).
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportf P e p)).
rewrite maponpathsinv0. apply maponpaths. apply homotweqinvweqweq.
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportf P e p)).
rewrite maponpathsinv0. apply maponpaths. apply homotweqinvweqweq.
Definition weq_transportb_adjointness {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (P : Y -> UU)
(x : X) (p : P (w x)) :
transportb (P ∘ w) (homotinvweqweq w x) p
= transportb P (homotweqinvweq w (w x)) p.
Show proof.
refine (functtransportb w P (homotinvweqweq w x) p @ _).
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportb P e p)).
apply homotweqinvweqweq.
refine (functtransportb w P (homotinvweqweq w x) p @ _).
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportb P e p)).
apply homotweqinvweqweq.
Lemma isweqtransportf {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x x' : X}
(e : x = x') : isweq (transportf P e).
Show proof.
Lemma isweqtransportb {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) {x x' : X}
(e : x = x') : isweq (transportb P e).
Show proof.
unit and contractibility
Lemma isProofIrrelevantUnit : ∏ x x' : unit, x = x'.
Show proof.
Lemma unitl0 : tt = tt -> coconustot _ tt.
Show proof.
Lemma unitl1: coconustot _ tt -> tt = tt.
Show proof.
intro cp. induction cp as [x t]. induction x. exact t.
Lemma unitl2: ∏ e : tt = tt, unitl1 (unitl0 e) = e.
Show proof.
Lemma unitl3: ∏ e : tt = tt, e = idpath tt.
Show proof.
assert (e0 : unitl0 (idpath tt) = unitl0 e).
{ apply coconustot_isProofIrrelevant. }
set (e1 := maponpaths unitl1 e0).
apply (! (unitl2 e) @ (! e1) @ (unitl2 (idpath _))).
assert (e0 : unitl0 (idpath tt) = unitl0 e).
{ apply coconustot_isProofIrrelevant. }
set (e1 := maponpaths unitl1 e0).
apply (! (unitl2 e) @ (! e1) @ (unitl2 (idpath _))).
Theorem iscontrunit: iscontr (unit).
Show proof.
Theorem iscontrpathsinunit (x x' : unit) : iscontr (x = x').
Show proof.
split with (isProofIrrelevantUnit x x').
intros e'.
induction x.
induction x'.
apply unitl3.
split with (isProofIrrelevantUnit x x').
intros e'.
induction x.
induction x'.
apply unitl3.
Lemma ifcontrthenunitl0 (e1 e2 : tt = tt) : e1 = e2.
Show proof.
Lemma isweqcontrtounit {T : UU} (is : iscontr T) : isweq (λ (_ : T), tt).
Show proof.
intros. unfold isweq. intro y. induction y.
induction is as [c h].
set (hc := make_hfiber _ c (idpath tt)).
split with hc.
intros ha.
induction ha as [x e].
unfold hc. unfold make_hfiber. unfold isProofIrrelevantUnit.
apply (λ q, two_arg_paths_f (h x) q).
apply ifcontrthenunitl0.
induction is as [c h].
set (hc := make_hfiber _ c (idpath tt)).
split with hc.
intros ha.
induction ha as [x e].
unfold hc. unfold make_hfiber. unfold isProofIrrelevantUnit.
apply (λ q, two_arg_paths_f (h x) q).
apply ifcontrthenunitl0.
Definition weqcontrtounit {T : UU} (is : iscontr T) : T ≃ unit :=
make_weq _ (isweqcontrtounit is).
Theorem iscontrifweqtounit {X : UU} (w : X ≃ unit) : iscontr X.
Show proof.
Definition hfibersgftog {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (z : Z)
(xe : hfiber (g ∘ f) z) : hfiber g z :=
make_hfiber g (f (pr1 xe)) (pr2 xe).
Lemma constr2 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X)
(efg: ∏ y : Y, f (g y) = y) (x0 : X) (xe : hfiber g x0) :
∑ xe' : hfiber (g ∘ f) x0, xe = hfibersgftog f g x0 xe'.
Show proof.
induction xe as [y0 e].
set (eint := pathssec1 _ _ efg _ _ e).
set (ee := ! (maponpaths g eint) @ e).
split with (make_hfiber (g ∘ f) x0 ee).
unfold hfibersgftog.
unfold make_hfiber.
apply (two_arg_paths_f eint).
induction eint.
apply idpath.
induction xe as [y0 e].
set (eint := pathssec1 _ _ efg _ _ e).
set (ee := ! (maponpaths g eint) @ e).
split with (make_hfiber (g ∘ f) x0 ee).
unfold hfibersgftog.
unfold make_hfiber.
apply (two_arg_paths_f eint).
induction eint.
apply idpath.
Lemma iscontrhfiberl1 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X)
(efg: ∏ y : Y, f (g y) = y) (x0 : X)
(is : iscontr (hfiber (g ∘ f) x0)) : iscontr (hfiber g x0).
Show proof.
set (f1 := hfibersgftog f g x0).
set (g1 := λ (xe : hfiber g x0), pr1 (constr2 f g efg x0 xe)).
set (efg1 := λ (xe : hfiber g x0), ! (pr2 (constr2 f g efg x0 xe))).
apply (iscontrretract f1 g1 efg1).
apply is.
set (f1 := hfibersgftog f g x0).
set (g1 := λ (xe : hfiber g x0), pr1 (constr2 f g efg x0 xe)).
set (efg1 := λ (xe : hfiber g x0), ! (pr2 (constr2 f g efg x0 xe))).
apply (iscontrretract f1 g1 efg1).
apply is.
Definition homothfiber1 {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y)
(h : f ~ g) (y : Y) (xe : hfiber f y) : hfiber g y.
Show proof.
Definition homothfiber2 {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y)
(h : f ~ g) (y : Y) (xe : hfiber g y) : hfiber f y.
Show proof.
Definition homothfiberretr {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y)
(h : f ~ g) (y : Y) (xe : hfiber g y) :
homothfiber1 f g h y (homothfiber2 f g h y xe) = xe.
Show proof.
induction xe as [x e].
fold (make_hfiber g x e).
set (xe1 := make_hfiber g x (! h x @ h x @ e)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber g x e).
apply (hfibertriangle2 g xe1 xe2 (idpath _)).
assert (ee : ∏ a b c : Y, ∏ p : a = b, ∏ q : b = c,
!p @ (p @ q) = q).
{ intros. induction p. induction q. apply idpath. }
apply ee.
induction xe as [x e].
fold (make_hfiber g x e).
set (xe1 := make_hfiber g x (! h x @ h x @ e)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber g x e).
apply (hfibertriangle2 g xe1 xe2 (idpath _)).
assert (ee : ∏ a b c : Y, ∏ p : a = b, ∏ q : b = c,
!p @ (p @ q) = q).
{ intros. induction p. induction q. apply idpath. }
apply ee.
Lemma iscontrhfiberl2 {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y)
(h : f ~ g) (y : Y) (is : iscontr (hfiber f y)) : iscontr (hfiber g y).
Show proof.
set (a := homothfiber1 f g h y).
set (b := homothfiber2 f g h y).
set (eab := homothfiberretr f g h y).
apply (iscontrretract a b eab is).
set (a := homothfiber1 f g h y).
set (b := homothfiber2 f g h y).
set (eab := homothfiberretr f g h y).
apply (iscontrretract a b eab is).
Corollary isweqhomot {X Y : UU} (f1 f2 : X -> Y)
(h : f1 ~ f2) : isweq f1 -> isweq f2.
Show proof.
Corollary remakeweq {X Y : UU} {f:X≃Y} {g:X->Y} : f ~ g -> X≃Y.
Show proof.
Lemma remakeweq_eq {X Y : UU} (f1:X≃Y) (f2:X->Y) (e:f1~f2) : pr1weq (remakeweq e) = f2.
Show proof.
Lemma remakeweq_eq' {X Y : UU} (f1:X≃Y) (f2:X->Y) (e:f1~f2) : invmap (remakeweq e) = invmap f1.
Show proof.
Lemma iscontr_move_point {X} : X -> iscontr X -> iscontr X.
Show proof.
Lemma iscontr_move_point_eq {X} (x:X) (i:iscontr X) : iscontrpr1 (iscontr_move_point x i) = x.
Show proof.
Corollary remakeweqinv {X Y : UU} {f:X≃Y} {h:Y->X} : invmap f ~ h -> X≃Y.
Show proof.
intros e. exists f. intro y.
assert (p : hfiber f y).
{ exists (h y). apply pathsweq1', pathsinv0. apply e. }
exact (iscontr_move_point p (weqproperty f y)).
assert (p : hfiber f y).
{ exists (h y). apply pathsweq1', pathsinv0. apply e. }
exact (iscontr_move_point p (weqproperty f y)).
Lemma remakeweqinv_eq {X Y : UU} (f:X≃Y) (h:Y->X) (e:invmap f ~ h) : pr1weq (remakeweqinv e) = pr1weq f.
Show proof.
Lemma remakeweqinv_eq' {X Y : UU} (f:X≃Y) (h:Y->X) (e:invmap f ~ h) : invmap (remakeweqinv e) = h.
Show proof.
Corollary remakeweqboth {X Y : UU} {f:X≃Y} {g:X->Y} {h:Y->X} : f ~ g -> invmap f ~ h -> X≃Y.
Show proof.
Lemma remakeweqboth_eq {X Y : UU} (f:X≃Y) (g:X->Y) (h:Y->X) (r:f~g) (s:invmap f ~ h) :
pr1weq (remakeweqboth r s) = g.
Show proof.
Lemma remakeweqboth_eq' {X Y : UU} (f:X≃Y) (g:X->Y) (h:Y->X) (r:f~g) (s:invmap f ~ h) :
invmap (remakeweqboth r s) = h.
Show proof.
Corollary isweqhomot_iff {X Y : UU} (f1 f2 : X -> Y)
(h : f1 ~ f2) : isweq f1 <-> isweq f2.
Show proof.
Lemma isweq_to_isweq_unit {X:UU} (f g:X->unit) : isweq f -> isweq g.
Show proof.
intros i.
assert (h : f ~ g).
{ intros t. apply isProofIrrelevantUnit. }
exact (isweqhomot f g h i).
assert (h : f ~ g).
{ intros t. apply isProofIrrelevantUnit. }
exact (isweqhomot f g h i).
Theorem isweq_iso {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X)
(egf: ∏ x : X, g (f x) = x)
(efg: ∏ y : Y, f (g y) = y) : isweq f.
Show proof.
unfold isweq.
intro y.
assert (X0 : iscontr (hfiber (f ∘ g) y)).
assert (efg' : ∏ y : Y, y = f (g y)).
{ intro y0.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (efg y0). }
apply (iscontrhfiberl2 (idfun _) (f ∘ g) efg' y (idisweq Y y)).
apply (iscontrhfiberl1 g f egf y).
apply X0.
unfold isweq.
intro y.
assert (X0 : iscontr (hfiber (f ∘ g) y)).
assert (efg' : ∏ y : Y, y = f (g y)).
{ intro y0.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (efg y0). }
apply (iscontrhfiberl2 (idfun _) (f ∘ g) efg' y (idisweq Y y)).
apply (iscontrhfiberl1 g f egf y).
apply X0.
This is kept to preserve compatibility with publications that use the
name "gradth" for the "grad theorem".
#[deprecated(note="Use isweq_iso instead.")]
Notation gradth := isweq_iso (only parsing).
Definition weq_iso {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X)
(egf: ∏ x : X, g (f x) = x)
(efg: ∏ y : Y, f (g y) = y) : X ≃ Y :=
make_weq _ (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
Definition UniqueConstruction {X Y:UU} (f:X->Y) :=
(∏ y, ∑ x, f x = y) × (∏ x x', f x = f x' -> x = x').
Corollary UniqueConstruction_to_weq {X Y:UU} (f:X->Y) : UniqueConstruction f -> isweq f.
Show proof.
Notation gradth := isweq_iso (only parsing).
Definition weq_iso {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X)
(egf: ∏ x : X, g (f x) = x)
(efg: ∏ y : Y, f (g y) = y) : X ≃ Y :=
make_weq _ (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
Definition UniqueConstruction {X Y:UU} (f:X->Y) :=
(∏ y, ∑ x, f x = y) × (∏ x x', f x = f x' -> x = x').
Corollary UniqueConstruction_to_weq {X Y:UU} (f:X->Y) : UniqueConstruction f -> isweq f.
Show proof.
intros bij. assert (sur := pr1 bij). assert (inj := pr2 bij).
use (isweq_iso f).
- intros y. exact (pr1 (sur y)).
- intros. simpl. simpl in inj. apply inj. exact (pr2 (sur (f x))).
- intros. simpl. exact (pr2 (sur y)).
use (isweq_iso f).
- intros y. exact (pr1 (sur y)).
- intros. simpl. simpl in inj. apply inj. exact (pr2 (sur (f x))).
- intros. simpl. exact (pr2 (sur y)).
Corollary isweqinvmap {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) : isweq (invmap w).
Show proof.
assert (efg : ∏ (y : Y), w (invmap w y) = y).
apply homotweqinvweq.
assert (egf : ∏ (x : X), invmap w (w x) = x).
apply homotinvweqweq.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ efg egf).
assert (efg : ∏ (y : Y), w (invmap w y) = y).
apply homotweqinvweq.
assert (egf : ∏ (x : X), invmap w (w x) = x).
apply homotinvweqweq.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ efg egf).
Definition invweq {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) : Y ≃ X :=
make_weq (invmap w) (isweqinvmap w).
Lemma invinv {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x : X) :
invmap (invweq w) x = w x.
Show proof.
Lemma pr1_invweq {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) : pr1weq (invweq w) = invmap w.
Show proof.
Corollary iscontrweqf {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (is : iscontr X) : iscontr Y.
Show proof.
Equality between pairs is equivalent to pairs of equalities
between components. Theorem adapted from HoTT library
Definition PathPair {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} (x y : ∑ x, B x) :=
∑ p : pr1 x = pr1 y, transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y.
Notation "a ╝ b" := (PathPair a b) : type_scope.
Theorem total2_paths_equiv {A : UU} (B : A -> UU) (x y : ∑ x, B x) :
x = y ≃ x ╝ y.
Show proof.
exists (λ r : x = y,
tpair (λ p : pr1 x = pr1 y, transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y)
(base_paths _ _ r) (fiber_paths r)).
apply (isweq_iso _ (λ pq, total2_paths_f (pr1 pq) (pr2 pq))).
- intro p.
apply total2_fiber_paths.
- intros [p q]. simpl.
apply (two_arg_paths_f (base_total2_paths q)).
apply transportf_fiber_total2_paths.
exists (λ r : x = y,
tpair (λ p : pr1 x = pr1 y, transportf _ p (pr2 x) = pr2 y)
(base_paths _ _ r) (fiber_paths r)).
apply (isweq_iso _ (λ pq, total2_paths_f (pr1 pq) (pr2 pq))).
- intro p.
apply total2_fiber_paths.
- intros [p q]. simpl.
apply (two_arg_paths_f (base_total2_paths q)).
apply transportf_fiber_total2_paths.
The standard weak equivalence from unit to a contractible type
Definition wequnittocontr {X : UU} (is : iscontr X) : unit ≃ X.
Show proof.
set (f := λ (_ : unit), pr1 is).
set (g := λ (_ : X), tt).
split with f.
assert (egf : ∏ t : unit, g (f t) = t).
{ intro. induction t. apply idpath. }
assert (efg : ∏ x : X, f (g x) = x).
{ intro. apply (! (pr2 is x)). }
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
set (f := λ (_ : unit), pr1 is).
set (g := λ (_ : X), tt).
split with f.
assert (egf : ∏ t : unit, g (f t) = t).
{ intro. induction t. apply idpath. }
assert (efg : ∏ x : X, f (g x) = x).
{ intro. apply (! (pr2 is x)). }
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
A weak equivalence between types defines weak equivalences on the
corresponding paths types.
Corollary isweqmaponpaths {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x x' : X) :
isweq (@maponpaths _ _ w x x').
Show proof.
apply (isweq_iso (@maponpaths _ _ w x x')
(@invmaponpathsweq _ _ w x x')
(@pathsweq3 _ _ w x x')
(@pathsweq4 _ _ w x x')).
apply (isweq_iso (@maponpaths _ _ w x x')
(@invmaponpathsweq _ _ w x x')
(@pathsweq3 _ _ w x x')
(@pathsweq4 _ _ w x x')).
Definition weqonpaths {X Y : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (x x' : X) : x = x' ≃ w x = w x'
:= make_weq _ (isweqmaponpaths w x x').
The inverse path and the composition with a path functions are weak equivalences
Lemma isweqpathsinv0 {X : Type} (x y : X) : isweq (@pathsinv0 X x y).
Show proof.
intros. intros p. use tpair.
- exists (!p). apply pathsinv0inv0.
- cbn. intros [q k]. induction q,k. reflexivity.
- exists (!p). apply pathsinv0inv0.
- cbn. intros [q k]. induction q,k. reflexivity.
Definition weqpathsinv0 {X : UU} (x x' : X) : x = x' ≃ x' = x
:= make_weq _ (isweqpathsinv0 x x').
Corollary isweqpathscomp0r {X : UU} (x : X) {x' x'' : X} (e' : x' = x'') :
isweq (λ e : x = x', e @ e').
Show proof.
set (f := λ e : x = x', e @ e').
set (g := λ e'' : x = x'', e'' @ (! e')).
assert (egf : ∏ e : _, g (f e) = e).
{ intro e. induction e. induction e'. apply idpath. }
assert (efg : ∏ e : _, f (g e) = e).
{ intro e. induction e. induction e'. apply idpath. }
apply (isweq_iso f g egf efg).
set (f := λ e : x = x', e @ e').
set (g := λ e'' : x = x'', e'' @ (! e')).
assert (egf : ∏ e : _, g (f e) = e).
{ intro e. induction e. induction e'. apply idpath. }
assert (efg : ∏ e : _, f (g e) = e).
{ intro e. induction e. induction e'. apply idpath. }
apply (isweq_iso f g egf efg).
Weak equivalences to and from coconuses and total path spaces
Corollary isweqtococonusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : isweq (tococonusf f).
Show proof.
Definition weqtococonusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : X ≃ coconusf f :=
make_weq _ (isweqtococonusf f).
Corollary isweqfromcoconusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : isweq (fromcoconusf f).
Show proof.
Definition weqfromcoconusf {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : coconusf f ≃ X :=
make_weq _ (isweqfromcoconusf f).
Corollary isweqdeltap (T : UU) : isweq (deltap T).
Show proof.
set (ff := deltap T). set (gg := λ (z : pathsspace T), pr1 z).
assert (egf : ∏ t : T, gg (ff t) = t).
{ intro. apply idpath. }
assert (efg : ∏ (tte : _), ff (gg tte) = tte).
{ intro tte. induction tte as [t c].
induction c as [x e]. induction e.
apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
set (ff := deltap T). set (gg := λ (z : pathsspace T), pr1 z).
assert (egf : ∏ t : T, gg (ff t) = t).
{ intro. apply idpath. }
assert (efg : ∏ (tte : _), ff (gg tte) = tte).
{ intro tte. induction tte as [t c].
induction c as [x e]. induction e.
apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
Corollary isweqpr1pr1 (T : UU) :
isweq (λ (a : pathsspace' T), pr1 (pr1 a)).
Show proof.
set (f := λ (a : pathsspace' T), pr1 (pr1 a)).
set (g := λ (t : T),
tpair _ (make_dirprod t t) (idpath t) : pathsspace' T).
assert (efg : ∏ t : T, f (g t) = t).
{ intros t. unfold f. unfold g. simpl. apply idpath. }
assert (egf : ∏ a : _, g (f a) = a).
{ intros a. induction a as [xy e].
induction xy as [x y]. simpl in e.
induction e. unfold f. unfold g.
apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
set (f := λ (a : pathsspace' T), pr1 (pr1 a)).
set (g := λ (t : T),
tpair _ (make_dirprod t t) (idpath t) : pathsspace' T).
assert (efg : ∏ t : T, f (g t) = t).
{ intros t. unfold f. unfold g. simpl. apply idpath. }
assert (egf : ∏ a : _, g (f a) = a).
{ intros a. induction a as [xy e].
induction xy as [x y]. simpl in e.
induction e. unfold f. unfold g.
apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
The weak equivalence between hfibers of homotopic functions
Theorem weqhfibershomot {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y)
(h : f ~ g) (y : Y) : hfiber f y ≃ hfiber g y.
Show proof.
set (ff := hfibershomotftog f g h y).
set (gg := hfibershomotgtof f g h y).
split with ff.
assert (effgg : ∏ xe : _, ff (gg xe) = xe).
intro xe.
induction xe as [x e].
assert (eee : ! h x @ h x @ e = maponpaths g (idpath x) @ e).
{ simpl. induction e. induction (h x). apply idpath. }
set (xe1 := make_hfiber g x (! h x @ h x @ e)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber g x e).
apply (hfibertriangle2 g xe1 xe2 (idpath x) eee).
assert (eggff : ∏ xe : _, gg (ff xe) = xe).
intro xe.
induction xe as [x e].
assert (eee : h x @ !h x @ e = maponpaths f (idpath x) @ e).
{ simpl. induction e. induction (h x). apply idpath. }
set (xe1 := make_hfiber f x (h x @ ! h x @ e)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber f x e).
apply (hfibertriangle2 f xe1 xe2 (idpath x) eee).
apply (isweq_iso _ _ eggff effgg).
set (ff := hfibershomotftog f g h y).
set (gg := hfibershomotgtof f g h y).
split with ff.
assert (effgg : ∏ xe : _, ff (gg xe) = xe).
intro xe.
induction xe as [x e].
assert (eee : ! h x @ h x @ e = maponpaths g (idpath x) @ e).
{ simpl. induction e. induction (h x). apply idpath. }
set (xe1 := make_hfiber g x (! h x @ h x @ e)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber g x e).
apply (hfibertriangle2 g xe1 xe2 (idpath x) eee).
assert (eggff : ∏ xe : _, gg (ff xe) = xe).
intro xe.
induction xe as [x e].
assert (eee : h x @ !h x @ e = maponpaths f (idpath x) @ e).
{ simpl. induction e. induction (h x). apply idpath. }
set (xe1 := make_hfiber f x (h x @ ! h x @ e)).
set (xe2 := make_hfiber f x e).
apply (hfibertriangle2 f xe1 xe2 (idpath x) eee).
apply (isweq_iso _ _ eggff effgg).
The 2-out-of-3 property of weak equivalences
Theorem twooutof3a {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z)
(isgf: isweq (g ∘ f)) (isg: isweq g) : isweq f.
Show proof.
set (gw := make_weq g isg).
set (gfw := make_weq (g ∘ f) isgf).
set (invg := invmap gw).
set (invgf := invmap gfw).
set (invf := invgf ∘ g).
assert (efinvf : ∏ y : Y, f (invf y) = y).
intro y.
assert (int1 : g (f (invf y)) = g y).
{ unfold invf. apply (homotweqinvweq gfw (g y)). }
apply (invmaponpathsweq gw _ _ int1).
assert (einvff: ∏ x : X, invf (f x) = x).
{ intro. unfold invf. apply (homotinvweqweq gfw x). }
apply (isweq_iso f invf einvff efinvf).
set (gw := make_weq g isg).
set (gfw := make_weq (g ∘ f) isgf).
set (invg := invmap gw).
set (invgf := invmap gfw).
set (invf := invgf ∘ g).
assert (efinvf : ∏ y : Y, f (invf y) = y).
intro y.
assert (int1 : g (f (invf y)) = g y).
{ unfold invf. apply (homotweqinvweq gfw (g y)). }
apply (invmaponpathsweq gw _ _ int1).
assert (einvff: ∏ x : X, invf (f x) = x).
{ intro. unfold invf. apply (homotinvweqweq gfw x). }
apply (isweq_iso f invf einvff efinvf).
Theorem twooutof3b {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z)
(isf : isweq f) (isgf : isweq (g ∘ f)) : isweq g.
Show proof.
set (wf := make_weq f isf).
set (wgf := make_weq (g ∘ f) isgf).
set (invf := invmap wf).
set (invgf := invmap wgf).
set (invg := f ∘ invgf).
assert (eginvg : ∏ z : Z, g (invg z) = z).
{ intro. unfold invg. apply (homotweqinvweq wgf z). }
assert (einvgg : ∏ y : Y, invg (g y) = y).
{ intro. unfold invg.
assert (isinvf: isweq invf).
{ apply isweqinvmap. }
assert (isinvgf: isweq invgf).
{ apply isweqinvmap. }
assert (int1 : g y = (g ∘ f) (invf y)).
apply (maponpaths g (! homotweqinvweq wf y)).
assert (int2 : (g ∘ f) (invgf (g y)) = (g ∘ f) (invf y)).
assert (int3: (g ∘ f) (invgf (g y)) = g y).
{ apply (homotweqinvweq wgf). }
induction int1.
apply int3.
assert (int4: (invgf (g y)) = (invf y)).
{ apply (invmaponpathsweq wgf). apply int2. }
assert (int5: (invf (f (invgf (g y)))) = (invgf (g y))).
{ apply (homotinvweqweq wf). }
assert (int6: (invf (f (invgf (g (y))))) = (invf y)).
{ induction int4. apply int5. }
apply (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq invf isinvf)).
apply int6.
apply (isweq_iso g invg einvgg eginvg).
set (wf := make_weq f isf).
set (wgf := make_weq (g ∘ f) isgf).
set (invf := invmap wf).
set (invgf := invmap wgf).
set (invg := f ∘ invgf).
assert (eginvg : ∏ z : Z, g (invg z) = z).
{ intro. unfold invg. apply (homotweqinvweq wgf z). }
assert (einvgg : ∏ y : Y, invg (g y) = y).
{ intro. unfold invg.
assert (isinvf: isweq invf).
{ apply isweqinvmap. }
assert (isinvgf: isweq invgf).
{ apply isweqinvmap. }
assert (int1 : g y = (g ∘ f) (invf y)).
apply (maponpaths g (! homotweqinvweq wf y)).
assert (int2 : (g ∘ f) (invgf (g y)) = (g ∘ f) (invf y)).
assert (int3: (g ∘ f) (invgf (g y)) = g y).
{ apply (homotweqinvweq wgf). }
induction int1.
apply int3.
assert (int4: (invgf (g y)) = (invf y)).
{ apply (invmaponpathsweq wgf). apply int2. }
assert (int5: (invf (f (invgf (g y)))) = (invgf (g y))).
{ apply (homotinvweqweq wf). }
assert (int6: (invf (f (invgf (g (y))))) = (invf y)).
{ induction int4. apply int5. }
apply (invmaponpathsweq (make_weq invf isinvf)).
apply int6.
apply (isweq_iso g invg einvgg eginvg).
Lemma isweql3 {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X)
(egf : ∏ x : X, g (f x) = x) : isweq f -> isweq g.
Show proof.
intros w.
assert (int1 : isweq (g ∘ f)).
apply (isweqhomot (idfun X) (g ∘ f) (λ (x : X), ! (egf x))).
apply idisweq.
apply (twooutof3b f g w int1).
assert (int1 : isweq (g ∘ f)).
apply (isweqhomot (idfun X) (g ∘ f) (λ (x : X), ! (egf x))).
apply idisweq.
apply (twooutof3b f g w int1).
Theorem twooutof3c {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z)
(isf : isweq f) (isg : isweq g) : isweq (g ∘ f).
Show proof.
set (wf := make_weq f isf).
set (wg := make_weq g isg).
set (invf := invmap wf).
set (invg := invmap wg).
set (gf := g ∘ f).
set (invgf := invf ∘ invg).
assert (egfinvgf : ∏ x : X, invgf (gf x) = x).
intros x.
assert (int1 : invf (invg (g (f x))) = invf (f x)).
{ apply (maponpaths invf (homotinvweqweq wg (f x))). }
assert (int2 : invf (f x) = x).
{ apply (homotinvweqweq wf x). }
induction int1.
apply int2.
assert (einvgfgf : ∏ z : Z, gf (invgf z) = z).
intros z.
assert (int1 : g (f (invgf z)) = g (invg z)).
unfold invgf.
apply (maponpaths g (homotweqinvweq wf (invg z))).
assert (int2 : g (invg z) = z).
{ apply (homotweqinvweq wg z). }
induction int1.
apply int2.
apply (isweq_iso gf invgf egfinvgf einvgfgf).
set (wf := make_weq f isf).
set (wg := make_weq g isg).
set (invf := invmap wf).
set (invg := invmap wg).
set (gf := g ∘ f).
set (invgf := invf ∘ invg).
assert (egfinvgf : ∏ x : X, invgf (gf x) = x).
intros x.
assert (int1 : invf (invg (g (f x))) = invf (f x)).
{ apply (maponpaths invf (homotinvweqweq wg (f x))). }
assert (int2 : invf (f x) = x).
{ apply (homotinvweqweq wf x). }
induction int1.
apply int2.
assert (einvgfgf : ∏ z : Z, gf (invgf z) = z).
intros z.
assert (int1 : g (f (invgf z)) = g (invg z)).
unfold invgf.
apply (maponpaths g (homotweqinvweq wf (invg z))).
assert (int2 : g (invg z) = z).
{ apply (homotweqinvweq wg z). }
induction int1.
apply int2.
apply (isweq_iso gf invgf egfinvgf einvgfgf).
Corollary twooutof3c_iff_2 {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) :
isweq f -> (isweq g <-> isweq (g ∘ f)).
Show proof.
Corollary twooutof3c_iff_1 {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) :
isweq g -> (isweq f <-> isweq (g ∘ f)).
Show proof.
Corollary twooutof3c_iff_1_homot {X Y Z : UU}
(f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (h : X -> Z) :
g ∘ f ~ h -> isweq g -> (isweq f <-> isweq h).
Show proof.
intros r i.
apply (logeq_trans (Y := isweq (g ∘ f))).
- apply twooutof3c_iff_1; assumption.
- apply isweqhomot_iff; assumption.
apply (logeq_trans (Y := isweq (g ∘ f))).
- apply twooutof3c_iff_1; assumption.
- apply isweqhomot_iff; assumption.
Corollary twooutof3c_iff_2_homot {X Y Z : UU}
(f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (h : X -> Z) :
g ∘ f ~ h -> isweq f -> (isweq g <-> isweq h).
Show proof.
intros r i.
apply (logeq_trans (Y := isweq (g ∘ f))).
- apply twooutof3c_iff_2; assumption.
- apply isweqhomot_iff; assumption.
apply (logeq_trans (Y := isweq (g ∘ f))).
- apply twooutof3c_iff_2; assumption.
- apply isweqhomot_iff; assumption.
Corollary isweqcontrcontr {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y)
(isx : iscontr X) (isy: iscontr Y): isweq f.
Show proof.
set (py := λ (y : Y), tt).
apply (twooutof3a f py (isweqcontrtounit isx) (isweqcontrtounit isy)).
set (py := λ (y : Y), tt).
apply (twooutof3a f py (isweqcontrtounit isx) (isweqcontrtounit isy)).
Definition weqcontrcontr {X Y : UU} (isx : iscontr X) (isy : iscontr Y) : X ≃ Y
:= make_weq (λ _, pr1 isy) (isweqcontrcontr _ isx isy).
Definition weqcomp {X Y Z : UU} (w1 : X ≃ Y) (w2 : Y ≃ Z) : X ≃ Z :=
make_weq (λ (x : X), w2 (w1 x)) (twooutof3c w1 w2 (pr2 w1) (pr2 w2)).
Declare Scope weq_scope.
Notation "g ∘ f" := (weqcomp f g) : weq_scope.
Delimit Scope weq_scope with weq.
Ltac intermediate_weq Y' := apply (weqcomp (Y := Y')).
Definition weqcomp_to_funcomp_app {X Y Z : UU} {x : X} {f : X ≃ Y} {g : Y ≃ Z} :
(weqcomp f g) x = pr1weq g (pr1weq f x).
Show proof.
Definition weqcomp_to_funcomp {X Y Z : UU} {f : X ≃ Y} {g : Y ≃ Z} :
pr1weq (weqcomp f g) = pr1weq g ∘ pr1weq f.
Show proof.
Definition invmap_weqcomp_expand {X Y Z : UU} {f : X ≃ Y} {g : Y ≃ Z} :
invmap (weqcomp f g) = invmap f ∘ invmap g.
Show proof.
Theorem twooutofsixu {X Y Z K : UU} {u : X -> Y} {v : Y -> Z} {w : Z -> K}
(isuv : isweq (funcomp u v)) (isvw : isweq (funcomp v w)) : isweq u.
Show proof.
set (invuv := invmap (make_weq _ isuv)).
set (pu := funcomp v invuv).
set (hupu := homotinvweqweq (make_weq _ isuv)
: homot (funcomp u pu) (idfun X)).
set (invvw := invmap (make_weq _ isvw)).
set (pv := funcomp w invvw).
set (hvpv := homotinvweqweq (make_weq _ isvw)
: homot (funcomp v pv) (idfun Y)).
set (h0 := funhomot v (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ isuv))).
set (h1 := funhomot (funcomp pu u) (invhomot hvpv)).
set (h2 := homotfun h0 pv).
set (hpuu := homotcomp (homotcomp h1 h2) hvpv).
exact (isweq_iso u pu hupu hpuu).
set (invuv := invmap (make_weq _ isuv)).
set (pu := funcomp v invuv).
set (hupu := homotinvweqweq (make_weq _ isuv)
: homot (funcomp u pu) (idfun X)).
set (invvw := invmap (make_weq _ isvw)).
set (pv := funcomp w invvw).
set (hvpv := homotinvweqweq (make_weq _ isvw)
: homot (funcomp v pv) (idfun Y)).
set (h0 := funhomot v (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ isuv))).
set (h1 := funhomot (funcomp pu u) (invhomot hvpv)).
set (h2 := homotfun h0 pv).
set (hpuu := homotcomp (homotcomp h1 h2) hvpv).
exact (isweq_iso u pu hupu hpuu).
Theorem twooutofsixv {X Y Z K : UU} {u : X -> Y} {v : Y -> Z} {w : Z -> K}
(isuv : isweq (funcomp u v))(isvw : isweq (funcomp v w)) : isweq v.
Show proof.
Theorem twooutofsixw {X Y Z K : UU} {u : X -> Y} {v : Y -> Z} {w : Z -> K}
(isuv : isweq (funcomp u v))(isvw : isweq (funcomp v w)) : isweq w.
Show proof.
Theorem isweqdirprodf {X Y X' Y' : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (w' : X' ≃ Y') :
isweq (dirprodf w w').
Show proof.
set (f := dirprodf w w'). set (g := dirprodf (invweq w) (invweq w')).
assert (egf : ∏ a : _, (g (f a)) = a).
intro a. induction a as [ x x' ]. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (homotinvweqweq w x). apply (homotinvweqweq w' x').
assert (efg : ∏ a : _, (f (g a)) = a).
intro a. induction a as [ x x' ]. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (homotweqinvweq w x). apply (homotweqinvweq w' x').
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
set (f := dirprodf w w'). set (g := dirprodf (invweq w) (invweq w')).
assert (egf : ∏ a : _, (g (f a)) = a).
intro a. induction a as [ x x' ]. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (homotinvweqweq w x). apply (homotinvweqweq w' x').
assert (efg : ∏ a : _, (f (g a)) = a).
intro a. induction a as [ x x' ]. simpl. apply pathsdirprod.
apply (homotweqinvweq w x). apply (homotweqinvweq w' x').
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
Definition weqdirprodf {X Y X' Y' : UU} (w : X ≃ Y) (w' : X' ≃ Y') : X × X' ≃ Y × Y'
:= make_weq _ (isweqdirprodf w w').
Definition weqtodirprodwithunit (X : UU): X ≃ X × unit.
Show proof.
set (f := λ x : X, make_dirprod x tt).
split with f.
set (g := λ xu : X × unit, pr1 xu).
assert (egf : ∏ x : X, (g (f x)) = x). intro. apply idpath.
assert (efg : ∏ xu : _, (f (g xu)) = xu). intro. induction xu as [ t x ].
induction x. apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso f g egf efg).
set (f := λ x : X, make_dirprod x tt).
split with f.
set (g := λ xu : X × unit, pr1 xu).
assert (egf : ∏ x : X, (g (f x)) = x). intro. apply idpath.
assert (efg : ∏ xu : _, (f (g xu)) = xu). intro. induction xu as [ t x ].
induction x. apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso f g egf efg).
Associativity of total2 as a weak equivalence
Lemma total2asstor {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (Q : total2 P -> UU) :
total2 Q -> ∑ x:X, ∑ p : P x, Q (tpair P x p).
Show proof.
Lemma total2asstol {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (Q : total2 P -> UU) :
(∑ x : X, ∑ p : P x, Q (tpair P x p)) -> total2 Q.
Show proof.
intros xpq.
use tpair.
- use tpair.
+ apply (pr1 xpq).
+ apply (pr1 (pr2 xpq)).
- exact (pr2 (pr2 xpq)).
use tpair.
- use tpair.
+ apply (pr1 xpq).
+ apply (pr1 (pr2 xpq)).
- exact (pr2 (pr2 xpq)).
Theorem weqtotal2asstor {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (Q : total2 P -> UU) :
total2 Q ≃ ∑ x : X, ∑ p : P x, Q (tpair P x p).
Show proof.
set (f := total2asstor P Q). set (g:= total2asstol P Q).
split with f.
assert (egf : ∏ xpq : _ , (g (f xpq)) = xpq).
intro. apply idpath.
assert (efg : ∏ xpq : _ , (f (g xpq)) = xpq).
intro. apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
set (f := total2asstor P Q). set (g:= total2asstol P Q).
split with f.
assert (egf : ∏ xpq : _ , (g (f xpq)) = xpq).
intro. apply idpath.
assert (efg : ∏ xpq : _ , (f (g xpq)) = xpq).
intro. apply idpath.
apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).
Definition weqtotal2asstol {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (Q : total2 P -> UU) :
(∑ x : X, ∑ p : P x, Q (tpair P x p)) ≃ total2 Q
:= invweq (weqtotal2asstor P Q).