Library UniMath.Foundations.Sets

Generalities on hSet. Vladimir Voevodsky. Feb. - Sep. 2011

In this file we introduce the type hSet of h-sets, i.e., of types of h-level 2 as well as a number of constructions such as type of (monic) subtypes, images, surjectivity etc. which, while they formally apply to functions between arbitrary types actually only depend on the behavior of the function on the sets of connected components of these types.
While it is possible to write a part of this file in a form which does not require RR1 it seems like a waste of effort since it would require to repeat a lot of things twice. Accordingly we assume RR1 from the start in dealing with sets. The drawback is that all the subsequent files will not compile at the moment without the Type in Type patch.


  • The type of sets i.e. of types of h-level 2 in UU
    • hProp as a set
    • Booleans as a set
  • Types X which satisfy "weak" axiom of choice for all families P : X -> UU
  • The type of monic subtypes of a type (subsets of the set of connected components)
    • General definitions
    • Direct product of two subtypes
    • A subtype with paths between any two elements is an hProp
  • Relations on types (or equivalently relations on the sets of connected components)
    • Relations and boolean relations
    • Standard properties of relations
    • Elementary implications between properties of relations
    • Standard properties of relations and logical equivalences
    • Preorderings, partial orderings, and associated types
    • Equivalence relations and associated types
    • Direct product of two relations
    • Negation of a relation and its properties
    • Boolean representation of decidable equality
    • Boolean representation of decidable relations
    • Restriction of a relation to a subtype
    • Equivalence classes with respect to a given relation
    • Direct product of equivalence classes
  • Surjections to sets are epimorphisms
  • Epimorphisms are surjections
  • Universal property enjoyed by surjections
  • Set quotients of types
    • Set quotients defined in terms of equivalence classes
    • Universal property of setquot R for functions to sets satisfying compatibility condition iscomprelfun
    • Functoriality of setquot for functions mapping one relation to another
    • Universal property of setquot for predicates of one and several variables
    • The case when the function between quotients defined by setquotfun is a surjection, inclusion or a weak equivalence
    • setquot with respect to the product of two relations
    • Universal property of setquot for functions of two variables
    • Functoriality of setquot for functions of two variables mapping one relation to another
    • Set quotients with respect to decidable equivalence relations have decidable equality
    • Relations on quotient sets
    • Subtypes of quotients and quotients of subtypes
    • The set of connected components of a type
  • Set quotients. Construction 2 (Unfinished)
    • Functions compatible with a relation
    • The quotient set of a type by a relation
    • Universal property of setquot2 R for functions to sets satisfying compatibility condition iscomplrelfun
    • Weak equivalence from R x x' to paths (setquot2pr R x) (setquot2pr R x')
  • Consequences of univalence



The type of sets i.e. of types of h-level 2 in UU

Definition hSet : UU := total2 (λ X : UU, isaset X).
Definition make_hSet (X : UU) (i : isaset X) := tpair isaset X i : hSet.
Definition pr1hSet : hSet -> UU := @pr1 UU (λ X : UU, isaset X).
Coercion pr1hSet: hSet >-> UU.

Definition eqset {X : hSet} (x x' : X) : hProp
  := make_hProp (x = x') (pr2 X x x').

Notation "a = b" := (eqset a b) (at level 70, no associativity) : logic.

Definition neqset {X : hSet} (x x' : X) : hProp
  := make_hProp (x != x') (isapropneg _). Notation "a != b" := (neqset a b) (at level 70, no associativity) : logic.

Definition setproperty (X : hSet) := pr2 X.

Definition setdirprod (X Y : hSet) : hSet.
Show proof.
  intros. exists (X × Y).
  apply (isofhleveldirprod 2); apply setproperty.

Definition setcoprod (X Y : hSet) : hSet.
Show proof.
  intros. exists (X ⨿ Y). apply isasetcoprod; apply setproperty.

Lemma isaset_total2_hSet (X : hSet) (Y : X -> hSet) : isaset ( x, Y x).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isaset_total2.
  - apply setproperty.
  - intro x. apply setproperty.

Definition total2_hSet {X : hSet} (Y : X -> hSet) : hSet
  := make_hSet ( x, Y x) (isaset_total2_hSet X Y).

Definition hfiber_hSet {X Y : hSet} (f : X Y) (y : Y) : hSet
  := make_hSet (hfiber f y) (isaset_hfiber f y (pr2 X) (pr2 Y)).

Declare Scope set.
Delimit Scope set with set.

Notation "'∑' x .. y , P" := (total2_hSet (λ x,.. (total2_hSet (λ y, P))..))
  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : set.

Lemma isaset_forall_hSet (X : UU) (Y : X -> hSet) : isaset ( x, Y x).
Show proof.
  intros. apply impred_isaset. intro x. apply setproperty.

Definition forall_hSet {X : UU} (Y : X -> hSet) : hSet
  := make_hSet ( x, Y x) (isaset_forall_hSet X Y).

Notation "'∏' x .. y , P" := (forall_hSet (λ x,.. (forall_hSet (λ y, P))..))
  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : set.

Definition unitset : hSet := make_hSet unit isasetunit.

Definition dirprod_hSet (X Y : hSet) : hSet.
Show proof.
  exists (X × Y).
  abstract (exact (isasetdirprod _ _ (setproperty X) (setproperty Y))).

Notation "A × B" := (dirprod_hSet A B) (at level 75, right associativity) : set.

hProp as a set

Definition hPropset : hSet := tpair _ hProp isasethProp.

Definition hProp_to_hSet (P : hProp) : hSet
  := make_hSet P (isasetaprop (propproperty P)).

Booleans as a set

Definition boolset : hSet := make_hSet bool isasetbool.

Definition isInjectiveFunction {X Y : hSet} (f : X -> Y) : hProp.
Show proof.
  intros. exists ( (x x': X), f x = f x' -> x = x').
  abstract (
      intros; apply impred; intro x; apply impred; intro y;
      apply impred; intro e; apply setproperty)
           using isaprop_isInjectiveFunction.

Types X which satisfy "weak" axiom of choice for all families P : X -> UU

Weak axiom of choice for X is the condition that for any family P : X -> UU over X such that all members of the family are inhabited the space of sections of the family is inhabited. Equivalently one can formulate it as an assertion that for any surjection (see below) p : Y -> X the space of sections of this surjection i.e. functions s : X -> Y together with a homotopy from funcomp s p to idfun X is inhabited. It does not provide a choice of a section for such a family or a surjection. In topos-theoretic semantics this condition corresponds to "local projectivity" of X. It automatically holds for the point unit but need not hold for sub-objects of unit i.e. for types of h-level 1 (propositions). In particular it does not have to hold for general types with decidable equality.
Intuition based on standard univalent models suggests that any type satisfying weak axiom of choice is a set. Indeed it seems to be possible to show that if both a type and the set of connected components of this type (see below) satisfy weak axiom of choice then the type is a set. In particular, if one imposes weak axiom of choice for sets as an axiom then it would follow that every type satisfying weak axiom of choice is a set. I do not know however if there are models which would validate a possibility of types other than sets to satisfy weak axiom of choice.

Definition ischoicebase_uu1 (X : UU)
  := P : X -> UU, ( x : X, ishinh (P x)) -> ishinh ( x : X, P x).

Uses RR1
Lemma isapropischoicebase (X : UU) : isaprop (ischoicebase_uu1 X).
Show proof.
  apply impred.
  intro P. apply impred.
  intro fs. apply (pr2 (ishinh _)).

Definition ischoicebase (X : UU) : hProp := make_hProp _ (isapropischoicebase X).

Lemma ischoicebaseweqf {X Y : UU} (w : X Y) (is : ischoicebase X) :
  ischoicebase Y.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold ischoicebase.
  intros Q fs.
  apply (hinhfun (invweq (weqonsecbase Q w))).
  apply (is (funcomp w Q) (λ x : X, fs (w x))).

Lemma ischoicebaseweqb {X Y : UU} (w : X Y) (is : ischoicebase Y) :
  ischoicebase X.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (ischoicebaseweqf (invweq w) is).

Lemma ischoicebaseunit : ischoicebase unit.
Show proof.
  unfold ischoicebase. intros P fs.
  apply (hinhfun (tosecoverunit P)).
  apply (fs tt).

Lemma ischoicebasecontr {X : UU} (is : iscontr X) : ischoicebase X.
Show proof.
  apply (ischoicebaseweqb (weqcontrtounit is) ischoicebaseunit).

Lemma ischoicebaseempty : ischoicebase empty.
Show proof.
  unfold ischoicebase. intros P fs.
  apply (hinhpr (λ x : empty, fromempty x)).

Lemma ischoicebaseempty2 {X : UU} (is : ¬ X) : ischoicebase X.
Show proof.
  apply (ischoicebaseweqb (weqtoempty is) ischoicebaseempty).

Lemma ischoicebasecoprod {X Y : UU}
      (isx : ischoicebase X) (isy : ischoicebase Y) : ischoicebase (coprod X Y).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold ischoicebase.
  intros P fs. apply (hinhfun (invweq (weqsecovercoprodtoprod P))).
  apply hinhand.
  apply (isx _ (λ x : X, fs (ii1 x))).
  apply (isy _ (λ y : Y, fs (ii2 y))).

The type of monic subtypes of a type (subsets of the set of connected components)

General definitions

Definition hsubtype (X : UU) : UU := X -> hProp.
Identity Coercion id_hsubtype : hsubtype >-> Funclass.
Definition carrier {X : UU} (A : hsubtype X) := total2 A.
Coercion carrier : hsubtype >-> Sortclass.
Definition make_carrier {X : UU} (A : hsubtype X) :
    t : X, A t x : X, A x := tpair A.
Definition pr1carrier {X : UU} (A : hsubtype X) := @pr1 _ _ : carrier A -> X.

Lemma isaset_carrier_subset (X : hSet) (Y : hsubtype X) : isaset ( x, Y x).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isaset_total2.
  - apply setproperty.
  - intro x. apply isasetaprop, propproperty.

Definition carrier_subset {X : hSet} (Y : hsubtype X) : hSet
  := make_hSet ( x, Y x) (isaset_carrier_subset X Y).

Declare Scope subset.
Notation "'∑' x .. y , P"
  := (carrier_subset (λ x,.. (carrier_subset (λ y, P))..))
  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : subset.

Delimit Scope subset with subset.

Lemma isinclpr1carrier {X : UU} (A : hsubtype X) : isincl (@pr1carrier X A).
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isinclpr1 A (λ x : _, pr2 (A x))).

Lemma isasethsubtype (X : UU) : isaset (hsubtype X).
Show proof.
  change (isofhlevel 2 (hsubtype X)).
  apply impred; intro x.
  exact isasethProp.

Definition totalsubtype (X : UU) : hsubtype X := λ x, htrue.

Definition weqtotalsubtype (X : UU) : totalsubtype X X.
Show proof.
  apply weqpr1. intro. apply iscontrunit.

Definition weq_subtypes {X Y : UU} (w : X Y)
           (S : hsubtype X) (T : hsubtype Y) :
           ( x, S x <-> T (w x)) -> carrier S carrier T.
Show proof.
  intros eq. apply (weqbandf w). intro x. apply weqiff.
  - apply eq.
  - apply propproperty.
  - apply propproperty.

Direct product of two subtypes

Definition subtypesdirprod {X Y : UU} (A : hsubtype X) (B : hsubtype Y) :
  hsubtype (X × Y) := λ xy : _, hconj (A (pr1 xy)) (B (pr2 xy)).

Definition fromdsubtypesdirprodcarrier {X Y : UU}
           (A : hsubtype X) (B : hsubtype Y)
           (xyis : subtypesdirprod A B) : dirprod A B.
Show proof.
  set (xy := pr1 xyis). set (is := pr2 xyis).
  set (x := pr1 xy). set (y := pr2 xy).
  simpl in is. simpl in y.
  apply (make_dirprod (tpair A x (pr1 is)) (tpair B y (pr2 is))).

Definition tosubtypesdirprodcarrier {X Y : UU}
           (A : hsubtype X) (B : hsubtype Y)
           (xisyis : dirprod A B) : subtypesdirprod A B.
Show proof.
  set (xis := pr1 xisyis). set (yis := pr2 xisyis).
  set (x := pr1 xis). set (isx := pr2 xis).
  set (y := pr1 yis). set (isy := pr2 yis).
  simpl in isx. simpl in isy.
  apply (tpair (subtypesdirprod A B) (make_dirprod x y) (make_dirprod isx isy)).

Lemma weqsubtypesdirprod {X Y : UU} (A : hsubtype X) (B : hsubtype Y) :
  subtypesdirprod A B A × B.
Show proof.
  set (f := fromdsubtypesdirprodcarrier A B).
  set (g := tosubtypesdirprodcarrier A B).
  split with f.
  assert (egf : a : _, paths (g (f a)) a).
    intro a.
    induction a as [ xy is ].
    induction xy as [ x y ].
    induction is as [ isx isy ].
    apply idpath.
  assert (efg : a : _, paths (f (g a)) a).
    intro a.
    induction a as [ xis yis ].
    induction xis as [ x isx ].
    induction yis as [ y isy ].
    apply idpath.
  apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).

Lemma ishinhsubtypedirprod {X Y : UU} (A : hsubtype X) (B : hsubtype Y)
      (isa : ishinh A) (isb : ishinh B) : ishinh (subtypesdirprod A B).
Show proof.
  apply (hinhfun (invweq (weqsubtypesdirprod A B))).
  apply hinhand. apply isa. apply isb.

A subtype with paths between any two elements is an hProp.

Lemma isapropsubtype {X : UU} (A : hsubtype X)
      (is : (x1 x2 : X), A x1 -> A x2 -> x1 = x2) : isaprop (carrier A).
Show proof.
  intros. apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros x x'.
  assert (X0 : isincl (@pr1 _ A)).
    apply isinclpr1.
    intro x0.
    apply (pr2 (A x0)).
  apply (invmaponpathsincl (@pr1 _ A) X0).
  induction x as [ x0 is0 ].
  induction x' as [ x0' is0' ].
  apply (is x0 x0' is0 is0').

Definition squash_pairs_to_set {Y : UU} (F : Y -> UU) :
  (isaset Y) -> ( y y', F y -> F y' -> y = y') -> ( y, F y) -> Y.
Show proof.
  intros is e.
  set (P := y, F y ).
  assert (iP : isaprop P).
    apply isapropsubtype. intros y y' f f'.
    apply (squash_to_prop f). apply is. clear f; intro f.
    apply (squash_to_prop f'). apply is. clear f'; intro f'.
    apply e.
    - assumption.
    - assumption.
  intros w.
  assert (p : P).
    apply (squash_to_prop w). exact iP. clear w; intro w.
    exact (pr1 w,,hinhpr (pr2 w)).
  clear w.
  exact (pr1 p).

Definition squash_to_set {X Y : UU} (is : isaset Y) (f : X -> Y) :
          ( x x', f x = f x') -> X -> Y.
Show proof.
  intros e w.
  set (P := y, x, f x = y).
  assert (j : isaprop P).
    apply isapropsubtype; intros y y' j j'.
    apply (squash_to_prop j). apply is. clear j; intros [j k].
    apply (squash_to_prop j'). apply is. clear j'; intros [j' k'].
    intermediate_path (f j). exact (!k).
    intermediate_path (f j'). apply e. exact k'.
  assert (p : P).
    apply (squash_to_prop w). exact j. intro x0.
    exists (f x0). apply hinhpr. exists x0. apply idpath.
  exact (pr1 p).

Relations on types (or equivalently relations on the sets of connected components)

Relations and boolean relations

Definition hrel (X : UU) : UU := X -> X -> hProp.
Identity Coercion idhrel : hrel >-> Funclass.

Definition brel (X : UU) : UU := X -> X -> bool.
Identity Coercion idbrel : brel >-> Funclass.

Standard properties of relations

Definition istrans {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := (x1 x2 x3 : X), R x1 x2 -> R x2 x3 -> R x1 x3.

Definition isrefl {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := x : X, R x x.

Definition issymm {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := (x1 x2 : X), R x1 x2 -> R x2 x1.

Definition ispreorder {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU := istrans R × isrefl R.

Definition iseqrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) := ispreorder R × issymm R.
Definition iseqrelconstr {X : UU} {R : hrel X}
           (trans0 : istrans R) (refl0 : isrefl R) (symm0 : issymm R) :
  iseqrel R := make_dirprod (make_dirprod trans0 refl0) symm0.

Definition isirrefl {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU := x : X, ¬ R x x.

Definition isasymm {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := (x1 x2 : X), R x1 x2 -> R x2 x1 -> empty.

Definition iscoasymm {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU := x1 x2, ¬ R x1 x2 -> R x2 x1.

Definition istotal {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU := x1 x2, R x1 x2 R x2 x1.

Definition isdectotal {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU := x1 x2, R x1 x2 ⨿ R x2 x1.

Definition iscotrans {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := x1 x2 x3, R x1 x3 -> R x1 x2 R x2 x3.

Definition isdeccotrans {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := x1 x2 x3, R x1 x3 -> R x1 x2 ⨿ R x2 x3.

Definition isdecrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU := x1 x2, R x1 x2 ⨿ ¬ R x1 x2.

Definition isnegrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := x1 x2, ¬ ¬ R x1 x2 -> R x1 x2.

Note that the property of being (co-)antisymmetric is different from other properties of relations which we consider due to the presence of paths in its formulation. As a consequence it behaves differently relative to the quotients of types - the quotient relation can be (co-)antisymmetric while the original relation was not.

Definition isantisymm {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := (x1 x2 : X), R x1 x2 -> R x2 x1 -> x1 = x2.

Definition isPartialOrder {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := ispreorder R × isantisymm R.

Ltac unwrap_isPartialOrder i :=
  induction i as [transrefl antisymm]; induction transrefl as [trans refl].

Definition isantisymmneg {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := (x1 x2 : X), ¬ R x1 x2 -> ¬ R x2 x1 -> x1 = x2.

Definition iscoantisymm {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := x1 x2, ¬ R x1 x2 -> R x2 x1 ⨿ (x1 = x2).

Note that the following condition on a relation is different from all the other which we have considered since it is not a property but a structure, i.e. it is in general unclear whether isaprop (neqchoice R) is provable.

Definition neqchoice {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := x1 x2, x1 != x2 -> R x1 x2 ⨿ R x2 x1.

proofs that the properties are propositions

Lemma isaprop_istrans {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) : isaprop (istrans R).
Show proof.
  intros. repeat (apply impred;intro). apply propproperty.

Lemma isaprop_isrefl {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) : isaprop (isrefl R).
Show proof.
  intros. apply impred; intro. apply propproperty.

Lemma isaprop_istotal {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) : isaprop (istotal R).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold istotal.
  apply impred; intro x.
  apply impred; intro y.
  apply propproperty.

Lemma isaprop_isantisymm {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) : isaprop (isantisymm R).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isantisymm. apply impred; intro x. apply impred; intro y.
  apply impred; intro r. apply impred; intro s. apply setproperty.

Lemma isaprop_ispreorder {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) : isaprop (ispreorder R).
Show proof.
  unfold ispreorder.
  apply isapropdirprod.
  { apply isaprop_istrans. }
  { apply isaprop_isrefl. }

Lemma isaprop_isPartialOrder {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) :
  isaprop (isPartialOrder R).
Show proof.
  unfold isPartialOrder.
  apply isapropdirprod.
  { apply isaprop_ispreorder. }
  { apply isaprop_isantisymm. }

the relations on a set form a set

Definition isaset_hrel (X : hSet) : isaset (hrel X).
  intros. unfold hrel.
  apply impred_isaset; intro x.
  apply impred_isaset; intro y.
  exact isasethProp.

Elementary implications between properties of relations

Lemma istransandirrefltoasymm {X : UU} {R : hrel X}
      (is1 : istrans R) (is2 : isirrefl R) : isasymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros a b rab rba. apply (is2 _ (is1 _ _ _ rab rba)).

Lemma istotaltoiscoasymm {X : UU} {R : hrel X} (is : istotal R) : iscoasymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2. apply (hdisjtoimpl (is _ _)).

Lemma isdecreltoisnegrel {X : UU} {R : hrel X} (is : isdecrel R) : isnegrel R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2.
  induction (is x1 x2) as [ r | nr ].
  - intro. apply r.
  - intro nnr. induction (nnr nr).

Lemma isantisymmnegtoiscoantisymm {X : UU} {R : hrel X}
      (isdr : isdecrel R) (isr : isantisymmneg R) : iscoantisymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 nrx12.
  induction (isdr x2 x1) as [ r | nr ].
  apply (ii1 r). apply ii2. apply (isr _ _ nrx12 nr).

Lemma rtoneq {X : UU} {R : hrel X} (is : isirrefl R) {a b : X} (r : R a b) :
  a != b.
Show proof.
  intros. intro e. rewrite e in r. apply (is b r).

Standard properties of relations and logical equivalences

Definition hrellogeq {X : UU} (L R : hrel X) : UU
  := x1 x2, (L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2).

Definition istranslogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : istrans L) : istrans R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 x3 r12 r23.
  apply ((pr1 (lg _ _)) (isl _ _ _ ((pr2 (lg _ _)) r12) ((pr2 (lg _ _)) r23))).

Definition isrefllogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : isrefl L) : isrefl R.
Show proof.
  intros. intro x. apply (pr1 (lg _ _) (isl x)).

Definition issymmlogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : issymm L) : issymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12.
  apply (pr1 (lg _ _) (isl _ _ (pr2 (lg _ _) r12))).

Definition ispologeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X} (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2)
           (isl : ispreorder L) : ispreorder R.
Show proof.
  apply (make_dirprod (istranslogeqf lg (pr1 isl)) (isrefllogeqf lg (pr2 isl))).

Definition iseqrellogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : iseqrel L) : iseqrel R.
Show proof.
  apply (make_dirprod (ispologeqf lg (pr1 isl)) (issymmlogeqf lg (pr2 isl))).

Definition isirrefllogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : isirrefl L) : isirrefl R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x r. apply (isl _ (pr2 (lg x x) r)).

Definition isasymmlogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : isasymm L) : isasymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12 r21.
  apply (isl _ _ (pr2 (lg _ _) r12) (pr2 (lg _ _) r21)).

Definition iscoasymmlogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : iscoasymm L) : iscoasymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12.
  apply ((pr1 (lg _ _)) (isl _ _ (negf (pr1 (lg _ _)) r12))).

Definition istotallogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : istotal L) : istotal R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2. set (int := isl x1 x2).
  generalize int. clear int. simpl. apply hinhfun.
  apply (coprodf (pr1 (lg x1 x2)) (pr1 (lg x2 x1))).

Definition iscotranslogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : iscotrans L) : iscotrans R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 x3 r13.
  set (int := isl x1 x2 x3 (pr2 (lg _ _) r13)). generalize int.
  clear int. simpl. apply hinhfun.
  apply (coprodf (pr1 (lg x1 x2)) (pr1 (lg x2 x3))).

Definition isdecrellogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : isdecrel L) : isdecrel R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2.
  induction (isl x1 x2) as [ l | nl ].
  - apply (ii1 (pr1 (lg _ _) l)).
  - apply (ii2 (negf (pr2 (lg _ _)) nl)).

Definition isnegrellogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : isnegrel L) : isnegrel R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 nnr.
  apply ((pr1 (lg _ _)) (isl _ _ (negf (negf (pr2 (lg _ _))) nnr))).

Definition isantisymmlogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : isantisymm L) :
  isantisymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12 r21.
  apply (isl _ _ (pr2 (lg _ _) r12) (pr2 (lg _ _) r21)).

Definition isantisymmneglogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : isantisymmneg L) :
  isantisymmneg R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 nr12 nr21.
  apply (isl _ _ (negf (pr1 (lg _ _)) nr12) (negf (pr1 (lg _ _)) nr21)).

Definition iscoantisymmlogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : iscoantisymm L) :
  iscoantisymm R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12.
  set (int := isl _ _ (negf (pr1 (lg _ _)) r12)). generalize int. clear int.
  simpl. apply (coprodf (pr1 (lg _ _)) (idfun _)).

Definition neqchoicelogeqf {X : UU} {L R : hrel X}
           (lg : x1 x2, L x1 x2 <-> R x1 x2) (isl : neqchoice L) : neqchoice R.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 ne.
  apply (coprodf (pr1 (lg x1 x2)) (pr1 (lg x2 x1)) (isl _ _ ne)).

Preorderings, partial orderings, and associated types.

Definition po (X : UU) : UU := R : hrel X, ispreorder R.
Definition make_po {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (is : ispreorder R) : po X
  := tpair ispreorder R is.
Definition carrierofpo (X : UU) : po X -> (X -> X -> hProp) := @pr1 _ ispreorder.
Coercion carrierofpo : po >-> Funclass.

Definition PreorderedSet : UU := X : hSet, po X.
Definition PreorderedSetPair (X : hSet) (R :po X) : PreorderedSet
  := tpair _ X R.
Definition carrierofPreorderedSet : PreorderedSet -> hSet := pr1.
Coercion carrierofPreorderedSet : PreorderedSet >-> hSet.
Definition PreorderedSetRelation (X : PreorderedSet) : hrel X := pr1 (pr2 X).

Definition PartialOrder (X : hSet) : UU := R : hrel X, isPartialOrder R.
Definition make_PartialOrder {X : hSet} (R : hrel X) (is : isPartialOrder R) :
  PartialOrder X
  := tpair isPartialOrder R is.
Definition carrierofPartialOrder {X : hSet} : PartialOrder X -> hrel X := pr1.
Coercion carrierofPartialOrder : PartialOrder >-> hrel.

Definition Poset : UU := X, PartialOrder X.
Definition make_Poset (X : hSet) (R : PartialOrder X) : Poset
  := tpair PartialOrder X R.
Definition carrierofposet : Poset -> hSet := pr1.
Coercion carrierofposet : Poset >-> hSet.
Definition posetRelation (X : Poset) : hrel X := pr1 (pr2 X).

Lemma isrefl_posetRelation (X : Poset) : isrefl (posetRelation X).
Show proof.
  intros x. exact (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 X))) x).

Lemma istrans_posetRelation (X : Poset) : istrans (posetRelation X).
Show proof.
  intros x y z l m. exact (pr1 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 X))) x y z l m).

Lemma isantisymm_posetRelation (X : Poset) : isantisymm (posetRelation X).
Show proof.
  intros x y l m. exact (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 X)) x y l m).

Declare Scope poset.
Delimit Scope poset with poset.
Notation "m ≤ n" := (posetRelation _ m n) (no associativity, at level 70) :
Definition isaposetmorphism {X Y : Poset} (f : X -> Y)
  := ( x x' : X, x x' -> f x f x')%poset.
Definition posetmorphism (X Y : Poset) : UU
  := total2 (fun f : X -> Y => isaposetmorphism f).
Definition make_posetmorphism (X Y : Poset) :
   t : X Y, isaposetmorphism t f : X Y, isaposetmorphism f
  := tpair (fun f : X -> Y => isaposetmorphism f).
Definition carrierofposetmorphism (X Y : Poset) : posetmorphism X Y -> (X -> Y)
  := @pr1 _ _.
Coercion carrierofposetmorphism : posetmorphism >-> Funclass.

Definition isdec_ordering (X : Poset) : UU
  := (x y : X), decidable (x y)%poset.

Lemma isaprop_isaposetmorphism {X Y : Poset} (f : X -> Y) :
  isaprop (isaposetmorphism f).
Show proof.
  intros. apply impredtwice; intros. apply impred_prop.

the preorders on a set form a set

Definition isaset_po (X : hSet) : isaset (po X).
  unfold po.
  apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
  { apply isaset_hrel. }
  intros x. apply hlevelntosn. apply isaprop_ispreorder.

the partial orders on a set form a set

Definition isaset_PartialOrder X : isaset (PartialOrder X).
  unfold PartialOrder.
  apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
  { apply isaset_hrel. }
  intros x. apply hlevelntosn. apply isaprop_isPartialOrder.

poset equivalences

Definition isPosetEquivalence {X Y : Poset} (f : X Y) :=
  isaposetmorphism f × isaposetmorphism (invmap f).

Lemma isaprop_isPosetEquivalence {X Y : Poset} (f : X Y) :
  isaprop (isPosetEquivalence f).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isPosetEquivalence.
  apply isapropdirprod; apply isaprop_isaposetmorphism.

Definition isPosetEquivalence_idweq (X : Poset) : isPosetEquivalence (idweq X).
Show proof.
  intros. split.
  - intros x y le. exact le.
  - intros x y le. exact le.

Definition PosetEquivalence (X Y : Poset) : UU
  := f : X Y, isPosetEquivalence f.

Local Open Scope poset.
Notation "X ≅ Y" := (PosetEquivalence X Y) (at level 60, no associativity) :

Definition posetUnderlyingEquivalence {X Y : Poset} : X Y -> X Y := pr1.
Coercion posetUnderlyingEquivalence : PosetEquivalence >-> weq.

Definition identityPosetEquivalence (X : Poset) : PosetEquivalence X X.
Show proof.
  intros. exists (idweq X). apply isPosetEquivalence_idweq.

Lemma isincl_pr1_PosetEquivalence (X Y : Poset) : isincl (pr1 : X Y -> X Y).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isinclpr1. apply isaprop_isPosetEquivalence.

Lemma isinj_pr1_PosetEquivalence (X Y : Poset) :
  isInjective (pr1 : X Y -> X Y).
Show proof.
  intros f g. apply isweqonpathsincl. apply isincl_pr1_PosetEquivalence.

poset concepts

Notation "m < n" := (m n × m != n)%poset (only parsing) : poset.
Definition isMinimal {X : Poset} (x : X) : UU := y, x y.
Definition isMaximal {X : Poset} (x : X) : UU := y, y x.
Definition consecutive {X : Poset} (x y : X) : UU
  := x < y × z, ¬ (x < z × z < y).

Lemma isaprop_isMinimal {X : Poset} (x : X) : isaprop (isMaximal x).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isMaximal. apply impred_prop.

Lemma isaprop_isMaximal {X : Poset} (x : X) : isaprop (isMaximal x).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isMaximal. apply impred_prop.

Lemma isaprop_consecutive {X : Poset} (x y : X) : isaprop (consecutive x y).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold consecutive. apply isapropdirprod.
  - apply isapropdirprod. { apply pr2. } simpl. apply isapropneg.
  - apply impred; intro z. apply isapropneg.

Eqivalence relations and associated types.

Definition eqrel (X : UU) : UU := total2 (λ R : hrel X, iseqrel R).
Definition make_eqrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (is : iseqrel R) : eqrel X
  := tpair (λ R : hrel X, iseqrel R) R is.
Definition eqrelconstr {X : UU} (R : hrel X)
           (is1 : istrans R) (is2 : isrefl R) (is3 : issymm R) : eqrel X
  := make_eqrel R (make_dirprod (make_dirprod is1 is2) is3).
Definition pr1eqrel (X : UU) : eqrel X -> (X -> (X -> hProp)) := @pr1 _ _.
Coercion pr1eqrel : eqrel >-> Funclass.

Definition eqreltrans {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) : istrans R := pr1 (pr1 (pr2 R)).
Definition eqrelrefl {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) : isrefl R := pr2 (pr1 (pr2 R)).
Definition eqrelsymm {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) : issymm R := pr2 (pr2 R).

Direct product of two relations

Definition hreldirprod {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : hrel Y) :
  hrel (X × Y)
  := λ xy xy' : dirprod X Y, hconj (RX (pr1 xy) (pr1 xy'))
                                    (RY (pr2 xy) (pr2 xy')).

Definition istransdirprod {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : hrel Y)
           (isx : istrans RX) (isy : istrans RY) :
  istrans (hreldirprod RX RY)
  := λ xy1 xy2 xy3 : _,
       λ is12 : _ ,
         λ is23 : _,
           make_dirprod (isx _ _ _ (pr1 is12) (pr1 is23))
                       (isy _ _ _ (pr2 is12) (pr2 is23)).

Definition isrefldirprod {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : hrel Y)
           (isx : isrefl RX) (isy : isrefl RY) : isrefl (hreldirprod RX RY)
  := λ xy : _, make_dirprod (isx _) (isy _).

Definition issymmdirprod {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : hrel Y)
           (isx : issymm RX) (isy : issymm RY) : issymm (hreldirprod RX RY)
  := λ xy1 xy2 : _, λ is12 : _, make_dirprod (isx _ _ (pr1 is12))
                                              (isy _ _ (pr2 is12)).

Definition eqreldirprod {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) :
  eqrel (X × Y)
  := eqrelconstr (hreldirprod RX RY)
                 (istransdirprod _ _ (eqreltrans RX) (eqreltrans RY))
                 (isrefldirprod _ _ (eqrelrefl RX) (eqrelrefl RY))
                 (issymmdirprod _ _ (eqrelsymm RX) (eqrelsymm RY)).

Negation of a relation and its properties

Definition negrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : hrel X
  := λ x x', make_hProp (¬ R x x') (isapropneg _).
Lemma istransnegrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (isr : iscotrans R) :
  istrans (negrel R).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 x3 r12 r23.
  apply (negf (isr x1 x2 x3)).
  apply (toneghdisj (make_dirprod r12 r23)).

Lemma isasymmnegrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (isr : iscoasymm R) :
  isasymm (negrel R).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12 r21. apply (r21 (isr _ _ r12)).

Lemma iscoasymmgenrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (isr : isasymm R) :
  iscoasymm (negrel R).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 nr12. apply (negf (isr _ _) nr12).

Lemma isdecnegrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (isr : isdecrel R) :
  isdecrel (negrel R).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2.
  induction (isr x1 x2) as [ r | nr ].
  - apply ii2. apply (todneg _ r).
  - apply (ii1 nr).

Lemma isnegnegrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : isnegrel (negrel R).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2.
  apply (negf (todneg (R x1 x2))).

Lemma isantisymmnegrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (isr : isantisymmneg R) :
  isantisymm (negrel R).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isr.

Boolean representation of decidable equality

Definition eqh {X : UU} (is : isdeceq X) : hrel X
  := λ x x', make_hProp (booleq is x x' = true)
                        (isasetbool (booleq is x x') true).

Definition neqh {X : UU} (is : isdeceq X) : hrel X
  := λ x x', make_hProp (booleq is x x' = false)
                        (isasetbool (booleq is x x') false).

Lemma isrefleqh {X : UU} (is : isdeceq X) : isrefl (eqh is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold eqh. unfold booleq.
  intro x. induction (is x x) as [ e | ne ].
  - simpl. apply idpath.
  - induction (ne (idpath x)).

Definition weqeqh {X : UU} (is : isdeceq X) (x x' : X) :
  (x = x') (eqh is x x').
Show proof.
  intros. apply weqimplimpl.
  - intro e. induction e. apply isrefleqh.
  - intro e. unfold eqh in e. unfold booleq in e.
    induction (is x x') as [ e' | ne' ].
    + apply e'.
    + induction (nopathsfalsetotrue e).
  - unfold isaprop. unfold isofhlevel. apply (isasetifdeceq X is x x').
  - unfold eqh. simpl. unfold isaprop. unfold isofhlevel.
    apply (isasetbool _ true).

Definition weqneqh {X : UU} (is : isdeceq X) (x x' : X) :
  (x != x') (neqh is x x').
Show proof.
  intros. unfold neqh. unfold booleq. apply weqimplimpl.
  - induction (is x x') as [ e | ne ].
    + intro ne. induction (ne e).
    + intro ne'. simpl. apply idpath.
  - induction (is x x') as [ e | ne ].
    + intro tf. induction (nopathstruetofalse tf).
    + intro. exact ne.
  - apply (isapropneg).
  - simpl. unfold isaprop. unfold isofhlevel. apply (isasetbool _ false).

Boolean representation of decidable relations

Definition decrel (X : UU) : UU := total2 (λ R : hrel X, isdecrel R).
Definition pr1decrel (X : UU) : decrel X -> hrel X := @pr1 _ _.
Definition make_decrel {X : UU} {R : hrel X} (is : isdecrel R) : decrel X
  := tpair _ R is.
Coercion pr1decrel : decrel >-> hrel.

Definition decreltobrel {X : UU} (R : decrel X) : brel X.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x'. induction ((pr2 R) x x').
  - apply true.
  - apply false.

Definition breltodecrel {X : UU} (B : brel X) : decrel X
  := @make_decrel _ (λ x x', make_hProp ((B x x') = true) (isasetbool _ _))
                 (λ x x', (isdeceqbool _ _)).

Definition pathstor {X : UU} (R : decrel X) (x x' : X)
           (e : decreltobrel R x x' = true) : R x x'.
Show proof.
  unfold decreltobrel in e.
  induction (pr2 R x x') as [ e' | ne ].
  - apply e'.
  - induction (nopathsfalsetotrue e).

Definition rtopaths {X : UU} (R : decrel X) (x x' : X) (r : R x x') :
  decreltobrel R x x' = true.
Show proof.
  unfold decreltobrel. intros. induction ((pr2 R) x x') as [ r' | nr ].
  - apply idpath.
  - induction (nr r).

Definition pathstonegr {X : UU} (R : decrel X) (x x' : X)
           (e : decreltobrel R x x' = false) : neg (R x x').
Show proof.
  unfold decreltobrel in e. induction (pr2 R x x') as [ e' | ne ].
  - induction (nopathstruetofalse e).
  - apply ne.

Definition negrtopaths {X : UU} (R : decrel X) (x x' : X) (nr : neg (R x x')) :
  decreltobrel R x x' = false.
Show proof.
  unfold decreltobrel. intros.
  induction (pr2 R x x') as [ r | nr' ].
  - induction (nr r).
  - apply idpath.

The following construction of "ct" ("canonical term") is inspired by the ideas of George Gonthier. The expression ct (R, x, y) where R is in hrel X for some X and has a canonical structure of a decidable relation and x, y are closed terms of type X such that R x y is inhabited is the term of type R x y which relizes the canonical term in isdecrel R x y.
Definition pathstor_comp {X : UU} (R : decrel X) (x x' : X) (e : (decreltobrel R x x') = true) : R x x'. Proof. unfold decreltobrel. intros. induction (pr2 R x x') as e' | ne . apply e'. induction (nopathsfalsetotrue e). Defined.
Notation " 'ct' (R, x, y) " := ((pathstor_comp _ x y (idpath true)) : R x y) (at level 70).

Definition ctlong {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (is : isdecrel R) (x x' : X)
           (e : decreltobrel (make_decrel is) x x' = true) : R x x'.
Show proof.
  unfold decreltobrel in e. simpl in e. induction (is x x') as [ e' | ne ].
  - apply e'.
  - induction (nopathsfalsetotrue e).

Notation " 'ct' ( R , is , x , y ) " := (ctlong R is x y (idpath true))
                                          (at level 70).

Definition deceq_to_decrel {X:UU} : isdeceq X -> decrel X.
Show proof.
  intros i. use make_decrel.
       - intros x y. exists (x=y). apply isasetifdeceq. assumption.
       - exact i.

Definition confirm_equal {X : UU} (i : isdeceq X) (x x' : X)
           (e : decreltobrel (deceq_to_decrel i) x x' = true) : x = x'.
Show proof.
  exact (pathstor (deceq_to_decrel i) _ _ e).

Definition confirm_not_equal {X : UU} (i : isdeceq X) (x x' : X)
           (e : decreltobrel (deceq_to_decrel i) x x' = false) : x != x'.
Show proof.
  exact (pathstonegr (deceq_to_decrel i) _ _ e).

Ltac confirm_yes d x y := exact_op (pathstor d x y (idpath true)).
Ltac confirm_no d x y := exact_op (pathstonegr d x y (idpath false)).
Ltac confirm_equal i := match goal with |- ?x = ?y => confirm_yes (deceq_to_decrel i) x y end.
Ltac confirm_not_equal i := match goal with |- ?x != ?y => confirm_no (deceq_to_decrel i) x y end.
Ltac confirm_equal_absurd i := match goal with |- ?x = ?y => confirm_no (deceq_to_decrel i) x y end.

Restriction of a relation to a subtype

Definition resrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X) : hrel P
  := λ p1 p2, L (pr1 p1) (pr1 p2).

Definition istransresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : istrans L) : istrans (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 x3 r12 r23.
  apply (isl _ (pr1 x2) _ r12 r23).

Definition isreflresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : isrefl L) : isrefl (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intro x. apply isl.

Definition issymmresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : issymm L) : issymm (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12. apply isl. apply r12.

Definition isporesrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : ispreorder L) : ispreorder (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  apply (make_dirprod (istransresrel L P (pr1 isl))
                     (isreflresrel L P (pr2 isl))).

Definition iseqrelresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : iseqrel L) : iseqrel (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  apply (make_dirprod (isporesrel L P (pr1 isl)) (issymmresrel L P (pr2 isl))).

Definition isirreflresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : isirrefl L) : isirrefl (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x r. apply (isl _ r).

Definition isasymmresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : isasymm L) : isasymm (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12 r21. apply (isl _ _ r12 r21).

Definition iscoasymmresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : iscoasymm L) : iscoasymm (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12. apply (isl _ _ r12).

Definition istotalresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : istotal L) : istotal (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2. apply isl.

Definition iscotransresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : iscotrans L) : iscotrans (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 x3 r13. apply (isl _ _ _ r13).

Definition isdecrelresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : isdecrel L) : isdecrel (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2. apply isl.

Definition isnegrelresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : isnegrel L) : isnegrel (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 nnr. apply (isl _ _ nnr).

Definition isantisymmresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : isantisymm L) : isantisymm (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12 r21.
  apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier _) _ _ (isl _ _ r12 r21)).

Definition isantisymmnegresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : isantisymmneg L) : isantisymmneg (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 nr12 nr21.
  apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier _) _ _ (isl _ _ nr12 nr21)).

Definition iscoantisymmresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
           (isl : iscoantisymm L) : iscoantisymm (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 r12. induction (isl _ _ r12) as [ l | e ].
  - apply (ii1 l).
  - apply ii2. apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier _) _ _ e).

Definition neqchoiceresrel {X : UU} (L : hrel X) (P : hsubtype X)
            (isl : neqchoice L) : neqchoice (resrel L P).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x1 x2 ne.
  set (int := negf (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1carrier P) _ _) ne).
  apply (isl _ _ int).

Equivalence classes with respect to a given relation

Definition iseqclass {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtype X) : UU
  := dirprod (ishinh (carrier A))
             (dirprod ( x1 x2 : X, R x1 x2 -> A x1 -> A x2)
                      ( x1 x2 : X, A x1 -> A x2 -> R x1 x2)).
Definition iseqclassconstr {X : UU} (R : hrel X) {A : hsubtype X}
           (ax0 : ishinh (carrier A))
           (ax1 : x1 x2 : X, R x1 x2 -> A x1 -> A x2)
           (ax2 : x1 x2 : X, A x1 -> A x2 -> R x1 x2) : iseqclass R A
  := make_dirprod ax0 (make_dirprod ax1 ax2).

Definition eqax0 {X : UU} {R : hrel X} {A : hsubtype X} :
  iseqclass R A -> ishinh (carrier A) := λ is : iseqclass R A, pr1 is.
Definition eqax1 {X : UU} {R : hrel X} {A : hsubtype X} :
  iseqclass R A -> x1 x2 : X, R x1 x2 -> A x1 -> A x2
  := λ is : iseqclass R A, pr1 (pr2 is).
Definition eqax2 {X : UU} {R : hrel X} {A : hsubtype X} :
  iseqclass R A -> x1 x2 : X, A x1 -> A x2 -> R x1 x2
  := λ is : iseqclass R A, pr2 (pr2 is).

Lemma isapropiseqclass {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtype X) :
  isaprop (iseqclass R A).
Show proof.
apply isofhleveldirprod.
- exact (isapropishinh (carrier A)).
- apply isofhleveldirprod.
  + repeat (apply impred; intro).
    exact (pr2 (A t0)).
  + repeat (apply impred; intro).
    exact (pr2 (R t t0)).

Direct product of equivalence classes

Lemma iseqclassdirprod {X Y : UU} {R : hrel X} {Q : hrel Y}
      {A : hsubtype X} {B : hsubtype Y}
      (isa : iseqclass R A) (isb : iseqclass Q B) :
  iseqclass (hreldirprod R Q) (subtypesdirprod A B).
Show proof.
  set (XY := dirprod X Y).
  set (AB := subtypesdirprod A B).
  set (RQ := hreldirprod R Q).
  set (ax0 := ishinhsubtypedirprod A B (eqax0 isa) (eqax0 isb)).
  assert (ax1 : xy1 xy2 : XY, RQ xy1 xy2 -> AB xy1 -> AB xy2).
    intros xy1 xy2 rq ab1.
    apply (make_dirprod (eqax1 isa _ _ (pr1 rq) (pr1 ab1))
                       (eqax1 isb _ _ (pr2 rq) (pr2 ab1))).
  assert (ax2 : xy1 xy2 : XY, AB xy1 -> AB xy2 -> RQ xy1 xy2).
    intros xy1 xy2 ab1 ab2.
    apply (make_dirprod (eqax2 isa _ _ (pr1 ab1) (pr1 ab2))
                       (eqax2 isb _ _ (pr2 ab1) (pr2 ab2))).
  apply (iseqclassconstr _ ax0 ax1 ax2).

Surjections to sets are epimorphisms

Theorem surjectionisepitosets {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g1 g2 : Y -> Z)
        (is1 : issurjective f) (is2 : isaset Z)
        (isf : x : X, g1 (f x) = g2 (f x)) : y : Y, g1 y = g2 y.
Show proof.
  set (P1:= make_hProp (paths (g1 y) (g2 y)) (is2 (g1 y) (g2 y))).
  unfold issurjective in is1.
  assert (s1: (hfiber f y)-> paths (g1 y) (g2 y)).
    intro X1. induction X1 as [t x ]. induction x. apply (isf t).
  assert (s2: ishinh (paths (g1 y) (g2 y)))
    by apply (hinhfun s1 (is1 y)).
  set (is3 := is2 (g1 y) (g2 y)).
  simpl in is3.
  apply (@hinhuniv (paths (g1 y) (g2 y)) (make_hProp _ is3)).
  - intro X1. assumption.
  - assumption.

Epimorphisms are surjections to sets

The proof goes as follows :
Let p : A -> B be an epi.
Let f,g : B -> P(B) defined by f(x) = {x} g(x) = p(p^-1({x})) (either {x} or the empty set if x is not in the image)
Then f o p = g o p, so f = g, so p is surjective

Lemma isaset_set_fun_space A (B : hSet) : isaset (A -> B).
Show proof.
  change isaset with (isofhlevel 2).
  apply impred.
  apply (λ _, (pr2 B)).

TODO find a proof without univalence for propositions (if possible)
Lemma epiissurjectiontosets {A B : UU} (p : A -> B) (isB:isaset B)
      (epip : (C:hSet) (g1 g2:B->C), ( x : A, g1 (p x) = g2 (p x)) ->
                               ( y : B, g1 y = g2 y)) : issurjective p.
Show proof.
  assert(pred_set : isaset (B -> hProp)).
  { apply (isaset_set_fun_space _ (make_hSet _ isasethProp)). }
  specialize (epip (make_hSet _ pred_set)
                   (λ b x, y : hfiber p b, x = p (pr1 y) )
                   (λ b x, make_hProp (x = b) (isB x b))
  lapply epip.
  - intro h.
    intro y.
    specialize (h y).
    apply toforallpaths in h.
    specialize (h y).
    cbn in h.
    match type of h with _ = ?type_witn => set (typ:= type_witn) in h end.
    assert (witness:typ ).
    { apply idpath. }
    revert witness.
    rewrite <- h.
    apply hinhfun.
    intro h'.
    exact (pr1 h').
  - intro b.
    apply funextfun.
    intro x; cbn.
    apply weqtopathshProp.
    apply logeqweq.
    + apply hinhuniv.
      intros [y eqx].
      rewrite eqx.
      apply (hfiberpr2 _ _ y).
    + intro eqx.
      apply hinhpr.
      use tpair.
      * exists b. apply idpath.
      * exact eqx.

Universal property enjoyed by surjections

 A ---> C
 | p
If p is surjective and forall x, y dans A, p(x)=p(y) => f(x)=f(y) then there exists a unique function from B to C that makes the diagram commute
Section LiftSurjection.

  Context {A B C :UU}.
  Hypothesis hsc:isaset C.
  Variables (p : A -> B ) (f: A -> C ).

  Hypothesis comp_f_epi: x y, p x = p y -> f x = f y.
  Hypothesis surjectivep : issurjective p.

  Lemma surjective_iscontr_im : b : B, iscontr
                                        (image (λ (x:hfiber p b), f (pr1 x))).
  Show proof.
    intro b.
    apply (squash_to_prop (surjectivep b)).
    { apply isapropiscontr. }
    intro H.
    apply iscontraprop1.
    - apply isapropsubtype.
       intros x1 x2.
       apply (@hinhuniv2 _ _ (make_hProp _ (hsc _ _))).
       simpl; intros y1 y2; simpl.
       induction y1 as [ [z1 h1] h1' ].
       induction y2 as [ [z2 h2] h2' ].
       rewrite <- h1' ,<-h2'.
       apply comp_f_epi;simpl.
       rewrite h1,h2.
       apply idpath.
    - apply prtoimage. apply H.

  Definition univ_surj : B -> C :=
    λ b, (pr1 (pr1 (surjective_iscontr_im b))).

  Lemma univ_surj_ax : x, univ_surj (p x) = f x.
  Show proof.
    intro x.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply path_to_ctr.
    apply (squash_to_prop (surjectivep (p x))).
    { apply isapropishinh. }
    intro r. apply hinhpr.
    exists r.
    apply comp_f_epi.
    apply (pr2 r).

  Lemma univ_surj_unique : (g : B -> C) (H : a : A, g (p a) = f a)
                            (b : B), g b = univ_surj b.
  Show proof.
    intros g H b.
    apply (surjectionisepitosets p); [assumption|assumption|].
    intro x.
    rewrite H,univ_surj_ax. apply idpath.

End LiftSurjection.

Set quotients of types.

In this file we study the set quotients of types by equivalence relations. While the general notion of a quotient of a type by a relation is complicated due to the existence of different kinds of quotients (e.g. homotopy quotients or categorical quotients in the homotopy category which are usually different from each other) there is one particular class of quotients which is both very important for applications and semantically straightforward. These quotients are the universal functions from a type to an hset which respect a given relation. Some of the proofs in this section depend on the proerties of the hinhabited construction and some also depend on the univalence axiom for hProp which allows us to prove that the type of monic subtypes of a type is a set.
Our main construction is analogous to the usual construction of quotient as a set of equivalence classes. Wev also consider another construction of setquot which is analogous (on the next h-level) to our construction of ishinh. Both have generalizations to the "higher" quotients (i.e. groupoid quotients etc.) which will be considered separately. In particular, the quotients the next h-level appear to be closely related to the localizations of categories and will be considered in the section about types of h-level 3.

Setquotient defined in terms of equivalence classes

Definition setquot {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : UU
  := total2 (λ A : _, iseqclass R A).
Definition make_setquot {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (A : hsubtype X)
           (is : iseqclass R A) : setquot R := tpair _ A is.
Definition pr1setquot {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : setquot R -> (hsubtype X)
  := @pr1 _ (λ A : _, iseqclass R A).
Coercion pr1setquot : setquot >-> hsubtype.

Lemma isinclpr1setquot {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : isincl (pr1setquot R).
Show proof.
  apply isinclpr1. intro x0. apply isapropiseqclass.

Theorem isasetsetquot {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : isaset (setquot R).
Show proof.
  apply (isasetsubset (@pr1 _ _) (isasethsubtype X)).
  apply isinclpr1; intro x.
  apply isapropiseqclass.

Definition setquotinset {X : UU} (R : hrel X) : hSet :=
  make_hSet _ (isasetsetquot R).

Theorem setquotpr {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) : X -> setquot R.
Show proof.
  intros X0.
  set (rax := eqrelrefl R).
  set (sax := eqrelsymm R).
  set (tax := eqreltrans R).
  apply (tpair _ (λ x : X, R X0 x)).
  - exact (hinhpr (tpair _ X0 (rax X0))).
  - split; intros x1 x2 X1 X2.
    + exact (tax X0 x1 x2 X2 X1).
    + exact (tax x1 X0 x2 (sax X0 x1 X1) X2).

Lemma setquotl0 {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) (c : setquot R) (x : c) :
  setquotpr R (pr1 x) = c.
Show proof.
  apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1setquot R)).
  apply funextsec; intro x0.
  apply hPropUnivalence; intro r.
  - exact (eqax1 (pr2 c) (pr1 x) x0 r (pr2 x)).
  - exact (eqax2 (pr2 c) (pr1 x) x0 (pr2 x) r).

Theorem issurjsetquotpr {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) : issurjective (setquotpr R).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold issurjective.
  intro c. apply (@hinhuniv (carrier (pr1 c))).
  intro x. apply hinhpr.
  split with (pr1 x).
  - apply setquotl0.
  - apply (eqax0 (pr2 c)).

Lemma iscompsetquotpr {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) (x x' : X) (a : R x x') :
  setquotpr R x = setquotpr R x'.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1setquot R)).
  simpl. apply funextsec.
  intro x0. apply hPropUnivalence.
  intro r0. apply (eqreltrans R _ _ _ (eqrelsymm R _ _ a) r0).
  intro x0'. apply (eqreltrans R _ _ _ a x0').

Universal property of seqtquot R for functions to sets satisfying compatibility condition iscomprelfun

Definition iscomprelfun {X Y : UU} (R : hrel X) (f : X -> Y) : UU
  := x x' : X, R x x' -> f x = f x'.

Lemma iscomprelfunlogeqf {X Y : UU} {R L : hrel X} (lg : hrellogeq L R)
      (f : X -> Y) (is : iscomprelfun L f) : iscomprelfun R f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' r. apply (is _ _ (pr2 (lg _ _) r)).

Lemma isapropimeqclass {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (Y : hSet) (f : X -> Y)
      (is : iscomprelfun R f) (c : setquot R) :
  isaprop (image (λ x : c, f (pr1 x))).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isapropsubtype.
  intros y1 y2. simpl.
  apply (@hinhuniv2 _ _ (make_hProp (y1 = y2) (pr2 Y y1 y2))).
  intros x1 x2. simpl.
  induction c as [ A iseq ].
  induction x1 as [ x1 is1 ]. induction x2 as [ x2 is2 ].
  induction x1 as [ x1 is1' ]. induction x2 as [ x2 is2' ].
  simpl in is1. simpl in is2. simpl in is1'. simpl in is2'.
  assert (r : R x1 x2) by apply (eqax2 iseq _ _ is1' is2').
  apply (pathscomp0 (pathsinv0 is1) (pathscomp0 (is _ _ r) is2)).
Global Opaque isapropimeqclass.

Theorem setquotuniv {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (Y : hSet) (f : X -> Y)
        (is : iscomprelfun R f) (c : setquot R) : Y.
Show proof.
  apply (pr1image (λ x : c, f (pr1 x))).
  apply (@hinhuniv (pr1 c) (make_hProp _ (isapropimeqclass R Y f is c))
                   (prtoimage (λ x : c, f (pr1 x)))).
  apply (eqax0 (pr2 c)).

Note : the axioms rax, sax and trans are not used in the proof of setquotuniv. If we consider a relation which is not an equivalence relation then setquot will still be the set of subsets which are equivalence classes. Now however such subsets need not to cover all of the type. In fact their set can be empty. Nevertheless setquotuniv will apply.

Theorem setquotunivcomm {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) (Y : hSet) (f : X -> Y)
        (is : iscomprelfun R f) :
   x : X, setquotuniv R Y f is (setquotpr R x) = f x.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold setquotuniv. unfold setquotpr.
  simpl. apply idpath.

Theorem weqpathsinsetquot {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) (x x' : X) :
  R x x' setquotpr R x = setquotpr R x'.
Show proof.
  intros. split with (iscompsetquotpr R x x').
  apply isweqimplimpl.
  - intro e.
    set (e' := maponpaths (pr1setquot R) e).
    unfold pr1setquot in e'. unfold setquotpr in e'. simpl in e'.
    set (e'' := maponpaths (λ f : _, f x') e'). simpl in e''.
    apply (eqweqmaphProp (pathsinv0 e'') (eqrelrefl R x')).
  - apply (pr2 (R x x')).
  - set (int := isasetsetquot R (setquotpr R x) (setquotpr R x')). assumption.

Functoriality of setquot for functions mapping one relation to another

Definition iscomprelrelfun {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : hrel Y) (f : X -> Y)
  : UU := x x' : X, RX x x' -> RY (f x) (f x').

Lemma iscomprelfunlogeqf1 {X Y : UU} {LX RX : hrel X} (RY : hrel Y)
      (lg : hrellogeq LX RX) (f : X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun LX RY f) :
  iscomprelrelfun RX RY f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' r. apply (is _ _ (pr2 (lg _ _) r)).

Lemma iscomprelfunlogeqf2 {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) {LY RY : hrel Y}
      (lg : hrellogeq LY RY) (f : X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun RX LY f) :
  iscomprelrelfun RX RY f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' r. apply ((pr1 (lg _ _)) (is _ _ r)).

Definition setquotfun {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) (f : X -> Y)
           (is : iscomprelrelfun RX RY f) (cx : setquot RX) : setquot RY.
Show proof.
  set (ff := funcomp f (setquotpr RY)).
  assert (isff : iscomprelfun RX ff).
    intros x x'. intro r.
    apply (weqpathsinsetquot RY (f x) (f x')).
    apply is. apply r.
  apply (setquotuniv RX (setquotinset RY) ff isff cx).

Definition setquotfuncomm {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y)
           (f : X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun RX RY f) :
   x : X, setquotfun RX RY f is (setquotpr RX x) = setquotpr RY (f x).
Show proof.
  intros. simpl. apply idpath.

Universal property of setquot for predicates of one and several variables

Theorem setquotunivprop {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) (P : setquot (pr1 R) -> hProp)
  (ps : x : X, pr1 (P (setquotpr R x))) : c : setquot (pr1 R), pr1 (P c).
Show proof.
intros c.
apply (@hinhuniv (carrier (pr1 c)) (P c)).
- intro x.
  set (e := setquotl0 R c x).
  apply (eqweqmaphProp (maponpaths P e)).
  exact (ps (pr1 x)).
- exact (eqax0 (pr2 c)).

Theorem setquotuniv2prop {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
        (P : setquot R -> setquot R -> hProp)
        (is : x x' : X, P (setquotpr R x) (setquotpr R x')) :
   c c' : setquot R, P c c'.
Show proof.
  assert (int1 : c0' : _, P c c0').
    apply (setquotunivprop R (λ c0', P c c0')).
    intro x. apply (setquotunivprop R (λ c0 : _, P c0 (setquotpr R x))).
    intro x0. apply (is x0 x).
  apply (int1 c').

Theorem setquotuniv3prop {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
        (P : setquot R -> setquot R -> setquot R -> hProp)
        (is : x x' x'' : X, P (setquotpr R x) (setquotpr R x')
                                (setquotpr R x'')) :
   c c' c'' : setquot R, P c c' c''.
Show proof.
  assert (int1 : c0' c0'' : _, P c c0' c0'').
    apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ c0' c0'', P c c0' c0'')).
    intros x x'.
    apply (setquotunivprop R (λ c0 : _, P c0 (setquotpr R x)
                                           (setquotpr R x'))).
    intro x0. apply (is x0 x x').
  apply (int1 c' c'').

Theorem setquotuniv4prop {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
        (P : setquot R -> setquot R -> setquot R -> setquot R -> hProp)
        (is : x x' x'' x''' : X, P (setquotpr R x) (setquotpr R x')
                                     (setquotpr R x'') (setquotpr R x''')) :
   c c' c'' c''' : setquot R, P c c' c'' c'''.
Show proof.
  assert (int1 : c0 c0' c0'' : _, P c c0 c0' c0'').
    apply (setquotuniv3prop R (λ c0 c0' c0'', P c c0 c0' c0'')).
    intros x x' x''.
    apply (setquotunivprop R (λ c0 : _, P c0 (setquotpr R x) (setquotpr R x')
                                           (setquotpr R x''))).
    intro x0. apply (is x0 x x' x'').
  apply (int1 c' c'' c''').

Important note : theorems proved above can not be used (al least at the moment) to construct terms whose complete normalization (evaluation) is important. For example they should not be used * directly * to construct isdeceq property of setquot since isdeceq is in turn used to construct boolean equality booleq and evaluation of booleq x y is important for computational purposes. Terms produced using these universality theorems will not fully normalize even in simple cases due to the following steps in the proof of setquotunivprop. As a part of the proof term of this theorem there appears the composition of an application of hPropUnivalence, transfer of the resulting term of the identity type by maponpaths along P followed by the reconstruction of a equivalence (two directional implication) between the corresponding propositions through eqweqmaphProp. The resulting implications are "opaque" and the proofs of disjunctions P \/ Q produced with the use of such implications can not be evaluated to one of the summands of the disjunction. An example is given by the following theorem isdeceqsetquot_non_constr which, as simple experiments show, can not be used to compute the value of isdeceqsetquot. Below we give another proof of isdeceq (setquot R) using the same assumptions which is "constructive" i.e. usable for the evaluation purposes.

The case when setquotfun is a surjection, inclusion or a weak equivalence

Lemma issurjsetquotfun {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) (f : X -> Y)
      (is : issurjective f) (is1 : iscomprelrelfun RX RY f) :
  issurjective (setquotfun RX RY f is1).
Show proof.
  intros. apply (issurjtwooutof3b (setquotpr RX)).
  apply (issurjcomp f (setquotpr RY) is (issurjsetquotpr RY)).

Lemma isinclsetquotfun {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) (f : X -> Y)
      (is1 : iscomprelrelfun RX RY f)
      (is2 : x x' : X, RY (f x) (f x') -> RX x x') :
  isincl (setquotfun RX RY f is1).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isinclbetweensets.
  - apply isasetsetquot.
  - apply isasetsetquot.
  - assert (is : (x x' : setquot RX),
                 isaprop (paths (setquotfun RX RY f is1 x)
                                (setquotfun RX RY f is1 x') -> x = x')).
      apply impred. intro.
      apply isasetsetquot.
    apply (setquotuniv2prop RX (λ x x', make_hProp _ (is x x'))).
    simpl. intros x x'. intro e.
    set (e' := invweq (weqpathsinsetquot RY (f x) (f x')) e).
    apply (weqpathsinsetquot RX _ _ (is2 x x' e')).

Definition setquotincl {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) (f : X -> Y)
           (is1 : iscomprelrelfun RX RY f)
           (is2 : x x' : X, RY (f x) (f x') -> RX x x') :
  incl (setquot RX) (setquot RY)
  := make_incl (setquotfun RX RY f is1) (isinclsetquotfun RX RY f is1 is2).

Definition weqsetquotweq {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) (f : X Y)
            (is1 : iscomprelrelfun RX RY f)
            (is2 : x x' : X, RY (f x) (f x') -> RX x x') :
  (setquot RX) (setquot RY).
Show proof.
  set (ff := setquotfun RX RY f is1). split with ff.
  assert (is2' : y y' : Y, RY y y' -> RX (invmap f y) (invmap f y')).
  intros y y'.
  rewrite (pathsinv0 (homotweqinvweq f y)).
  rewrite (pathsinv0 (homotweqinvweq f y')).
  rewrite (homotinvweqweq f (invmap f y)).
  rewrite (homotinvweqweq f (invmap f y')).
  apply (is2 _ _). set (gg := setquotfun RY RX (invmap f) is2').
  assert (egf : a, paths (gg (ff a)) a).
    apply (setquotunivprop
             RX (λ a0, make_hProp _ (isasetsetquot RX (gg (ff a0)) a0))).
    simpl. intro x. unfold ff. unfold gg.
    apply (maponpaths (setquotpr RX) (homotinvweqweq f x)).
  assert (efg : a, paths (ff (gg a)) a).
    apply (setquotunivprop
             RY (λ a0, make_hProp _ (isasetsetquot RY (ff (gg a0)) a0))).
    simpl. intro x. unfold ff. unfold gg.
    apply (maponpaths (setquotpr RY) (homotweqinvweq f x)).
  apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).

Definition weqsetquotsurj {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) (f : X -> Y)
           (is : issurjective f) (is1 : iscomprelrelfun RX RY f)
           (is2 : x x' : X, RY (f x) (f x') -> RX x x') :
  (setquot RX) (setquot RY).
Show proof.
  set (ff := setquotfun RX RY f is1).
  split with ff.
  apply (@isweqinclandsurj (setquotinset RX) (setquotinset RY) ff).
  apply (isinclsetquotfun RX RY f is1 is2).
  apply (issurjsetquotfun RX RY f is is1).

setquot with respect to the product of two relations

Definition setquottodirprod {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y)
           (cc : setquot (eqreldirprod RX RY)) :
  (setquot RX) × (setquot RY).
Show proof.
  set (RXY := eqreldirprod RX RY).
  apply (make_dirprod
           (setquotuniv RXY (setquotinset RX)
                        (funcomp (@pr1 _ (λ x : _, Y)) (setquotpr RX))
                        (λ xy xy' : dirprod X Y,
                           λ rr : RXY xy xy',
                             iscompsetquotpr RX _ _ (pr1 rr)) cc)
           (setquotuniv RXY (setquotinset RY) (funcomp (@pr2 _ (λ x : _, Y))
                                                       (setquotpr RY))
                        (λ xy xy' : dirprod X Y,
                           λ rr : RXY xy xy',
                             iscompsetquotpr RY _ _ (pr2 rr)) cc)).

Definition dirprodtosetquot {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : hrel Y)
           (cd : (setquot RX) × (setquot RY)) :
  setquot (hreldirprod RX RY)
  := make_setquot _ _ (iseqclassdirprod (pr2 (pr1 cd)) (pr2 (pr2 cd))).

Theorem weqsetquottodirprod {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y) :
  weq (setquot (eqreldirprod RX RY)) ((setquot RX) × (setquot RY)).
Show proof.
  set (f := setquottodirprod RX RY).
  set (g := dirprodtosetquot RX RY).
  split with f.
  assert (egf : a : _, paths (g (f a)) a).
    apply (setquotunivprop _ (λ a : _, (make_hProp _ (isasetsetquot _ (g (f a))
    intro xy. induction xy as [ x y ]. simpl.
    apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1setquot _)).
    simpl. apply funextsec. intro xy'.
    induction xy' as [ x' y' ]. apply idpath.
  assert (efg : a : _, paths (f (g a)) a).
    intro a. induction a as [ ax ay ]. apply pathsdirprod.
    generalize ax. clear ax.
    apply (setquotunivprop RX (λ ax : _, (make_hProp _ (isasetsetquot _ _ _)))).
    intro x. simpl. generalize ay. clear ay.
    apply (setquotunivprop RY (λ ay : _, (make_hProp _ (isasetsetquot _ _ _)))).
    intro y. simpl.
    apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1setquot _)). apply funextsec.
    intro x0. simpl. apply idpath. generalize ax. clear ax.
    apply (setquotunivprop RX (λ ax : _, (make_hProp _ (isasetsetquot _ _ _)))).
    intro x. simpl. generalize ay. clear ay.
    apply (setquotunivprop RY (λ ay : _, (make_hProp _ (isasetsetquot _ _ _)))).
    intro y. simpl.
    apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclpr1setquot _)). apply funextsec.
    intro x0. simpl. apply idpath.
  apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).

Universal property of setquot for functions of two variables

Definition iscomprelfun2 {X Y : UU} (R : hrel X) (f : X -> X -> Y) : UU
  := x x' x0 x0' : X, R x x' -> R x0 x0' -> f x x0 = f x' x0'.

Lemma iscomprelfun2if {X Y : UU} (R : hrel X) (f : X -> X -> Y)
      (is1 : x x' x0 : X, R x x' -> f x x0 = f x' x0)
      (is2 : x x0 x0' : X, R x0 x0' -> f x x0 = f x x0') : iscomprelfun2 R f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' x0 x0'. intros r r'.
  set (e := is1 x x' x0 r).
  set (e' := is2 x' x0 x0' r').
  apply (pathscomp0 e e').

Lemma iscomprelfun2logeqf {X Y : UU} {L R : hrel X} (lg : hrellogeq L R)
      (f : X -> X -> Y) (is : iscomprelfun2 L f) : iscomprelfun2 R f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' x0 x0' r r0.
  apply (is _ _ _ _ ((pr2 (lg _ _)) r) ((pr2 (lg _ _)) r0)).

Local Lemma setquotuniv2_iscomprelfun {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (Y : hSet) (f : X -> X -> Y)
      (is : iscomprelfun2 R f) (c c0 : setquot R) :
  iscomprelfun (hreldirprod R R) (λ xy : dirprod X X, f (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy)).
Show proof.
  intros xy x'y'. simpl. intro dp. induction dp as [ r r'].
  apply (is _ _ _ _ r r').
Global Opaque setquotuniv2_iscomprelfun.

Definition setquotuniv2 {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (Y : hSet) (f : X -> X -> Y)
           (is : iscomprelfun2 R f) (c c0 : setquot R) : Y.
Show proof.
  set (ff := λ xy : dirprod X X, f (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy)).
  set (RR := hreldirprod R R).
  apply (setquotuniv RR Y ff (setquotuniv2_iscomprelfun R Y f is c c0)
                     (dirprodtosetquot R R (make_dirprod c c0))).

Theorem setquotuniv2comm {X : UU} (R : eqrel X) (Y : hSet) (f : X -> X -> Y)
        (is : iscomprelfun2 R f) :
   x x' : X, setquotuniv2 R Y f is (setquotpr R x) (setquotpr R x') = f x x'.
Show proof.
  intros. apply idpath.

Functoriality of setquot for functions of two variables mapping one relation to another

Definition iscomprelrelfun2 {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : hrel Y)
           (f : X -> X -> Y) : UU
  := x x' x0 x0' : X, RX x x' -> RX x0 x0' -> RY (f x x0) (f x' x0').

Lemma iscomprelrelfun2if {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : eqrel Y)
      (f : X -> X -> Y)
      (is1 : x x' x0 : X, RX x x' -> RY (f x x0) (f x' x0))
      (is2 : x x0 x0' : X, RX x0 x0' -> RY (f x x0) (f x x0')) :
  iscomprelrelfun2 RX RY f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' x0 x0'. intros r r'.
  set (e := is1 x x' x0 r). set (e' := is2 x' x0 x0' r').
  apply (eqreltrans RY _ _ _ e e').

Lemma iscomprelrelfun2logeqf1 {X Y : UU} {LX RX : hrel X} (RY : hrel Y)
      (lg : hrellogeq LX RX) (f : X -> X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun2 LX RY f) :
  iscomprelrelfun2 RX RY f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' x0 x0' r r0.
  apply (is _ _ _ _ ((pr2 (lg _ _)) r) ((pr2 (lg _ _)) r0)).

Lemma iscomprelrelfun2logeqf2 {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) {LY RY : hrel Y}
      (lg : hrellogeq LY RY) (f : X -> X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun2 RX LY f) :
  iscomprelrelfun2 RX RY f.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' x0 x0' r r0.
  apply ((pr1 (lg _ _)) (is _ _ _ _ r r0)).

Local Lemma setquotfun2_iscomprelfun2 {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : eqrel Y)
           (f : X -> X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun2 RX RY f)
           (cx cx0 : setquot RX) : iscomprelfun2 RX (λ x x0 : X, setquotpr RY (f x x0)).
Show proof.
  intros x x' x0 x0'. intros r r0.
  apply (weqpathsinsetquot RY (f x x0) (f x' x0')).
  apply is. apply r. apply r0.
Global Opaque setquotfun2_iscomprelfun2.

Definition setquotfun2 {X Y : UU} (RX : hrel X) (RY : eqrel Y)
           (f : X -> X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun2 RX RY f)
           (cx cx0 : setquot RX) : setquot RY.
Show proof.
  set (ff := λ x x0 : X, setquotpr RY (f x x0)).
  exact (setquotuniv2 RX (setquotinset RY) ff (setquotfun2_iscomprelfun2 RX RY f is cx cx0) cx cx0).

Theorem setquotfun2comm {X Y : UU} (RX : eqrel X) (RY : eqrel Y)
        (f : X -> X -> Y) (is : iscomprelrelfun2 RX RY f) :
   (x x' : X), setquotfun2 RX RY f is (setquotpr RX x) (setquotpr RX x')
                = setquotpr RY (f x x').
Show proof.
  intros. apply idpath.

Set quotients with respect to decidable equivalence relations have decidable equality

Theorem isdeceqsetquot_non_constr {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
        (is : x x' : X, isdecprop (R x x')) : isdeceq (setquot R).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isdeceqif. intros x x'.
  apply (setquotuniv2prop
           R (λ x0 x0', make_hProp _ (isapropisdecprop (x0 = x0')))).
  intros x0 x0'. simpl.
  apply (isdecpropweqf (weqpathsinsetquot R x0 x0') (is x0 x0')).

Definition setquotbooleqint {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
           (is : x x' : X, isdecprop (R x x')) (x x' : X) : bool.
Show proof.
  intros. induction (pr1 (is x x')). apply true. apply false.

Lemma setquotbooleqintcomp {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
      (is : x x' : X, isdecprop (R x x')) :
  iscomprelfun2 R (setquotbooleqint R is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold iscomprelfun2.
  intros x x' x0 x0' r r0. unfold setquotbooleqint.
  induction (pr1 (is x x0)) as [ r1 | nr1 ].
  - induction (pr1 (is x' x0')) as [ r1' | nr1' ].
    + apply idpath.
    + induction (nr1' (eqreltrans
                        R _ _ _ (eqreltrans
                                   R _ _ _ (eqrelsymm R _ _ r) r1) r0)).
  - induction (pr1 (is x' x0')) as [ r1' | nr1' ].
    + induction (nr1 (eqreltrans
                       R _ _ _ r (eqreltrans
                                    R _ _ _ r1' (eqrelsymm R _ _ r0)))).
    + apply idpath.

Definition setquotbooleq {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
           (is : x x' : X, isdecprop (R x x')) :
  setquot R -> setquot R -> bool
  := setquotuniv2 R (make_hSet _ (isasetbool)) (setquotbooleqint R is)
                  (setquotbooleqintcomp R is).

Lemma setquotbooleqtopaths {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
      (is : x x' : X, isdecprop (R x x')) (x x' : setquot R) :
  setquotbooleq R is x x' = true -> x = x'.
Show proof.
  revert x x'.
  assert (isp : (x x' : setquot R),
                isaprop ((setquotbooleq R is x x') = true -> x = x')).
    intros x x'. apply impred. intro. apply (isasetsetquot R x x').
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x x', make_hProp _ (isp x x'))). simpl.
  intros x x'.
  change ((setquotbooleqint R is x x') = true
          -> paths (setquotpr R x) (setquotpr R x')).
  unfold setquotbooleqint. induction (pr1 (is x x')) as [ i1 | i2 ].
  - intro. apply (weqpathsinsetquot R _ _ i1).
  - intro H. induction (nopathsfalsetotrue H).

Lemma setquotpathstobooleq {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
      (is : x x' : X, isdecprop (R x x')) (x x' : setquot R) :
  x = x' -> setquotbooleq R is x x' = true.
Show proof.
  intros e. induction e. generalize x.
  apply (setquotunivprop
           R (λ x, make_hProp _ (isasetbool (setquotbooleq R is x x) true))).
  simpl. intro x0.
  change ((setquotbooleqint R is x0 x0) = true).
  unfold setquotbooleqint. induction (pr1 (is x0 x0)) as [ i1 | i2 ].
  - apply idpath.
  - induction (i2 (eqrelrefl R x0)).

Definition isdeceqsetquot {X : UU} (R : eqrel X)
           (is : x x' : X, isdecprop (R x x')) : isdeceq (setquot R).
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x'.
  induction (boolchoice (setquotbooleq R is x x')) as [ i | ni ].
  - apply (ii1 (setquotbooleqtopaths R is x x' i)).
  - apply ii2. intro e.
    induction (falsetonegtrue _ ni (setquotpathstobooleq R is x x' e)).

Relations on quotient sets

Note that all the properties of the quotient relations which we consider other than isantisymm are also inherited in the opposite direction - if the quotent relation satisfies the property then the original relation does.

Definition iscomprelrel {X : UU} (R : hrel X) (L : hrel X) : UU
  := iscomprelfun2 R L.

Lemma iscomprelrelif {X : UU} {R : hrel X} (L : hrel X) (isr : issymm R)
      (i1 : x x' y, R x x' -> L x y -> L x' y)
      (i2 : x y y', R y y' -> L x y -> L x y') : iscomprelrel R L.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' y y' rx ry.
  set (rx' := isr _ _ rx). set (ry' := isr _ _ ry).
  apply hPropUnivalence.
  - intro lxy. set (int1 := i1 _ _ _ rx lxy). apply (i2 _ _ _ ry int1).
  - intro lxy'. set (int1 := i1 _ _ _ rx' lxy'). apply (i2 _ _ _ ry' int1).

Lemma iscomprelrellogeqf1 {X : UU} {R R' : hrel X} (L : hrel X)
      (lg : hrellogeq R R') (is : iscomprelrel R L) : iscomprelrel R' L.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (iscomprelfun2logeqf lg L is).

Lemma iscomprelrellogeqf2 {X : UU} (R : hrel X) {L L' : hrel X}
      (lg : hrellogeq L L') (is : iscomprelrel R L) : iscomprelrel R L'.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x' x0 x0' r r0.
  assert (e : paths (L x x0) (L' x x0)).
    apply hPropUnivalence.
    - apply (pr1 (lg _ _)).
    - apply (pr2 (lg _ _)).
  assert (e' : paths (L x' x0') (L' x' x0')).
    apply hPropUnivalence.
    - apply (pr1 (lg _ _)).
    - apply (pr2 (lg _ _)).
  induction e. induction e'.
  apply (is _ _ _ _ r r0).

Definition quotrel {X : UU} {R L : hrel X} (is : iscomprelrel R L) :
  hrel (setquot R) := setquotuniv2 R hPropset L is.

Lemma istransquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : istrans L) : istrans (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold istrans.
  assert (int : (x1 x2 x3 : setquot R),
                isaprop (quotrel is x1 x2 -> quotrel is x2 x3
                         -> quotrel is x1 x3)).
    intros x1 x2 x3.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply (pr2 (quotrel is x1 x3)).
  apply (setquotuniv3prop R (λ x1 x2 x3, make_hProp _ (int x1 x2 x3))).
  intros x x' x''. intros r r'.
  apply (isl x x' x'' r r').

Lemma issymmquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X} (is : iscomprelrel R L)
      (isl : issymm L) : issymm (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold issymm.
  assert (int : (x1 x2 : setquot R),
                isaprop (quotrel is x1 x2 -> quotrel is x2 x1)).
    intros x1 x2.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply (pr2 (quotrel is x2 x1)).
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x1 x2, make_hProp _ (int x1 x2))).
  intros x x'. intros r.
  apply (isl x x' r).

Lemma isreflquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X} (is : iscomprelrel R L)
      (isl : isrefl L) : isrefl (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isrefl. apply (setquotunivprop R).
  intro x. apply (isl x).

Lemma ispoquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X} (is : iscomprelrel R L)
      (isl : ispreorder L) : ispreorder (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. split with (istransquotrel is (pr1 isl)).
  apply (isreflquotrel is (pr2 isl)).

Lemma iseqrelquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X} (is : iscomprelrel R L)
      (isl : iseqrel L) : iseqrel (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. split with (ispoquotrel is (pr1 isl)).
  apply (issymmquotrel is (pr2 isl)).

Lemma isirreflquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : isirrefl L) : isirrefl (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isirrefl.
  apply (setquotunivprop R (λ x, make_hProp _ (isapropneg (quotrel is x x)))).
  intro x. apply (isl x).

Lemma isasymmquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X} (is : iscomprelrel R L)
      (isl : isasymm L) : isasymm (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isasymm.
  assert (int : (x1 x2 : setquot R),
                isaprop (quotrel is x1 x2 -> quotrel is x2 x1 -> empty)).
    intros x1 x2.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply isapropempty.
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x1 x2, make_hProp _ (int x1 x2))).
  intros x x'. intros r r'.
  apply (isl x x' r r').

Lemma iscoasymmquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : iscoasymm L) : iscoasymm (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold iscoasymm.
  assert (int : (x1 x2 : setquot R),
                isaprop (neg (quotrel is x1 x2) -> quotrel is x2 x1)).
    intros x1 x2.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply (pr2 _).
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x1 x2, make_hProp _ (int x1 x2))).
  intros x x'. intros r.
  apply (isl x x' r).

Lemma istotalquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : istotal L) : istotal (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold istotal.
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x1 x2, hdisj _ _)).
  intros x x'. intros r r'.
  apply (isl x x' r r').

Lemma iscotransquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : iscotrans L) : iscotrans (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold iscotrans.
  assert (int : (x1 x2 x3 : setquot R),
                isaprop (quotrel is x1 x3 -> hdisj (quotrel is x1 x2)
                                                  (quotrel is x2 x3))).
    apply impred. intro.
    apply (pr2 _).
  apply (setquotuniv3prop R (λ x1 x2 x3, make_hProp _ (int x1 x2 x3))).
  intros x x' x''. intros r.
  apply (isl x x' x'' r).

Lemma isantisymmquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : isantisymm L) : isantisymm (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isantisymm.
  assert (int : (x1 x2 : setquot R),
                isaprop (quotrel is x1 x2 -> quotrel is x2 x1 -> x1 = x2)).
    intros x1 x2.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply (isasetsetquot R x1 x2).
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x1 x2, make_hProp _ (int x1 x2))).
  intros x x'. intros r r'.
  apply (maponpaths (setquotpr R) (isl x x' r r')).

Lemma isantisymmnegquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : isantisymmneg L) :
  isantisymmneg (quotrel is).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isantisymmneg.
  assert (int : (x1 x2 : setquot R),
                isaprop (neg (quotrel is x1 x2) -> neg (quotrel is x2 x1)
                         -> x1 = x2)).
    intros x1 x2.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply (isasetsetquot R x1 x2).
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x1 x2, make_hProp _ (int x1 x2))).
  intros x x'. intros r r'.
  apply (maponpaths (setquotpr R) (isl x x' r r')).

We do not have a lemma for neqchoicequotrel since neqchoice is not a property and since even when it is a property such as under the additional condition isasymm on the relation it still carrier computational content (similarly to isdec) which would be lost under our current approach of taking quotients. How to best define neqchoicequotrel remains at the moment an open question.

Lemma quotrelimpl {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L L' : hrel X} (is : iscomprelrel R L)
      (is' : iscomprelrel R L') (impl : x x', L x x' -> L' x x')
      (x x' : setquot R) (ql : quotrel is x x') : quotrel is' x x'.
Show proof.
  intros. generalize x x' ql.
  assert (int : (x0 x0' : setquot R),
                isaprop (quotrel is x0 x0' -> quotrel is' x0 x0')).
    intros x0 x0'.
    apply impred. intro.
    apply (pr2 _).
  apply (setquotuniv2prop _ (λ x0 x0', make_hProp _ (int x0 x0'))).
  intros x0 x0'. change (L x0 x0' -> L' x0 x0').
  apply (impl x0 x0').

Lemma quotrellogeq {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L L' : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (is' : iscomprelrel R L')
      (lg : x x', L x x' <-> L' x x') (x x' : setquot R) :
  (quotrel is x x') <-> (quotrel is' x x').
Show proof.
  intros. split.
  - apply (quotrelimpl is is' (λ x0 x0', pr1 (lg x0 x0')) x x').
  - apply (quotrelimpl is' is (λ x0 x0', pr2 (lg x0 x0')) x x').

Constructive proof of decidability of the quotient relation

Definition quotdecrelint {X : UU} {R : hrel X} (L : decrel X)
           (is : iscomprelrel R (pr1 L)) : brel (setquot R).
Show proof.
  set (f := decreltobrel L). unfold brel.
  apply (setquotuniv2 R boolset f).
  intros x x' x0 x0' r r0. unfold f. unfold decreltobrel in *.
  induction (pr2 L x x0') as [ l | nl ].
  - induction (pr2 L x' x0') as [ l' | nl' ].
    + induction (pr2 L x x0) as [ l'' | nl'' ].
      * apply idpath.
      * set (e := is x x' x0 x0' r r0).
        induction e. induction (nl'' l').
    + induction (pr2 L x x0) as [ l'' | nl'' ].
      * set (e := is x x' x0 x0' r r0). induction e. induction (nl' l'').
      * apply idpath.
  - induction (pr2 L x x0) as [ l' | nl' ].
    + induction (pr2 L x' x0') as [ l'' | nl'' ].
      * apply idpath.
      * set (e := is x x' x0 x0' r r0). induction e. induction (nl'' l').
    + induction (pr2 L x' x0') as [ l'' | nl'' ].
      * set (e := is x x' x0 x0' r r0). induction e. induction (nl' l'').
      * apply idpath.

Definition quotdecrelintlogeq {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} (L : decrel X)
           (is : iscomprelrel R (pr1 L)) (x x' : setquot R) :
  breltodecrel (quotdecrelint L is) x x' <-> quotrel is x x'.
Show proof.
  revert x x'.
  assert (int : (x x' : setquot R),
                isaprop ((quotdecrelint L is x x') = true
                         <-> (quotrel is x x'))).
    intros x x'. apply isapropdirprod.
    - apply impred. intro. apply (pr2 (quotrel _ _ _)).
    - apply impred. intro. apply isasetbool.
  apply (setquotuniv2prop R (λ x x', make_hProp _ (int x x'))).
  intros x x'. simpl. split.
  - apply (pathstor L x x').
  - apply (rtopaths L x x').

Lemma isdecquotrel {X : UU} {R : eqrel X} {L : hrel X}
      (is : iscomprelrel R L) (isl : isdecrel L) : isdecrel (quotrel is).
Show proof.